The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 11, 1919, Image 10

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WANT AD COLUMN COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED—W. tr* in the msrket for Hens, Friers, Boos ters, Guineas, Ducks, Turkeys, Geeee or E*js. Fruits and ve,etablee, butter and pure cream. Can alio use af ew home- canned poods. Hotel Mjon, Tifton, Ga. MONUMENTS—I can furnish the rery heat J. J. F. Goodman, Braokfleid, wtf SHERIFF'S SALE WANTED AT ONCE—One copy each of Weekly Gasette Oct 18th, 1918 aad June 28, 1918. Also one copy of Dally Gasette,' Nor. 28, 1918. ' tf LOST—Foldinp pocketbook and small day book containing notes, receipt!, etc. Reward for return to J. J. F. Goodman, .Brookfield. 30-dltw2t FOUR RESIDENCES—In. Tifton for sale. Two on Tift avenue and two on rlfwps’le^- raUm *** Tuesday In Cliff Parker’*. lOdwltfj ^ U fU«t, 1919, at public outcry, before ■___ _■ _ ' , I the Court House in aaid county, within FOR SALE-120 acres, round timber- ^ hours of sale, to the highest ed land on St. Andrewa Bay, fifteen miles I bidder for cash, the following described | from Panama City. Good fishing, cool Property, to-wit: Gulf breezes. Bargain fo r cash $10 perl o£ jj d "no^SS!™!!The*8ixth land district acre. John H. Whittington, Allentonil 0 f Tift county, Georgia, described aa fol- 'j Fla, llwGtllows: Beginning at a point where the : I Eastern Georgia^ Southern & Florida . Railway Company right-of-way intersects the middle of the National Highway in , said lot 4011; thence in a noutherljr erec tion along the eaHterii edge of aaid right- i of-way to the landa of C. W. Durden; thence In an easterly direction along the north line of the lands of aaid C. W. Durden, to the center of the said Nation al Highway; thence In a northerly and northwesterly direction along the canter of said National Highway to the point of FOR to be Incor- politie under NOTICE TO PUBLIC—All parties are hereby warned not tp employ, feed, house conceal Dewey, Rob or Marvin Ivcstcr, or pay them any money for work done without my knowledge or consent, as all are under age. T. A. Wester, Route 0 Tifton. 7-dw2t NOTICE—All parties are warned not to sell Joe N. Stewart, colored, any mer chandise of any kind, drugs, or give any medical attention on my account R. F. Payne. 3-dwlt STRAYED—Three head cattle, cow •—».-7-,- __ .. calf and yearling. Cow black and white af “p^rty 8 of (CO DanW. under •potted; yearling red and white spotted; a gf a i UU ed from the Oity Court of Tit- calf red; all marked, with buttons In ton In favor of Hill-Reld Department of each with my name ■nd.ddrc.., gS'SSwto writing Last aeen at Vanceville. Reward for In- MM requ | re j j, y j aw , formation leading to their recovery. J. Annis, Tifton, Route 4. FOR SALE—Thirty Bushels Califor nia Peas. 100 Crates Steam Cured Por to Rico Potatoes. Geo. F. Clark, Croa- land, Ga 4-dwlt PEACHES FOR SALE—On Abe Con ger’s farm two and one-half miles north of Tifton, on the Waterloo road. Tele phone 3002. Abe Conger, Route 3, Tif ton. 8-dwlw noney, log lets that l SOMETHING GOOD _ , tlon of apM I This June 27th, 1919. _ - 5. The c J. M. Shaar, Sheriff. tion ah all Tift County Georgia. (15,000). w " iug same to For the Small Farmer or partiea who lk)lton or W- H . Abbott want homes in South Georgia, 14,000, MOWER FOR 8 ALE—McCormick. “«ftoo 0 ) f bfT’miwtj I cheap. See J. W. vote of the stockholders, aud stock, to be little uied. Will aell ( 11-dwlw divided In shares of ona hundred dollars Hogs Are Worth More Than Ever Before ■■ 1 ■ ■ / If you neglect your hogs now you are losing money. A little attention will bring you big re turns. They should be kept well oiled to protect them from lice and disease. Let us demonstrate to you the ROWE NEW IDEA HOG OILER An investment in one of these oilers will be the best investment you ever made. Guar anteed satisfactory. We aslo sell ROWE’S MEDICATED OIL. Best for Hogs, Cattle, Horses. Bennett’s Hardware, Inc. _ — each ($100). Ta par emt'if Hi Acres to AttU»..~Wy « «d'»«r FOR 8ALB-N*w .lx room huu« in £?&*»*&**’* by them Railroad and Highways near two good Woodlawn. A bargain at $3,000, “ 0. Petitioners desire the right to «u« Towns Cheap and on EASY TERMS, Realty Company. II0WI1 and be sued, to plead aad bt Impleaded ° ET Wrlte or *** ,f ' ulw<>0 < 1 * Ford. WANTED CORD WOOD—See W. E all^ neceaaary*\y-le^*aj(d^(3atl«to, Tifton, Ga. Chandler, Superintendrnt, Central Gro- " .. .. ... - —BBgBBaagSBBgBg I eery Company Feed Mills. Il-d2wlt ^ IneiudTng the riiht'to buy, hold snd sell real estate and personal HARDWARE 4 FARM IMPLEMENTS COFFINS 4 CASKETS ——rr-z .j u'hu mu «ph rent CHiaie auu pcnwuai FOR 8ALE—708 acrea on public road prope rty suitable to the purposes of the 12 miles from Tifton, 2 miles Pinetta, corporation, and to execute notes and Ga. 00 acres cultivation, 400 more can bonds aa evidence of indehtedna* Inepr- . L.ui w <»h m»u pwnpnRP Good rwl - in U*® conduct of the affairs of the be cultivated with little expense, uooo and to the same by 7-room dwelling, tenant house barn etc. mor tgage, security-deedfi or other forme A bargain at $29,000.00. Also have for 0 f lien, under exmlng laws. ver / .h, 7 'p.^v. a n«oSi d ^ co .r“ ti “ 'Moultrie, Gn.. L. M. Burns, Moultrie. wd lccspt uaendmenU to 1U Ga. lOdutwlt D , either form or substsnee by a vote - of a majority fbf its stock outstanding Ladies call and see our New Zelgler ,t the time. They Mao ask authority fo< Slippers, both in Pumps snd Oifords, Mid incorporation to. wind up Its affairs * 1A wKit,ae D mt h«r9 Dpnnrt- liquidate and discontinue Its business at $0.50 to $10. Whitley Brothers Depart ^ determine to do so by a meat Store. Ild2twlt vote 0 ( two thirds of its stock ontstand ■■ ■ ' ■■■ >■ — ing at the .time.’ 100 ACRES OF LAND—Two brick 8. They desire fbr the said corpora stores and five residences in tow n of tion the right of renewal “d Chula, Tift TOunty, for sale by Tifton }JJJ j t tlT J aU g UC h^ther rights, power* Realty Co., office with Cliff Parker. and privileges and immunities aa an 8dwtf incident to like corporation* or permia- Bible under the law® of Georgia. PEACHES—My celebrated Elberta Wherefore, petitioners pray to be In a _i n . to to wuilfi corporated under the name and style Peaches are now ripe. W. W. Willis. af( / rwaW with the privileges and 5d5twlt t mmun itlet herein set forth, and as arc now. or may hereafter be, allowed a cc FOR SALE—60,000 or 100,000 good jmration of similar character under the cypress shlnglea. See I. W. Myers, My- laws of Georgia. ■ __ °° H ‘ td - Attora«y , to? W Peti t ionera J. T. DICKENS—Is sUB to tbs Grocery GEORGIA-T1R <*»"£ ^ business and ia ready to aerva the public. §g Tift t'oim* He will appreciate your trade. 2-dw2w I, Henry D. Webb. Clerk of the Sup- . nrior Court of Tift County, hereby certi FARM LANDS—If you have not thought fy that the foregoing ia a true and cor- of selling your form in Tift couuty. "“to toE come down and let us show you what we ® ■!** "F Jwly. ____ Henry D. Webb. Clerk Superior Court, Tift Co. have in Brooks, Grady and Thomas This 8 day of July, 191& counties, then you will know what to do. _ The Real Estate Exchange, W. B. Craig- _______ miles, Manager, Mitchell Building, Thom- FOR SALE—One good young milch cow asville, Ga. 8-d3w2t R. L. Warren, x 8-dtf. Sell Your Toto At Tifton *7 Morgans Tobacco Warehouse ai will be open for the sale of leaf on Wednesday, July 23. The tobacco companies of the East have their buyers on hand at every sale and they are anxious to buy every pound you will bring in. Messrs E. L. Morgan & Co. wilt have experienced warehousemen in charge to look after your interests and they will be in a position to get you the very top market prices for your tobacco. Tifton will have a good market, every accommodation and convenience for you Pay no attention to idle reports from outside sources. “Promises are cheap, but it takes money to buy tobacco.” E. L. Morgan & Co. Gillen’s Hog Cholera Remedy * A Cholera Remedy for Hogs and Chickens THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIES FROM WELL KNOWN GEORGIANS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES: SIX DEAD AND ELEVEN DOWN WHEN TREATMENT BEGAN. I w'iah to tell my experience, as it was such a benefit to me, I feel sure it will do the same for others. On Sunday evening, August 13, 1916, I went to feed my hogs and found one of them sick. 1 doctored him aa beat I could. On Monday morning he was dead and one more missing. 1 put the dead one in my car and carried it to Dr. Burson, of the State Agricultural College. He had his assistant to cut open and inspect the same, and he reported that there were symptoms of cholera and pneumonia. I, not being satisfied, requested Dr. Burson also to inspect the hog, which he did, rendering the same opinion and recommend ing that I get so many C. C. of serum and a syringe and inoculate all of the hogs that l had, which was twenty-seven. I bought the syringe of him and wrote to the State Veterinarian, enclosing check for so many C. C. of Hcrum, and returned home to find the missing hog dead. I burned the carcass and went to Crawford, expecting to get the serum, and in the eve ning it diil uot come. While I was at Crawford I met Col. Hamilton Mc Whorter, Jr., and told him about losing my hogs and he recommended that 1 call Mr. Frank !>. Gillen. Bishop, Ga., who had a cholera remedy. When 1 returned to my home I ioninl another hog dead and still another sick whereupon l went to the phone and called Mr. F. I). Gillen, and ex plained to him what had taken place nnd requested that he come to my home and treat them for me, and I immediately drove to Bishop in my car and carried him to my home in Oglethorpe county, arriving about 4 o’clyck, and finding the sick hog dead. Mr. Gillen cut open the hog and made an examination of same and decided it was eholcra, and began giving his treatn^ntAit encu, without separating the sick from the well ones, and remained vrtrti until Friday of that week, and not one of my hogs has beeu sick since they began to take the treatment. One »ow gave birth to six pigs on October i8. Two other* expected any day, and all are fat and healthy and as hearty ai any hogs can be. Had it not been for Gillen’s Hog Cholera Cure I think I would have lost aU my hogs. Respectfully, Lexington, Ga. M. C. COLQUITT. TEST PROVES WORTH OF REMEDY. Mr. F. D. Gillen, Bishop, Qa.: Dear Sir—During the months of Febru ary and March, 1917, my hogs took cholera and I purchased s bottle of you r medicine and poured it down them, and I have never lout • hog since. All of my hog* got entirely well without the loss of one. Now I am writing you this letter, and if it is any benefit to you, you may u*e it any way you see lit. I gladly recommend your Cholera Remedy to any hog raiser*. Yours Truly, C. S. BALDWIN, Madison, Ga., Aug. 29, 1918. Sheriff Morgan Co. HERD WAS BADLY INFESTED. Gillen Remedy Co.. Atlanta, Ga.: After using Gillen’s Cholera Remedy for four years I consider it the greatest medicine for liog s and fowls that I have ever seeu. I bought 105 hogs, shipped from South Georgia, and they were dying with cholera. I began using your medicine and never lost a sin gle hog after using it, and the hogs are in fiue shape at this writing. Yours Very Truly, W. A. XOMILLE. March 5, 1919. Major, Bishop. Ga. LISTEN TO WHAT MARSHAL GLEATON SAYS. To my Friends in Worth County; During the first part of May I had 9 shoats die of cholera. I got a bottle of Gillen’s Cholera Remedy at the City Drdg Co., Warwick, ami afte r using the same I lost 2 more. This discouraged me, but after talking with Gillen’s demonstrator, Mr. M. D. Gleason, and listening to hi* instructions to my neighbors, J. R. Dupree, Jack Wright, R. M. Moore, Henry Rouse, Jes*e Gleaton, J. L. Story, Will Rouse Tom Aldrege, L. C. Whitfield, Tom Campbell, Otis Spillers, and other*,’ I saw that if I had given this at the demonstrator had told my friends I would not have lost these two, by allow ing them to run the range while giving this remedy. As I had 9 more tick ahoats that were down I got another bottle and saved every one and soma were near dead. You can now see them running around Warwick. MARSHAL GLEATON. AN EFFICIENT REMEDY. Mr. F. D. Gillen: Dear Sir—I have used your Hog Cholera Remedy for hogs and turkeys and find it an efficient remedy, when timely and properly used, and I take pleasure in using it Yours Truly, Athens, Ga. HAMILTON McWHORTER. SAVES TWO HOGS. Mr. F. D. Gillen, Bishop, Ga., Dear Sir—On February 12, 1918 I pur chased two hog* for the county convict camp of this county, paying $30 for the two. On Wednesday morning I noticed that botht of them were sick and had thumps badly, ami from what I knew about hog cholera, it was that disease. 1 decided tluit they would die, and Mr. Beal, one of the guards at the camp, agreed with me that there wa s no chauce for them, nnd even went so far as to «»ay he wouldn’t give a dollar for them. I.ater in the day, I met Major Well*, of this place, and he told me about your medicine nnd stated that it was recommended well and that it was being handled by Mr. Joe McRae. I at once purchased a bottle ^)f thi* remedy nnd went at once to the camp and ndministrd it. On the next morn ing they improved and did uot thump. By the evening of the 15th they were eatiug heartily, a thing they had not done until I gave them this medicine, and by the morning of the- 16th they were both well and ate heartily. 1 consider that the small amount of thi* medicine used has saved both hogs. I am thoroughly convinced that if it had not been for it thsy would have been dead long ago. I am glad I found out about this medicine, and from actual experience I know it to be good. Yours Truly, . G. F. BOOTH. Chairmsn Board Commissioners, Oconee Co., Ga. Testimonials equally as convincing: can be secured from Tift County Farmers. Gillen’s Cholera Remedy is for sale by PHILLIPS MERCANTILE COMPANY., Tifton, Georgia. J. B. Harris, Enigma, City Drug Store, Odlla, A. W. Whiddon, Chula, Corner Drug Store, Sparks, Clem Davis, WiUacoochee, H. L Taylor & Co., Adel, R.L Norman, Norman Park, W. R. Lindsey & Co., Lenox, Oren Roberts, Brookfield, Alapaha Drug Company, Alapaha, Rentz Drug Company, Omega. Gillen Remedy Co. Inc., ATLANTA, GEORGIA