The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 11, 1919, Image 9

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. biliousness and sick headache. This and is guaranteed to give scMfoctory eating. ores. Insist on Lamarine Wafers. If your order direct. They will be sent prepaid. LABORATORIES, Box 11 ATLANTA, GA. CENT FARM LOANS Tifton City Loans i at 5 1-2 per cent interest end give the i of paying part of the principal »t the ping interest on amounts paid, but no an- I required. R. C P.I.1.IS W. W. BRYAN Golden Building * Tifton, Georgia RED GROSS SHOES We have secured the agency for Red Cross Shoes for Tifton and now have in stock some very snappy low heel Pumps in Patent and Kid. Oxfords in Kid. You know these shoes. They are the sole of comfort and wear. Forty Pretty Waists in Stock All kinds of Hot Weather Clothing in stock for the Men, Women and the Kids. Duncan & Stubbs ORANGE DRIP The drink with the delicious, Orange flavor. Healthful, Refreshing, Thirst-Quenching THE KIDDIES LIKE IT You Will Too Red Rock Ginger Ale Always Good. Really Enjoyable. A Drink That , Satisfies the Thirst. Sold. Everywhere Bottled By Chero-Cola Bottling Company Telephone 52 MOI FROM AGR nearly « Funds Intended far Them Go Hifher Educational Institutions Schools Suffer Atlanta, July 5.—Charge! that funds Tifton turned into the state treasury by ^ '(the ‘ Fourth Jot Agricultural Department from oil and houses fertiliser inspection fees are mis-appropri-' ated to the detriment of the district afri- "" cultural schools aud the profit of the lar ger educational institutions of Georgia were made against the Legislature by. J. J. Brown, Commissioner of Agriculture in his talk to farmers of Habersham county at the Ninth District Agricultural, School at Clarkeaville Friday. Mr. Brown declared that the agricul tural schools are suffering greatly by lack of sufficient funds for their main! nance, inferring that this condition is caused by the neglect of the legislature and the higher educational interests. “The higher institutions of learning in Georgia receive appropriations for their support, while the agricultural schools, besides being denied any extra appro priations, nrc expected to exist on only part of the surplus of the agricultural department fund,” said Mr. Browu. Gives Figures of Year. “It is unfair that the farmer be made to pay a tax, a large jxirtion of which goes to the support of other institutions. •y cent of money the Agricultural Department gets comes from the farming industry, aud it is nothing but fahMftat they get the surplus fund left afte^ all expenses of the department in the State Capitol have been paid.” [early i A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder for kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.25. One small bottle is two months’ treatment and often cures. Send for sworn testimonials Dr. W. Hall, 2020 Olive street, St Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists.—adv. WANT PEOPLE TO VOTE Tifton People Request Representative* to' Support Capital Removal Bill At the banquet Wednesday night, Sec retary Algeo read a telegram from the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce asking the Tifton Board of Trade to request the senator from this district and the repre sentative from this county to vote against the bill submitting the capital removal question to a vote of the people. A tele gram from the Maron Chamber of Com merce asking support of the bill also wng read. Upon motion of Mr. I. W. Myers, duly seconded, the meeting voted to wire Rep resentative Bowen and Senator Parker requesting them to vote in favor of the bill submitting the question to a vote of tho people. FLIES WORRY ANIMALS Particular so if there is a sore or wound on its body. Get a bottle of FARRIS’ HEALING REMEDY, costs but flOo, makes a pint, worth $2.00, apply it to the wound, and it will heal rapidly and flics will never bother. Rickerson Grocery Co. Adv A QUEER MELON r. G. L. Belflower of the Omega tion, brought a new kind of watermelon to the Gazette office Saturday It may be best described ns the “Zodiac" melon, for it carries, according to Mr. Bolflow- oxplnnation, the sun, moon, seven stars, dipper, big A. and many othe r stars of tho firmament. He says ho thinks he found .Toll’s coffin in one place on it. The melon is of a dark green color I with yellow spots. It first appeared ilunteer in a twenty acre field year he re last. The seed were saved and Mr. Belflower scoured some of them. He lia- tlireo hills this year, and on these twelve of fiftoon melons. The leaves are spotted like the melon. Mr. C. O. Gilley says tho riety is often soon in Texas. 166 has proven It wffl cure Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever; Colds and La- Grippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic. adv. The next time you buy calomel ask for 7 HALF THE PLEASURE OF GOING AWAV ON A TRIP IS GETTING READY TO GO. LET US FILL YOUR TRUNK WITH GOOD CLOTHES AND YOUR SUIT CASE AND BAG WITH FURNISH- 1 [ AND OTHER THINGS. THEN MEET STRANGERS KNOWING IE PROPERLY DRESSED. AND ALL OF IT C0ST Y0U A FORTUNE ATOUR STORE. WS GET LOTS FOR YOUR -Smith, Company TELEPHONE 46 The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed arid improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. Festivities of-the No Public holiday of the all the business during the afternoon were dosed all day. as no public celebration and public entertainment quit work and observed as if it Yru Sunday, ired out in the country, or idghboring towns. two ball games had each for morning and with the Moultrie and Syl- ir. teams hut these decided to play nearer home. The negroes had a match at the athletic park in the afternoon be tween Tifton and Quitman, in which Quitman won 5 toff. Fitzgerald, Thpmasvile and Cordela, among our neighbors, celebrated with big barbecues. Hon. A. O. Blalock was the speaker at Fitzgersid and Judge Roscoe Luke spoke at Thomasvilie. At Salem Church. The usual annual Fourth of July sing was held at Salem church and many from Tifton attended. There was a big crowd, a bountiful basket din ner and a singing program, which lasted throughout the day. The Conger ’Cue. . The family and friends of Mr. Geo. W. Conger had their annual Fourth of July barbecue dinner near his home two miles north of Tifton. There was n large crowd and a plenti ful barbecue and picnic dinner, a couple of hog 8 being left over after all were fed Col. J. 8. Ridgdill and Hon. A. J. Am mons made the eagle scream and a singing program filled out a delightful day. GREAT PRIZE FIGHT DISGUSTING SCENE NOTICE OF SALE GEORGIA^—TIFT COUNTY*. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in two certain se curity deeds from William C. Dixon to George M. Forman, dated June 14, 1016, and recorded in Cerk’s office, Tift Sup erior Court in Book Five, pages G40 ani 511, there will be sold at puLKs out-cry before the Court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in August, next, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the property described therein consisting The next time you have chills and Fever Willard Knocked About Ring at Demp sey’s Will and Bewildered and Help less After First Round. Toledo, Ohio, July 4.—Dempsey won the heavyweight championship in tbe third round. Willard’s seconds threw a towel into the ring at the end of the third round because Willard could not respond to the bell, thus saving the champion from of Two Hundred and Eighty-eight (288) the humiliation of an inevitable knock- acres more or less of Lot of Land Num- a sci.ntifi. out. Willard was dripping in blood. | ber 225 in the Sixth (6th) District of Tift TAKE AMECn flit Kills the Ciiills” U prescription which kill, the Willard was drippin* in blood. . | County, Georgia, “Bounded on East and ° brMks “» “* The exhibition at Toledo was about the West by original land lines of said lots; * *!* r and „ ui,d8 u !» the sy*r. most disgusting ever witnessed at a North by Double Run Branch and South Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic to Tifton and guaranteed bj Pharmacy Company. PRICE 25 CENTS prixe fight. The thermometer register- by lands of Dan Walker. 1 ed 120 at the ringside and 110 when the 1 Default hiving ueei made in certain big fight began. Seats had been built for pu;a<tnts designated in said security 80,000 but not more than half of these A-vd. the entire indehredr.-ss due there- i occupied, the speculators losing im- under has been declarer due and payable, mense sum s of money. i and s«> d property will be sold to satisfy State of Georgia, Tift County Willard weighed 140 pounds more and G*" mbl < To the Superior Court of said * towered above his opponent, hut was This July 1, 1910. e petition of the M knocked down five times in the tigst George M. Forman. round, and was hanging helplessly on the vtA „ wlipi — „ rapes or draped over Dempaey'a should-1 N0T,CE 0F L0ST RECEIPTS «'■>« wealed a body eorpon era most of ' the time when he was not GE0BGIA _ TIpT COUNTY i“"d” nn,l'pSelled‘lo'S™" taking advantage of the count. I m . ,7 f, as 0 corporation. TO SURRENDER CHARTER The petition Company shows: E That on the 0th day DR. DORN1NG RETURNS To Tift Wednesday to Continue Hog Cholera Control Work r. J. V. Doming, Assistant State Veterinarian arrived in Tifton Wed nesday morning. July 0, to continue hog hoiera work in Tift County, as started last week. Dr. Doming has his work so arranged that he can be in Tift county a few days each week until he gets hog cholera under control by the use of double treatment. Those wishing to secure tin* services a stnte man will notify the County Agent ns early as possible. A. M. Dickson Connl.v Agent Tifton, Goorgin. T. G. WHITE, ST. PETERSBURG. GEORGIA—TIFT COUNTY a^a “"‘i Sion** 1 l ° tra,,8act ,msi, “' ss Dempsey thought he had wou at the! whom it May Concern: « 2 That lately to wit: on the .’{1st day end of the first round but was called AU partle8 are warned not to trade for |j| *J a J> al1 of iu assets and back and the butchery coutiuued for two ? r »«*»(»(« the following cotton ware t ,', ?!,«“,all-in tt it- d.bta- that Willard waa dazed and bewilder- h0 “ s<! rCCe :’ ,t8 ’ “ b »™ <•*« >”< it hn» paid t” 'each and ^very stock ed and failed to respond to the gong for in the hands of the true h ” ,d ^ r L . J* 1 ’; r 1 ' ar . ' ala „ e _^f J. 1 * corporate the fourtii round. His right eye closed and hia right cheek swollen and .. I,C ™ |,ts !"“ ed % Aven « Wsrahou*. Sil ; (l r „,,“ , nit , i " bine with bruises. “Blond covered his No T an ?, N £ 47 ' »““ n 1918 . »" suffi body and his arms hung so helplessly over T, 1X1 rn "' coch for “« ba " .n .• " the ropes that it seemed that a child might , . 2 1()10 of the stock holders'of said corporation give him further abuse without rousing 8 s ' ‘ , „ beid on the 2u<l day of June 1919, due J. M. TURNER notice t«» which „ proper resolutio full liquidation : his interest.’’ SUMMER COMPLAINT RELIEVED QUICKLY that it has reserved to pay the taxes orporation by dance with said resolution, petitioner here surrenders its charter to the court by which it was granted and No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un- . healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a About two years ago when suffering rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. from n severe attack of summer com- GROVE’S TASTELESS chillTONICgiven refulariy prays that i.lninF I nb nm( ~ , for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im- as provided in a <e. paint I took Chamberlains Colic and pr? ve the digestion, aud act as a General Strength- the Code of Georgia Diarrhoea Remedy and it relieved me ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then FT’I wnnn t- tt v nenm almost instantly/' writes Mrs. Henry, Petition^ AUo^ys. Jewett, Clark Mills, N. Y. This is an ex- t0 uke - WcPerbottU. Georgijlt Tlft (’minty. client remedy for colic and diarrhoea and should he kept at hand by every fam ily. Adv. BERRIEN’S BONDS REDUCED Mr. T. G. White, of St Petersburg, Fla died Saturday in a sanitarium lnnta. His body was carried through Tifton Monday morning to St. Petersburg where he was buried Tuesday. Mr. White lmd been in bad health for me time and went to nn Atlanta sani tarium last week for special treatment. He failed to get relief, and death soon followed. Mr. White was 70 years old and for long time ran a market business in Tifton many years ago. Some time since he moved to St. Petersburg where lie w in business until failing health forced him to give up work. /■Mr. White is survived by his widow and four children; two sons and two daughter^. Mrs. White and one son. Mack also a daughter, Mrs. Stella Gar rett, live in St. Petersburg; another dau ghter, Mrs. Ava Wilson, lives in Atlanta, and S ion,' Robert, lives In Alabama, One son, Mr. IT. Tl. White, of Tifton. died June 3. Half Million (’ut to $.150,000, Corresiion- ding to Tax Values Valdosta. July (1.— Berrien county's good roads bonds recently authorized by the voters of the county, were validated before Judge W. E. Thomas, at Nash ville, on Saturday, after a strong fight! hud been made against the issue. i Although less than fifty votes against’ bonds were polled in the election, a few of the opponents decided to attack the validity of the issue in the courts, and Af.(employed the low firm of Quincey & Rice of Ocilln, to head the fight. Solicitor C. E. Hoy, also appeared in his official capacity. Judge W. D. Buie and other Nashville attorneys represented the other side. Among the grounds on which the fight was made it was alleged that the tax able value* of the county did not warrant ip of $500,000 in bonds. This ground was sustained by Judge Thomas, and ofte r arguments lasting throughout the day, bonds were validated in the of $350,000 instead of the half mil lion issue voted. Goodnight Will Drive Away Mosquitos DIRIGIBLE COMPLETES TRIP The British super-dirigible lt-34, tin first lighter-than-air machine to cross tho Atlantic ocean, anchored nt Boose velt flying field, at Miticolu, L. I., at 9:5 a. m., Sunday, after, an aerial voyag of 108 hours and twelve minutes, in which she covered 3,130 knots, or approximately 3,000 land miles. Stop Cholera in your herd Read the testimonials from farmers who have tried Gillen’s Hog Cholera Remedy in the big ad in today's paper. Odwlw Regular Tobacco Twine, 75 cents. Choute Grocery Company. 9-dwtf GREEN HEAD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Barns Mock and son, of Fitgerald, spent last week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mary Brown who has been visit ing her daughter in Tampa, Fla., return ed home Sunday afternoon. Miss Arlevia Raybnrn and Mr. Jim McMillan were queitly married at the home of the bride Sunday morning at nine o’clock. Only the family and a few close friends being present The cere mony was performed by Judge Stewart Mrs. McMillan is the attractive daughter of Mr. Daniel Raybarn of this section. She is a lady of culture and refinement possessing a charming disposition. We congratulate Mr. McMillan on winning her for his bride, and wish them a happy married life. Miss Minnie McMillan Is spending the week with Mrs. Dan Goff near Enigma. Mrs. Malissa Alexander is real sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Pinson of Ty Ty spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives coming for the McMillan—Raybarn wedding Mr. H. B. Porminy is curing a barn full of tobacco this week, and the otner tobacco growers are hustling to finish their barns so they can have the fun of gathering and curing their tobacco. BLUE EYES Surgeons agree that in cases of Cuts, \ Burns, Bruises and Wounds, the FIRST TREATMENT is most important. When EFFICIENT antiseptic is applied promptly, there is no danger of infection and tbe wound begins to heal at once. For use on man or beast, BOROZONE the IDEAL ANTISEPTIC and HEALING AGENT. Buy it now and he ready for an emergency. Sold by ngor Drug Company. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money, if PAZO OINTMENT fslIs fc 1 after »he first ammcation. Price 60;. estful SINGING COMMITTEE TO MEET The Executive Committee of the Tift County Singing Convention, Pickard, chairman; J. II. Hutchinson,I W. II. Willis, Jack Ford, A. .T. Ammons j and M. Tucker arc requested to meet atj Tux Collector’s office in the court house Saturday, July 12th, at 3 o’clock P M. for important busincs* relntive to the Con vention the 4th Sunday and Saturday be fore. I J. S. ROYAL, Secy. “FAKE” ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine* “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablet* ere sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin’ the true, genuine, American made and American owned Tableta arc marked with the safety “Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” and always buy them in the original Bayer package which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacideater of Salicyllcacid. TAKE CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic YoucanrcljonCardul. m * m Surely It will do (or you what It has done lor to many thousands of other women! It should help. “I was taken sick, teemed to be ... , M writes Mrs. Mary E.Vesle, ot Madison Heights, Va. ‘‘I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . lust staggered around. ... I read ol Cardtl, tod alter taking one bot tle, or before taking quilt til, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles tt that time, and was able to do my work. I take It la the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and 1 commenced eating. It It the best tonic I ever taw." TtyCardul. AO Dragging m Personally appeared before dersigned,* C. W. Fulwood wh<*. being first duly sworn on oath that' he is Secretary and Treasury of the Mutual Milling Company and the facts set forth in the foregoing are true. C. W. FULWOOD R. EVE, Judge Superior Court Tifton Circuit. At Chambers, Tifton, Georgia. June 21, 1919. Upon considering the foregoing peti tion of the Mutual Milling Company for dissolutions and surrender of its charter, it is ordered that the same be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and be published once a week for four weeks as required by law. I will pass on said application at the Court House in Tift County on Saturday, the 2nd dav of August, 1919, at which time any objections hereto may be filed and heard. R. EVE Judge Superior Court Tifton Circuit NOTICE OF LOST NOTES GEORGIA—TIFT COUNTY. To Whom It May Concern: All parties are hereby warned not to trade for certain promissory notes des cribed below, as same have been lost and are not now in the hands of the true owners thereof: One not given by John H. Willis, $57.70. due in October. 1919; one note given by Milton Scott $13.72, due June lst;i one note given by W. J. Clayton, $25.22, due September 15tb i one note given by J. M. Simmons and W. H. Simmoms $26.64, due October 1st; one note given by Jesse Roberts. $28.85, due October 1st; one note given by Artie and D. W. Willis, $20.25. due October 1st: one note given by J. P. Phillips and L. L. Pond. $17.91, due August 1st; All above notes payable to I. Y. Conger. Also, one note given by H. L. Cartwright for $27.00, due September 15; payable to J. G. Chitty. Also one note given by J. H. Collier for $30.75. due in July; one note given by B. H .Bates for $28.50 due in July: one note given by ....Tay lor. for $31.90, due in July. Last three notes payable to J. IT. Parrish. This, June 25 1919. 27-41 I. Y. CONGER. PETITION FOR DIVORCE GEORGIA.—Tift County. George B. Owen vs. Alma A. Owen. Petition for divorce. Tift Superior Court. December term, 1919. 'TO ALMA A. OWEN: | You are hereby required to be and ap pear either in person or by an attorney, at the December, 1919, term of the Su perior Court of Tift County. Georgia, to be held on the first Monday in December, 1919, to answer the petition of George B. Owen, wherein you are named party defendant, the same being a petition for divorce. Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of said eourt. this June 0, 1919. Henry D. Webb, Clerk. Superior Court, Tift County Rub-My-Tum u a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. ad. SPECIAL]! Just received a large"ship ment of up-to-date stylish Suits for YoungftMen. This week has brought to our store what many[cus- tomers have described as the most beautiful styled Young Men’s Suits seen anywhere. They are all new waists seam effect in all leading shades. Also neu) arrivals in 'Silk Shirts and Silk Ties. LEVY’S Department Store