The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 26, 1919, Image 4

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ICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Sept % 11)19. County Bo»rd of Education in xffular aeaalon od Sato named .ra with all membera present. Ser- 1 potronn of tie Ty Ty aeetion came be fore the Board and Mounted that an elec tion be called to eatabliah a nev boundary known an the Ty Ty conaolldated achool The boundary will conform to the pro- Mosquitos Carry Malaria JUd Yenned at T»elr Daeftr and Tertura b ^ j Urine a Drop or re at / (yoodniQftt W It drlres them away to atajr. PleJts- ' ant and healthful. smells like s pine forest. Guaranteed to keep them off. Tour money back If it doesn't. Will not Stain the finest lit bottle will last oTcr a 1 recommended as a prevents tlv sralnst flics, roadies, moths. H«< mites, etc. Also The^e\0 't , vs\e Co., P . Montgomery, Ala. Th# PJ#aaant Mov posed boandarj advertised July i Ob- filed, at * * * * jectlon was filed, as required bj law which prevented the esUblisbment ot the shore boundary in July. The question now will be settled by the rot® ot the dis trict* affected. An election is called for Hondaj, Octo ber Oth, to be held at the three school houses in the three districts affected Ty Ty, Excelsior, and Nipper. The trus tees of the respective schools shall bold the election •> other elections are held and make returns to the County Board of Education. The boundary is as follows Beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 207, running east to the intersec tion of land line of lot No. 345, thence south to northwest,corner of lot No. 840 thence east to Ty Ty creek, thence nortl| along said oreck to intersection of north land line of nlot No. 340, thence east to Little river, thence in northerly direction up said river to intersection of aaid river with the north land lines of lot No. 103, thence'west to Worth county line, thence follow county line in southerly direction to southwest comer of lot No. 207 to th< Blurting point. The above includes all of lots Nos 254. 253, 208, 207, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304. 290, 297. 298, 299, 254, 255, 256, 0. 4* Martin, President of Board 9-5w4t -f A. I. Ammons, Secretary SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in drove's Tasteless chill Tonic 25T, J0* mj, MF308. 200. 210. 200,, 207, and 161* jKlthat part of lot No. 345 lying yngtfStTy Ty creek, and that part of lots Nod. 800, 200, 258, 240. 211, 205, 164, and 168 lying west of Little quite sick at .—„ - r Mr. Culpepper October, 1910, at public outcry, before gumner the court house in said county, within ' Anm - - i--.w the legal hour* of sale, to the highest j ” * ar * due *° me manner weatber bidder for cash, the following described we h *ve been getting part of it thUri Tope^to-wU. t i The big poplar log they have mad* operal . i ui| pvpuir iog me/ uhvc owk on S *««•> attempt, to.tot o„ . cratln, table, one dining table, one_ oil . — . .. , ..l. restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can toon feel Its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. .lo.r« M .UrlllIer, two‘ >** Iron * bedateeda, one wadi,tend, four ioebe, In diameter. Compared chair*, - two mattreeeee, two Mb of , bit tree, of California thia doe, but “ *“ * tolerably a, the property of Ti ^Bounty Hoapital to bare frown In n 8ontb Georfla i under a; r fi fa issued from the City Court’ It was generally predicted tha of Tiftoft In favor of Bates Surgical Bop- sickness would follow the torrents piy Co.,.and against Tift County HoraHtbat fell earlier in the summer, but tol. Part of aaid property In possession ... h— _ ... . „ h . of Dr. K. Peterson, part In possession of B#t h**” T “ e h ** 1 “ “ Dr. Cbaa. 8. Smith, the remainded on the community la about a, usual second floor of Tift bulldlnf on date of nunna that it lx food. '2:, .. .... . , „ ; . I After eating peanut pork since peanuts fhl. the Uth day of Beptraber. 1D19. w „ e firIt broo|ht OTer from AWca Tift County, Georgia (which waa in 1838, they tell ua) ^e ■ ■■' ■ ' 1 ■■ —- now leam for the first time, that. not good. The flavor Is not good, say,’ the meat is too soft, and ho avc been heard to say in the court house in hiiid county, within Ty, “Not any morsC groundpeas at STATK.MKNT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF TIFTON IxxaO-d a! Tiflon. tin., at Ihe close of businniH, September 10th, 1010. * RESOURCES Demand Louns Time Loans Overdrafts, Unsecured Bonds and Stocks owned l»y Hank Banking House Other Ileal Estate Due from Hanks and Hankers in this State Due from Hanks nud Hankers in other Staten Currency $ 61,250.25 848,550.51 5,492.35 134,000.00 25,000.00 0,0()0.t Ml 180,450,41 37,188 54 I SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in < Ictober, 1919, at public outcry, before j' 1 t what they have hardly deserve* to —« ... - . MU? meal, according to the opinion the legal hours of sale, to the highest money crop for me. They don’t P*y, and, Southerners, white uud black. Dainiiened bidder for cash, the following described l um raiH j ng j UBt enough to fatten rniieriy, iu-wil , « »• Two bales of lint upland Cotton, uura ... . , t era us follows, 3107 and 3399. Said about it? It has been kept befofe them ottou now in the Farmers Cotton Ware- f or mnny decades that raising groundpeas uuse, .1. II Maxim, manager of syld f( „. , 1IIK WUB the right tiling to do, Ini'-T^of w!’ , Kb t Gibb!."undLr iVfo »" J “PPcars tbe packing house rep- ed from the City Court of Tifton, in rcsentative and saya it la all wrong, that llattie Lou Willia is at home, completed her course as a trained Iftirn Willis spent three years in at the Little Griffin Hospital, in folng afterwards for a post date course at the University Hos- Augusta. She will make this her rterp, and' «after a much-needed l-earned rest, she will attend to Call*. It i* good to know that we a competent nurse within call, lor tljasnot infrequently happened that, in aa emergency, one could not be outained, oaly after considerable delay. How did ever manage without trained nurs es? In a serious case (often in cases that are not serious) it seems as necessary now to call in a nurse as a doctor. Negroes who have gone from hero to the North are distressed for tbe lack of what U our own especial brand of the Staff of Life—corn meal. This docs not ne*n that they have no meal there. what are they going to do daihp*sand, and it is usually made from nd pressed in tbe hand, it falls apart like eeks at the last never make good bacon from hogs „ Phillips 'Mercantile Co. and iigimiHt W. E. (2ihbs. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s attorne: “ 3 to. He- . fondant notified in writing aa required fattened on * T0U **V e **‘ l,y i nw . Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wade, ot WaycroMf This Hie 3rd day »»f September, 1919 M re visiting relatives here. M; Shaw, Sheriff Dowd, of the Bell Telephone Tift Cuunty,.Qi‘orgia Company> lookcd ln on thc , lom „ foUt . SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 tjiturdny, returning to headquarters Tues- tiEORGIA—Tift County. day. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in \y Sikes will b«» in charge of the Gold Silver, Nickels, Cash Items .... Clearing Iloust Advance* <*n C rv ...? 39,222.00 343.50 ... 4,488.71 500.40 .... 2,770.05 .. 331,970.02 ,4 I ’» III "l . I . oIMTH Will Iflf III « -aa i October, 1919, at pub ic outcry, before ai „j classifying of potatoes for iSS? &»£ ™ & hT*La,l T>- Ty potato l,ou»x. Wl,.t Mr. Mike, j iiidder*’for cash, the following described does not know about potatoes j property, to-wit. _ , f worth mentioning. male (, alf. about Said property levied on ns . .. ,,, property of O. L. Arnold under a and Mrs. ( nn- 379.307-58 ^V i^ed from the ('itv Court of Tif- TOTAL LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund - Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, Im Taxes Paid - Due Unpaid Dividends Individual deposits subject to check Time Certificate* Certified Checks — Cashier’s Checks — .$ 50,000.00 100,000.00 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 158,070.49 40.00 880,013.00 255,871.38 252.90 24,397.15 73,500 00 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates Representing Bor rowed Money U. 8. Bond Certificates 50,000.00 79,700.00 TOTAL . 01,677,845.04 STATE OK GEORGIA—TUI County Before me came B. IT. McLeod, Cashier of The Bank of Tifton, who being duly - sworn, says that the iiIhivi- and foregoing statement la a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. , j rf B. H. McLeod. • Sworn to nnd subscribed before me, this 23rd day of September, 1910. Henry D. Webb, Clerk Superior Court, Tift County, Gn. Farm and City Loans Farm Loans: 51 per cent interest made for 5, 7, 10,15 or 20 years; prepayment privilege. Loans made by which borrower receives ail the money for which he implies. A direct connection with a arge insurance company enables us to render prompt service. City Loans: 6J per cent interest for 5 years’ time. Title Guarantee Company of Georgia J. W. WARREN.lPresident. R. P. Bentley, Attorney. R—m 29, Golden Building, Tiflon,[Gm., Worth Cownty Office, Sylvetter, Cm. oil iii favor of I. Toiu-hstom* und j,. W el Vnriici Uiiiinxt O. L. Arnolil anil Grow Kut_ stopp( , ( i in aT. M. Varner nnd Mr. How mu n went,by auto* s Inst week to take Miss A SEASONABLE SHOWER Thera is a little place one mile east of X, Ty, which, for obrloua reasoa (two of thorn), baa beta chrlstaoad "Wood- row." The owner of thia place, who la no leia a person than the Ty Ty corre spondent, recently took poesesalon of the house, which was not unite dnf.hrd—and Isn’t yet Thursday afternoon of last* week the Correspondent was called to Tiflon by urgent business and did not get back till nearly night. In the meantime Import- POUIldcd. yellow corn- Hread that is all corn meal, (and who among ux likes it mixed?) falls, into frugmeutx. Meal, in ximill ijuuutitics. bun been Kent from here, but that wHil* only to intensify the need. Many Soiitln-rn m-groe* live iu West Fif ty-Ninth street, New York, and, it is said, that these have created such a de mand for "our kind of meal” that grocers are obliged to keep it in stock. . VThe Cincinnati m : iiisif r who has pray ed for the success „f the home baseball j useful. Compared with this shower team shows the warmth of his sympa I ufTair- like that becomes lusigulScant. thles. Hut is it prayer or language ra- J Call it a shower, though, if you will. It is dry times in the line it followed ant company had called, for “by their fruits ye shall know them." The fruits that covered the tables consisted of borne ’ canned vegetables, preserves, etc., and of other canned goods, of coffee, hominy, oatmeal, fresh vegetables and about the beat home-cured ham thia county ever produced—and thia ia saving very much. And chickens—not on the tablea, but alive and in the ben bouse, enough to *turt a chicken farm. Think of that! The donors were Mra. T. A. Inman, Mrs. .1. F. Nicholson, Mra. A. Parka, Mrs. Owen Dowd. Mrs. M. D. Thompson, Mrs. Maude Edwards, Mrs. M. Dowd, Mrs. F. B. Pickett, Mrs. J. M. Varner, Mrs. Charles Bowman, Mrs. C. I. Jones, Mrs. J. II. Harris—and there may have been others, but, if there were their uamcM were not learned and they are hereby begged to send them iu. They called this a “shower," but the drop* of showers are not usually so sat isfactory. A “shower” usually means soft, showy articles, sometimes pretty and >mctimes quite otherwise, and never very Defendant vy. Thin The lull! Of i f" 1 :7th liny of August. Olt*. ,1. M. Shaw. Sluril Tift County, tieor^i t Except 5 j trip, they ; mishap— i They sp» | enjoyed i Major Pelham going from here to Tifton ; funeral of Mr. C. G. Dell. Lumber i Potto ‘the cott ther more vociferous and pungent that contributes most to winning bull gamesV” —N. Y. World. Thc skeleton of an automobilile on tbe Upper Tifton road, near Little river, is all that is left of a eflr that was once the property of Charlie Varner. It was an Oakland, uud Leon Culpepper was to sehool. Returning, they 1 driving it, and it breathed its last, though Atlanta to buy Christmas nobody realized it at the time, when it KiiriiieiV Supply Company, j stopped iu the public road. More gaso- littlc dust, it was a perfe- t j jj np was prescribed, but when the dose ‘ was about to be administered—the act partially accomplished, in fact— fire came J. M. Varner was holding forth a few days ago, to a small but appreciative audience, on the short-sighted policy of the farmers’ conventions that make their plans public. This course, Mr. Varner unmarred by the slight* 1 en so much as a flat tire, night iu Barncsville, an I pickers , is getting 'plaining that thinks, puts speculators, manufacturers that it does , for $1.25 a hundred. .t finding cotton very pro- CITATION. GEORGIA—'Tift County. W. S. Cobh and G. I>. Browning vs. Southern Lumber Company, Petition to <)uiot Title, Tift Superior Court, •ember Term, 1919. T\» thc Ih*femlaut Houtln I'ompany:. You are hereby cited to lw» and api»ear at the Superior Court of Tift County, 1 • ieorgia, to Ik.* held in the court house Of Farmers i said county in the City of Tifton at ten fitnble this year. o’clock A. M. on the first Monday in j Contractor Davis, of Adel, lias begun December, 1919, to answer the complaint . „ fnto , l0U8< . nn< i w ill have it of the plaintiffs in the above named ac- wo™ on me pc nous lion in which you are named party rde-, ready by the tune the <r | gi fondant. In default whereof the Court come in.. TIutc seems to be u 0 doubt ill apper- it Wing filbsl easily. 'the wmnei V0, Ju(, & e ( Mr and Mrs. W. B. Tnrks. Dr and.'j,. ct of woman’s suffrage. A large per- of said Court. • * _ jMrx. It. R. l'ickett, Mr. W. E. Williams, I ce n t*g e 0 f the think-women of Ty Ty This September 12, 1919, "* iMm. F. B. Pickett. Mrs. M. Dowd, Mrs. was present, but when the question waa Henry D. Webb, Kf j> Thompson, Mr. Watson Cornwall, asked, there was silence. One member, or Court of Tift .. u . P , 1 ■rested persons of their kind notice as to what they may expect and v govern themselves accordingly. It the tiller of the soil who has always rked hardest and got leAat for it, but day is coming. \t a recent meeting of the Woman’s b an effort was made to learn what of Ty Ty thought on the sub- and such showers, though badly needed, ar e not eusily procurable. They are al ways seasonable and in just the area in which this fell, they never come amiss. If it were* possible to cause them to fall wherever they are needed there could be no want in all the world. Thank you, good people. I once heard a Presbyterian Elder »ay that nothing would make a negro move as swearing at him would. The gen tleman did not say that he had tried that treatment, hut he had had a large exper ience with negroes.. “Didn’t know it waa loaded” does not Clerk of the Supcrio County, Georgia. Mr. W. F. Si.kes. Mr. N. N. Malcoin. • a8 ked individually for her opinion said 19w4t,^j r Grady Malcom. and a number of * sh«* had not thought much about it An- NOTICE OF SALE. pother Ty T.v people whose names were not 0 t| l0r said she was nearer believing in it GEORGIA—Tift County. I learned, attended Mr Dell’s funeral in (j, nn 8 he had been and yet another feebly Will bo soli) for cash bcf "« ““J- Tifton Friday. admitted that she would vote if she had Jr lu^o^roxrhrtC’urt^S' The on,,, much Of a failure opportunity. All who expressed an hours of sale, thc following described that it has nut even been heard from, opinion agreed that women ought not to apply to parlor rifles, but they are res ponsible for many accidents. An Ameri- cus boy shot hia little sister, accidentally, in tbe back of the neck, and she became paralyzed from her neck down. Repeat ed warnings like this, however, have no effect: boys continue to play with these dangerous toy* and parents are indif ferent until there is an acident in their own home from thia cause. Highest price* paid for good white corn and hay. Wo buy cattle and hogs, also. Sike* & Varner, Ty Ty. tf W. E WILLIAMS Pays For This Space Ty Ty Farmers Supply 60 R. R. Pickett, President. J. M. Varner, Manager, DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goode Notions, Shoes, Hats Clotting Farsi Implements And Other Thing*. Pictorial Review Patterns TY TY DRUG GO. E. W. OUrer, Proprietor. A eoaiplala lias ot pataal m cinaa. Drugs and Sundries, School Supplies. Prescriptions A Specialty THE BANK OF TY TT SAFETY FIRST property, to-wit. 108 acres of lot of land No. 251, boun ded na follows: On the South by the lands of A. Z. Payne; on the West by lands of the Alf Nipper estate; on the For once in Ty T.v’s history, being offered here for sale. Ty T.v merchants carry ; stocks of first-dux* » Alf Nlpi North by an original land line; on the] guy town of its aizc— in many even East by an original Jand line. „ I larger. Then why not, when possible, Said property nold as the property of , . n « Macv A. M. Payne, deceased, under an trade at home, order granted by the Ordinary of Tift! Building material, the difficulty in pro- County. leuring it and its enormous coat when W C. P»yne, Administrator, t liroc . um j continues to occupy n largc N Eatate of Mac? A. M, Partw.| lh( , ihoiuhts anil talk of those the country grow O. E. LINDSEY, D. O. Osteopathic Physician Diagnosis and Treatment Office Over C. L. Parker’s Store, Office Phone 340 m 5 1-2 PER CENT FARM LOANS 7 Per Cent Tifton City Loans We make farm loans at S 1-2 per cent interest and give th# ’borrower the privilege of paying part of ths principal at th* and of any year stopping interest on amounts paid, but no an nual payment of principal required. : ' I.,-. R. C. ELLIS W.W. BRYAN Golden Building Tifton, Georgi* I have two real desirable farms listed i who arc anxious t« for sale. Both small. I have several ( an d prosper, nice residence lot* nnd a ho.nn or two I Circus papers always prove nn attrac- Sco me. Keith Cnraou. 24d*.vtf t ion in a small place, and a circus (Raid ■ " ■ - ■ » ■■■—- ■— * to be thc oldPHt form of amusement in thc The next ti m(> you have » orld) wi " ,tir " 5cl(, ' ra< ^ t ,,h1 '"‘t: chills and Fever TAKE A mec “It Kills the Chills” 0 A scientific prescription which, kills tha malaria germs, breaks up the Chills and Fever and builds up the ayatem. Amec* ChIU nd Fmr Title la tU la Tifton and gauamteed If Pharmacy Oompaaj. PRICE IB CENTS cat aa nothing else can. “They alike,” people say. with simulated con tempt, and then begin preparations to go. On Sunday. September 2lst, the ltnp list church of Ty Ty paid their preacher lila salary for the year, gave him nn in- rense of $150, nnd put one hundred dol lars in the treasury. Here is nn ex ample for other churches to follow. Sikes and Vnrner want to buy hay. good white corn nnd cows, nl*o hog*. Rend their adv. in another column. Mrs. Berry Rigdou. of Tifton, came to Ty Ty one day last week to visit her par ent*. Mr. nnd Mr*. J. J. Baker. She was driving n big automobile, holding a baby in her lap, while the head of another lit tle fellow, asleep, rested against her, while the oldest of the flock, a young gen tleman of five, sat on thc back sent, all by himself. It seemed a big job, but she was making a success of it. pay taxes unless they could vote—the old grieveance. The women expressed the views of u largo majority of the women of the South: They are indifferent, from somewhere, and cremation 'follow ed.. Nobody was hurt and the car waa only a partial loss as it was insured. This adds one more to the accident that have happened to automobiles, their dri vers and passengers, in thia vicinity re cently. What Miss could exceed that of cotton pickers who are being hauled to and from the fields in automobile* during the per fect weather we have had almost from thc beginning of the season. People who are obliged to work indoors almost envy them . H. & MALCOM TV TV, GEORGIA Orders taken now for plants. Also I buy and sell hogs. ..Hogs, Beef Cattle and Milk- STRAND THEATRE America’s Sweetheart Tuesday Sept. 30 ONE DAY ONLY Mary Pickford ,N “Captain Kidd, Junior” If you want to come along end dig (ot .tteatute with Mary Pickford and a pocket edition of Capt. Kidd, you had better lie spiy because evetybody else in this section is coming too. \ Added Attraction:- “MUTT AND JEFF” M. nniftrO, Special Ladies’ and Children’s Matinee 10c and 10c p rnluCOi Night, 15 and 25c. ‘ Hours 4, 5:30, 7, 8:30 and 10 p. m. COMING! FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd and 4th LOUISE GLAUM in “SAHARA” See the most beautiful gowns ever shown in a picture. SHI. PAPKL GI.KNN DELI. Though Mr. Capel Glenn Dell had reached a somewhat advanced age, the news of his death came as a great shock to his friends in Ty Ty. ns well us to those elsewhere. He was here a day or two before hi* death, looking so well, so alert, that death seemed far from him. A stranger. *ccing him would have dis counted his years by at least twenty. Always cheerful ami smiling, he carried sunshine wheverer he went. He made his home near Ty Ty for much of the time in Ty Ty, for a long period, and nil the community were his friends, made one of the most acceptable post masters Ty Ty ever had and he w probably have remained in office to the day of his death, but (or what might al most be called a vagary of the civil service rules. He had been in the postoffice four teen year* und it was during this time that fourth-class postoffices were included in the civil sendee rule. When what was hia last term expired, he had passed beyond the age <6<) years) when an ap- licant may take the civil service exami nation. So a perfectly competent and popular official, younger at alxty than many persons are at forty was retired, though the inspector agreed that he was one of the best postmasters in South Georgia. Mr. Dell was one of six brothers whose ages ranged from 50 to 80 years. At hia funeral the other five were all in one pew—the last meeting of the six on earth. MAEy PICKFORD vo ’ Kidd,Jr* AsAPKHAFThaiia CAPITAL UNDIVIDED PBOTITB INTEREST PAID m TIME and SAYINGS D1 Helps Sick Women Cardul, th* woman’s tonic, helped Mrs. WB- Uam Everaola, ot Huai Pitch, Ky. Read whit (be writes: “I hid a general breildng-down ot my health. I was la bed (or weeks, unable to up. 1 had such • weakness and dizsineis, ... and the pains were very severe. A friend told me I had tried every* thing else, why not Cardul?... 1 did, and aoen uw it was helping mo... After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL. MEETING The Tifton Division of the Tift County Sunday School Association will hold its meeting at the Cotton Mill church at Tif- ton, on Sunday, October 5, at 3 p. m. Chairman M. 8. Patten announces that a fall program will be prepared and an nounced later. . All Sunday School workers are invited to attend. 29. Elsie Fsrpoi In "Under the Greenwood Tree," and “Newer Too A Mack Sennett Comedy. Cored loM tw ir ' -LAX-FOS WITH 1 are Dared SytudT Oonedpstioa. It nUMUpM should be taken regularly tbe 14 ( to Induce regular action. ItStinr Regulates.«Vary Pleasant tor per bottle. J. , ■ V " -k -V Sr- The Woman's Tonic Do you feel week, dlx- TY TY, GEORGIA e ear EMEND whea yes MONEY we wfll he YOUM yes have NONE. WOODWARD’S GARAGE Ty Ty, • • • Repairs promptly attended to. Repairs os Ford cars s 00s and Grease (ar Sale. JONES ft COMPANY Deilen .In High Class' Canaral Marchaadtas After yon read thia advartixeaewt, u to thia itore and do you shopping. PRICES RIGHT A. PARKS, Groceries. Dry Goods Etc.. Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia. >. VARNER AND COMPANY Dealers In Groceries Dry CoAda, Candies, CL gars, Tobacco and Everythin* Else in tha way of Cenoenl Merchandise. Man's FuralsMnss a Specialty. DR. F. B. PICKETT, Physician aid Surgeon. T.t Ty, G*. rOB TASTE AND HUM! ■ i. D. Mansi shoot pstttoc to s lead • I ARM J. D. Mowed, Ty Ty, at CARL S. PITTMAN Physician end Surgeon TY Ty, Ga. W. B. PARKS Com to Florid*, but paying for tids space juit the i B. J. COTTLE TY TT, GEORGIA WHIDDON ft AKINS Heavy and Fancy Groceries FMoh Meets Cows ft Hogs Bought and Soldi !®0. , r *