The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 26, 1919, Image 6

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hill flavor Every pound of Luz- ianne Coffee comes to you in an air-tight tin can. The original goodness of the coffee is all there—sealed in. 1 Luzianne retains its CI ot Yf\TV+ OUARAKTRK. If. after using entire cm- tiavor. gjasaaBsga DlI^INi coffee The Reily-Taylor Company Mew Orleans Zs-fOIsim hr I take tile ti lU'I't* till’}' vhaswl by i.l Kiulith Miwt. l.l Mr. John Dawn- are visit ini; Mr. I». No. 2. Tliw the near future make their homes rk, of Croslantl Tifton Thursday three daughters id Kssie, through a in here fo r Mill- ure attending 0 Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. Norris are In receipt <»t the news of the arrival of lowly S pound girl at the home of Mi and Mrs. Tunis Met’.linn, iti Miami. Fla • • week. This is the tir-i t. i litliougli Mr. and Mrs > i • i • * M'vcral -rrandsoiis In every home where there are child ren there should he a bottle of WIUTK/S CKI’.AM VKUMIFl'til-:. ItT destroys worms and acts ns u tonic in the debili tated system, l’rlee .*’.0 cents per bottle. Bold by Conger I»rug Co. ilnulbiook, of Moulh/li y and Thursday in Tifton sister, Mrs. .1. A. Betcmou, Milledgeville to attend G. . for the fall term. Cor. Adel News: Mr. Owen of Tifton, bought a farm -t Monday and will Ijccoii 'f Cook county before many SrilliWtXS agree that in cases its. Hums, Bruises and Wounds, the FlilST THKATMKNT Is most impor tant. When iiu KFFICIKNT antiseptic applied promptly, there is no danger of infection uud the wound begins to lienl at oneb. For use uii man or beast. lMiltO- /ONE is the IDEAL ANTISEPTIC and HEALING AGENT. Buy it now and be ready for an emergency. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Mr. J. IT. Glover, of Route '2. T\ was in Tifton Saturday morning dioppnl mi to advertise some bog the otto Professional Directory DR. \V. K. WHITE Veterinarian Trleplmne 270 Tifton, Georgia Formerly with l\ S. (iovenimrnt llog Cholera ('out ml B. C. WILLIFORD Attorno-et-I-aw, Tifton, Ux Office 30-32, McLeod Old?. (Damico Suite and Criminal Cradle* a Specially.) D. B. HARRELL Practicing Physician one* McLcod-O'Neal Bide- Office riione 263. lleildenco SOI Tilton, Ceorcla. R. C. ELLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Special attention five* to end to mattora ntatlai to tea* U Will praetleo In an Delate. DR. CHARLES S. SMITH Ejo, Ear, Now and Throat Ofict.orer Rimka.Rharmacy Houle 8 to 1—3 to, 6 TIFTON, GEORGIA IT CHURCH IS NOW CLEAR OF DEBT Collodion Sunday Clears Up AU Funds Due by the Church, Including Bal ance Due Bessie Tift. Members of the Tifton Baptist church ■leared up all indebtedness due by the j Rev. W. II Budd, pa •hurch Sunday morning when a totMl of i Methodist church, pn MM) was subscribed by the cburcb. ua “Revivals. *’ B$r. This amount takes care of all current J Adrian, Ga., will xpeiixes of the church, all bills receivable jvival meetings in ti mil completes the payment of $20,000 j Sunday, October 0, j •u the Bessie Tift (College debt paying j*n* to get the t fund .It was the Tifton church that put terested and ready cssie Tift out of debt, the $20,000 sub- meeting. •ril»«-d here turning the trick. 1 Mr. Budd says tho Two Great Sermons. | tt success unless the ] Dr. C. \V. Durdeu, the pastor, preached iPMt their hearts and I vo great sermons Sunday. His subject | the nuecess of the I as, "The Three Great Needs in the j all they can to uu liurch and Civilized World Today—| meeting. and Se i Sunday evening. Faith, Prayer and Service." The disc ruing and tinned in tie Dr. Durdei told of the i • elm reh t< Attention euw slavi teaches not h try, but first aw. When a people cease to love -ouutry and rcN|M*c*t its laws, revo mist follow 'I'lie sermons made strong impre n the two congregations. i- uud u number of the i- pressed their determination to take an I active imrt in the meeting and help to Bolshevism and lead others to the Lord. '.With the church eial situation today and ! showing the pro|N>r apiri^ it is expected 1 of faith and prayer in . that Tifton will have a g^gt revival. •Iider the right service., i Completes Centaury Travels. - called to the danger of 1 Sunday morning'* service wa*devot- in the doctrine which j <*d to Europe and South America at the and resp.i t for the cotin- H’eutenarl Celebration at Od^mbus, Ohio, and disregard of Mr. Budd told hit congregation - of what he saw in the Norway and Sweden, French, Britlah, Swiss, Italian and South American exhibits and made, an in teresting talk on the work in these . tries. This completed Mr. Budd's trip the Methodist Missionary field, whuh vered countries in all parts of the YOU DEATHLY stffii"-■■■= •'-“• W.r, UGH! CALOMEL MAKES Stop l'sing Dangerous Drug Before It . Salivates You! It's Horrible! »u’re bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you ueed vile, dangerous calo- cl to start your liver uud cleuu your wels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your drug gist for u bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and lake u spoonful tonight. If it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you right up better thun calomel und without grip ing or making you sick I want you to g ( . buck to the store and get your money. Take Calomel today and tomorrow you will feelr weak and sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoon ful of harmless, vegetable Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great- It’s perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can’t salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards. WHITE BKKNKWOltTH is nbout picked out. I.' j...: want a good farm, J A. Kitchen, of Sylvester, him it. He is offering for sub* SfiS acres of the old Southern Liiinbe Company place on the Brookfield road and will sell it in a body or in tracts to suit the purchaser. 2«>dwtf uong the former indents uii turned to A. M. S. this fall were: es Freda Cliurchwell, of I lines auline and Martha Robinson, of At- tuta; Clyde McCrnnie, of Adel, und Mel- lie Mugridge, of Cairo. Swellings of the llesh caused by in- llauunatioiis, cold, fractures of the hone, •otlniche. neuralgia or rheumatism cun • relieved by applying BALLARD’S NOW I INIMENT. It should he well thhed in ove r the part affected. Its healing, uud |»ciitrnting power cos the pain, reduces swelling and re- ores natural conditions. Sold by Cun- •r Drug Co. Wilson Royal says they can’t stay bid •hen a want ud is after ’em. He hnd a hog stray off mid couldn’t find her any where. A day o r so after he planted a want ad for her, hrfound her In a place where she hnd fastened herself up and couldn't get out. Mr. A. C. Meek, of Lafayette, Ind., ho has been spending several weeks in the city stopping at th* Carter hop^e, left Friday night for hit home, having been called away on account of business. Mr. Merit is a largo land owner in Turn er county and always spends a part oj the year in Tifton,, Such a Change in, feelings Mrs. May Belle White and Mr. J. E. Break worth were united in murriuge at the Baptist parsonage Saturday after noon, Rev. i\ W. Durden performing the Mr. Brciikwort!i. who is a native of Misso ri. came to Tifton last To -.lay to accept the position of linotype operntoi with the Gazette, lie met .Mrs. White and Cupid got busy at unc« and without letting anyone their plan-. :!<•' You Take No Chance With Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic Every ingredient used | u the manu facture of Amcco Chill aud Fever Tjmic is rocoguized und used by all leading au thorities on medicine in the treuiiucut of Malaria, Chilia and Fever. In fact every ingredient entering into its composition can be found in the U. S. Pharmacepes, a boch which la gotten up and written by the professors of all the leading institutions of pharmacy in the United States and the physicians of the United States, and la recognised by alt druggists as authority and taw on the source of drugs and their preparation and uses. Ctal a Mb of Seale tram yonr dealer, Ton will b* Uaktad with tkfc woaderfol —*“- SucR* oqrco Tifton church. MOSQUITO IS A POWERFUL ENEMY Little Insert Takes Huge Toll From Country. Scientist* nay that mosquitoes carryiug the* deadly malaria and other diseast n'TBiN ar«. responsible for more death. 1 since the beginning ot tli.•.a all of ill 1 By'‘every both iiutioiui are trying ti ofteu ns deadly rat letbiMl knowu to muukiud and local health xervim ivxtermiuute them, but th will never be. We must protect ourselvt against this pest. By proper screening uud by u daily spray of TORMENT th house can In* kept free of all mosquitoe* TORMENT is a gaseous vapor in which • dangerous insert can live. It is death insects Lut harmless to human beings Sold by druggists, geuerul stores and dealers everywhere. The price Is 2.*i cent. I*t bottle. Do not pay more. Munufuc lured by G. 15. Williams Compuny, Quit man. Ga., exclusively. ad\ ASKEW-IIENDBK l\S F. ll-mlrieks the The Best Advertisement. "• b'-t advertisement any merchant have is « satisfied customer. No greater recommendation can be given an article than the following by E. It. Mil- burn, 1’rop., Guion Drug Store, Guinn, Ark. “We have sold Chamberlain's (Tough Remedy for years and have always found that it gives perfect satisfaction.’’ BARKER-TURNER Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Barker, of Moul- ie. announce the engagement of their lighter. Ailcoi, Winifred, to Mr. Ros- e Turner, the wedding t«* lake place the First Baptist church on \Y nines- iy evening. November .1. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder for kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and irregu larities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates troubles in children. If not sold by druggist, will be sent by mail on n of $L25. One small bettla is two treatment and often cures. 8 ■worm testimonial* Dr. B. W. Ball, 2020 Olive Street, 8%, Louis, 1C* Sold ^ by druggists. SHANNON-AD COCK From the Adel New*. Miss Florence Estelle Lena*, and Mr. A. JC. Adcock, of Eldor ado, were married la this city &ndsy afternoon at the Ultiodist pttaeaagc. The young conplr eacae down from Uno* tsd %tq» to U>t patMttW'..whe{0 (JUIIUI R. H. HUTCHINSON, (Ml mtH w ixjjf- nesses ot my eex^- cheeks—I was restored to health by the Favorite Proscription of Dr. PJeree." Bo write many iromen. Changed too in loot*, tor after-tab. in*. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preopip. Ron the skin becomes dear, the eyes brighter, the cheeks plump. Druggists sell it in tablets or liquid. It's a woman’s best tem perance tonic, made from wild roots. Wiiisnss, Ala.—"I wao bothered nib backache and headache .And wai not able to do my work until I triad Dr. Pierce'* For.irUa Prceeriptioa, sad I can lay I aut noer able to do all my work, Euch u cookins, washing And iroilng, and even cniting wood, e before I nrri t: ia i- "-Ino,! Almost s < Invtdll ■ l >-'t ecji.eam i*fjir.-forJlo»rijt#ty»'H> Hr. Deft o*w ndued-n eoaference ig thot Um*. lCrfic* M oeked M] down MR DeU to IMd th* prejer-eorriee* ** Hr. Darden read the Bcriyture leoeon piano, eant "Ne*rer My God to Hr**, 1 AS the pAlIbeArere were bringta* the iAszamtsifsx Ai Child, a tk* Kloc.” It« tt_ Methodist church And itpter, U. D. 0. : The pAllbearere were from old friends, Aaron Perks, Prank Orer- streeV Sr., Georte Baker, H. B. Hendry, John Y. Sutton, end W, H. WtUls. ^ kk... * .hL Af-trtim ■ I Ctaw,'—,-C'wt Uieos, Ins the funeral were: Rev. and Mr*. C. tb Doth of Metcalf; Hr. Fowler Dell, of Bomaer: Mt«. a B. Ilayra, ot Bib. £*. Id* Ford, and Hr. and Hr*. qtU. of Atlanta r Hessrs. Phillip Dell, of Wayerom; Ren L, Baron and Jams* Doll, of Lwlie. and William Dell, ot 8om ter county; Hr*. Sarah Dell and eon, _£_^|Lou!e Doll, of Cochran. There were a **3^ I number of Wanda •fwm'Vyfjj^XMn. TI^HEN you see this famous trade-mark, think a minute I Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That’s the real idea back of the sucoess of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that’s a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette— It's toasted Oimranleedbr Shis JblAXsrCeci**' (SoO Tl SOUTHEASTERN FAIR AND Grand Circuit Places ATLANTA, GEORGIA OCTOBER 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,1919 AUTOMOBILE RACES OCT. 20-21 jj 37S/DOO IN PREMIUMS $75,( EDUCATIONAL The South’s Greatest Agricultural and Live stock Exposition. A Graphic Demonstration Designed to Educate and Instruct the Visitor as to the Resources and Possibilities of the Southeastern States through Exhibits of Farm Products by Counties and Individuals, with the Greatest Pure Bred Cattle and Swine Show Ever Assembled in the Southeastern States, Supplemented by a Comprehensive Exhibit, the Resulting Efforts of the United States Department of Agriculture and the State College of Agriculture, from Farm Demonstration Efforts in Connection with Boys’ and Girls' Clubs and a Govern ment Exhibit Featuring the War, Navy and Agricultural Departments, with all the Other Features of a Great Fair. ^ ENTERTAINMENT THE ONLY FAIR IN THE SOUTH whli Provides its Patrons with the Grand Circ Races—Fifteen Big Free Acts in Front of t Grand Stand—Running Races by Kentir Thoroughbreds—Auto Races by the **~ Dirt Track Drivers of the World. l._ cent Victory Fireworks. Three Bands l. - sic. Johnny Jones Exposition Shows — ' Greatest Carnival Organization in the Wo with Wild West and Trained Wild Anil* Shows and Museums of Curiosities and est Sensations of the Amusement Wor_ With Lakewood’s Aggregation of Gloom stroyers, including the Moat Spacious ■ Beautiful Dancing Pavilion in, Areo Swing—Four Abreast —. er Coaster—Old Mill, Bug House, Frolic, 1 ris Wheel Whip, Walking Charlie and r Range and Ostrich Farm- MILLION DOLLAR LIVESTOCK PARADE FRIDAY, OOT. IS GENERAL ADMISSION 50 eents; children over Sandundw ll ye on School Day, Tuesday, October 14th, 10 cents, with Special to Teachers on Application. ON ALL RAILWAYS WRITE FOR 1 H. G. President. "he care you are giving your, battery is * * ^ »JWW “•t forjoW but an, would like to have you know about or'use' VESTA batteries—tmt.'ttntawe nsye made every effort to jukf.your old batteiy rendet you your moMy'k worth, we will not be ThaVe our Policy; make them ell deUter the last otkee of service consistent with the expense. ii ' -£\ -. Being permitted, under contract, to use VESTA patented features in the repair of other makes, we are able to show remarkable results. . • You will be pleased with our service and what it meant if you ono* try it. no obligation on ybgr part “Tomorrow” for, your battery any todayStheiproper um* a" •< 1 . ,>a: w ..... ..... . . v „... . -• tV-j on Vulcanizing * Battery < *~tH«hi. Boii<«o % ^Ma«a»n(k 4 7