The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 26, 1919, Image 8

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MEN'S FURNISHINGS ' \ In the Newest and Snappiest Styles We are showing a very complete line of Classy Furnishing Things for the well dressed young men, including the newest that is in Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear Caps, Hosiery and Underwear RECEIVER'S SALE. I In nurauuce to ao order a ran ted on the Ctb dir of September, 1010, to the Honorable It. Ere. Jndxe of the Super-, lor Court, I will aell to tbe bitheat bid-j der for caxb, on the premleea, tbe follow- lnr described real aetata, to-wit: ,, | 40 feet b, 1®# fa* ° a tbe weat aide) of lot number 0 In block 11 1-2 in the! Citr of Tlfton, Georala, said lot fnmtlni south 40 feet on Filret street and ex-| tendlna back eren width a diatance ofi 100 feet from the north line of Flrat — street, said block number 11 1-2 being K#*P *OoT platted and recorded on pafe 486, deed gntcmPOTl book number S, Tift Count,, Bold ai the property of the Frank Hcarboro Com- V *AUo at the aame time and place, the following described personal property will be sold also aa the property of tbe Fraok Searboro Company. Six flat top office detka. 14 email aeetional book eaaea. 1 larxe table. Physicians and r their 18 chairs. 7 desk sets, ink stands, etc. 2 settees. 4 cabinet files. 2 dictaphones. 0 brass cuspidors. 1 check protector. 2 large square cabinet files. 1 large book case. 1 Royal Typewriter. 1 adding machine. 2 tall office stools 0 waste baskets. 4 electric desk lamps. 1 large iron safe. 2 small files. 5 letter tray*. 2 bat racks. Also at the same time and place Inf their friends to purified and their working order aa a the return of inflm that a clogged up l . liver favor colds, Influenza and serious complications. To cut short a cold overnight and to prevent serious com] prev _ Calotab at bedtime water—that ’» all. N no griping, no fickei Next morning your; your liver it active, yon fled and refreshed and fine with a hearty i fast. Bat what you __ Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, pries thirty-five cents. « J tm 4. A ttention FARMERS! We have employed Mr. J. T. Jackson at miller and are now ready to grind your com for toll. We invite the public to inspect our mill at all times to see how our com is cleaned before grinding into meal. Use Central Grocery Company Meal and you don’t have to eat weevils. CENTRAL GROCERY COMPANY, FEED MILL W. E. CHANDLER, Supt. Six shares of stock in the Mutual Mill* Cornwall, and C. E. in* Ctynpany of tbe par value of $50.0C each. Also at tbe same time and place thr following described property, to-wit: One note I*. W. Roberson dated Jan 25, 1011, $25.00 One note, I* W. Roberson dated March 0, 1910, $300.00. One note 1’. A. Allen dated August 9 1909, $200.00. One note J. C. Tanner dated July 30 1907, $250.00. . One note W. II. McCartney dated August 12, 1909, $220.00. 20 notes- C. W. Dowell dated Nov. 18 1910, $10.00 each, $200.00. We Have These Beautiful Coats—Something New CLEVER WINTER COAT -mm* These new and exquisite Winter Coats just recei- f) ved, and we in vite the ladies to i call to see them. Levy's Department Store Tifton, Georgia. Oue uote W. H. Graham dated Jan uary 5, 1917, $212.00. One note M S. Shaw, dated December 21. 1910, $01.00. to which is attached deed to secure debt. One note David Comfort, $3,300.00 to Itieh is attached ns security 100 shares Comfort Bennor Tie Company stock. One note .1. 0. Rousseau dated June 1. 1918, $750.00. One two ton Federal motor truck Every druggist if authorized to refund chassis. Al . , your money if you are not perfectly Also at the same time and place the ;j elighted with Calotab*—(Adv.) following described property to-wit: ! .—. ■ - - , 1 ig described properl. Frank Hcar^ro'Comply, ‘Jftto par 1 APPLICATION For INCORPORATION value of $100.00 each. State of Georgia—Tift County. . 214 shares of Comfort Bennor Tie TO TBE SUPERIOR COURT OS' SAID Company stock of the Par value of $100.- ,OUNTYi 00 each. . The petition of Albert “ aJ&a 1. That they desire for their associates to beef ate under the laws of name, style and title of impleaded, and of having and using a common seal. 2. The object of said* Corporation is pecuniary gain. V v .3. The particular business in which the petitioners desire to engage is that of merchandising, buying and selling c ing, dry goods, shoes, hats and any , nil kinds of merchandise and dealing in One note It. E. Ward dated December the same. 17. 1915, $10.00. | 4. The principal office and place of bu- One note W. I*. Moore and Z. T ixiuess of said corporation will be at Tif- Brown, Nov. 10, 1917,, $100.00. ] ton, Georgia. 5. The capital stock of said company will be the sum of $10,000.00 ail of which has been fully subscribed hnd 10 per cent, thereof paid in. Petitioners pray the privilege of increasing said capital stock to any amount not to exceed the sum of $50,000.00 by a majority vote of its stockholders. Said capital stock is to he divided into shares of $100 each. 0. Petitioners desire the privilege of owning such real state, and mortgaging or selling the same, as may be necessary for One note /. T. Brown dated January the proper conduct of its business. 18,. 1019, $257.00. j 7. Petitioners desire further the privi-. $25 each, dated June 28'lege of passing and enforcing such by-} Jose ‘ 1917, signed Joseph A. Bogan, soM a* laws as may be necessary for the proper, the property of Frank Searboro. conduct of its business, not in conflict, Sind, sale wilt begin promptly nt 11 (with the Constitution and laws of this: o’clock A. M. on Tuesday, the 7th day state or the United States. | Wherefore, petitioners pray that they ( o a. ai. on xuesaay, tue no Of October, 1919, and will continue .... , ....w,*,.,. —- ....... —„ —, til ali of said nroperty is disposed of be made a body corporate under the laws The terms of the sale will be for cash .of Georgia with all the rights, privileges' and all sales will be subject to con linn- and immunities incident thereto, and sub-; ation of the Court. Meet to nil the duties imposed thereby.’ This September 8th, 1910. |Aud petitioners will ever pray. etc. | Fulwood and Hargrett,; Petitioners* Attorneys. 1 15w3tdlt. B. Y. Wallace. Receiver, i 1C very thing in our line is new. m» uM j State of Georgia—Tift County, tk. You should see it to appreciate* I, Henry D. Webb, Clerk of the Super- Retts-Simrlin Co *>4d«tw1t ,or Court of 80ld Co ? Ilt *l» do certlf 3 r tha * lfctts Spunin uo. .Ki.twlt the n j Mlvp nnd foregoing is a true copy of petition for charter filed in office this first, OPENING w See our new fall shoes, and dress goods, i day of September, 1910. Lang A Company, Omega. 4-dwtf ■ You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get nr enjoyment out of everything when > blood is in good condition. Impurities the blood have a very depressing effect the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy ond^Vitality by Purifying * *i. Whei and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, seo how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves tbe appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC la hot a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. 6o pleasant even children like it The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago, folks •would ride a long distance to get GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a •member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. * The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from, any drug •tore. 60c per bottle ~ 858 Acres of Land at Solumco Lying on Each Side of Brookfield Road FOR SALE BY J. A. KITCHEN, Sylvester, Ga. Anyone wishing to buy land can purchase this from $10 to $20 less per acre than other lands located as well as this, ac- cording to information I get around Tif ton as to prices of improved land. My intention is to close out this in tracts suit purchaser or will sell the entire \to SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. J Will be sold on the first Tuesday in' October, 1919. at public outcry, before the court house in said county, withir the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit. Ono Chevrolet Touring car 4-90, 1917 oiodel, known as the Wm. Ponder car. Snld property levied on as the property of Ernest B. Nelson under on attach ment issued from the Justice Court of the 1314th District, G. M., of aald coun ty, in favor of Tifton Bulck Company anil against Ernest E Nelson, Defend ant in possession on date of levy. Noti fied in writing as required by law. ! This 4th day of September, 1919. BARGAINS, IF YOU NEED TIIEM.i Ono Deering Mower, in fair condition. $48.00. One horse rake, iu good shape, $30.00. Hay Press, steel box, old style, needs repairs, $00.00. Two one-horse wagons, good for light work, $25.00. each. On^, two-horse wagon, a bargain at $00.00. One Ford truck, 1 ton, chain drive, $400.00. LANG A COMPANY, Omega, Ga. Cotton Scales Leather harness and Collars Oil. Stoves and Ovens Crockery and Glassware Builders Supplies of All Kinds Golden Hardware Co. T^RIDAY and Saturday, September 26th and 27th, we will give our reg ular Fall Opening. We are showing the most wonderful line of Ladies' Ready- to-Wear ever shown in Tifton. The leading colors are Navy,.Blj Brown and Taupe. The materials are Serges, T*ricotettes, Tricotines, Jerseys, Satins, Crepe de Chines, Silvertone and Tenseltones. Our Ready-to-Wear is shown up stairs, where we have a very attractive place. Our Piece Goods, Notions, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings are shown down stairs, w'here we have a most complete line. Be sure you attend this opening. W< have some wonderful values to show you. The f t- - ■ ■*' . '%