The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 19, 1919, Image 5

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GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA-, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. TAKENOHCE BAGS, SCRAP IRON We »»»p»jrta* the U*h*» «*» AalallUadeef undid Ska Blda Hatkat U V«j 8Me* nrie* Xaar Bldaa U Cx. A. WKIKBLATT HIDK * TALLOW UO COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED—W« are in the market lor Hena, Friers, Hooa- 'iteia, Gnineaa, Ducks, Turkeys, Geeae or Hffa. Fruita and refetablea, butter and I pure cream. Can also use at ew home- I canned goods. Hotel Hyon. Tilton, Ga. FARMS FOR SADR—We hare a number ot choice larma ol various slice tor aale in the Chattahoochee Valley in the vicin ity ol Dothan, Southeast Alabama. Hun dreds ot car loads ot hors and cattle skip ped every season, immense crops ol prac- PPPfap *•** WowWi, *e tkally every thine grown in the South. I took Lydia E. Pink- Compound for an or ganic trouble which pulled me down un til I could Dot put my foot to the floor and could scarcely do my work, and as I live on s small farm and raise six hundred chickens every year it made it very hard for me. “I saw the Com pound advertised in our paper, and tried m It It has restored my health to I can do all my work and ;— . ... ,, . . I am so grateful that J am recommend- STRAYED—One black and white lieted fog It to my frienda.”— Mrs. D. II. mat u pig weighing between 35 uud 50 ALTBM, R. R. 4, Oregon, 111. pounds. Finder will please return to E. Onlywomenwhohsve suffered the tor- A Watson, at Tiftou Cotton Mills, Shipp tnreaofsuch troubles nnd have dragged etreet, Houue No. 31, end receive rew.M flgftJSS 1 —-J-, Lydia E. Ptokbsm’* Vegetable end, brought to Mrs. Alters. ien everywhere in Mrs. Alters’ kvi your old Aon repaired. Tilton El- ootric Skat Hospital, wfll «x them ri^ht t fair juices. " S-ld*l*w September 9, one red sow, lbs. Marked split in months old. Answers O. Royal, Motor lSdwlt SURVEYING—Done promptly and cor- vectly by experienced surveyor at reaeca- Able charges. Address Milton D. Jones. . Tilton, Ga, Route 6. JXWbeedOt BUY SINGER MACHINES—They are! • the best *4 cash J1 per week. B. H. Bankston, Tilton. 9-0-deodwtt Sun Packing Plants close by, also Grata Elevator, Mixed Teed Mllle, Peaamt Cmsbing Plants, Syrup Re lurry, Canning .etc, with permanent cash markets practically everything raised and laced. Those interested, write, Smith A Morgan, Dothan, Alabama. 81w9t or 11 mum mat .1 Tilton 50 acre, in r«oS- cultlvution, 90 acres under fence, 4-room mmidation, and if there are any corn- house, 2 good wells. Big public road runs pifoatlons write Lydia E. Pinkhsm's through the land. Rural route every day Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for sdvics. by the door. Price |30 per acre. O. H. Jba result offteir 40 years experience McCook, Route 1, Enlgme, Ga. 10d2tw2t ■ at your service. ' „ r WOlTGE W TAX I will be in my office after the 16th for the collection of State, County and School Taxes. The first round will be made some time in October 12d3twlt T. S. Rlgdea, T. C., T C. ALE—‘Forty I several cowl tie and eeverkl cows that will soon be milkers. W. F. Sikes, Ty Ty. 2(M0w4t , MONUMENTS—I can fnrniah the very '/teat J. J. F. Goodman, Brookfield, wtf STRAYED—From my place about one week ago, one black sow marked crop and half crop in one ear; crop, nplit and an- derbit in other. Liberal reward fo r in tuition. P. H. Watson, Route 0, ton. 15d3twlt FISHING NOTICE. the 24, 25, 20 or September I will i water off of my pond, which Is i as the Giddens pond, about two i of Sparks. The rates will • $1.00 per day, or three days for $2.50. Chase Mosquitos Away to Stay With (zoocfni&fit The^eVO-VvM Co,. Montgomery, Ala. LAND FOR SALE—200 acres of lend 10 FOR SALK—1 Miss Ida ~ HS fi I Bennett’s Hardware, Inc. itdn male 3 years eld. Joe Battle's 8tock farm at Moultrie, 13-d3wlt Ga., is the place and Thursday, Septem 1 ■ ber 25,1919, is the date where the South' ,TJItS FLORIDA TIMES-UNION greatest dispersal 6ale of pure bred Duroc want* a rt<nHlli UmliBg npn- Jersey hogs, Angus cattle and Shetland sentattro for subscription and adrtr* ponies will be sold to the highest bidder. departments In this ceantr and This Is your opportunity to buy pure bred adjoining territory. Ail or part time and registered cittle and hogs it vour require*. salary or commission. Ulre own price. Make your plans now wi at full particulars as to territory yon can tend this most unusual sale where • cover, experience and references. 9 thing sells and nothing reserved. Address The Florida Tlmes-Unlon, ■■■■■■■ Jacksonville, Fla. \ NOTICE OF SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold for cash before the court- hose door in said county on the first Tues day in October next, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: 108 acres of lot of land No. 251. boun ded ns follows: On the South by the lands of A. Z. Payne; on the West by lands of the Alf Nipper estate; on th North by an original land line; on th East by an original land line. Said property sold as the property of Maey A. M. Payne, deceased, under an order granted by the Ordinary of Tift County. W. C. Payne, Administrator, Estate of Macy A. M. Payne. Mr. Wiley Branch, Hr., was a busi ness visitor to Tifton Saturday. Mr. G. G. Medford, of Fender, spent Friday in Tifton. Mr. B. J. Pitts, of Route 5, was at tending to business in Tifton Friday. Miss Mattilu Phillips left Friday for Forsythe for the fall term at Bessie Tift College. Mr. W. J. Bailey of Route 2, Tiftou was among the business visitors to Tif ton Saturday. Miss Eva Saxon, of Wedowee. Ala., if the guest of Mrs. George Sutton on Cen tral avenue. Miss Vivian Sumner, of Chula, is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Sullivan. Mr. Jack Ford returned Wednesday from Jacksonville, where be spent foui weeks in a hospital under treatment of a specialist. Private Barney Wetherington enmr home from Camp Gordon Wednesday hav ing received bis discharge from service. Mr. Wetherington was in the 37th In fantry, Company M. Mr. W. O. Kennedy styi those little Want Ads sure do make things hnmp. He had some calves to sell and advertised them. He says he could sell 15 or 2C more if he had them. Mr. A. 0. Meek, of Lafayette, Ind., ia in the city stopping at the Carter house. Mr. Meek for the past fifteen years has been coming to Tifton, both for his an nual recreation and to look after his ing interests in Turner countjufij always makes his winter homeriM Paul Gibbs took out a, ty*rra$t, Wed nesday charging Mr, Sullivan, a farmei on one of Mr. Warren Gibbs’ /arms with assault and battery. Sullivan wtt arrested and made $250 boud. It is un- DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS HARNESS AND LEATHER GOODS OF ALL KINDS t A COMPLETE LINE OF QUALITY BRAND ALUMINUM WARE A FULL LINE OF COMMUNITY SILVER COFFINS AND CASKETS Bennett's Hardware, Inc Tifton, Ga. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October, 1019, nt public outcry, before the court house in said county, within the legal "hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described j property, to-wit. On e refrigerator, one cook stove, one ; operating table, one dining table, one oil I ‘ stove, one steriliser, two dressers, two iron bedsteads, one washstand, four chairs, two mattresses, two sets of springs, one blanket, one stool, one ins trument stand. Said property levied on | as the property of Tift County Hospital under a fi fa issued from the City Court !nf Tifton in favor of Estes Surgical Sup- C £" " nd , “K“i nst Tift County Ilospi- NOTICE OF APPLICATION tab Pari of Property in possession Tif , r _ llil# _ °* I'i- * Peterson, part in possession ol I Dr. Ghas. 8. Smith, the remainded on the {second floor of Tift building on date of ! levy. This the tlth day of September, 1919. ! .1. M. Shaw, .Sheriff I Tift County, Georgia On* lot of the latest sheet jnusic. Spe cial price. 10c at Bohrman's, 5 and 10- Cent Stop. 4; 18d2twlt rs, who spent thirteen 'at NOfin, France, with the Ord- section iif the A. B. F., received discharge few days ago and spending some time with h|s sisters, Vrs. W. I. Harvey and Mrs. Davk Corrin. Get 50c per dozen for your eggs at Lang's store, Omega. Highest prices for a>.U..VM .MU M.KMU V-wv, U»UM. .. — uu CVflKBL , derstood that the two had a dispute abou | Mr j Thompson, on Sim Belflow- a. uiule, ‘-.suiting in Sullivan knocking, , R p)<ce „„ Iim]t( . brought some Gibbs down. I 8Wect potatoes to the Tifton market Sat- To be sold. One lot household furui- urdoy. In the lot he hud some big ones, ture will be sold nt auction, before the J the largest weighing 0 pounds, another court bouse in Tifton on Saturday, Sep- j fi 1-2 pounds and others about that much. teniber^O, at four p. m. 18d2twlt, Mr. Thompson says he thinks he is cn- ■ titled to the big potato premium, RECEIVER'S SALE. | „ isparsal sa)e ml Shetland ponio; Honorable It. Eve, Judge of the Super- "'ill take place ior Court, 1 will sell to the highest bid-] farm at Moultr ler for cash on estate, to-wit: I tom her 25. lfl If 40 feet by 100 feet off the west side: _ tH . I»f lot number 5 in block J1 1-2 " lUI ° 1,1 w. B. BENNET Lawyer Office over Darnell’s Tifton, Ga. FIVEPERCENTMONEY On Improved . Farm Land and City Property for S, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 Tears. Loans Libera] and Made Promptly B. C. WILLIFORD, Attorney Office In McLeod Building Telephone 407 Tifton, Georgia Earn $5 a Day or More. Man or Woman. Call on tliese i n your own locality. No samples or supplies, no money reqnired. Address P. O. Box 527, Jacksonville, Fla J. N. BROWN I SELL FARM LANDS sad CITY PROPER!"* I MAKE FARM AND CITY LOANS HOUSES FOR RENT See before laying m Finn, Recti* » House, or Placing a Loss. Office No. 12 New Hyatt Notice is hereby given in conformity with section 3055 of the Code of Geor gia, 1911, that the undersigned will, as Guardian for W. J. Taylor, make appli cation before the Honorable It. Eve, Judge Superior Court, Tift County, Georgia. : Tifton Georgia, on the 27th day of Sei tember, 1910. for an order to sell the following described renlty, property of ids said ward, to-wit: Three acres, more or less ,of lot of land No. 525 in the 0th land district of Tift County, Georgia, bounded os follows: On the North by ori ginal lot line and land, of H. F. Brown, on the East by Drean 'Branch, on the South by the lands of J. W. Taylor, be ing part 0$ the snme block No. 8: on the West by Che^nutt street and original line, said tract of land being enclosed by wire fence. This application Is made for the reason that said property is deteriorating very fast in value, ntfd the income from name is insufficient to keep up expense at tendant to same. This, the 30th day of August, 1919. <J. V. Taylor, Guardian for W. J. Taylo Ridgdill and Mitchell, Guardian'll Attorneys. Fall! Winter Sale Now On MAX NATHAN’S DEPT. STORE Our $60.00 Chiffon Broad Cloth Suits now going at $37-50 Our $50.00 Wool Serges and Poplins now going at $30.50 One Special Lot of Suits to go during this sale at $19.50 All of our Silk, Satin and Georgette Dresses going at Half Price All of our wool, Serge and Tricotine Dresses of the Latest Styles will go at Half Price. All Styles of fall and winter Coats at Cut Price. City of Tifton, Georgia, said lot fronting your plu south 40 fed on First street aud ex- j national sale, tending back even width a distance of 100 feet from the north line of First street, said block number 11 1-2 being platted and recorded on page 480, deed (took number 3, Tift County, sold as the] .1. Battle’s Stock Ga.. on Thursday. Sep when* registered hogs and ‘'•Id for the high dollar * now to attend this 17dwlt Get a sack of that good home-made flour, made from wheat grown around Omega, price $1.05, Lang A Co. 4-dwtf SHERIFF’S SALE. property of the Frank Scarboro Com pany. Also nt the same time uud place, the 1 f-ieniiri 1 Tin r n .,nK. following described personal property I ^ORGIA—Hft Co “ n t>.. will be sold also as the property of the Fruuk Scarboro Company SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October, 1919, at public outcry, before the court house in said county.• Within the legal hours of ssle.' to the ’highest bidder for cash, the following described operty, to-wit. . One red male calf, about riljhtceh months old. Saia property levied on 90 the property of C. L. Arnold under a fi fa issued from the City Court of Tif ton in favoi* of I. C. Touchstone and against C. L. Arnold and George Sut ton. Defendant in possession o n date of levy. This the 27th day of August. 1910. J. M. Shaw. Sheriff Tift County, Georgia am now in the market for Hens, Fry ers, Broilers, and Eggs. I can pay more than any merchant in Tifton. See me be- or'e you sell your produce. C. L. Parker To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take mpany. Six flat top office desks. 14 small sectional book cases. 1 large table. 1 paper cutter. 18 chairs. 7 desk sets, ink stands, etc. 2 settees. 4 cabinet files. 2 dictaphones. II brass cuspidors. 1 check protector. 2 large square cabinet files. 1 large book caBe. 9 1 Royal Typewriter. 1 ndding machine. 2 tall office stools. 0 waste buskets. 4 electric desk lumps. 1 large iron safe. 2 small files. 5 letter trays. 2 hat racks. Also at the same time and place: Will lie sold on the first Tuesday in October, 1919. at public outcry, before the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described! property, to-wit. ] Two bales of lint uplaud cotton, nura hers as follows. 3107 and 3399. Said cotton now in the Farmers Cotton Ware-| house, J. U. Mason, manager of said) warehouse. Property levied on as the: property of W. E. Gibbs under a fi fa issued from the City Court of Tifton, in j favor of Phillips Mercantile Co. and j against W. E. Gibbs. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s attorue*. *r. 2 Co. De fendant notified in writing as required by law. This the 3rd day of September. 1919 •I. M. Shaw, Sheriff Tift County, Georgia ANNOUNCEMENT WE HAVE MOVED OUR MEAT MARKET ACROSS THE STREET TO 316 MAIN IN THE OLD CLYDE BUILDIG, WHERE WE WILL BE BETTER PREPARED TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS. COARSEY’S MARKET PHpNE 297 SHOES One lot of Ladies Shoes $3.60 to $5.00 Value - Special $1.98 LADIES’ WAISTS We have a beautiful line ofSilk and Georg ette Waists in the newest Shades and Styles to go from $2.98 to $5.98 SPECIAL One big lot of Talcum Powder. The regular 35c powder. Now 15o ll_ll L Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days [ Druggists refund money If PAZO OINTMENT faib I illB „ ur uie Mime lime UUU iimii-; tocore Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. r»n« |,.,j A p_| t InstaDtJy relieves itching Piles, and you can gt-t. One two ton I idcral motor truck testfultfeeDafter the first application. Price60c. chassis. > Also ot. the same time and place the j following described property to-wit: 300 share of the capital stock of the | Frank Scarboro Company, of the par value of $100.00 each. 214 shares of Coinfort Bennor Tie' Company stock of the pur value of $100.-' 00 each. | Six shares of clock in the Mutual Mill-; ng Company of tlic par value of $50.00 euch. i Also at the same time aud place thr following described property, to-wit: One note P. W. Roberson dated Jan j 25, 1911, $25.00 ne note, I‘ W. Roberson dated March 910, $300.00. | lie note P. A. Allen dated August 0 1909, $200.00. { i! J. C. Tanner dated July 30 ! August 12, 1909, $220.00. I 1907, $250.00. i te W. II. McCartney dated : C. \V. Dowell dated Nov. 18 1910, $10.00 each, $200.00. j On,, note R. i:. Ward duted December 7, 1915, $10.00. | One note \V. P. Moore and Z. T [ trown, Nov. 10, 1917, $100.00. One note \V. II. Graham dnted July] 20, 1910, $1,750. | One note W. H. Graham dated Jan-! uary 5, 1917, $212.00. | One note M. S. Shaw, dated December 21, 1010, $01.00. to which is attached, deed to secure debt. One note David Comfort, $3,300.00 to' which is attached as security 100 sharer' Comfort Rennor Tie Company stock. | One note .1. C. Rousseau dated June 1. 1918, $750.00. One note X. T. Brown dated January IS. 1919, $257.00. ' Four notes, $25 each, duted June 28 1917, signed Joseph A. Bogan, sold as! the property of Frank Scarboro. | Said sale will begin promptly at 11; o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, the 7th day; of October, 1919, and will continue un til all of said property is disposed of The terms of the sale will be for cash and all sales will be subject to condrm-1 ntion of the t>>urt. j This September 8th, 1019. I5\v3tdlt. B. Y. Wallace, Receiver.; CITATION. GEORGIA—Tift County. W. S. Cobb and G, 1). Browning Southern I,umbe r Company, Petition to Quiet Title. Tift Superior Court, comber Term, 1919. Td the Defendant Southern Lumber Company:. You are hereby cited to be and appear at the Superior Court of Tift County, Georgia, to be held in the court house of •aid county in the City of Tifton at ten o'clock A. *M. on the first Monday in December, 1910, to answer the complaint of the plaintiffs in the shore named ac- “ in which you are named party rde- lant. In default whereof the Court ■hall proceed a> to Justice shall upper* Witness the Honorable R. Kre, Judge SfSad Court. The purified end refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c. WIRE FENCE Genuine “AMERICAN” 10 BARS 28-in High, 6-in. Stay $10.50 per 20 Rod Roll 11 BARS 34-in. High, 6-in. Stay 12.00 per 20 Rod Roll 12 BARS 40-in. High, 6-in. Stay 13.50 per 20 Rod Roll 14 BARS 53-in. High, 6-in. Stay 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll 10 BARS 47-in. High, 6-in. Stay 12.50 per 20 Rod RoU 21 BARS 58-in. High, 6-in. Stay 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll 13 BARS 46-in High, 6-12-in. Stay Combination 13.50 per 20 Rod Roll 10 BARS 28-in. High, 12-in. Stay $ 9.50 per 20 Rod Roll 11 BARS 34-in. High, 12-in. Stay 10.00 per 20 Rod RoU 12 BARS 40-in. High, 12-in. Stay 10.75 per 20 Rod RoU 13 BARS 46-in. High, 12-in. Stay 11.50 per 20 Rod RoU Above price* include staple* tufficient to put up, ere F. O. B. Valdotta end all orders have prompt attention. *