The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 25, 1919, Image 5

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I SALE—120 acres, round timber- ■pdftial on 8t Andrews Bay, fifteen miles from Panama City. Good fishing, cool Golf breexes. Barrain for cub $10 per acre. John B. Whittington, Ailenton, Fla. Ilw5t WMUEB SEWING MACHINE—Beet ea Earth. Sold on easy payments, by p. IL Bankston, Tilton. deod-w-tf NOTICE—Reserve Loan Life Insurance Company, of Indianapolis, Ind., "The 2d | hour company,” wants a manager for Tilton District. Most Liberal contract rlsht man. Policy Features: Double lty for accidental death, total die ss or accident Pays in during disability. Prem- payments waived during disability, death—face-of tWtfcFltltfpJ'deduc- d for disability payments. Paid with- 24 boors. Address, W- J. Scheider, !>r of Agents, -Box 624, Valdosta, 18-w2t •ssmk QUICK BALE—One 1700 gallon water tank and pomp, at Phone 10.' 18d3twlt Shriner’s pin. Owner can : same by calling at Gazette office and l for this notice, 24tf YANTED—Girls with High School edu- for training in charted training issning diploma at 'graduation. tle-Griffin Private Hospital, Valdosta 24dw2w ; SALE—225 acres of land, 114 in ation.^ One 8-room dwelling and 3 t houses. Six miles from Tifton and \ mile from Eldorado. One-third cash [ balance in 3 yearly payments. H. O. i Carmichael, Tifton, Ga. 24-dGwlt WANTED—A-l experienced steno-book- keeper Permanent position. Address “Permanent” cane Gazette, Tifton, Ga. 23d4twlt \ SALE—S. O. White Leghorn Cock- early hatch. Mrs. B. L. Webb, ne 251W. 21-dlw-wlt SALE—7-room residence on cor- 1 of Central avenue and Third street. » $3,000. Tifton Realty Co. 23-dwtf OND HAND LUMBER AND i PUB SALE—Call for a bargain •’ at barns of Adams A Williams Muls Co. : 23-d3twlt I FOR SALE—I have 600 acres on — Mr. W. T. Freeman, of Sumter county is the guest of bis brother, Mr. O. 0. Freeman, of near Omega. Mr. G. W. Watson and Mr. Albert Baughn, of Cleburn county, Ala., art the guests of Mr. H. J. Williamson, near Tifton. Mrs J. G. Postell, of Atlanta, arrived Tuesday afternoon and is the guest of her son, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Postell. Mr. W. P. Stipe who went to Atlanta a week ago for special treatment, is re ported much improved and is expected home in a few days. Miss Leila Julian is atTiome from Wes leyan College, Macon, where she has been since the dosing of the regular term taking a summer course. Mrs. S. L. Simmons, of Columbus, Mrs. C. Holloman and son, Jack, and Mra. A L Stanford and three children, of Macon, are the guests of their mother, Mra. H. R. Smith. Mr. George Baker has a force of men at work remodeling the old Julian build- ing on Railroad street, which Mr. Baker will occupy when the repairs are com pleted. Mr. Ollie Howard, of San Franciabo : Calif., is stopping over a few days in Tif ton enroute to St Lonis. He is the guest while here of his nncle, Mr. M. A. How ard and cousin, Mrs. B. B. Grantham. Mrs Bruce Donaldson and children and Miss Sarah Watson, of Statesboro, ar rived Wednesday night and are the guests of Mra. Donaldson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren, on Tift avenue. Miss CalUe Swindle of Nashville was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Hall Monday and Tuesday returning from a visit to Perry, Fla. Master C. C. Hall Jr., accompanied Miss Swindle home for a visit Rev. S. S. Kemp, who died suddenly at Poulan Tuesday, was the father of Dr. A. Kemp, of Tifton. Dr. Kemp was in Moultrie where he had carried a patient for an operation when the news Came of his father’s stroke. Mrs. J. L. Yates and children, of Green ville, S. C., who have been visiting Mrs Yates' mother and sister, Mrs. W. O Smith and Mrs. George Baker, have re turned home. Mr. Yates came over to ac company them on the trip Mrs. Ethridge Gay, of Brookfield, was carried to a sanitarium in Moultrie Mon day, where she underwent a very serious operation Tuesday at 12 o’clock. Hei mother, Mrs. J. N. Horne, is with her and will be there tor several days. Mr. C. L. Parker went to Atlanta Sun day to meet Mrs Parker who has -been visiting in North Georgia for several weeks. Mrs. Parker was operated on at an Atlanta hospital Wednesday and ia reported getting along nicely today. COMING TO TIFTON The EVER-SHARP LEAD PENCIL Those who ale using them are enthusiastic about them and you will find these two, a Waterman FountainPe and an Ever-Sharp Lead Pencil a hard combination to beat. TRY IT Moor's Jewelry Store “The Gift Store” PHONE 250 f 8.: Will Make Title Guarantee Company of Georgia to Open Branch Office Here. Mr. J. W. Warren, Clerk of Worth Su perior Court, accompanied by Col. R. P Bentley, also of Sylvester, waa in Tifton Tuesday afternoon on business prepara tory to opening a br^tch office bera of the Title Guarantee Company of Geor- ,1*. j j Mr, Warren ia President of this com pany 1 ' and Mr. Bentley Attorney. They wily open a branch office in Tifton Aug- ustfl, with offices in the Golden building. Bentley will be in personal charge, i firm besides its title abstract work, does an extensive long loan business and bis made Sylvester headquarters for sev- e al years. Mr. Warren aays the excellent out- l{K>k at Tifton and the many facilities off- 1 here indu?ed them to open a branch '- their business at this point. He com mends Col. Bentley to the people of Tif- on and Tift county as a business man of i bility and thoroughly reliable. His firm 1 as unusual facilities-'which he placet at t le service of our j&ople. t to her daughl fat Mt Alry. N^ been ill for some time,, she, dicided to hats a physician examlne her before she wetft away. On Tuesday she consulted her fttofly phyakffita; and was advised that an immediate operation was impera tive, so 1 Mis was taken to the hospital Wednesday' morning. The operation performed later in the day and was of such a serious nature that she was on the operating table for two huors. She never regained consciousness after being removed from the operating room Mrs. Johnson was, before her marriage to Mr. Henry Johnson in November, 1884 Miss Mollis Walker, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Sim Walker, both of whom died in her early childhood. After the death of her parent* she fcade her home with her guardian, Mr. A. S. Crosby, and bis wife, who lived near Acree. For a number of years she was an ac tive member of the Acree Baptist church, having joined when she was just a girl. After her marriage she moved her church membership to the First Baptist church in Albany, and has isnee that time been Stings orXtes of insects that arc fol lowed b^ewellings, pain or itching should fed promptly as they are poisonous. BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT coun teracts the poison. It is both antisepetic and healing. Sold by Conger Drug. Co. Palm Beach arid Kool Kloth Suits in dark shades, ranging in price from $10 to $17j?0 arc. id " v Some new things in LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR ; We invite you to call and look them over Duncan & Stubbs TELEPHONE 102 ) n Thy hallmark stoA j] WAS DISCHARGED THURSDAY. Leeroy Herring arrived at Camp Gor don this week from Norfolk, Va., where he landed from overseas last week, expected to receive his discharge from service Thursday morning. This news was brought in a message to his wife Wednesday afternoon, left Wednesday night for Atlanta to meet him. While he was in service she worked in the Gazette office as manager of circula tion and book-keeper. Now that he has returned, she will go to house-keeping again and we lose a good hand. Colds Cause Grip sod Influenza of ita most consecrated and" faithful and j LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets removethe liberal members. She was a woman of the highest Christian virutes, and one whose beautiful influence will continue to live in the lives of those whom she has known. Truly the world is a brighter and better and a sunnier place for her having; passed this way. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her hus band, Mr. Henry W. Johnson; one bro ther, Mr. Eugene Walker, of Atlanta; one half-brother, Mr. E. D. Walker, of Tif ton ; and nine children: Mr. E. It. John son, Mrs. E. E. Lee, Mr. W. H. John son, Jr., Misses Bessie, Jewel and Lucile Johnson, of Albany, Mrs. E. W. Paddison, of Mt Airy, N. C., and Mrs. E. L. But ler, of Camilla. Washington, July 24—President Wilson knew of the Taft letters to Senators and to Chairman Hays a week ago, was said at the White House today. No other comment was forthcoming on the publication of the letters which were regarded in some’ Sheriff Slw accompanied by Deputies^garter, a. a possible basis for compromise on the Peace Treaty Oliver and Fletcher, raided a still on' and Lea 8 u e convenant. Copeland Daniels’ place southwest ol Tif-1 The President scheduled no appointment with Senators ton Friday. today. He wished to rest because he was weak from illness. It waa evident that news liad been re- t is - , . n . « . ..... ... ceived of the officers coming for the still j ^ that President Wilson will resume con- had been torn down and scattered when ference* later. It was indicated today that the breach between Taft and the Senate Republicans had been widened, though Tafts friends declare his program will be accepted by President Wilson. Taft’s enemies admitted that if this occurs Taft will become the big man of the Republican party and a strong bidder for the Presidential nomination in 1920. Secretary Lansing conferred with the President at the White House today, reporting the progress of Paris negotia tions since President Wilson returned. RAIDED STILL FRIDAY. they got there. Apparently it had been operated aa recently aa the day or night before but when the officers reached the scene all the importatnt parts had been carried away. The barrels ha,d been thrown into the waters of a' nearby branch and searching in this branch the officers found a trough and the copper orm used in the still. USE GAZETTE WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Highway, one mile from Tifton, w jj] gtop over for a few days, going from ; happy life. I foin, to «ai In small farms, nt s small farm, sm mt before 11 spld. J. A. Eason. 22-dSvl K NOTICE OF WARNING. ~ r -All parties, boys especially, hrt warned there to Tate Springs for a short stay after which they will leave for their sum- home in Mystic, Coun. The old Southern Lumber Company property is offered for sale by J. A. keep out of Depasture, especially that Kitchen, of Sylvester. This land is offered ■t «« TT* 1 m .S f.nm CIA COA an inn l.iS thin (ltVlOP irtlon WMn, Ykramcna .pond and srhouM BrajKb. Thin notj>» la mad. by many acta jot jfUacWsf and GOOD For tbs Small Fanner or portlet who want homos in Bnth Georgia, 14,000 Acres la Atkinson County on and near Railroad and Highway! near two good Towna Cheap and on EASY TERMS, ^TSer cent Writ* or aoo Folwood k Ford, Bftoa, Ga. lOoad-wtf I BAIJS—Good 0 X 7 market refrige. In good condition. Coll Howell’a 22-dwlw BALB—No. S Tin Cans 60c ado» a’a Gloss Quart Jars, $1.00 a W. B. Farmer. 17-dwtl PADGETT-BAKER Mr. William M. Baker, near Vancevllle and Miss Violet Padgett, of near Daw Ronville, Dawson county, were united in marriage July 18tb, Ordinary Tucker of Dawson county performing the ceremony. They returned to Tifton Monday morn- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tift, Mr. Willing-[inf and went to Mr. Baker’s farm where •ham Tift and Miss Cecelia Lawrence left tbc 7 wiI1 make their home. Their friends Wednesday night for Atlanta, where they join the Gazette in wishes for long and SUMMER COMPLAINT IN CHILD REN There is not anything like so many deaths from this disease now as before Chamberlian’s Cblic and Diarrhoea Remedy came into such general use. When remedy is given with castor oil ss directed and proper care is taken aa to diet, it Is safe to say that fully ninety- nine out of every hundred cases recover. Mr. W. G. Campbell of Butler, Tens., says, “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for summer com plaint in children. It is far ahead of anything I have ever used for this .pur pose." Adv. mt from $10 to $20 an acre less than other land as well located as this. 2dtwtf Mr. M. F. Myers and wife left Wed nesday night for Greenville, Ohio, for a summer; vacation visit to their old home. They will also visit Dayton, Columbus, Hamilton and Chicago while away. Mr. Myers says he will travel over some of the Ohio paved roads and will take notes. We have a few tracts and some desir able building lots left on the Heights. If interested, see J. A. Eason, W. S. Cobb or C. R. Choate. 22-d5wlt If you need a good mule, call at the Adams & Williams Mule Co.’s barns Main Street and look over the two. .car loads of extra good mules just unloaded by them. d2twlt Mr. S. N. Adams has sold his home on North Ridge avenue to Mr. G. H. Crane the purchase price being $5,000. Mr Crane will move his family from Denver to Tifton about the first of September. Mr. Adams intends to build on the ad joining lot, which he purchased some time since from Mr. W. H. Spooner. Worms interfere with the growth o! children. They become thin, pole and sickly. Get rid of these parasites if you would have healthy, happy cheerful children. WHITE’S CREAM 1 VERMIFUGE destroys worms and bene fits the whole system. Sold by Conger Drug Go. 858 acres of land at Solumro, Tift cqpnty, for sale, either in a body or in tracts to suit purchaser. J. A. Kitch Sylvester. 25dwft Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Smith who were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith returned to thei r home in Monltrie Wednesday. They were ac companied by Mill Sgrah Ban*, of Col umbia, Tenn., for a short visit Mia Burns will return to Tifton and make a visit of some length to her dator, Mrs. iiy other CUD and Frr*r Too* * on tbo marint, bat ao oat MnflMiii ffifll $9 tkfago fa tb* mA- SCARBORO-TOWNS Mr. and Mrs. Jason Senrboro announ< ■ the engagement of their daughter Effie to Mr. George P. Towns, of Preston, Cuba. lhe date of the wedding Will be an nounced later. $1.25 Ice Tea Glasses for 80c a set at Bohnnan’s 5-10-25 Cent Store. 23-d2wl HOGS TOP THE MARKET Hogs as well as the feed you give them were never as high before. Bee that your hogs get all the food value out of this high priced grain. They will do it if you make B. A. THOMAS' HOG POWDER a part of their dally diet. Tones up their entire system, aiding dicta tion and assimilation. We eel] it Rick- erson Grocery Co. Adv. Adams A Williams Mule Co., Inc., buy their mules from the stock raisers in the West and are able to save their customers money on live stock bought from them. d2twlt AVERAGE PRICE 20 CENTS Ashburn, July 22.—-With the sale of 85,805 pounds of bright tobacco grown in Turner and surrounding counties at an average price of twtenty cents, the payment of $10,384 in cash to growers the opening day of the Ashburn tobacec market proved a success and tbe perman ence of the new agricultural and commer cial industry in this section is now as sured. The new warehouse erected by tbe Ashburn Tobacco Warehouse Coro pany was crowded with growers from §f- teen counties at the opening of the sale. Buyers representing twenty of the lead ing tobacco houses of the country were hand and tbe general level of prices proved most satisfactory to the growers REYNOLDS-SHIVER. From the Worth County Local. Miss Pearl Reynolds and Mr. I. M. Shiver surprised their many friends when on Tuesday afternoon they were quietly married at tbe home of tbe bride. Rev. Mr. Lawson officiating. Im mediately after the marriage the couple left on a bridal tour in Florida and will be at home to their friends after next week. Mr. Shiver is cashier of tbe First National Bank. 8HANN0N-WADE From the Adel News: * A very unique bat pretty little romance took place at the home of Mr. I> J. Castleberry on Tuesday afternoon when Elder A. V. Simms joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Aytch G. Wade of Tifton, and Miss Bessie Shan non of Leaox. Mr. Wade is a leading young busim man of Tift county, and enjoys the ea- tcem and confidence of all who know him. Mize Shannon possesses many of the wd- manly graces and accomplishments that keeps the world alive and moving on. The young people have many friends In this section who wish for them many yean of happiness and prosperity. I hart aevtral email, w|D located hosts, placed with me for sale. Anyone Mrlag.n nice, email home wll do wOl to buy now. Keith Oaroon, Tifton, Ga. TRY ITi SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL FENNER’S TOBACCO Starts Your Liver Without Making Too Sick and Cannot Salivate. Every druggist in town—your druggist and everybody’s druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and i>eople know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results.’' said a prominent local druggist Dodson’* Liver Tone ia personally giNtranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costa but a few cents, and if If falls to give easy relief in every case of liner slug gishness and constipation you have only to aak for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant- fasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm less to both children and adulta. Take a poonfut at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness sick headache, add stomach or constipated bowlea. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvlence all ;ha next day Uka violent calomel. Take, a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will, feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel tine, full of vigor and ambition. i bkomo ounriJflHHffiflffiMMII^H fa« and docs sot caaae Denrousaeaa nor ffiigla head. Btaiember lb« fall nawe aad t for tot signature of B. w. OftOVft. Kc 1 E Try Tifton With Your Next Load of TOBACCO Highest Market Prices Guaranteed At All Times Sales Every Tuesday and Thursday YOURS TO SERVE FENNER & SMITH BIG TOBACCO WAREHOUSE