The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 20, 1919, Image 3

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i i have secured the agency for Red Cr for Tifton and now havein stock some «ppy low heel Pumps in Patent and in Kid. shoes. They are the sole of tty Waists in Stock Hot Weather Clothing in stock , Women and the Kids. can & Stubbs EI Paso, Texas, June 17.—Excitement following the American soldiers brief excursion to Juarez died down today. The situation apparently is normal but further trouble is feared as Villa is likely to attempt reprisals. Eire! Where? Why worry when the fire alarm sounds? Why not learn how to prevent fires? We know many ways and gladly explain them and help put them into effect. ' Hus is a Hartford Agency offering Hartford Prevention Service as well as Hartford indemnity. Let us explain this additional service your insur ance premiums buy. CLIFF PARKER “INSURANCE SERVICE" Phone 91 Hotel Myon Bldg. Tifton, Georgia We represent seventeen old line companies with .combined assets of over two hundred and fifty million dollars. i tani hat roe i V‘ to MdlUw. aw* Speeial Depots GOOSura jj' west of 1 _ Plank Spendklj New Storage |{oom rn:l Malting Other Improvement* Planter* Oil MUlls making extern provementa to ita plant south of putting In aeveral new building* will greatly increase the storage of the plant. The new build* improvements will cost about __ and are to be completed by July Messrs. Golden and Spooner are handling the Job. 'A brick warehouse 02 by 100 feet is being built It will have a composition . .. root and will hold 2,000 tons of hulls and a big supply of beer was ready for the m(W- lB Bdd [ Uon the p uut baa a wood- socoud run. Twenty-two 00-gallon bar- an warehouse, B0 by 80 feet, which will cell of beer were turned out' ,(b* — r ' Monday night the offleers destroyed M gallons of 'beer, west of Mr. U. -011,^7 vv. jj t tkemstivas,' 40 feet by 100 feet of west aide of ^T 0 **,*? *» J®? number 6 in block 11 1*2 in the City of ■?<* made a body politie under Tifton, Geor^aaid log- ‘ lumber a big fi — T —Jting south Street tad extending distance of 100 feet from the north line of First Street, said block number 11 1*2 being platted and recorded on page 480, deed book number Prank 700 storing meal and hulls for trade. shop is being built to it. the plant. *k storage room for supplies is erected. A. trick oil room to be built will hold Ray’s place, near Fender. This beer was ready to run and it Is thought from infor mation the offleers had that it was In- A DncK QU room to tended to move the still which was ^ tan fc 8 0 f lubricating destroyed Monday morning to the new . \ linter shed of wood, with brick location to cook up the big stock of beer, foundation and tin roof, also is being Last week Tom Stallings, a negro, was - erected. This will hold between 800 and caught iu Tifton with three, quarts «f 1.000 bale, of lint, moonshine whiskey in hi. ";r„r LuZZ — * the capture of a lard-can still. This etlU This plant is one of the bent equipped was being operated in one end df tht oil mill* in this section and with the house while Stallings lived in the other new buildings completed, will be quite en d < a little city within itself. ARE YOUR WORK STOCK NED UP SKIN- PRIMITIVE baptist revival If they're not given attention be unfit for use. Get a bottle RIS’ HEALING REMEDY according to directions. Elder W. A. Pinkstaff Will Assist Pastor in Meeting Beginning June 20 The Primitive Baptists of Tifton will begin a revival meeting here Thursday evening, June 2(>th. Elder PinkstafF, of these galls and every other kind 'of tores •md you can work the bone every day. Rickerson Grocery Co. Adv. heal j Tennessee, will assist the pastor. Two SEVENTH DISTRICT WINS The Seventh Congressional District won the stute high school tneet at Atheus last week, Calhoun winning the individ ual honors. services daily—11 :30 a. ra. and 0 p. m. Elder Piukstuff is one of the most pop ular ministers of his denomination. The public is cordially invited to ntteud all the services. Hiuging will be iu cliurgc of Dr. Baker. Remember the date and be at the first service. Thursday evening, June 20th. The Sylvester debating team, composed ™R THE RELIEF OF RHEUMATIC of Perry and Wooten, won third place. When you have stiffness and soreneae of the muscles, aching joints and find it difficult to move without pain try massag ing the affected parts with Chamberlata'i QUART COSTS NEGRO $100 Nathan Garvin, colored, pleaded guilty J Liniment. It will relieve the pain and before Judge J. H. Price Tuesday morn- make rest and sleep possible, ing to a charge of violating the prohi bition law. He was fined $100 and costs. Garvin was arrested last week with a quart of whiskey in his possession. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn’t hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don’t suffer! A tiny bottle of Free- zone costs but a few cents at any druc store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and “hard akin” on bottom of feet, then lift them off. When Freezone removes corns from the toes or calluses from the bot^m of feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, fonder or Irritated.—adv. A Tire That Is Practically Wear-Proof THE GILLETTE TIRE of to-day U without a rival. It contains the nearest approach to wear-proof rubber that the tire industry has ever produced. No other tiro is made “ lhe • am ® w «y- No other rubber mnnrfacturerg can duplicate the “Chilled Rub ber Process.” Hie Gillette “Chilled Rubber Process,” developed and perfected by their Chemists, Is a method of treating crude rubber. It toughens and “tempers” the rubber in a manner similar to the heat treating of the higher grades of steel. It doee not harden the rubber in the sense of making it brittle. On the contrary, it actually adds to the resilience and tensile strength of tires and tubes. These tires are practically wear-proof, and well nigh indestructible under ordinary usage. The Gillette Safety is outwearing all other fabric tires, and the Gillette Cord Tire is unquestionably the long distance champion. Ask Us to Show You this Tire Taylor Furniture & Hardware Co. NESMITH MUST SERVE TIME Edward Brown NeSmith, the young white man from Berrien county, who ban been iu Lowndes county jail for Home time while his appeal wa M pending before the supreme court of the state, now knows that he must soon start on bis life time sentence which was imposed upon him in the Berrien superior court, says the Valdosta Times. NeSmith was in the military service and while at his Berrien county home on a furlough it was- charged that he caused the death of an old negro man who was janitor of the Berrien county court house. He was tried on a charge of murder and found guilty and senten ced. His ap|>eal for a new trial waa de nied by Judge Thomas and the case was accordingly taken to the supreme court. Friday that court handed down ita de cision, affirming the verdict and posi tion of the lower court and apparently the young mau must now serve his sen tence. His friends have contended all the time, and they still contend, that he was a victim of circumstantial evidence and that it was not a case of murder at all and that lie shot the old man after the negro had fired on him. Apparently he could not show this by witnesses to the satisfaction of the jury und hence his conviction. Tift County, sold a* the property of ie Frank Scarboro Company, Also at the same time and place the following described personal property will be told also as the property of the Fi Scarboro Company: Six flat top office desks. 14 small sectional book cases. 1 large table. 1 paper cutter. 18 chairs. 7 desk sets, ink stands, etc. 2 settees. 4 cabinet files. 3 dictaphones. 0 brass cuspidors. 1 check protector. 2 large square cabinet files. 1 large book case. 1 Royal typewriter. 1 adding machine. 2 tall office stools. (I waste baskets. 4 electric desk lamps. 1 large iron safe. 2 small files. 5 letter trays. 2 hat racks. Also at the same time and place: one two ton Federal Motor truck chassis. 1 book-keeper’s desk. 1 flat top desk. 1 office stooL 1 office chair. Lot of automobile parts and tools, sold as the property of the Hilliard Motor Company. Also at the same time and place the following described property to wit: . 300 shares of the capital stock of the Frank Scarboro Company of the par value of $100.00 each. 214 shares of Comfort Bennor Tie Compauy stock of the par . value of $100.00 each. Six shares of stock in the Mutual Mill ing Company of the par value of $50.00 Also at the same time and place the following described property to wit: One note P. W. Roberson dated Jan. 25, 1011 $25.00 One note P. W. Roberson dated March 9 loio $300.00 One note P. A. Allen dated August 9, 1009, $200.00 One note J. C. Tanner, dated 10 One note W. H. McCartney datedAug. 12, 1000. , , $220.00 20 notes C. W. Dowell dated Nov. 18. 1010, $10. each *200.00 One Pote R. E. Ward dated December 17. 1015, „ . ne-2? One note W. P. Moore Z. T. Brown, Nov. 10, 1017, $100.00 One note W. H. Graham dated July , 1010, . , $1750.00 One note W. H. Graham dated Jan uary 5, 1917, $212.00 One note M. S. Shaw, dated December 21. 1910, , . 50100 to which is attached deed to secure debt One note David Comfort $3300.00 to which is attached aa security 100 shares Comfort Bennor Tie Company stock. One note J. C. Rousseau dated June 1. Filed lift $750.00 1018 One note Z. T. Brown dated January 18 frour° notes $25.00 each dated June 28, 1917 signed Joseph A. Bogan, sold is the property of Frank Scaroboro. Said sale will begin promptly at 11 o’clock A. M. on Tuesday, the 24th day of June, 1919, and will continue until til of said property is disposed of. The terms of the sale will be toTcash and til sale* will be subject to the confirmation of tbs court This May 24, 1919. B. Y. WALLACE, Receiver Frank Scarboro, Frank Scarboro Co., Hilliard Motor Co. PETITION FOR DIVORCE JAMES YARBROUGH HURT OEORGI A,—Tift County. George B. Owen vs. Alma A. Owen. Petition for divorce. Tift Superior Court. December term, 1019. TO ALMA A. OWEN: You are hereby required to be and ap pear either in person or by an attorney, Janies, the 11 yenr old son, of Mr. and a ^ the December, 1910, term of the Su- Mrs. J.A. Yarbrough, was painfully hurtjp er i 0 r Court of Tift County, Georgia, to Sunday about 12 o’clock at his home on be held on the first Monday in December, Tifton* Heights. James was playing in [1010. to answer the petition of George a tree in the yard and in some way lost B. Owen, whe r * ‘ “ y ‘JJ*. ®^ e _ D : t ; 0 J! f or | 3.—The object of said corporation is his bnlanee i falling on a picket fence, one defendant, the g I I pecuniary gain to itself and its share m under the rifht ,.’£11' „ n„„„ R Eve. Judire holder.. _ ... the name and style of' O. IV. BRANCH AND COMPANY. I° r the period of twenty year.. *•— T “»t the principal office of aaid ''S* 11 *» *» the City of Tifton, ■aid State and county, but peUUonera dfr to establish branch officea 5 ute - ° r elsewhere, whenever the holders of a majority of the Stock mar so determine. 3.—That the object of aaid corporation “ pecuniary gain to itself and ita .hare- holders. I,. 4 ' - £ h,t the b “ 8l “'“ to be carried on by .aid corporation that of buying and »e ling cotton, either in reran or to whole sale quantities, both in it. own behalf and as agent for others; exporting cot ton; and engaging generally in the busi- ness of trading in cotton. In order to facilitate and increase the business of the corporation, petitioners desire that fct have the right to advance or lend money upon cotton, or receipts and bills of lad ing therefor, as collateral; the right to buy or lease and to operate cotton ware- tbelr associates "and corporated and mi der the ua* gad .tyle TIPTON HOME Pi for theperiod of twi 2.—The prtodpal office of raid S IV .hall belli the city of -~‘ unty Georgia, but petltl the right to establish branch <* to the State or elsewhere, whu..,.. um holder, of a majority of tbo dock may' so determine. >■ 3.—The object of raid •- the object of raid corporation la pecuniary gain to itself and to ita .Sara holders. 4.—The business to be carried on by said corporation is that of buying, selling; exchanging, leasing, and improvh estate and. every kind and desert interest therein; of erecting and con structing buildings therein; otherwise de veloping and improving the same. To this end the petitioners desire the right to purchase or lease building material and implements, to make any and til con tracts and to have and exercise such other powers as may be necessary or con- . r houses, upon the vote of the holders of a* ve “ient in carrying out the purposes ,°/ L the stock of said corpora-.'hereinbefore mentioned, including the tion; and the right to purclTase or ^e* such. real estate and personal property as may bo necessary, proper, or suitable to tlie purposes of the corporation as hereinbefore set out. 5.—That the capital stock of said cor|»oration shall be five thousand ($5000) dollars with the privilege of in creasing the same to the sum of fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars by a majority vote of the stockholders; such stock to be divided into shares of one hundred ($100) dollars each. The entire amount of the said capital stock has been paid in. 0.—That petitioners desire the right to sue and to be Bued, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the suc cessful conduct of said business, includ ing the right to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred, or which may be incurred in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and to se cure the same by mortgage, deed to se cure debt, or other form of lien under existing laws. 7. —That they desire , for said corpora tion the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter, of either form or substance, by vote of a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said corporation to wind up it* affairs, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may so determine by vote of two-thirds of its stock then outstand ing. 8. —That they desire for said corpora tion the right of renewal of its character as provided by the laws of Georgia, and all each other rights, powers, privleges and immunities as are incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of this State. style aforesaid, with the powers, privi- WHEREFORE, petitioners pray that ,_ey be incorporated under the name and ledges and immunities herein set forth, and such as are now or may hereafter be allowed corporations of similar character under the laws of Georgia. FULWOOD and HARGRETT. Petitioners’ Attorneys, office this May 16, 1919. HENRY D. WEBB Clerk. GEORGIA—TIFT COUNTY. I, Henry D. Webb, Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county, do hereby certi fy that the foregoing is a true and cor rect copy of the application for charter of G. W. Branch and Company, as the me Appears on file in this office. Witness my official sipature and the seal of said <wurt this May 16, 1919. HENftY D. WEBB Clerk Superior Court of Tift County Ga. FOR INCORPORATION GEORGIA—TIFT COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of B. B. Ivey, J. T. Rogers and D. T. Fulton, respectfully hows: ... 1. —(That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be in corporated and made a body politic under the name and style of IVEY FURNITURE COMPANY, INC for theperiod of twenty years. 2. —The principal office of said corp oration shall be in the City of Tifton, Tift County, Georgia, but petitioners de sire the right to establish branch offices within this State or elsewhere, whenever the holders of the majority of the stock >f the pickets striking him under the right utting a gush about five in ches long. His bark wag also strained by striking a box. While the injuries to the little fellow _.e not serious, they ure quite painful and he will be confined to his bed for several day; Rub-My-TUm ii a powerful antiseptic; it lull, the poison caused from infected cut*, cure* old tore*, tetter, etc. ad. NOTICE TO SINGERS Any person interested in the Normal Music School to be tou*ht by A. M. Pice at Hickory Springs church will confer with Jack Ford within ten day*, dwlt. You Do More Work, Yon are more ambitious and yon let a enjoyment out of everythlnl when , blood U In good condition. Impurities the blood bevo m very depressing effect the lystem, causing weakness, I.zineu nervousness and sickness. QROVB’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy end Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel ita strengthening, invigorating effect, aee how it brings color to the cheeks end how i it improves the appetite, you will then ; appreciate its true tonic value. 1 OROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC : ie not • patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like iL The blood needs Quinine to Purify It end IRON to Enrich IL These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Cresting Power of GROVES , TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thouundt of homes. Mora than thirty-five years ego. folks would ride a tong distance to get GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a of their family had Ms!trie or needed a body-building, atrength-glving tonic. • The formula U just the aaaa to- Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of said court, this June 6, 1919. Henry D. Webb. Clerk, Superior Court, Tift County, Georgia. (Seal) 0-13eow4t TO REMOVE DISABILITIES To Whom It May W. Livingston gives notice that «t the July Term, 1919, of the Superior Court of Baid county, to be held on the First Monday in July, 1919, he will apply to the said Court oy petition to be relieved of his disabilities placed upon him by the verdict of the jury in the case of Gertrude Elliott Livingston, in a salt for divorce by Gertrude Elliott Livings- walter W. Livingstqn tried ton against October Term, 1917, of said Court, n a total divorce was granted be tween the parties, and petitioner Walter W. Livingston, was left under (be dis ability of not beingallowed to marry ‘ “ Iter W. Llvf ‘ pub- again, and Walter W. Livingston p Ushes this notice as required by la#. This the 25th day of March, 1910. Walter W. Livings***. H. W. Nelson, Petitioner*! Attorney. PETITION IN EQUITY Thomas Y. Fletcher vs. Peabody, Houghteling & Company, Augustus S. Peabody, James L. Houghteling, Jr., and “ ‘ “ * individuals and liunicr* , VS CV1I r . A out*, u. A. uavvu, Frank Scarboro and South Georgia Land oration. citable Petition; In Tift Superiqr Court, July Term, 1010. To the Defendants, Peabody, Hough teling & Co.. Augustus S. Peabody, James •Mr* Meter ig & Co.. Augustus S. l’eabody, James Houghteling, Jr., and Francis R. Dickinson, as individuals and Trustees; and Frank Scarboro: You and each of you are hereby re quired personally or by attorney to be and appear at tne Superior Court to be held in and for aaid County on the First Monday In July, 1919, then and there to answer the complaint in the above styled case, as in default thereof said Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of raid Court, this the 28th. day of May, 1910. Heaur D. Webb. Clerk Superior Court Tift County, Ga. f lEV WBcook, ‘•Plalatif’e Attorneys. 4.—The business to be carried on by said corporation is that of buying, sell- ing. and otherwise dealing in furniture^ mo 8PaI< to make all necessary I household and office equipment ot even? and regulations ,and to do all other sort, musical instruments and supplies, t mn„ h* nn™«nrw far the »''* ight to subscribe to; purchase, or other wise acquire or to guarantee or becoma surety in respect to the stock; bonds or other securities and obligations of other companies. Petioners desire the right to muke, enter into, and perform contracts for construting, altering, decorating, ar ranging, furnishing ana improving T>uUd ings of every sort and kind; to advano money to and enter into contracts of ti kinds with bwilders, property owners am others: to sub-divide, plat, improve ant develop lands for the purpose of rale or otherwise; to engage in the insurance business and act as agent, broker or attornp.v in fact for fire insurance com- pames and ideranity and liabilities in-, suroure companies; to do a general rental business; to buy, hold, assign and deal in notes, and bonds, secured by mortagsa and deeds of trust on real estate, and pledge and hypothecate the same by way of security; uud to borrow money and is sue its own coupon bonds or other evidences of debt, execute, agreements* assignments and conveyances for the pur pose of carrying on its business, lend its own mouey, and negotiate loans for others. 5.—The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be $5000.00 with the privilege of increasing the same to the sum of 000.00 by a majority vote of the stock holders, said stock to be divided into shares of $100.00 each. 10 per cent ot the amount of capital to be employed by. and be sued, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and t regulations and to do til other thing* that may be necessary for the sucessfti; conduct of said business. -4? 7—They desire for said corporation the . >wer and authority to apply for and cept amendments to its charter, either* of form or of substance, by avoto of % majority of its stock outstanding at tbfe time. They also ask authority to vraM 1 - up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirda of stock outstanding at the time. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be incorporated under name and style afore raid, with privileges, powers and immunities' herein - set fortfi, and are as now or may be hereafter allowed corporations of similar character unde? the laws of Georgia. FULWOOD & HARGRETT Petitioners’ Attorneys Filed in officer this 21st da? c. HENRY D. W Clerk. Georgia, Tift County. I. Henry D. Webb. Clerk of tbo Superior Court of said county do here by certify that the foregoing i« t tm* and correct copy of the application for a charter of Tifton Home Building Com pany as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court this May 21, 1919, HENRY D. WEBB., Clerk Superior Court, Tift, Oo n Ga. (Seal) stoves ami ranges, all kinds of ware nnd fanning implements, and ether lines of merchandise as may 'll vantageousl.v handled in connectloi such items. 5.—The capital stock of said ration shall be $10,000.00, with the lege of increasing the same to ti of $50,000.00 by a majority vote stock holders, said stock to be'* 1 __. into shares of $100.00 each, all of specified minimum capital to be fully art* in and non-assessible. ti.—Petitioners desire the sue nnd be sued, to have and u mo n seal, to make all sort, musical instrument, sad supplies, ncSusS for j carrying on of raid busi .the right to buy, hold and ^ nnd personal property, and bonds Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Daya -LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially- notes and Habituti * as evidence of prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual edness incurred, or which may L. Constipation. It relieves promptly but rod. in conduct of the affairs of 1 should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days poration. and to wcure tolnduco regular action. It Stimulates and '’“llj » ' 0,h " 1 Relates;. Yerir Pleasant to Take. • «0c ( draf^loUid to NERVES TORN AUTO PIECES am Ini tub PmH Tit RI(M Rand) Far Tils AaS Olbaff TroaMts. "Somitlms back*, vrltaa W, T. Pat mar, ot Soperton, Ga, -I waa In a run down slats. Mr ntrrsa wsra all torn to pteew. It waa an effort for me to do mr work. I did not not well at nlghta. I felt Ursd when morning cams, and didn't fsal Ifkt starting the dar. Mr skin was mnddr- Mr appe tite was poor. I felt rery much In need of n tonic. I thought It was the lack ot Iron and dseldtd to try Zlron, as I heard there was no bettor tonlo made. I began taking It nnd can safe ly and gladly ear It did mo a world of good. Zlron Is a good all-around tonlo for young and old. and rusks, on, t*sl that Ilf, to worth ltTlng.- Ziron to an Iron tonic which glTM quick, dependable strength. Yon nrad it to pat rich, rad, iron-medicated blood Into yoor Mood reaeto, to steady your seme, put fresh ootor Into roar cheeks and brlghtnen Into your eyes. Your druggist sell, Zlron on a guar antee. Boo him ei-ct-pt amendments n form or in substance,* majority of its stock < ‘ time. They also ask corporation to wind ni date and discontinue it time that it may determine I ▼ote of two-thirds of its apply I .coil the ritht of renewal aa , laws of Georgia, and that er such rights, powers sue Immunities is are incident rations or permisslbls torgin WHEREFORE petitioners incorporated under the nl aforesaid with the powers, , immunities hereto set forth, are now, or may hereafter l corporation of similar chat the laws of Georgia. Futwood * Attorneys for Filed in office this June ( Henry D. Webb. GEORGIA—Tift County. I. Henry D. Webb, Qerk of perior Court of said County, f certify that the foregoing to a correct copy of the api ter of Irey Furniture U the unit appears of file Witness my official seal of said court, this 1 „ CTerk^Superlor ConrvB& Malaria, Bilious Fa Grip pa. tkat can 1ST tolaifcajaM-,’tf-.-teiLiijo. f-, ti, -