The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 19, 1919, Image 4

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THE UPTON GAZETTE, TIFTOl NEW MULE FIRM Robert* and Tinsley, from CortersviUe, G»., have come to Tifton, and have opened up a tale* stable on the comer of Railroad and Fifth street*, in what is known as the Chesley Williams bam*. They have a fresh car of g«od Farm mules and will sell for cash or on time until fall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Come and see us. ROBERTS & TINSLEY HENDERSON GIVES SIAM BOND Indicted for Kiillaf Floyd Guest la Auto Accident Sunday. Ashburu, Sept. 12.—Herrin Hender son, whs was driving the car that killed Floyd Guest, of Tifton, six miles below Ashburn Sunday night, was Indicted by the Grand Jury of Tomer county Thurs day afternoon on the charge of Involun tary mdneleughter. The bond wee fixed at (1,0001 returnable to the March term of Tomer Superior Court Bond wee promptly made and Mr. Henderaon la now at liberty MRS. MARTHA PETERS DEAD. Mrs Martha Petera died at the home of her father, Mr. Dan Luther McDaniel, on Route 4, Tuesday night at 11 o'clock. The body was interred at Liberty church cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Ship Your Old Top Frames To SOUTHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. FITZGERALD, GEORGIA Manufacturers of High Grade AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND SEAT COVERS High Grade Painting for All Makes of Cars SOUTHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. 327 West Pine Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia “Gets-lt” Peels Your Corns Bight Off Two Drop* Will Dolt Without Fust or Trouble. Haver Falla. There's only on* way to get rid of a corn, and that ta to peel It off at you would a banana akin. There la only one corn remover in all tba world that doea it that way. and that TWa Na Cm “Get**r WaHsfCet* is “Gets-It.”, It la because of thia fact that "Otitis-It” ia today the big gest »oller among CO] this planet. It meal the end* of hUrd corns. aoft corns, very old corns, young •UUdling.” For corns, very old corns, corns between the toes and rallusi-s, It means r “ finish. __ quick, certain •Geta-It” is applied In 2 or 3 seconds. All you need ia 2 or 3 drops. As easy to do as signing your name. It docs away forever tape, plasters, bandages. Ty Ty Correspondence. “Speak only good o course} but It is much more to jiose to speak only good of the . Mrs. Culpepper is visiting Her ghtcr in Quitman. Slowly but surely Ty Ty*s tion is increasing: tb# Crenshaws; a new baby. When we include who, having the say-so as to they are going to Uvt^ are attracted the advantages .'offered by Ty Ty, the increase is sure but not slow. Reverend Mr. Heath, the subetij preacher at the Methodist chi preached his first sermon—and fT 'one—to a large congregation last Sun* day. The bridge on the causeway In the c ip tern part of Ty Ty continues to get nearer the water, but maybe Pro vldence will favor us and keep vehicles off it when it makes its final descent. The entire causeway la in a wretched condition. ‘ Miss Mangum, a daughter of Mr. ft. H. Mangum, of Route 3, was macyied to Mr. Loyoe Watson, on Sunday • Shipping pears to Atlanta proved a dismal failure, but Mtetfrs, W. F. Sikes and H. G. Malcom sold ont another car load in Ty Ty to bet% advantage. Mr. Culpepper went to Sumner list week to visit his daughter, Mrs. E. H Edwards, became inland la etUl de tained there. People ought not to tltr chances like that-leaving Ty Ty. while they are in America. What lg Atlanta going to do about this? Mr. C. G. Dell was in Ty Ty last week visiting friends. This is is being put on the ground and cons truction will begin soon; but the lot is «aat of Mr Cpttle’s home, near bis 4 ~~' and not west by his garage, last week. His is on the railroad, where it Is much more con venient. The time txrtsle continue, to (row in frightfolnese, but keep your eye on the railroad, and d 0 as they do. It is the only safe way, ISoMtera ge work for Ty Ty school is belng-ijttahed to completion, snd, when it ia finished, the school will have as a system as it is possible to September has the requisite R. but this does not seem the right kind of wea ther for oysters. People are ordering them, though, right along, for there are few articlea of food more popular. It ia usually in the spring that we hear of cases of poisoning from poison dak or ivy, but Mr. Aaron Parka has the worst case of that kind ever con* The King and Queen of Belgium, if\ . . . _ - - . seems, do not intend to visit the South *nd when he appcaredt'on tbe streets kittle riveri thence in.northerly direction of Ty Ty his fact. .was». swollen;beyond ^ recognition and i hands : and wrists tmmt were not much** better.' Some of his y r friends accused him of having discov- 10 a vronco & Go,. Chicago, Ill. Hies Dr. Lindsey, *Sayss Dell’s old stamping ground. Willie J. Willis hat left Ty Ty, de finitely. He has accepted a position in Sylvester. Good luck to him. If Ty Ty could have a jitney line to Tifton or if the railroad schedule were more conveniently arranged, things would be ho much more convenient for those so unfortunate as to be witlion automobiles. was a woman, the wearer of u in form, who invented thut extra touch o a collar that prevents the button from hnfing the back of the neck, but he gets no credit from those who were ■biofly benefited by the improvement. Presidential candidates are being selcc- cred and appropriated smokyjoe treas ures in the swamp, but closer inspection proved that it was a genuine case of poisoning. People who had known him since he first cone to this section failed to ferognize him. Everybody had a rem edy to offer and the doctor, also had a look at him. Something must have proved efficacious or maybe Nature came lo the rescue, any way Mr. Parka considerably better. Wben you answer an inquiry fore the Board and requested that an elec- . . tion be called to establish a new boundary POuImCu* known as the Ty Ty consolidated school district.. The boundary will conform to the pro- |H»sed boundary advertised July 1. Ob-. jection was filed, as required by law which prevented the establishment of the above boundary in July. The question now will be settled by the vote of the dis tricts affected. t An election is called for Monday, Octo ber Cth, to be held at the three school houses in the three districts affected. Ty Ty, Excelsior, and Nipper. The trus tees of the respective schools shall bold the election as other elections are held and make returns to the County Board of Education. The boundary is as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 207, running east to the intersec tion of land line of lot .No. 345, thence south to northwest corner of lot No. 840, thence test to Ty Ty creek, thence nortil FINE JEWELRY Gasoline and Oil traded. Lookln, alter bis tannin, in- -along 1 arid Intersection of-north lereata be had gone through a swamp iandfine’of nlot No. 345, thence out to Osteopathy ia not a remedy, it i* not a part of medicine or surgery, It is not a treatment for some par ticular class or group of diseases. It is a complete system of Thera peutics applicable alike to all cur able diseases. It is equally as good for fevers, pneumonia, la- grippe, bronchitis, tonsilitis and other acute diseases as it is for rheumatism, nervous prostration, constipation, headaches and other chronic affections. The Osteopathic colleges require 4 years of study consisting of 9 months each, and are the only leg ally recognized drugless practi tioners in the satte. Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 4 P< m. Office Over C. L Parker's Phone Office 340 LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents—Try It! Squeeze the juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ounces orchard white, shake well, and you have quarter piut of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifler, very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and. any JrUR store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant fotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and sec how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the Hkin becomes. Yes It Is harmless and never irritates. adv of day, be sure to give your 9-5w4t ariety of time. This saves you from notlier question. As a money crop, cotton must either nend its ways o r step down uud out. Hie abdication of kings is the order of the day. It is a poor plan to let cows graze in groundpea field. In tbeir eagerness to get the groundpeas they gather up lot of dirt feed for milk cows, any Mistakes will happen. When the printer said last week that the Ty Ty school opened with ten pupils he meant hundred and ten. The attendance is •leasing and another teacher is need- up raid river to intersection of said river with the north land lines of lot No'. 103, thence west to Worth connty line, thence follow connty line in southerly direction to southwest corner of lot No. 207 to the starting point. The above includes all of lots Nos. 254, 253, 208, 207, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304. 290, 297, 298, 299, 254, 255, 256, 257, 250, 251„ 253, 208, 209, 210. 200, 207, and 161 : also that part of lot No. 345 lying west of Ty Ty creek, and that part of lots Nos. 305, 295, 258, 249, 211, 205, 164, and 163 lying west of Little river. 8. A. Martin, President of Board NEW STRAND TIFTON, GA. The City That Does Things Open4p t nu Central Time TARZAN OF THE APES Starring Elmo Lincoln, who played The Blacksmith in “The Kaizer, The Beast of Berlin" From the book of that title written by Edgar Rice Bur roughs. Read what the New York papers have to suy about the picture: New York Ilerafd: Broadway was treated to a lenuine novelty last night when “Tarzan of the Apes” was shown Never wan a play so loaded with plot The book lends itself with jierfect gusto to the (Urns. k New York Sun: It is more interesting than the book. Ifc is thrilling and real istle. New York Evening Post: It* is the weirdest and most interesting ever shown Brooklyn Eagle. It Is a real thriller . an amazing photoplay. New York Globe: 'TTaran of the Apes” is a real $300,000 picture. AUl the wild beasts of the jungle romped over the screen in the most magnificent of films Its strange tale and remarkable atmos phere will appeal to all people. And many others say mora A. J. Ammons, Secretary NOTICE OP APPOINTMENTS Dr. J. L. Mathis, Expert refractionist will be at the following places as follows: Omega, September 23rd. Ty Ty, September 24th. Sumner, September 25th. Willacoochee, Septmber 20th. „ , . Have your eyes tested and fitted with Groundpcas are not food slasses tbaC wtll please—work cuaraotecd W.L WILLIAMS Pays For This Space m a It Pickatt, President. J. M. Varner, Manager, DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goode Notions, Shoes, Hats ’ Ready-to-Wear Clothing Farm ImplemMts And Other Things. Pictorial Review Patterns ' cd. Joseph Harris, the elder soh of Mr. J. H. Harris, left here Thursday night >r the Georgia University. He has mplot.vl the course at the agricultural school. As an evidence of the value of th, ■ottan crop, some farmers who have guthered and sold their cotton say they did not make enough to pay for the fertilizers used. A seemingly small improvement makes a vast amount of difference in appear ance. Witness the tiled walk, concrete steps, etc., of the W. E. Williams house. Mr. W. K. Williams, reported to have lieen killed in an automobile accident in still very much alive. He was in an uccident of thut kind, but was not very seriously hurt. . This reported death, we are told, is a "sign” that the subject will live to be very old. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Pickett took their elder daughter, Kathleen, over to Cuthbert .Monday, elitering her as a pupil at An drew College. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Watte, and their children, of Waycross, made a short stop Thursday, on their way to Americus where they visited Mr. Watts’ parents They stopped again Sunday. on their re turn to Waycross, Those who ought to know say that prices are falling. "Not so as you would notice it,” in this part of the world. Inis beep some weeks since eleven cents was announced as the price of sugar, but sugar continues to sell at 12 1-2 cents. Ty Ty was out of sugar last week, and the hopeful cues thought that the new* lot would be cheaper. Rut it wasn’ 1919 will probably go down in the his tory of this country aq the poorest) crop year ever known and yet more than enough food has been made for the coun try's inhabitants. *>Great ia South Geor gia. Mr. and Mrs. Keane did find a house, after all, but it was one already occu pied, and the present occupants are the searchers now. It is like the oold game of ‘‘Puss in the corner:” somebody it bound to bo left out—the corners will not go ’rouud. The house in question is the one usually known its “the old Pickett place,” now the property of Mrs. O. E The greatest opportunity that doubtless will ever have offered you to buy pure bred hogs, cattle and Shetland ponies at your own price will be Thurs day, September 25, 1919 at Joe J. Battle's Stock farm at Moultrie, Ga. f for they will be sold for the high dollar. 17dwlt THE BANK OF TY TY THE .MOST STUPENDOUS, AMAZING FILM PRODUCTION IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY 4 and S:30, After then, at 7, 8:30 IS and 25 cents -The Elephant raid on find You Do More Work, * You are more ambitious and you get m enjoyment out of everything when > blood ia In good condition. Impurities the blood have a very depressing effect ... the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness nnd sickness. OROVE’S TASTELESS Cbill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching tfe Blood. When you feel its strengthening. Invigorating effect, sea how it brings color to the cheeks snd how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate Its true tonic value. OROVE’S TASTELESS v ChUl TONIC 1* not • patent medicine, it Is simply SON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like It The blood needs Quinine to Purify It and IRON to Enrich 1^ These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out import tfea In the blood. The Strength-Cresting Power of GROVE’S TASTELESS ChlOTONlC ha* made it the favorite tonic in thousand* of homes. Here than thirty-five yean ago, folks t GROVE'S For Weak Women in use for over 40 yean! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardtd has done them. This Is the best proof of the value of Cardiff. It proves that Cardiff is s good medidnt for women. . There ire no harmful or habit-forming drugs in Cardiff. It Is composed only of mild, medicinal Ingredients, with no bad after-effects. TAKE CARDIN Hie Woman's Tonic You can rely on CarduL Surely it will do for you what It has done 'lot so many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was takes rick, teemed to be • * . •** writes Mrs. Mary E-Vexte, of Madison Heights, Vs. “1 got down so week, could hardly walk .. . lust staggered around. ... 1 read o! CarduL and after taking one hot* tie, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles at lhat time, and was able to do my work. I take tt la the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever taw.” Tty Cardtd. AS Druggists H.G. MALCOM TTTT* GEORGIA Mm taken now for i !lbuy and aell hogn. TY TY DRUG GO. E. W. (Mivsr, Proprietor, A compute Use of patent modi clnoe. Drugs nnd Sundries. School Supplies. Prescriptions A Specialty SAFETY FIRST TY TV, GEORGIA UNDIVIDED PRO VITA - INTEREST PAID EDO and SAVINGS 4 aw FRIEND whan yau MONlCT w* will ba TOURS you bars NONE. WOODWARD’S OARAGE Tr Ty, • • • • Georfia Repairs promptly attended ta. Repairs on Ford can a rptriaMf. On* and Grease for Sale. JONES & COMPANY Dealers In High Class Ganaral Merchandise After you read this advertiaemaod, > to this store and do you shopping. PRICES RIGHT A. PARKS, Groceries. Dry Goods Ete~ Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia. D. VARNER AND COMPANY Dealer* In GrecarUe Dry Coeds, Caudiaa, C gars, Tobacco and Everything Else la th* way af CoaonJ Men's Furnishing* • Specialty. DR. F. B. PICKETT, Physician aid Surgeon. T.’ Ty. Ga. FOR TASTE AND HKALTE 8m J. D. Mam shout putting to a good a hath waO. Terra Cotta, naaiil tarn top to bottom, keeping out awla** r. , Addreaa 1. D. Maund) Ty Ty, G*. CARL S. PITTMAN Physician and Surgeon TV Ty, Ga. W. B. PARKS Gone to Florida, hot payfag for this space just the same. B. J. COTTLE TY TY, GEORGIA neffiSitfe