The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 19, 1919, Image 7

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Iw path. Your o taught you tIL it mori util* for Catarrh be- cauae it goca direct to iU source. Get a bottle today, begin the only logical treatment that ghrea real result*. For free medical advice write Medical Director, 47 Swift - Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, Day at Fenner’s Warehouse at Rocky Mount. N. CL, had a record-breaking opening on Tuesday, September 2, when 3T7.33S pounds of tobacco were sold. Ur. W. E. Fenner, who managed the tobacco ware houses St Tilton and Asbburn the put season, is manager of this warehouse. Prices in North Carolina are about the same u they were here. Fine grades ore high, but the low grades are a drug on the market with little demand. OUTHEASTERN FAIR AND Circuit Races ATLANTA, OEOROIA |12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,1919 MOBILE RACES OCT. 20-21 $75,000 IN PREMIUMS $75,000 EDUCATIONAL The Sovth’a Greatest Agricultural and Live stock Exposition. A Graphic sDemonstratlon Designed to Educate and Instruct the Visitor as to the Resources and Possibilities of the Southeastern States through Exhibits of Farm Products by Counties and Individuals, with the Greatest Pure Bred Cattle and Swine Show Ever Assembled in the Southeastern States, Supplemented by a Comprehensive Exhibit, the Resulting Efforts of the United States Department of Agriculture and the State College of Agriculture, from Farm Demonstration Efforts in Connection with Boya’ and Girls’ Clubs and a Govern ment Exhibit Featuring the, War, Navy and Agricultural Departments, with all the Other Features of a Great Fair. , entertainment THE ONLY FAIR IN THE SOJUTHwhMj Provides its Patrons with the Grand Cirodt Races—Fifteen Big Free Acts In Front of the Grand 8tmjid—Running Races by Kentucky Thoroughbreds Auto Itaces by Uie Premier Dirt Track Drivers of the World. Magnifi cent Victory Fireworks. Three Bands of Mu sic. Johnny Jones Exposition Shows — the Greatest Carnival Organization in the World, with Wild West and Trained Wild Animals Shows and Museums of Curiosities and Lat est Sensations of the Amusement World— With Lakewood’s Aggregation of Gloom De stroyers, including the Most Spacious and Beautiful Dancing Pavilion in Dixie—The Areo Swing—Four Abreast Carrousel—Roll er Coaster—Old Mill, Bug House, Frolic, Fer ris Wheel, Whip, Walking Charlie and Rifle Range and Ostrich Farm- MILLION DOLLAR LIVESTOCK PARADE FRIDAY, OCT. 18 GENERAL ADMISSION 50 cents; children over 5 and under 12 years 25 cents; school children, on School Day. Tuesday, October 14th, 10 cents, with Special School Ticket furnished to Teachers on Application. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS WRITE FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST H. G. HASTINGS, President. R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary- Week of Oc- Counttei Co- . and B. L. I Fitzgerald Agri- oa, were the big - will be' held In Fittgerald r October 6th, L ipcratiug io the fee, Cook, Irwio, uniting with on the big show, will bo awarded the exhibitors end some extra fine dis plays are promised. The amusement feature includes a nightly display of fireworks and a big “City of Mirth.’* Among 4$e special days are Opening Day, Children’s' Day, Governor’s Day, Ford Day, Hampshire Day, and Negro Day. v £ Fitzgerald is: planning to provide a fair that will please every one who at tends and is expecting large crowds every day of the week. Father Charges and Fire are On warrants charging kld&apping Sher iff Gornto arrested fire persons from Col quitt county and placed them in jail Sun day morning and later i Q the day they were transferred to the county jail at Moultrie, says the Valdosta Times. Those arrested were Mrs. Croft, Mr Croft, Mr. Walden, Mr. Jonea, and Mr. Fowler, the latter being a bridegroom. Mr. C. M. Walker, of Berlin, in Colquitt county, caused the wholesale arrests al leging that the party abducted his young daughter and conveyed her to Quitman where she was married to Mr. Fowler and the party then proceeded from Quitman to Clyattville in this county. Mr. Walker father of the bride came to Valdosta and securing the services of Sheriff Gurntc caused the arrest of the entire party. He carried his daughter home with him am' Sunday afternoon the sheriff of Colquitt ounty came over and secured the fire pris oners and conveyed them to his own jail. The father of the bride declared she was under age and that the parties whom lie had arrested all conspired to assist Fow ler in ubducting his daughter and that it was his intention to proceed to have them roaecuted fully for their part in the affair. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES Stop Coin* Dangerous Dm, Before It j* Salivates You I It’s Horrible! Toe-re bilious slufflsb, constipated and believe you need vile, dangeroui calo mel to start your liver and <dean roar bo well. Here'a my guarantee 1 Ask your drug gist for a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight If it doesn’t start yonr liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without grip* ing or making you sick I want you to gc back to the store and get your money. Take Calomel today and tomorrow yon will feelt* weak and sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoon* ful of harmless, vegetable Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight and wake np feeling great It’s perfectly harmless, bo give it to yonr children any time. It can’t salivate, so let them ent anything afterwards. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially- prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take. • 60c per bottle. Established 1870 Your Grandfather Knew Us IN BUSINESS HERE 40 YEARS FORTY CENT COTTON- WILL YOO HOLD FOR IT? leap cot- •adv ‘and L present nlttee of Un*. ( kc«d FARMERS AREURGED TO HOLD THEIR COTTON ' 'AVV earnestly urge that the cot ton farmers and the holders of c<5t- ton be not stampeded by propaganda noW being Isiueq by speculators and parties Who desire to bfi> cheap ton, but that they stand stead] refuse to sell their staple at prtees," the executive comm thb American Cotton association says in a statement Issued yesterday, from headquarters hero. . ‘ - The committee further says: "The association deplores the organised /effort noW being made , to de press add send the price of botton ti the bottom. In spite of- the fact . that cotton goods have greatly advanced, cotton prices have gone down 120 to S25 per .bale. Today the staple, measured by the price It Is the cheapest commodity is Intrinsically worth more than 35 cents per pound, and even at that price It Is the cheapest commodity being sold In the world's market. As soon as the American Cottort is- soclatlon Is fully organized with Its million members. It will Immediately begin an organized fight in behalf of .cotton.” • ' _ Metals. New York, .August. VL—. Vtrolytlc spot and AvgnH 0ctob * f ^~ J ■From Atlanta Constitution' Aug. 20. 1919. C. Many wise farmers are ex pecting forty-cent cotton and will most likely hold for it—and get it. c. In anticipation of this holding movement we have enlarged our fire-proof storage facilities until we are now able to accommodate more than sixty thousand bales. . • #T Willinghams Warehouse was established ^ in 1870—forty-nine years ago. During these forty-nine years the business has been oper ated on the basis of fair, honest dealings and prompt, efficient service at reasonable rates. C We have consistently tried to do our share toward co-operating with the Georgia farmer. You may store your cotton with us at 50c per bale a month—covering both storage and insurance. And better than that; we will lend money on cotton stored with us, up to 80 i of the value of the cotton. Ship to us today and get best returns. Our selling commission very small. Write or Wire for Information v - / c c 7 Willinghams Warehouse Established 1870 ^ H- R. F. Willingham, Pres. r MACON, GEORGIA COUNTY WARDENS NAMED W. M. Sellars Succeeds Himself as Game Warden for Tift. State Game and Fish Commissioner Sam J. Slade last week announced the appointment of game wardens in a ma jority of the Georgia counties. Many 0 f the wardens were re-appointed. Following are those named for this im mediate section: Ben Hill, B. T. Strickland, Fitzgerald Colquitt, C. C. Fletcher, Moultrie. Cook, S. J. Harwell, Adel. Tift, W. M. Sellars, Tlftoa. Turner, S. Y. Hancock, Asbburn. Worth, J, G. Dupree, Sylvester. Wardens for Berrien and Irwin pro bably have not been appointed as they were not inculdcd in the published list of appointments. COTTON PICKING PRICE FIXED. Washington, Ga., Sept. 15.—The Council of Defense for Wilkes county hns decided upon the price for the pick ing of cotton in the county. It is pul at 75c po r hundred, and holds until No- ember 35, when the price will advance to $1. Also, co-operating with the Gov- eminent an expert cotton grader will he secured. As but few farmers know Imw to grade their staple, this move is n most and hcncficinl one. The Govern rnent will hear about one third of the ex pense of the grader. You Take No Chance With Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic Every ingredient used in the manu facture of Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic is recognized and used by oil leading an thorities on medicine in the treatment of Malaria, Chills and Fever. In fact every ingredient entering into its composition can be found in the TJ. S. Pharmacopes, a boch which is gotten up and written by the professors of all the leading institutions pf pharmacy in the United States and the physicians of the United States, and is recognized by all druggists as authority and law on the source of drugs and their preparation and uses. Get a bottle of Amec$ OUD ui Twrm Tonic from yonr dealer. You will be de lighted with this wonderful medicine. Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic is add In Tifton mad guaranteed by Brooka Pharmacy Company. PRICE 2S CENTS NEGRO HANGED IN BROOKS Quitman, Sept. IX—W. K. Rountree th«> negro preacher who was convicted at a special term of the superior court of committing n criminal assault upon a fourteeu year old white girl in the north ern part of Brooks county several weeks ago, was hanged iu the county jail Fri day at noon. HANSON-SIX CARS in Tift and Cook Counties A High-Grade, Up-to-Date Car Built for Beauty, Strength • and Service. Guaranteed for Twelve Months. DEMONSTRATIONS GLADLY GIVEN. , J. T. KING and 0. E. Womack FENDER, GEORGIA. Sell Us Your Sweet Potatoes We have storage facilities for twenty thousand busht .% of Sweet Potatoes and will pay market price far sarn- de livered to our house in Ty Ty, Ga. We Furnish the Crates in Which to Put Them When you dig your Potatoes sort out the smooth, medium sized Potatoes in the field and place them in the crates right t en. Bring them from the field to the house and get your money. This will save the expense of handling them twice and your loss from rot as they are our Potatoes then. Sea Us About Crates Ty Ty Potato House Co Chas. Bowman, Sec. and Treas. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We beg to advise that we have resigned, our positions as Foremen of the Painting and Trimming Departments of Walters’ Garage, and are now at the TIFTON BATTERY TIRE COMPANY’S place in the rear of the building, a dust proof varn ish room. Finest Automobile Painting and Top Building. Cushions and Backs Made and Repaired Don’t spoil your car with a poor job of paint ing. It can be painted like new. Mr. Capps is one of the very best upholsterers and top builders in the state. Eighteen years expe rience. Call and inspect our Dreadnaught Top Mate rials, both single and double texture. We are using Beckwith-Chandlers Special Auto Varnishes, a blue ribbon product. One of the best varnishes in the U. S. A. » Your business will be appreciated and will re ceive our personal attention. STONE & CAPPS The Best Advertisement. The best advertisement any merchant| can have is a satisfied customer. No greater recommendation can be given un article than the following by E. B. Mil- burn, Prop., Guion Drug Store, Guion, Ark. "We have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for years and have always found that it gives perfect satisfaction.” CHILD PARALYZED BY 8IIOT Aniericus, Kept. 15.—(The 11-yenr-nld daughter of V. M. Reeves, of western Webster county, is critically ill at u hos pital here completely paralyzed below the nock ns a result of being hit in the neck accidentally by a bullet from a parlo r ri fle fired Friday by her broth A* at a bird. AS STRONG AS AT SEVENTEEN ZIRON Iron Tonic Makes Her "Oil Man’' Feel Young Apia, Says Daughter. To help repair the results of illness, old age, work and worry In your dally life; to help give strength to your run down system and to help renew tagged forces and tone up the nerves—you will find a valuable remedy in Ziron. Read what Ziron did for an old man, who had to stay In bed most of the time. His daughter, Myrtle Mills, of Pulaski, Tenn., says: “Ziron has helped, my father wonderfully. He could not do anything before taking it. He was in bed most of the time, complaining with bro ken-down nerves and backache. He hai taken three bottles and says he Is at strong as when he was 17 years old/- If your blood needs iron, try Ziror Iron Tonic. ' What it has done for oth ers, it may do for you. Ziror. is mild, harmless; does not dis color the teeth, and may be taken safely by young and old, men, women and children. Oet Ziron at your 'druggist's, under a money-back guarantee. ZN8 Fall Showings We are showing some very nifty styles in Coat Suits, Coats and One-Piece Dresses and our prices are right. Within- the next few days the work in our store will be com pleted and we will show you the Most Complete Line of Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Piece Goods* Shoes, and Gents’ Furni shings ever shown in Tifton. Our goods (as all our customers know) are dependable. We appreciate your business 7 The Adams-Smith Company TELEPHONE 46