The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 29, 1919, Image 1

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T1FT0N, TIFT HH ADYi Student* Fsltor. <tt Cjrlladrr to Work DoubUees Suwd Newberry's Life. Ikroo StOli FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919. r from, Three rtilU .iron raided by offlcero lp School out county Xaeaday, the etilU destroyed waa bo toon aud three arreeta made, one white mao.bouse, for them in the dormitories. Applies- tod two negroes. The white J tines continue to come in and many moreKelley Watson, .is in bad with Unde must be refused before the school opens Sam's officers. Both he and his motLei for the fall term next Monday. | drew funs on the rerenue man and Wat- More boys than fids are applying for son failed to report at the point of de- admission this year, a reversal of eon-' parture after being released on honor, ditions during the war when, qnite natnr- \ The revenue officers were Deputies ally, this’female applicants were in the Pierce, Newberry and Hardeman, and majority. Boom could be provided at they accompanied Sheriff Shaw to the' Warehouse Most Close Here on’Aeeoaat of Cotton Taxing Compress Facilities Sixty Cents Top Price. The last day waa one of the best days Of the season for the Tifton tobacco water, II . It was estimated \hat the day's salat would approxlate 65,000 pounds, bht this was only limited by the Canty. WB1 to Got If Tifton is to tobacco market, the ty must produce If the farmers the business men of7h> rt . lvelntere ‘ t ' in . warehouse to handle. At twenty t i for many more boarding stn- home of Watson on Mrs. W. R. King's dents il the state would fill ite obligati- 1 place about 7 miles southwest of Tifton on to them by building cottages for the Tuesday morning. The officers told Wat- jfe lenity. At'present, the members of son they wanted to search the house and the faculty with their families are obli- be defiantly told them to go ahead; that t gedp with eoa exception, to live in the dor- they wouldn't find anything, HU moth- mitoriee, thus occupying rooms needed or however threw a 45 Oolt’s on the offi- for pupils. The state has never provid- cers and warned them off. Officer Pierce k' . ed any buildings fir the Second DUtrict caught the pUtoI, and then Kelley Wat & r School, those uaed being built hy the peo-’wn threw hU pistol on Officer dewberry ‘ pie of Tifton or with mon^Aaved from and would doubtless have shot him v # the annual appropriations for mainten- had not the cylinder failed to work. A \2 : ance. ' yf I i search of the bouse led to the discovery The teacher* are already coming in. | of between eight and nine gallons of Mias Hunt, Mi*rl'li,dley and Prof. Owen | whiskey. arrived Th^idday and are preparing to Watson told the officers where the still | was located, in a dense swamp near ny ! With difficulty they followed the trail through the swamp until they found it. I The still was of 200-gallon capacity and BETTER THAN24CTS SUS • V1M | seven empty barrels. Watson was released by the officers and put on his honor to meet them at the .train for Albany that night He failed Average is Tobacco Sale for Sown at Tifton Show Good Return., Tuesday's Sale Broutbt , ... to do 10. Wataon has only been out of Tobacco sales for the season at Tlf- . . . . . , . . feti •MMffi/ kaM - o. .. . the army about six weeks and before his ton average better than 24 cents a pound. „ . * . . . . .■ ' is n * nt. * i lit w enlistment was in trouble in oue ut two This includes all of the tobacco sold here, ^^wyfoodjjyid and indifferent. cusee. ‘TT , . . ,. _ ; The same day the officers raided two KA* At some points, in making announce- , . , . Wfr . aLv sa. i stills near Chula. A lard can stUl opera- K meat of/the average price, the very low . _ „ . .L. ... ......... m.. ■»«! *»• « »■> ° Mr « “• Fletcher v wagons and trucks were waiting to un load and half a dozen truckloads, the driv ers realising that they could not get in had left for other markets. ; With bettei equipment, baskets for the* tobacco - aW larger and heavier piles, all that came here and more could have been* handled As it is, at least 150,000 pounds must gc from Tift county to other markets ant with what would have come from other territory this market will mtss 400,00 pounds. The total sales here this season wil run well over a million pounds v and the ° n revenue to between a quarter and a hall teaIly - million dollars, Thursday there was tobacco, on the floor at Tifton from Jennings, Fla., south bl ithe Alabama line on the west. The highest price paid up to noon wda OC cents. Monk & Smith sold a lot at 51 cents, fo r which there was spirited bid ding, the lot of (»00 pounds'fyQfigtog $308 at least *“* lm ^‘* machinery. Tbit afternoon th. telephone «the best tobacco growing section he ha* VOLUME XXXL—NUMBER 22. COMPLETING PLANS 'AN ELECTION CALLED $250 AN ACRE PAID FOR LAND CLEARING MONDAY SEPT. 15TH FOR A HFT CO. FARM and encourage the bunco. .Train, Which Start, on Ita Tour at Cor- dele Sept. 1, WiU be at Tilton. Sept. I 10-lt i What to expect of the machinery spec* ,tol on ite land clearing demonstration trip nrodne. tnhsett ' thr0 “ ,t ‘ South a ' or * 1 "' 8t P‘- 1-Oct 11. prosDC, to.f |W ta mtde known Friday morning at a Tr , mMtin * ot thc eo-operating forces from Unttrh 1 tbe eitea * lon diTi,ion ot the State Col- to plant t°\ lrg e „f Agriculture, aix tractor compen- ■ ( 'iee, three stump pulling companies and to succeed in n» iPow der concern in th. Chamber'of Com- ' gnuxt have P»»0-, mBra , auditorium, stye the Telegraph, to instruct them in Price for Wert Farm 1 To Elect a Successor (o Ordinary C. W. -*• A - OB’ 11 * 1 Grave,. Clerk Webb Ieauei Order Phtce, ” ' In Compliance With Law. Clerk Henry D. Webb of the Superior an acre for a Tift <*mnty farm! Court ha, burned an order calling an X tev *6" * la «' wh « w * told of th« electliiu fur Monday, September 15, to *»>« of the Bolton ptaco for *175 an acre, elect a eueceasor for Ordinary C. w/"' e though that waa about the limit, but (Iravex. / here come, a sale that goes it *75 an acre The following in the official order: / .better. ELECTION FOB ORDINARY./ I A deal was closed the put week by GEORGIA—Tift County. It huviug been made to appear to If . the farmer, / growing of Seal tobacco i preparing Med cnltivatinft^^ypAmjd^ffrading, and mnxt lowillI d>} . 8 w ,„ ^ t ^, lca , o( wh||t wll ]!ed this life, and that there now exid aettlnw dlnlantn' A '* muclll nery wilt be placed at Cor- MHI*ff 0^. plant,, d B | ( i. Event, there the two fol- fluellfled Ordinary of sold County, dep not plant mop|.Jhan^^J know they are . take plure in seventeen other South Geor- j vueaney In the Office of Ordinary of go ng to have the labor to properly care in townB i’ w0 day, will be allotted for! t ' <lunt l r - N °w therefore, in pursuance *' ■ ." I the task in each town. The first will be 8cctlou w!2 «* the Civil Code of 1910, ^*"** e * !0 vrho to uu i oa ding and aetting up the Heavy D. Webb, the duly elected end LS visited tilt, immediate uvtfnn T * * _ , which Mr. J. A. Gibb, bought from Bov. oj, 1 Marion Willis the West place, two miles that on the 22ud duy of August, II 19,1 northwest of Tifton, on the upper Ty Ty Hon. C. W. Graves, the duly elected indI road > thc P ric e paid being *7,500. . The farm contains thirty acres and if well improved, with two good settlement, on it. The price paid averaged *250 an acre. r. Gibbs intends to use the property a poultry farm. He has for sever- company will notify farmers of the coin: , muuity and remind them of the demon- who has visited Ideal place for » |S tratiou to tukc place the followiug day. pictures iu the demoustra- < or at some place iu the com munity will close the program for the first MOBf.j, . • * I Moving The above arq the main facta brought tiQU t>a) out at the meeting at the Hoard of Trade | mun office Wednesday night for the diacunlon duy of the tobacco industry iu this section ’ „ strIctly Educational, end the making of ^iftou Georgia's big gest tobacco market Urges Business fen to Action. Mr. W. E. Few r, manager x>f the The bidding was lively for j grades, while few and occasionally nc bids at all were offered for very poor to* balio. It is hoped none of the pool grade will come to this market next sea son. It is only the good tobacco, properly cured, that pays. day to hear both Auctioneers Wlkoff and Fenner iu action. Fenner is second to none as a crier of the weed, and put* ginger and humor into his work. H* If qualified Clerk of the Superior Court of| aI N? eor8 made a specialty of high brec’ said county, and acting Ordinary under chiett^ms, and bought the farta that he said Section, do hereby order an election 1 might my^m-nrer Tifton as a shipping to fill the udexpired term of Hon. 0. W. Graves, deceased Ordinary of said Coun*' ^ ur us knowdi iflls is the highest ty, to be held on Monday, September 15,iP ric « l*‘ r a<re for Tift county farm liUD, under the rules and regulations pre* * and - scribed hy law. This, August 27, 1019. —: o——— Henry D. Webb, At the signal of factory whistles i u the'- 7 dw3t Clerk Superior Court Tift Co. demonstration town the busiuess 0 f laud clearing will begin on the site selected and will consist of stump pulling, ditch warehouse here, wat t ic first speaker. He. blasting and general work by the tractors. told of how well Plea ed he waa with the No ^ will * negotiated during way the people of Tifon had treated him demon , tration| whi ch will be on a strictly and of the natural advantages Tifton educatlonal basin. Motion pictures will had to offer as a tobacco market. \ u - hown ftgaiD jn the | veniDg . He said that l^Tttton is to be a big wfl8 p, anned j n tbe beginning to have tobacco^ market.-^ TUt ctmnty must Pro* j wo demonstration days, But an unloading THOMAS MITCHELL GREENE. CLERK ACTING ORDINARY'. Mr. Thomas Mitchell Greene died at Ids home in Gainesville, Florida, Thura- day night; August 21, at 10 o'clock, in the taw Provides that He Shall Call Election ’ "3rd year of bis age. to Fill Vacancy. Mr. Greene was born in Macon county Under the law, the Clerk of Superior September 10, 1846, a son of James Law-.- Court is ex-officio Clerk of the Court of rence Greene and Murtha Randolph Han- Tifton sellers had an opportunity Thors- duc ' tob “'' co “ 4 ur » W ““, and setting up day was suggested to waknnp to th. opportunity befor. them gubB , itu „, for thc ,- t . aaun tUnt thif and encourage farmers to grow tobacco kind job rould bb madc of Ordinary, and in event of the death of non Greene. In 1862 at the age of six- the Ordinary shall serve as Actiug Ordi- teen he enlisted in thc army of the Con nary, iu a clerical capacity only, until federacy, in Wheeler’s Cavalry, and serv- iiiled. lie shall also cull cd with distinction through three years of election to fill the vacancy, which elec- the war. We should have an icreage of from 3,000 vnlu „ rtnc , tlonall , to fanucra tllau thc to 5,000 acres to Tift, hat no farmer actual cle „ iBf ot laad bl)tl , day8> fjving all-round warehouseman aa well as to- *l> ould I‘ ,ant n)0re tobacco than he knowa tbcm amp | 0 O p, )or tunity for observation grades are not counted. However, at Tif- , . . , . .. - . ... . . .... place, was destroyed and the negro ar- ton all sales are counted, no matter if the * cgte ^ ; . >•.• tobacco only brings 1 cent a pound. | rcs * _ . ~ mmm M Tuesday's sale totaled 79,840 pounds 1 "J** 1 11 „„ bringing *14,370,41, or an average of 18 * ,tlll ““ dc , rr , om a f d ™. m °" \.7. . Gary Dukes place. When he saw the of- V **‘* l *yJ* coming Harrell’, «bbed the aUU ^ P *G^Li!Lr Tinsley, of Calhenn. *; 0 ™ * nd ba ‘ ‘he -offers caught county, .old . hi, lot of tobacco for bet- him ' ,tiU ''• a, i ** tr0 " d ' ter than CO centa a pound. Mr. Tinsley is an experienced tobacco man and knows how to cure and grade tobacco. The advantage <of knowing how is shown in the< price received. bacco man, and farther acquaintance with him shows how lacky Tifton was to get him. Mauager Fenner had arranged with buyers to keep the Tifton and Ashbnrn When ho mw the of- lnor * tctM °1 H ‘ U through next week, but the congestion of cotton at the compress here forced them to dose the Tifton market with Thursday’s sales. The market at Ashbnrn will Iks open until Sept. 5. SAM BACK FROM MARKET. And the Goods Are Piling Up at Harry’* " Place. Com© and See. Sam Kulbersh has Just returned from the markets, where he bought a tremeu- dous stock of goods for Harry Kulbcrsh’s . AAIV Department Store. These goods are oom- POSSESSION SOON inx in nnw aud tho housp is jupt ptek(,j THREE RESIDENCES The home occupied by Mr. Walters on and jammed with goods. Goods every where—under the counters, in every < Oeatml avenue. Plice has .torxf, for ... 0n th . „ hl , lv ,. B nnd over tb . storc hree exit: eervanta houxe. I. to thotou^ and mor . (0O(I . wminf , ha tl me. reptir. High cits, bath arrangement! rp (Hj TOany Roods nad ^iiey have got to and electric fixtures, mantels, etc. A beautifully-arranged place. —'Mrs' Rhode* home on Ridge avemxe, now occupied hy Charlie Mathis. Yon will have to go over this place to apptt- c(ate &S Possession at once. House on Heights, formerly occupied by W. P. Stipe. This property U a good dose in farm 100 1-2 acres at $60 Good house and barn. Good 28tt FOR 8ALB—Buick Six, Buick Four, and |H: one National second-hand cars for gale or trade. We trade for second hand cars Adams & Williams Mule Co. 26-d3wit go. While goods are dOvaneing we can save you from 50 to 100 per cent. Come early before the best values arc picked out. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your rooneyi* worth or your money back. HARRY KULBERSH Main Street, Tifton, Georgia. COMMUNITY SING Was Feature of Box Supper. $10 Reali zed for Victory Day Fund. The community singing led by Dr. Bn- ker was the most delightful feature of the box supper on the courthouse lalvn Tues day evening. Old-time songs were led by he to gain, to bo tbl, to properl, can for. | . nd (or 0<klnf quntiun| Mr. Fenner made many valuable surges-, Tb( , latchatl . ing wlll b . out represen . tiou tor the* of the tobacco «row- ltat i vcs of all Gcorgia dai , y newspapers, era, giving those prrtent th. benefit 0f |Wh(> wlll gaMts ot tbu Ooorgja ^ nd . bin many yean expM^nc. to the ba «- |0wncr ,. Association and the State College nesa. Thc talk vn along pracUe.l linrt „ f Agricult>n , bacausc of their co-opera- ud the suggestlona wit<bj Mr. Fenner HoB in matter, of this kind, the represen- will be taken up brfoe Bortd of ^* d *., tativerTTmivsc two institutions aanoun- It 4s Mr. Fenner-a opinion that Tifton ^ pill have a steam caring plant in two j Henpy T MaddoXi publicity man for the years time, if thc business men of Tifton | , ttcnaioo . 1Ta , , )ut ln cbarge of go shout the mutter in the right wnj, fte |ia , Knfe - traln w E Broacbj of nnd he thinks we should be able to mnr- ^ Htatc w1u .uperyise all field ket several million pounds of tobacco dcmoMtrttloB1 j Phil Campbel i has here each year. . (general direction of th« entire project. Mr. J. I>. Cook told of his experience! Demonitratlon Sites and Dates to growing tobacco and Count, Agent ( I)rtaM „ p | (| p( th . it i ncran , were Dickson promised his efforts for the t°-. d i, t rl bu ted, giving fche sites selected for bacco industry. I the demonstrations, the local chairmen Interesting talks also were made oJ, nt ^ befog made known to him, to order an. Mr. Greene came to this section from one who knows how to sing them. Miss, interesting uu« ^ "' .of thc event, with the places and dates Josie Golden played the cottage organ w. 0. Mcllwaine, buyer for the Export, a i ready announced. They ar e as follows; At the close of the singing Dr. Baker Tobacco Ce„ who thought good grades ( c<)rdele( j ^ Hunt’s farm, September said; “Thc show is over, and the mon* would bring as much next year as they ( ^ j Turner, chairman, key is dead,” by way of finality. [lire bringing this year; Dr. C. W.^)orden Judge Price acted as auctioneer for th* fi*® 1 *- | Moultrie, Powell’s Dairy form, Sept- ___ ember 6, R. A. Stratford, chairman, LOUIS BBNMSONIN | sputa, T< Bgll’a farm, September #, H. C. Weir, chairman. Tifton, Coastal Plain Experiment Sta- supper boxes, which brought $40. SOY BEANS ARB PROLIFIC. Mr. Kyler I.. Oliver brought the Gazette •arc bringing this year: Dr. C.W. Durden „ M, 'Metajlf’s farm, Sept- jir. I. W. Myera and Mayor H. tt H.r-1 bcp 4 p JJ, a.,,.,, ch , irm .n. DENNISON IN “SPEEDY MEADE.' ( Once again I*ouia Bennison shows him wmm „ t „ IIM riUICM ovm . Wednesday afternoon a sample of aoy' lf tt true son of the West. Th\n time it'VDi^rchafo. Padrickl beans from a few rows on his farnu The | n “gpeedy Meade,” newest in his 8C '| maIk , . , Treasurer, Mrs. T. E. Jolley, seed were sample, from the V. B. OOV-1 rl( . B of Betawood productions that j'„, ld> c . L . p reKott , a (arm , s.p. ernment aud only a few row, were plant-, sailling cowboy star evndes his hveewy, tenbv .„ j T p| ttmai , chairman ed between the .-ora rows. ,,. barm and Infectious humor, that have Dou l j E . Chappell's farm, Sept- Mr. Oliver planted two established him ot tb. most P»P a ' a ’|, mbtr la w E ctalrmau . excellent dinner waa spread. ember, 18, L. C. Walker, chairman. Blackshear, A. CL Sncdoker’s farm, So|*tember, 20, T. B. Wiley, chairman. Mr. E. E. Clarke, who live* about five Keith Canon. aouthwet o( Ty Ty, gave a home-J„ iloI i , os - bean and another kind. 'screen awn of the day. In ‘Speedy! w „ ., „... . . . coming dinner Thuradny, to honor of bb Biloxi produced « itnlk four frit high Meade." which comes to the Strand Then- j ' .. eon, returned from aervlee ovenetx. AJ and waB „ m gr „ w iog. The other variety I tr0 , Sutard ny. number of noighbon and xervice men dlda . t do we ll nt all. | were invited to join In the celebration Mr 01iTer thinks tho aoy bean would a Teiaa ran ger famed for bis recklessness. A E Knigbt .. farm gepte mb e r make a good forage crop. It aura pro. and ability to fintsh any job ho .tarts y p ’ sbB]d ^jimmn duces the stalk, all right,-a. the sampl. Hf |, „,s lg ned the task of rounding up a'' Btobe ,, farnii ' Srptentbor, 25 Shows. | band of cattle thieves on the ^'r | I[oy cbalrmllI1 , • ~ i Ridding goodbye lo his sweetheart, Mary, W batley (arm, September-27 A TWlfi? Till FI TAI F lliH, '" m ' a ,tad, '" t ia " Coa,,try TT'i'V. Whatley, chairman. I fllvL—lULI/ laaJL£l whool, 'Meade »eta out op bis mana-aize tnak. While trailing the outfit Speedy is aho^ked to learn that the brains of the One of interest to Our tieade);s. Good news bears repeating, and when it is confirmed after a .long lapae of time Vidalia, W. O. Donovan's farm, Sept ember 30, T. Y. Williford, chairman. Olaxton, W. H. Bruton’s farm. October . T, B. Brandon, chairman. Savannah, Bcthesda Orphanage, October 4, Gratz Dent, chairman. Statesboro, Mrs, Foss’ farm, October 7. J. G. Liddell, chairman. Stillmore, J. L. Carmichael’s farm, Oc- robber hand ia Henry Hillman, father of his sweetheart. A still greater shook .hesitated to Imliev’e it at firstMende when be comes across hearing, feel secure in icccpting its [Mary in u lonely road near the scene o truth nonT The following experience of the crooks' operation, in the dead of night, a Tifton woman is confirmed after four'Her father has turned her out of the years: ” 1Ut8 b,r ald 1 '“1 1the ^ ; .ober 0. B. C. Roman, chairman. Mrs. A. Conger, E. Main St, says - ties lie knows must come with the cattle DnMin October 11, J. B. Tyre/cbalr- "For two or three years I suffered with a thieves. dull-ache io the small of my back which' How this .Up of a girt helps her lion- bothered me mostly at night whett I went hearted sweetheart in bringing to boy one to bed. At times, when I stooped, did any desperate plunderer after another bring. Vxirn work or sat down to one place very., serle, of thrill, and a .mashing climax, long, this annoyance would change to el n . Sharp, piercing pain that shot across mV noon . a. mother found , lUtln| brn-k. When I got down I could hardly! Mia* plara Belle Henderson, of Brook get up. I had dixxy spell, and head-.Udd, and Mr. Edwin I. Morris, of Vidolla, K./ • s ' Bffiwair* wf th* ”$Rek StrarigKfT 'Hrho» b«autifully •ngravad ^*rtiflwtt* and » ojniilnclnfl Un* of talk. Ht flatters you and tells you^iis yaiir friend and wants to 1st you In on "a go id thing." Beware'of him/' ,.V 1 • OV And, before you Invest Cyms In on i consult us. Per- wscdk ,save yob from drblg Msk. i* *banic A#- i-lies, too. I used different medU-ines U'er* married at the home of the brlde'a at didn't get any relief until I heard of mother, Mrs. Mattie Henderson. Monda, Doan's Kidney Pill, and took some. The evening at 0 o'clock. The ceremony wis first box bellied me so much, I got more performed by Rev. J. A. Cox, and witness- Three boxes cured me nnd the cure has ed by the family ot the bride and a few in- remained permanent. I have great confi dence to Doon'e Kidney Pilla." Mrs, Conger gave the above ‘statement on May 14, 1W5 and on March 13, 1918 she added: -itoM', Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trouble some time ago and I nevog misa a chance to recommend them ' PUT YOUR MONEY. IM The National 3ai ^ 4 psreant Interest paid on i Lenox Cor., Adel News: Lyman, eight een year old son of Judge end Mrs. B. D Lott took a quantity of Faris green with suicidal intent, last Saturday after-j shall he hold within twenty days af- Following is the law covering the mat ter: Section 4782 Civil Code 1910. ancy. how filled. When a vacancy i in -the office of Ofdinafry in aoy of the counties of this Stajte, it ahall he the duty of the clerk of Superior Court of said county, on the fact of said vacancy In January, 1S6S he married Miss Mit- tie McLendon, who preceded him to the grave six years ago. To this union, five children were born. One Joseph who was killed while a cHld; another, James, died ini early manhood, and two survive, Thomas L. Grecue nnd Mrs. Pearl Jones, both of Gainesville, Fla. He is also survived by five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. ♦lection to take place' within twenty days from the date of said order, and notice thereof shall be given by publication in the public gnzette in which the Ordinary of said county publishes his citations, and until the vacancy is filled the said Clerk of the Superior Court shall perform all the duties which the Ordinary could per form as clerk, and no more. W. C. T. U. OFFICERS Elected at Meeting at t Church Wednesday Night At a called meeting of the W. C. T. U. held at the Methodist church Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, the following of ficers for the new year, beginning Septem ber 1st, wer& elected: President, Mrs. A. H. Moon. Vice-President, Mrs. Briggs Carson. Recording Secretary. Mrs. Geo. Baker Corresponding Secretary, Miss Florence Press Superintendent, Mrs. L. C. Wade. TO THE COTTON GROWERS. Our gins have been thoroughly over hauled and placed in first-class condition and we are now ready to gin your cotton. We have competent, capable men to do your ginning and will give you the very best service. Do not bring WET cotton to the gins, as we can not gin it AH Ginning Cash. Bring your cotton to Tifton to be gin- Tifton Mm Schley county nearly thirty-iiye years ago. He was for a time in the cross-tie business and' later in the saw mill business, befog with H. H. Tift for twenty years. He was later with the Gress Manufacturing Company, and theu In business with his son at Gainesville. Mr. Greene was one of the pioneer citi zens of Tifton, and one of the first to build a home here when it developed into n town. He is well-remembered and greatly loved by all our older citizens. He was one of the charter members of , the Tifton Methodist church and a pillar thereof, serving on the Board of Stewards for many years. He was deeply attached to his church and its work, and a regular attendant on its institutions, especially at Sunday school to which work he was de voted. Mr. Greene was a man of deep piety, quiet, unassuming in character, but. a deep student; one who loved and was loved by his fellow-man for many ad mirable traits of character that went to make one of nature’s noblemen. New* of his death will be received throughout this section with profound sorrow. v A 24-inch tube split is no big job for us. Tift-Overland Co. 20-d5wlt 4T r.. 19-d5-w2t. Farmers Ginning Company TIFTON COTTON MARKET. Fully Good Middling, 29 1-2. Same date last year, 33 3-4. Receipts yesterday, 105 bales. « Receipts for >enson: Warehouses, 345 • Gta Company.»Compress. 240. Total 585. timate friends. Th. bride was attired in a lovely blue georgette dress with hat and shoes to matol). She is one of the most popular youqg women of that section and best wishes of n host of friends go with her to her new home. The'grooa has only in;France that he was going to kill himself and after search the boy was found in almost a dy- j Ing condition. Drs. C. S. Branyon'of this city and Dr. Etheridge, of Sparks, were] immediately called and after hard work pulled him through. No reason la given by the young nag for the attempt at self- I destruction aud his family are uiiabic tc account fer It. /' * ’ Everyone suffering from these ailment* recently returned from should give Doan’a a trial.” * . ■ a°d hi. engaged, in business !, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co. ’where he Is one of Announcements cost $10. Vo advance in price, although everything hu gone up When the Gazette was weekly only, we charged $0, and now give servioe In both daily and weekly for $10 despite the h.c.l. Manufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y. of that city. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mofril I Tuesdijr for their fottt. • -———IVA RAG8 WANTED-.fc«u , pa ili Herbert L. Moor, Grndnito Optometr ”1 Seven run of continuou, practice y* 'u’w Tif°u xiri oyer 1,000 wee of. Eje rtmin Mtlsibctoril/- reilered. I,n’t this recommendation cnonib for our work? If you need Giersee eee me »or dxj to reeittceptFriduPw-^— ‘ Iry Store, Mata