The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 26, 1919, Image 7

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LAND OWNERS MEET THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA. " ' 'V f — 5.*5 ‘ ■ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919. r^»asp«(|»w*-a«a«asi ,- ’aBi Eritireiy Free from Catarrh of the Stomach "Peruna hw positively done for me what many doctor* fulled to do. I have been time and again compelled to take to my bed for days. The first bottle of Peruna S ave relief and while I always eep It In the house for emerg encies, I consider myself entirely free from catarrh of the stomach, the trouble from which I suf fered for so long before taking this remedy.** Liquid or Tablet Fora Bold I Everywhere Ask Year Dealer And Elect Officers and Directors for An other Year. Waycrosg, Sept. 21.—The third annual meeting or the Board of Control of the Georgia Land Owners Association, held in the rooms of the WaycroM Chamber of Commerce Thursday, was the most largely attended meeting of its kind held in the history of the association, result- ins in unanimous action favoring the continuance of the association’s work on a larger basis, not only for the ensuing year but for the re-organisation of the association for auotber three-year period beginning September 15, 1020. Approval was given to the reports of the secretary and treasurer and plans for legiflative Tift county, were married last Sunday afternoon, the Rev. R. G. Jackson offi ciating. The ceremony waa performed on the bandstand in Paradise Park in the presence of several friends. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for the home of the bridegroom In Tift county. Despondency. Sufferers from indigestion are apt to be* come discouraged and feel that complete recovery is not to be hoped for. No one could make a greater mistake. Hundreds have been permanently cured by taking Chamberlain’s Tablets and can now eat anything that they crave. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to t , perform its functions naturally. If you . have not tried them do so at once. throughout the South. swiHSS national highway •ugh motion endorsed, the coming Alex K. 1. Stillwell, •wnsend; T. •ridge; R. George B. S. Ucker, Haiti- icers were also re- lessions, president; vice president; C. P. H. Abbott, secre- Addresses were made at the meeting I. I. Fb4 Campbell, director of extension Of the state college; C. C. Thomas, secre- Chamber of Commerce, \vb< »se? CO-operation between th Hon bod the Georgia chamber* o commerce, and C, 8. Ucker, vice presided of the Southern Settlement and Develop ment Organization, who outlined the grea possibilities of agricultural development GET TOGETHER MEET Established 1870 Your Grandfather Knew Us IN BUSINESS HERE 49 YEARS & m mu Can’t to Hold Cotton Again In justice to yourself you can’t afford to hold cotton for a higher price this year if you are going to allow it to lie around in any old place and lose some of its value. Waa Friday’s Gathering Road Paving Discussed But No Formal Action Taken. The meeting ut Valdosta Friday to dis cuss paving for the National Highway with a view to reaching an agreement as to uniformity, was a regular get-together meeting, imbued with the determination to make the National the best highway in Georgia aud oue of the great interstate highway* of the South. No formal res olutions were passed but the various phases of highway building were discuss ed, as well us different methods of paviug and paving materials. It was felt by all present that the meeting did much good und will result iu bringing the friends of the National closer together. Tift, Cook aud Lowudcs counties, iu Georgiu, and Hamilton county in Florida were represented. It. K. Hall, Cliuirmau of the Board of County Coiniuiss Tift, was made eliuirmnu of the meeting aud It. C. Ellis, secretary. W. IL Neel, State Highway Engineer, discussed the matter of paviug aud ad vised either a H-foot paving o r an 18-foot paving. Mr. Neel said the State Highway Commission had not made auy definite plans as yet aud he was unable to give the meeting the assurance desired, thnt the National would be made one of the State highways, but expressed a favor able opinion. Mr. Beatty, of Hamilton county, dis cussed methods of paving in Florida, of which is the series of four strips of paving 2% feet wide with 2% of sand- day between. Various other methods of paying were discussed. One of the most interesting talks before the meeting was made by Mrs. O.'Brow- nell, of Jacksonville, who is a live-wire good roads booster and injected a lot of enthusiasm into the meeting. There will be a meeting in Atlanta or. September 25 of all counties that voted road bonds, preceding a meeting of the State Highway Commission September 20. Those present were urged to attend that meeting. # Tifton sent the largest delegation to the meeting. Among those going were. ( ounty Commissioners Hall and Brunch, ami Clerk II.. S. Murray, II. H. Tift, ({. C. Ellis and J. J. Golden, of the Bond Band Advisory Board; II. H. Tift, Jr.. It. E. Diiismore, V. F. Dinsmore, J. S. Itidgdill, W. A. Darnel! and Bond Engi neers Still and Boyd. Where Can I Find Relief From Itching, Terrifying Eczema? Qoestion on Lips of Afflicted. There is g harrassing discomfort caused by Eczema that almost be comes a torture. The itching is al most unbearable, and the skin seems on fire with the burning ir ritation. A cure frofn local appli cations of salves and ointments is impossible, because such treat ment can only allay the pain tem porarily. The disease can only be reached by going deep down to its source, which is in the blood, the disease being caused by an infec tion which breaks out through the skin. That is why the m6st satis- factory treatment for all so-called 019 skin diseases is S. S. S., which acts by cleansing the blood. Get a bot tle to-day, and you will see mulls •day, and you will from the right treatment. Medical advice free. AJdrcs.s Medical Di rector, 48 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. I Just What She Needed. “I used a bottle of Chainbcrluia’s Tab lets some time ago and they proved to be just what I needed.” writes Mrs. Volta I Bankston, Chillicothe, Mo. “They not ,oul.v relieved me of indigestion, but ton ed up my liver aud rid me of backache aud dizziness that 1 had been subject t 0 for some time. They did me a world of go. * und I will always speak a good word f« (jl Some time ago we received ten bales for storage—after the owner of the cotton had allowed it to lie around under a shed. When we sold it for our customer at 35c ■ we had to pick 1741 lbs. off on account of Country Damage. Figure it up. The owner of the cotton lost a cool $535.00. Every dollar of that $535.00 could have been saved by storing in Willinghams Warehouse in the beginning. A year’s storage on the ten bales would have only co& him $60.00. Just fifty cents per bale per month-covering both Storage and Insurance. Commission charge for selling very reasonable. Will gladly make loans on cotton stored with us up to 80% of the value of the cotton. them.’ READS "SATURDAY NIGHTS’ Oil. II 1 feeling good this week, for he not only w«u a decision over the Court of Appeals, but by so doing he l*y of "Saturday Night We Have Secured the Agency For HANSON-SIX CARS in Tift and Cook Counties A High-Grade, Up-to-Date Car Built for Beauty, StrengC and Service. Guaranteed for Twelve Months. DEMONSTRATIONS GLADLY GIVEN. + J. T. KING and 0. E. Wamack FENDER, GEORGIA. 'T’HE Success of Dainty •Inal,;. Bakings or a Substantial Dinner is assured by tbs use of RISING SUN ^SELF*RUHN? FLOUR An added zest for every meaL GEO. BAKER. Tifton, Ga. Sketxhei Koine o B. I lobgood was Vieted ill City court. The ease was pealed und the Court of Appeals sus od the lower court. Col. Poole appealed for a new trial and a dee] was rendered last week by the Coui Appeals, which over-ruled itself granted the plea. When the bowels feel uncomfortable and you miss the exhilarating feeling thnt always follows a copious morning opera tion, u dose of HERBINE will set wyou right in n couple of hours. If taken at bedtime wyou get its beneficent effect nftr breakfast nxt day. Price Sold by Conger Drug Co. Mr. James N. Mitchell, Jr., had official notice from Washington Tuesday morn ing of his being awarded the principal appointment at West Point for the three year course of military training. Jim is to be congratulated on getting this ap pointment, which came through Congress man Frank Park, as it is the highest recommendation for thnt appointment. 3'* mammoth!? iHSTitutioR;, MERIT arii ORIGINALITY /■-V.wv • - "•' 9 V ’*■/ i W * t) A COMPREHENSIVE ENSEMBLE OF THE WORLD'S BEST PERFORMERS an® THE FINEST TRAINED ANIMALS A MULTITUDE OF STRANGE ari3 CURIOUS, FEATURES FROM ALL ENDS OF THE EARTH] . 0 Exhibition . That is Worth while, GORGEOUS.GLITTERING STREET PARADE AT 10 A.M.DAILY Will Exhibit 1 Day Only on Tifton Circus Grounds, 2 Peformances, Afternoon at 2, Night at 8 fr IFTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2,1919 NlulesV Mules NEW MULE FIRM Roberts and Tinsley, from Cartersville, Ga., have come to Tifton, and have opened up a sales stable on the corner of Railroad and Fifth streets, in what is known as the Chesley Williams barns. They have a fresh car of good Farm mules and will sell for cash or on time until fall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Come and see us. ROBERTS & TINSLEY Ship Your Old Top Frames To SOUTHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. FITZGERALD, GEORGIA Manufacturers of High Grade AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND SEAT COVERS High Grade Painting for All Makes of Cars SOUTHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. 327 West Pine Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia WIRE FENCE Genuine “AMERICAN” 10 BARS 28-in High, 6-in. 11 BARS 34-in. High, 6-in. 12 BARS 40-in. High, 6-in. 14 BARS 52-in. High, 6-in. 10 BARS 47-in. High, 6-in. 21 BARS 58-in. High, 6-in. 13 BARS 46-in High, 6-12-1] 20 Rod Roll 10 BARS 28-in. High, 12-in. 11 BARS 34-in. High, 12-in. 12 BARS 40-in. High, 12-in. 13 BARS 46-in. High, 12-in. Stay $10.50 per 20 Rod Roll Stay 12.00 per 20 Rod Roll 13.50 per 20 Rod Roll 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll 12.50 per 20 Rod Roil 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll Stay Stay Stay Stay in. Stay Combination 13.50 per Stay $ 9.50 pfer 20 Rod Roll Stay 10.00 per 20 Rod Roll Stay 10.75 per 20 Rod Roll Stay 11.50 per 20 Rod Roll Above prices include staples sufficient to put up, are F. O. B. Valdosta and all orders have prompt attention. W. H. BRIGGS HARDWARE CR. VALDOSTA, GEORBIA. m <i ■ 1 . ’"ivi i&k