The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 11, 1919, Image 8

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WEEK'S !£$ SO WHAT ARE WK GONNA DO? The wurkiugman says that bis wages Must ue’cr go dowu again, Else ail that he eve r fought for He struggled for all in vain. Rut labor (At least And they e So what eru the price* hi id they do), ••Hop" until wages drop, e gonna do? The facto .say that high prices vorned by total cost, And if they should cut just urn The profit and ail Hut if ev< They ything should grow cheapar, ssibly might squeeze through, [in's so small they can’t cut at what gonna do fs fi And if Ill-men say that their profit ti upon u i»'r cent, ae iota they drop it ven could not pay rent, f course on a cheaper market Their prices would be leas, too. nt each one will vow he’ H bankrupt now. So what are we gonna do? So each one keeps on with hia waiting And hopes the other will drop, And prices keep climbing and climbing— It seems they will never stop. Rut see! A new era ia dawning! The future, a rosy hue. We’ll go right ahead with ou r business, by Ned! And that’s what we’re going to do! —Dalton Citizen. Mrs. G. N. Dorsett, of Macon, la the guest this week of he r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pickard. Attorney H. W. Nelson, of Adel, in town Monday attending to business before Superior Court. Miss Fannie Lee Thrasher left Friday night for Farmington, where she will spend some time with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Tatum, of Motor A, are congratulated on the arrival of 0 handsome son at their home last week. Regular Tobacco Twine, 75 ertita. Choate Grocery Company. O-dwtf Mrs. Frank Bishop and children, of Atlanta, are in the city spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lytle. Hog Cholera Is taking its toll of hogs every day Rend Gillen Remedy ( puny’s ad in today’s paper and Hec what other fanuers say about Gillcu’s Hog Cholera Remedy Odwlw Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially- prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take.*60c per bottle. Professional Directory DR. CHARLES S. SMITH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Brooks Pharmacy Hours: 8 to 1—2 to 0 * TIFTON, GEORGIA FULIVOOD & HARGRETT Attorneyn-at-Law Office In Golden Building Tifton, • • * * Georgia JOHN A. PETERSON Office Dentist New O’Neal-McLeod Building Tifton, Georgia Golden Bldg. Tifton, Ga. DR. A. E. O’QUINN FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty Over Pinkston’s Drug 8tore Tifton, Georgia D. B. HARRELL Practicing Physician Office McI^od-O’Nral Bldg. Office Phone 2A3. Residence SOI Tifton, Georgia. Mrs. J. L. Yates and children, of Green-1 ville, S. C., are the guests of her mother, Mrs. W. O. Smith and sister, Mrs. I George Baker. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bankston return-1 in! Friday from a four days motor trip j to Macon, Ft. Valley and other points, 1 combining business and pleasure. J Mr. J. M. Walters, of Motor A, who I was in Tifton Saturday, says he is fight- iug the boll weevil fpr his cotton crop for it is a crop worth saving now. Mr. W* E. Peel, of Route 0, brought the Gazette Tuesday morning two fine "Georgia Sweet" melons from his patch They were big onea and of good flavor. l£r. J. N. Jones returned Sunda< !r n Macon where he spent a couple of days with relatives, also taking in the big Shrinera’ ceremonial in the Central - City last week. A citizen of the'section north of Tifton says that it wus a tin bucket and not a wush-pot still discovered by the Sheriff d Deputy Bass last week on the Widow Ellis’ place. Miss Eloise Little, of <)eilla, who had been the guest of Miss Maudie Paulk, has returned home. She wus accompanied by Misses Paulk and Joe Effie Roof for visit of several days. Russell Scarboro was the guest of relu tives in Tiftou Saturday and Sunday, lie returned from overseas several days ago and received his honorable discharge »m service last week. Rev. John H. Whittington, of Allen- u, Fla,, is visiting his brothers, Messrs. G. W. Whittington and Lonnie Whitting ton. He advertises a tract of land Florida for sale. See want Ads. Mr. E. J. Eldridge of Route 3 wus Tiftou on business Thuc.-ijay. He says lie has hud plenty of rail and plenty of grass hut his crop is fairly .‘loiu, with pretty good prospects. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Pctersoi congratulated on the urrivnl of a pretty little girl at their home on Central a Thursday afternoon. She weighs nine pounds and her name js Bosemasou. Easy Seal Fruit Jars, and Rubbers, Choate Grocery Company. 9-dwtf We are iudebted to Mrs. R. A. Smith for two fiue cabbage, large and hard-head ed. Mr. Smith says he has a tobacco leaf .’12 inches long and 10 inches wide to bring us. Dauntless Plain Floor, a high-grade flour, and Tift County Flour, $1.60 a sack. Phillips Mercantile Co. 2-dwtf Mr. Louis Bounett has arrived from Ocilla and iB busy at work opening up the stock of goods for Bonnett Brothers’ gen oral merchandise store in the Moore build ing on Main street . I have several small, well located homes, placed with me for sale. Anyone desiring a nice, small home will do well to buy now. Keith Canon, Tifton. Ga. Gilley Brothcn of Tifton helped the people of Fitzgerald to enjoy the Fourth by giving sonic splendid exhibitions of horse-bock riding. They hnd a good crowd out to see them. Bonnett Brothers -have opened a Gen ral Merchandise Stotg in the Moore build ing ou Main street, and invite the pub lie to call on them for anything in their line. 9-dw A Want Ad rnn one time in the Gazette was enough for the Tifton Realty Co. to sell the Davy Hogan place, 90 acres, one mile west of Chula, to Mr. Cliff Parker. Stings or bites of insects that at lowed by swellings, pain or itching should be treated promptly as they are poisono BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT «» teraetg the ikiImod. It is both uutisepetic and healing. Sold by Conger Drug, Others farmers have aured Cholera among their hogs by using Gillen’s Hog Cholera Remedy. Read the testimonial* from theso farmers published in an ml e'sewhero today. 9-dwlw Tuesday Mat Taylor, near Enigma, started to get eleven of his hogs out of a neighbor's field. Pretty soon Mat's dog came up limping having been bitten by a big rut tier and died before he could get to the house. Mat decided that if any- i*dy else wanted the job of going into that field to get out the hogs they couid have cowry Iced Teaspoons Alvin, Geo. Wash ington Pattern ‘■Wearever” Plate $5.25 per six. The Hallmark Special Iced Tea spoon, silver plate $1.88 per six Iced Tea Glasses $1.75 per six. Iced Tea Glasses, with handle, $5.00 per six. Be sure to get one of those Chorus Song Books. It is yours for the asking. Moor’s Jewelry Store their home night. Mr. It. M. Hancock, in from Route 2. Ty Ty, Saturday, says they have fairl, good crops in hi* section and a few I. eevils. Mr. J. M. Turner, of Route A, was i 1 Tiftou Wednesday. lie lost two cotton warehouse receipts for which he advertises another column. Mr. J. II. Whittington arrived from Panama City. Fin., Friday night to visit his brother, Mr. Leo B. Whittington, East Second street and other relatives this section for a couple of weeks. Mr. aad Mrs. Dan Fletcher, of Rout. 4. received a telegram Saturday cing the safe arrival of thcl r son, Melvin Fletcher, from overseas at the port of Boston. He is expected home in days. Fireman Oscar Lee Sheppard of the IT.S. S. Lurk, came in Thursday morning from Charleston, 8. C., where he receiv ed his discharge from the service Tues day. He returned from St. Nazaire, France Monday, landing at Charleston. When the baby is suffering the double afflict Urn of hot WMther and bowel din- ! Mr 'jj. jj Webb’. Uttlo dau,liter, who had been visiting them. Mrs Skelton will B C. ELLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Special attention given to collections aad to matters relating to land titles. Will practice in all the Courts. ROYAL ARCH MASONS Meet, Second Saturday evening .( Mb month In Msaonic BaUdlnz »t 8 J. R. Hutehlnio*, H.P. O.LBUU, JUNIPER CAMP No. 144 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every ffni and third Tuesday night in the Muonic Rnll. All member, arc requested to attend and vltltlnf Chop pers arc cordially Invited. R. H. HUTCHINSON, Clerk. at 8 p. m. VUIton an Invited to Meet With C«. 8. A. Mathew*. O. L. W. M. “BEST MEDICINE FOR WOKEN” What Lydia E. Pinkham’i Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth* Ohio.—" I suffered from irregularities* paina in ray side and was an weak nt times I around to do my work, and as I had four in my family and three boarder?* it made it very hard for me. Lydia E. Pinlcham’s V e g e- table Compound wa5 recommended tap’. I took it am! has restored my . alth. It is certainly the best TIFTON LODGE No. IM L O. O. F. Meets First Mon day night after Second and Fourth Sunday In Masonic Hall. To M. BROWNi J. K. PEEPLES, Noble GflN medicine for woman’s ailments I ever •aw."—Mr* Sara. Shaw, R. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this medicine and wrote thl. letter in order that other raftering women mav find relief as ahe did. Women who are raftering as she was should not drag along from day to day without giving this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’sVege table Compound, a trial. For special advice in regard to such ailments write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years experience ia at your lervice. “The Gift Store” PHONE 250 Remarkable I la a: To** in Last Tuesday i llfbt, a woman found In her qoltoek. As arose, got hei before day- orgis, twenty minutes corpse. Ton moduli perlence If you try it for mosquitoes sad flies. Torment is a new preparation, manu lectured bj The 0. B. Williams Company, Qnitmsn, Oa. It fs sore death to flies tad inosqtltdMii- will not stain clothing nor furniture, itnd la absolutely harmless to human beings. Bold by ail wholesale tad retell dealers. Price, 25c bottle. Adt. ] n The HALLMARK StQ^ £3_[ Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Geiger are hupp; a lovely little girl at urn! street Saturda. the j val of i Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Haulbrook and bildren came over from Moultrie and spent Sunday the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Peterson. They came especially to make the acquaintance of little Mias Rose Mason Peterson. From the farm of Mr. J. W. Hollis comes s melon which Is a cross between the honey dew and the old-fashioned quill melon, retaining the best qualities of both. It is better than a, cantaloupe and the bouey-dew supplies the sweet- ss usually lacking iu the quill melon. Hon. W. R. Smith, County Agent for Camden, took a Fourth of July vacation und came up to visit his friends in this section. He is filling out his fifth year is County Agent for Camden, being one ,'ouuty Agent in Georgia who only moved »uoe since he started in the work eight years ago. Mr. C. T. Cofer of Brookfield, re Sunday from a visit to his both' \ M. Cofer, at Monroe, Ga. He also isited at Winder and Social Circle, and says the crop conditions in North G< giu are just about the same as here, says they have also been having plenty min. Mrs. J. H. White was called to Vidaliu Saturday by a telegram from her dmub ter. Mrs. N. 8. Meadows. Sunday Mi White received a message to go over t Vidalia and meet his naiue-«ako. an second grandson, John Meadows. John is quite a fine boy and very much like his grandfather. Get Shoe satisfaction by getting a pair of Guaranteed Work Shoes from Wade- Carry Co. 2d-(Jtw3t Mr. T. M. Greene and his grands* Master Thomas, of Gainesville, Fin)., spent Sunday and Monday with relativ in Tifton. They visited Ashburn. Amei cus, Howard, Butler, Reynolds and F Valley the past week, stopping for time at Mr. Greene’s boyhood home Schley county, Sunday they motored over to Ty Ty to visit Col. Williams, and Monday afternoon left for home, going by way of Sparks where they spent the night with Kfr.and Mrs. W. E. Greene. Worms interfere with the growth ol children. They become thin, pale and sickly. Get rid of these parasites at once if you would have healthy, happy- cheerful children. WHITE’S CREAM VERMIFUGE destroys worms and bene fits the whole system. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Hemstitching, 12 l-2c a yard. Pleat ing and All Kinds of Sewing. Gilley’s Millinery Store. Idw2w Mr. aud Mrs. P. H. Skelten came over from Waycross Wednesday night, ac companied by Mrs. B. L. Webb and and Next Meeting the best coATf^tlonn in the the Tift County Sunday, School was held at Ty Ty Saturday the attendance being good at all sessions. Ty Ty entertained the delegates in Ty Ty’a hospitable manner, giving the visitors a basket dinner Sat urday and taking them to the Ty Ty homes for dinner Sunday. 'Interesting talks on subjects of inter est to all Sunday School workers were de livered by Rev. C. W. Durden, of Tif ton ; Mr. W. B. Stubbs, of Savannah, Lay Leader for the South Georgia Metho dist Conference; Mr. P. K. Green, Sup erintendent of the Young People's Divi sion. Georgia Sunday School Associa tion; Mrs. P. D. Fulwood. of Tifton. The business meetiug was held Sunday fternoon, the following officers being elec ted: A. J. Ammons, President, and H, D. Webb, Secretary. The following divi sion presidents w ere elected: M. S. Pat ten, Charles Bowman, T. S. Itigdou, W. A. Hand, J. A. Dodd, W. K. Overby, Oak Ridge was selected as the place for the next meeting. Six schools were tied for the best attendance Sunday morn ing, Oak Ridge winning the pennant through a compromise. Twelve schools were represented at the convention. [ School Meeting at. Ty Ty st Interest Oak Ridge Get* YOUR CATARRH’ LEAD TO COlt Danferotu to Use Treatment n for Only Temporary Relief. a There is a more serious stage of a Catarrh than the annoyance caused by the stopped-up air passages, and other distasteful features. The real danger comes from the tendency of the disease to continue its course downward until the lungs become affected, and then dreaded consumption is on your path. Your own experience has taught you that the disease can- SUMMER COMPLAINT IN CHILD REN There is not anything like bo many deaths from this disease now as before Cbamberlian's Gblic and Diarrhoea Remedy came into such general use. When this remedy is given with castor oil as directed and proper care Is taken as to diet, it Is aafe to say that fully ninety- nine out of every hundred cases recover. Mr. W. G. Campbell of Butler, Tenn., says, "I have used Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for aummer com plaint in children. It ia far ahead of anything I have ever used for this pur pose.” Adv. SPECIAL WAISTS $12 and $10 Values for $4.98 Have just received a -Special Lot o* fine Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, and Satins in SO Stylet. Dainty Tucks, Ruffles, Silk Embroidered and Beaded in White, Ftesh, Gray, Toupe Navy, Black and Coral. ALL SIZES Purity 1 Econom & Eff icie ■re typified in RISING SUN It means nutritious bakings, palatable and easily digestible. GEO. BAKER, Tifton, Ga. * LEVY’S Department Store We Will Pay $68.00 A Ton For Sound, Clean, Dry Upland Cotton Seed DELIVERED AT OVR MILL Having Rebuilt our Wrecked Warehouse, we are now in the Market for all the Seed we can get Planters Cotton Oil Mill orders, the remedy needed is McGEB’S BABY ELIXIR. It reduces the feverish imdition. correct* the stomach and checks looseness of the bowels. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Adv. A Lt^wune store-room is being fitted out for the Ivey Furniture Company on the west side of the forme: Bowen build ing. It wa 8 not until the work was wcM underway that the handsome proportions of the room were apparent. Mr. II. C. Carmichael has brought a tract of fourteen acres in the southwestern part of the city, on which he has built a home, moving into the residence this week. He will truck farm out there as a sidte line. Regular Tobacco Twine, 75 cents. Choate Grocery Cempany. 9-dwtf M. Price has been shipping some unusually fine Georgia Belle peach es this week. He will get about 1,400 crates from 2;000 trees and the fruit la of splendid size and quality. This is doe to the care the Doctor gives hit trees. Mfeater Ear) Smith entertained a firm friends with a four-course dinner 0 o’clock Wedaesday evening at hia homl on Chnautt avenutw After dinner the young host took his gueats to the Strand Theatre where they enjoyed William S. Hart in “The Gun Fighter." Regular Tobacco Twine. 75 cents. Choate Grocery Company. O-dwtf Mr. Alford Goggana who returned from overseas with the 111th Hospital Unit last week, has received an honorable dis- ‘harge from the army and arrived home Thursday afternoon. Alf says he had a big time hut its mighty good to know he doesn't have to go back to camp in 4S hours as per usual. Chesley Fletcher, who has been sta tioned at Ft McPherson ftjr several months in the camp barber shop, arrived home in Tifton Thursday morning and spent the balance of the week with relative* and friends in Tift county. Chester is looking fine and camp Ufe evidently agrees with him. A new store with new goods bas just been opened by Bonnett Rrothers in the Moore Building, on Main street. Call on them for anything you need in Clothing, Shoes. Hats, Dry Goods, Etc. 91dw remain here for several days the guest of Mrs. Webb while Mr. Skelton left Thusday moning for Dothan and other points in Alabama. Mr. Skelton had the misfortune to lose his store building aud contents by fir* in Waycross a few weeks ago and his insurance only partly covered the loss. A Coated Tongue? What it Means A bod breath, coated tongue, bud taste in the mouth, langnot aud debility aro usually signs that the liver is out of order. Prof. Hem- meter says: "The liver U an organ secondary in importanoe only to the heart." We can mtnofac tore poisons within our own bodies which are as deadly as a snake’s venom. The liver acts os a guard over our -ell-being, sifting out the cinders and titles from the general circulation. A blockake in the intestines piles a heavy burden upon the liver. If the intestines are choked or clogged ip, the circulation of the blood ecomes poisoned and the system ecomcs loaded with toxic waste, id we suffer from headache, yel- w- coated tongue, bad taste in rath, nausea, or gas, acid dys- bsia, languor, debility, yellow skin eyes. At such times one should e castor oil or a pleasant laxa- i. Such a one is made of May* le, leaves of aloe and* jalap, put • ready-to-use form by Doctor ce, nearly fifty years ago, and for 25 cents by all druggists as .Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. J^EVER was such right-handed-two- fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert! That’s because P. A. has the quality! You can’t fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you’ve got the big prize-on the end of your line! Prince Albert’s quality alone puts it in a class o( its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch—well—you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments 1 Toppy rad bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors—and—that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. • R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, NiCU