The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 13, 1919, Image 7

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r , miwt c».; JH0MM As unusual ehuin of alrcumstannes led to the petition tor a receivership for the t Development Company, of to the absence of Jodge Gower of the Cordele Circuit, the petltioi by Judge Eye, of Ihe TIftoi y» Lieut. Hendricks, of Nashville, Back from Oversees With French and Am erican Dfcoratloas, The Tift County Board of Education “When the history of the world war Is as called together Monday, June 0, written I think the most graphic portion pursuant to adjournment of June 6tb, will he that telling of the lighting around to consider a request of some of the Solsaons," said Lieut. Terr Hendricks, Tjr Ty and Excelsior patrons relative to of Nashville Just returned from overseas, “nsolidatlon. ‘There the German advance of 1018 On June 3rd a delegation of twenty, reached its high tide, and there it met its heard hr ; Judge Evt of the Tifton Cir- *'* Patrons from the Salem, Excelsior most effective cheek. While Bolssons was , Tiftoe vesterdav • It was died by nnd 01d T J Tj districts came before the lost and retaken many times, the line on Attorneys Eld ridge Cults and Clayton. 1 **" 1 In th « Purest of their schools.| the bills beyond held. Had It given way, V of Fitzgerald. | A petition was filed with the Board there would have beeh no turning at « Davenport Development Company a « ainBt tbe new proposed district boun-] chateau-Thlerry and no later Allied of- formerly the Florida Development dar y- Then Home "anted an election fensive in iront of Amiens possible be- and while it was originally la- cai led , bu t finally, at the request of some cause the strongest point of resistance SitlT several stockholders, the of the leaders, the Board was asked not wou ld have been wiped out and the road atock had all passed into the hands of 10 toke farther steps until they heard. to Paria opened to the enemy. K. Farmer and J. M. McDonald, of * rom tbe P?°l ,le again. Today the Board was in six major engagements but Fitzgerald. Both of these died last win- authorized the statement that If no fur- the fighting at Soissoni waa the fiercest ter leaving no one to carry on the affairs ther requests are made to the Board rel- j an d most sanguinary that I witnessed of thc 'corPQratloTi. The Cfempany owns atlve t0 the Excelsior consolidated school during the war. The Americana wen property,in-Florida and thU being under b Y Jab' 1 tbp y will not cousider them- ( flanked on the right by the Moroccans, the jurisdiction /of another atate added Belve s under obligation to hold to the the most blood-thirsty daredevils in a to the ntmraii ^drcuiuataucea. ' llne P ro P° se<1 - I fight that I ever saw, and on the left by Petition waa brought that a receiver Ty Ty school would like to include the French Foreign Legion, which had be appointed to s take care of tbd*assets a p me °f the territory lying in the Excel-] aome reputation itself. The Germans and wind up thevaffairs of the corpora-. B ‘ or school district. The people of Ty Ty gent the best they ,’\ad against us ,and for Hon, • [would like to come to the Fourth Dia- many days the contest was indescribable The petition wit granted end M. W. trlct H ne - All who are interested in i n ferocity. Soipe day perhaps 1 will be Garbntt and an official of one bf the Fits- thin matter should think it over before tb le to tell of it in detail, but just now gerald banks named as receivers. the I<oard n >eets July 1, and then meet Will open a store in Tifton July 1 in the Moore side of Main Street, catrj up-to-date line of RED CROSS SHOES We have secured the agency for Red Cross Shoes for Tifton and now have in stock some very snappy low heel Pumps in Patent and Kid. Oxfords in Kid. You know these shoes. They hre the sole of comfort and wear. > Forty Pretty Waists in Stock All kinds of Hot Weather Clothing in stock for the Men, Women and the Kids. Duncan & Stubbs S. A. Martin, Pres. Board, A. J. Ammons, Secretary., REAL ESTATE DEALS outOStBSKs; 25*wouSSTt& FIRST TREATMENT la moat import-1 ant When an EFFICIENT antiseptic la applied promptly, there is no danger of infection and the wounds begins to ;——• heal at once. For uae on man or beast. Many Transactions in Tifton and Tift BOROZONK ,B . * D EAL ANTI8EP- County Property TIC AND HEALING AGENT. Buy it _ . . now me*, be ready for nu cruel Property, both urban and suburban. Sold by CONGER DRUG CO. Adv. continues to change hands, and at good ■ 1 « prices. The following transfers of Tif- _ ■ i ton property are reported the past week: 1 he next tune VOU h&ve Geo. Baker sold the residence.on North " t Central avenue, between Second and , Fourth streets to J. F. Walters. The purchase price was $0,000. | H. L. Moor has sold his residence, corner North Park avenue and Sixth ! street, to Geo. Baker, for $4,500. These two deals were made by Keith Carson. Mrs. E. H. Tilt htn sold to Dr. It. H. Little the residence on North College avenue, between Eight and Tenth streets for $3,500. The following transactions in farm property were made the put week: Dr. J .D. Wilbanks bought the H. J. Mathis farm, two miles south of Tifton, containing fifty acres, paying therefor $2,500. Mr. C. R. Aven sold his farm three and a half miles south of Tifton, containing 200 acres, to Dr. J. D. Wilbanks for $8,000. chills and Fever TAKE A NtEC fl fl'H Kills the GMIIS”U A scientific prescription which kills the malaria germs, breaks up the Chills and Fever and builds up 'the system. Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic b Mid In Tifton and guaranteed by Pharmacy Company. PRICE 95 CENTS no word can describe it. 1 Lieut. Hendricks was in Tifton Friday accompanied by his father, Col. R. A. Hendricks ,of Nashville. He is about the finest specimen we have seen of an up standing soldier—over 0 feet high and splendidly proportioned, he looks every signed to the 12th Field Artillery, of the first to volunteer from this section when war was declared and was commissioned as Second Lieutenant, winning promotion to First Lieutenant on the field. He went overseas early in 1918, being as signed to the 12th Field Artillery of the Second Division Regular Army. He landed overseas in time to get into the first fighting in which the Americans took an active part early in May. was later assigned to the French air ser vice and did airplane scout duty, was in Rhelma late In May when the Germans attacked on three aides with 40,000 men and met defeat. "For days afterwards dead Germans were like logs in the river,” he said. He waa with Gen. Giraud’s army in the defense of the Champagne hill between Rheims and Ver dun, later at St Mibiel and then the Argonne- He landed from overseas May 20, and received his honorable discharge at Camp Mead, Md., Sunday, arriving home Wednesday. “A little thing sometimes relieves the terrible tension,” said Lieut. Hendricks. ,4 One day during the hardest fighting in a little town near Soissons a German shell ■truck the steeple of a little church. It did not explode but passed right through, striking the bell, which rang out clearly ‘He rang the bell; give him a cigar,’ Rome one called out And a laugh went along the line, while the boys settled down to the job with renewed energy.” Lieut. Hendicks wears two major deco rations: The French Croix de Guerre, conferred for valor at St Mihiel, and the Distinguished Service Cross of the Ameri can army, conferred for valor in the Champagne battle. Lieut Hendricks was able to spend only a short time in Tifton Friday the guest of his uncle, Dr. W. H. Hendricks. He promises to return later and tell us something of his experiences. ARE YOUR WORK STOCK SKIN NED UP If they're not given attention they will be unfit for use. Get a bottle of FAR RIS’ HEALING REMEDY, Make it according to directions. It will heal these galls and every other kind of sores ond you can work the horse every day. Rickerson Grocery Co. Adv. BARBECUE AT NASHVILLE Nashville is making arrangements for a big barbecue on the occasion of the meet ing of the Tobacco Congress in that city on Friday, June 20. The Herald says: “The dinner will be ample for all who come. The committee says there is plenty of dinner in sight. They expect to barbecue four thousand pounds of meat Besides there will be plenty of other things to cat Hon. W. W. Webb, of Hahira, will be the principal speaker of the occasion. He is a live wire, and bis connection with the Bureau of Markets fits him for the job. He will tell our farmers many in teresting things about the markets—es pecially tobacco markets. Thousands of people are expected here i that day. Colda Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the There U only one "Bromo Quinine." L W. GROWS tlttnature on box. 30c. MADE HELPLESS BY RHEUMATISM ZIRON Dll Tils Kntsckj Sentlmu Hen Good Tbai Any Othir Medlclnt. -Eight run XXO I wxs down with rheumatism," write, 1L J. Hutcherson, ot TomklniTllle, Kj. “I wxs hilplsta tor tln-M months, unable to area toed myself. Doctors doctorsd ms sad I got ~ hut have hsd bad hsslth srsr atone. it soreness and weakness across my hack and In my arms and lags. I final ly took Zinin, and It ban dona ma mors good than any medicine I hare erer taken, and I Intend to take mors of It. tor It to the heal medicine I erer need. I hare found It last what it la recommended to h* and I aa ready to ton other suffering people that Bran helped me, and anxloai to apeak a word of prate# tor It" Bren acts on the bland tad beta found of gnat Talus la Khauuttoa, Indigestion, anemia and Oeaeral Weakness. Etna pate iron Into the blood, and Iron to needed by ytmr sy» tarn to make you strong and keel thy. - - - ■ WT, GENERAL MERGHANI TOBACCO CONGRESS NASHVILLE JUNE 20 CITY WA1 A Tobacco Congress will be held at Increase of Five Per Ntshville, Berrien county, on Friday, Minimum. Action of June 20. The attendance of every tobac- cil at June Meetii co grower in this section and all those Council mpt In regular N 4on, | interested in tobacco growing, is request- day night, June 8, with^lUi.v * grett presiding and Councilor There aye many problems before those Corry, Moor, Phillip* end Met* who are giving their time and means to present. 5 the development of this new industry for Minutes of previous meeting* 4 South Georgia. The Tobacco Congress approved, will afford information along many line* Motion made and carriqil-4 and will richly repay the time and trouble wa t« r rates be raised to $1 fort of attending. bills, and a five per cent increfti i all —o — bills over the minimum, CUT THIS OUT AND TAKE IT WITH now being considered tfa charge. The following resolution. YOU. A man often forgets the exact name of the article he wishes to purchase, and gallon.- a Inst resort takes something else instead, troduced: That is always disappointing and unsat- Whereas, There is a « isfactory. The safe way ia to cut this no-ary deficiency In th* out and take it with you so as to make 7 *“ • sure of getting Chamberlain’s Tablets. City °* Tifton; You will find nothing quite so satisfac- Therefore, be It tory for constipation and ingestion, adv Mayor and Clerk tod 1 _ ~ ® T r powered to borrow the sum TY TY ROUTE 2 i the best rate of Interest, The farmers of this community are all become due and payable ~ smiles at the thought ot the sunshine af- 1919. ter so much rain. I -No further business, Private Pinkie W. Howell, is backed. “ # home from overseas where he spent about H. H. HARGRETT. a year in the trenches. KEITH CARSON Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hobby spent Saturday night the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hobby. | Mr. Henry A. Land has purchased a new car and was seen out riding. Friday morning. | Dr. F. B. Pickett and Mr. Leon Cul-1 pepper, of Ty Ty, passed through our' community Friday afternoon. j Prof. S. A. Swett made a flying trip 1 to Tifton Thursday morning. j Mr. Pink Hamans and wife of Worth, Oa., were the guests of their nephew, Mr. Gu8 Hamans, the past week. Mr. J. F. M. Shiver has been on the sick list for several days but we hope for him a speedy recovery. , Crops of this vicinity seem to be flourishing, and looking green, in spite of so much rain. We haven’t discovered any boll weevils yet, and here’s hoping Prof. S. A. Swett left Monday for Adel to attend the District Conference, which convened there the 0th, 10th and 11th. Sunday school at Damascus every Sun day afternoon. Everybody has a cordial invitation to come out and be with us. Quite a crowd from here took in the celebration at Poulin Friday, all re ported a real nice time. Mr. Hilton Shiver and wife are all smiles. It’s a girl. Mr. Editor, if you will pay us a visit, we will feed you on snap beans, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and last but not least, good old fried chicken. With best wishes to the Gazette and all its reader*. CURLY HEAD. (Look out for us.—Ed.)