The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 03, 1919, Image 3

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For Horses, Cattle and jSheep A Tonic, Laxative and Conditioner Destroys Worms Mr. Stockman, you want results when you use a stock remedy. That's what you get when you use B. A. THOMAS' STOCK REMEDY. We guarantee you to be satisfied. B. A. THOMAS' POULTRY REMEDY Auixt* in moulting. Specific lor bowel trouble and other disease, in fowls. Egg producer. “SAVES THE BACON” A Tonic, Laxative, Worm Expeller and Conditioner. COLIC REMEDY EASVWAdr No drenching. A child can give it Six doses 60c. Results guaranteed i. L. Nichols & Co, of Uk. City, Ark. writes: We have used B. A.THOMAS’ REMEDIES for the past fifteen years, end do not hesitate to say tfiey do • all they claim. ► OLD KENTUCKY MANUFACTURING CO., PADUCAH, KY. INCORPORATED For Sale bT^RICKERSON GROCERY CO. Hot Game Is Expected Between vaU. Gamer Starts at S O'dlurtt Tifto* Athletic Field. Football fao» Ux .South Georgia hu\i treat in store far them next teruoou, when.the Tift on Aggies and Institute play their first game of treason mi-the TiCton Athletic Field, game will start at 3 o’clock anil. •uooh of fans-is-expected to aae the tjjfiB pried open. It is not necessary to say t^at tke- s on both team* arc get in A-l shape bur the gfti Norman ami f the Aggies play, j always count tin both teams being ver best possible shape. There is no half way business about these games. 116th teams always put forth their T>est efforts to win. Reports from the Baptist school atuto that Norman has a good team this year. it It more than oh»< star in the bncktieln ltd they are going to give the FunnWak hot time of it. ' • Out at A. M. S. the boys are uot>ldfo loach C. M. Owen lias them out every day at bard practice uud Lho team is rapidly rounding into shape.. Quite a numbeb of (x-t year’s team are back this season tuxd) they expect to make a. good showing for the Aggies this season^ Following are tbo intmbmi of the A. Ml team: Fletcher Captain, fb; Braivcll,. i; Layton, lh; Ivey, qb; Maxwell, le Harrell, re; Harrimov It; Parker, .®hs HauesJer, lg; Bridges^ rg; WhelcbtLtjfe Substitutes: HurnatL- Myvga Mclvas, Duffy. LEGION MEETING FRIDAMQfl All 8blfllcrs,s SaUtes ami Marl vlted to JoinnTlft County Chaptw Noofft. Tift County Chapter Nft. 21; AssmSt legion, will’liolulan orfxnhtatioAitoftetUg at the Board ofiLTradoyefflce. Friday?, night at 8 o'clock, State tiiae. Every fiMdier, Sailor and Marine ha Tift.county la in-t ited to atteniji . The purpose-of thir meeting is tn* aeelct icnimnent officers lot the. Tift: county tost. Talks will bo made explaining the. ptirtiose of tldr<*rgau«atioiL^^ every Soldirr,. Satlo^^il Mai ice in the county make arrangement now **>. ilteliil the Itteotiug. Hcfreshloents awl saoken-fntv. DOWISX—WHEBI «B Mr. and'Mrs. J. II. Bowen, of Nash ville, (in., announce the..cng0gcm»nt and approaching marriage of - their daugh ter, Essie Mae, to Mr. ,T. &. Wh*e!fcr, of Ludowici, the weddirig to. take plane a*: home, September 30th;. annual Southeastern Fair, i«r Jl-ni, will exceed in est to the people of Georgia efforts say* Secretary It* M. trip]in,i. who lusa- just returned from> a rSeit to -Kune of the big fairs and' the Grand Circuit. ra<*a> wiene he closed up t^eieutrlfi* of the speed kings who-ban* been th^riKUter of atteutloo on the* big track* of* tike Nortfli . Our entries iu every department, aai* Q - lt _, indicate ttint long before the katca>axt open, every foot of pWtOMr “ ‘JjPgCSFWill be taken and I hitve aJ- y placed, orders-for big; tents to take of the'-over flow . WhHc we have al ways offered large aremiuma in tttdrlkvr <toek classes wo have materially «»- •used’ them this year until our swiae- 'iniumK ur*. pruot.ially dbublo Adit, off any other fair in th* South, and the re sult igrtlUit. wo. wiUl havo-ft swine.-show that will be almost as-big tiu? rutloxul’ show. nitsmitking many store Uiprowt- /fdrrtbi^eomft eti of She pa‘Jom- of Che fair,, looking specially U> arraneeiueaiK tlmt wii enable th* visitor to take iin the fair. <no natter what *iind of wwRtiler prevails .... l'amnenU are- bring put. dawn. and Aeou;af .the *tuek barns aud oven, if if ruins * , 4Mr outi-d-tnwiu visiiaxcs- may >ee all.df tho- exhibits-without diraoiufnrL. - This is. guhg .tcv.lHv tua cspcriall} big» year s». fui-a* thee oxiubita of. utUlti&a •re am age «<f fratailiihr- nd this-automotive- show will imt no excel 1id- outside of:* tilu- hig a mufti! sliow ihiN«(v Yorin Oun-Litoral AaU UuilUihcJ rill «i with.nxllihi&i that seat suit bo founh! el*mh.ero im the Southsaotuoni State*. for there-is oia oth ice fajtv. pro- pansliito,, take,, uarn <»£ them* „ojMfi wlhit- ver-,, nuy- Gfcongi* houaowafh-«oa- ton .platen* for making. the home more ctun.- for table, cun. bt mmiV mucL^njftn)- ilusallS- gently ijftrr i* vis* to the SoutLousbirn FRMr. Th .tarttitn:,. pusiag and, ruunihg races t*bi ye>*r j>rrantiMh to he tho-aMfetr ingerent- Lng we• have-aver bad to,th(isu*'iveaf.s. \\'q , .hgve »oWe.d' |yvn< of nyl/> nmiLtifc. Oc- •ober iSH aailiiU. and with, uur big free, (aim chut Held Friday and. Saturday—Many. Bmui* tifuL (iurmputs of Latest Style; Arp Shown Tills Season. The Adams-Smith Couipuhy held their Fall and WiuUn Opening yesterday and- y and they had one of the prettiest decorated storoo- iu artificial and . real, flowers that we huvp had tfie pleasure of seeing., fur. it good, many days. This •• has a large stock of dry goods, ladies’ ready-to-wear., gents’ funuiahluss* shoes, etc., and an. op-to-date millimcy depart iueut. Mr. MurrAy hfutiCJi, the proprietor, is in charge of tha-business in .general.a ail more .genial guntleuuiu could hardly he found .in., this suction of Georgia, and when J’6. mi’Mto. you. at thc.doi>r of this ip-to-dute business hoase it is,, with a irafle that makes veu feel once at mine and you may look for the \ _ry best of e.uurleay and. good treat iueut fimu uud his corps of assistants, u file groiuU. fl^or of thi&*Jioiim of goixl tilings will be found the dry p-od> and uodons departmeut under the man- ageinei't. of Mr. .liiu t'ohb, ably asvi,*tcd by Dewey Smith. Rot« of those 'g. penplu arc ever ready to serve you with i«..plc.nMitit smile of friendship that helps .,/pu: to. select your, purchase. Ou l’Uc- second, fihec will be founli tho ladies'- rcadf-to-wcar department, under the etdftionh. managament of Mips Evelyn Jordan, a. pleasing.and well .known youug lady. o4. Tifftou, who is al\v »y.s ready to assist, you in selecting your ready-to- wra r ,iiotilss. Oai this floor will tiso bo ’ludjono- of the- most up-to-date millin ery tiiparfauents in the city and (his dc- parf uvtiL is uudur the management #f Mr“-,s. L. B. Barnett, a sainted !iy Mias- SusidcChuek, of N-asbville..-Tcup-, .who wm welliup in their- particular lino,.that, of triowing and fitting the bemlgear-af fcfto- ladies njd this is a very trying>.thiu&t to ifc.andi one ho» nuiuunt »f patience to b* able to please, each: amt !K#y mistomen:. Ou. this sam» floor i*-to bo-foutuU th« dKeasnuiking room in,- charge - of MfrJfc. Atmin* Bennett where all nlteratiovK are made and iiamt dress mad) from piece- i^oilis in th«- store. G^ Jl. X. A LEOPARD CANNOT CHANGEJTS SPOTS .Mr. Dodson, the “Liver Tone” Mata, Tells the Treachery of -Cnlutnel. Inuv I loses you a day 1 Y«nr kn«*w calomel i,s. U’k mercury; quick- sour bib? tjk,- dynamite, cramping ". • alomel. in dungrri/os. It crusl»e> >i.-k<’iiing you. Onl<«oivl attacks'tin- tin biggest show foj. the smallesCi i of ray an #>r ioe.iit csuterpi U ainlN-rlain’s null'll Rented}. luiijoy good! health keep wink to yo *r bowels regu- iplislied by proper oiinetimw a ouedi- n .that fs tlurcase Thblcjs iild id gentle . WII LV.IIAU. ATLANTA IN KERRIKN Tlu- Nushv .tie uwiug among lli id ideasioit t>e take. si I'EKIQII (tH UT b raid report* the f.*. • .ase> tlisposed of i Mr R. L. Williiuli • guilty •. alt linvgli WILL YOU HOLD COTTON THIS YEAR? C, Time was when the average Georgia fanner could not afford to hold his cotton. This state of affairs is in the pa& The farmer has money enough to hold for a higher price. C In anticipation of a holding movement we have acquired additional facilities for storing more than 60,000 bales in fine, fire-proof quarters. Our charge i> only lllty cents per halo per month lor BOTH STORAGE and INSURANCE. We handle your cotton and carry out your instruction, taking ToF our part a small commission charge. Money loaned on cottoia stored with u». £y*W»-5 ;| , 1 ".irraxcfrr7iii»' d Write or wire us NOW for particulars. ^38.- ^ Willinghams Warehouse - i.t.hti.h.e i ,7o \ *• r. WtUINCHaM, Pr.t. MACON, GEORGIA Farm and City Loans 61 !* r cent in ‘erest made for 6, 7. 10’, f5 orKO years : prepayment pnuilege. Loans made by which all the money for which he aDplies. A direct connection ante insurance company enables us to render prompt wrvfce * ■ l C,ty Loan,: ,®i Per cent interest for 5 years’ time. j. w. w AB ssr^ <e Compa v P ' c B~r A, We Have Secured the Agency For HANSON-SIX CARS A High-Grade, UpSSSr Bdltf'% mm*' : GLADLY GIVEN. Uld I be put ttj feel bilkuLS, sluggish, con- .1 nil kiiMi’krd out mid bnlicv i diijst* of. dangerous calomel nt tlmt your druggist noils for S a large bottle of Dodson < , which is entirely vegetnWe mid pleasant, to take and is a perfeet . for calomel.. It is guaranteed your liver without stirring you . and ran not Holivate. take Calomel! It ran not Is* trusted any inure than a leopard or u wild-cat Take Denison’s Liver Tone which straightens you right up and makes feel fine. (Jive it to tho children -iso it is perfectly thannless and (iien strong. The funeral lias uok yet been &«1. nl Keefe & R.ll- Of shot st'Ufk M» * t't ture With Li If you ire- afflicted with Rhea, of the tnatlsm, why wa,te time with linl- menti, lotion, and other local ap-. plication, 'that ntrer did cure. Rheumati,m„and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away for you never will succeed Try the sensible plan of ‘inding the l| h , , s P,in - R , ,:,nm,: thc treatment to-day! cause, and there can be ■ * ■ • ■ J You will never be rid of, tism until you. cleanse y. eases & S. S. ha, no equal as a . blood 1 cleanser, score, of sufferers : say that it has cleaased their blood of Rheumatism,-and remov ed all trace of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S.SC S. at your- drug More and get on the right Jrt -—It to-day. If you want . ,.4, medical advice, address unia-1 Medical Director, 4? Swift Labors.- uiuud lory,. Atlanta. Ga. . mm WIRE FENCE Genuine “AMERICAN” 10 BARS 28-in High, 6-in. Stay $10.50 per 20 Rbd Roll 11 BARS 34-in. High, 6-in. Stay 12.00 per 20 R6d Roll. 12 BARS 40-in. High, 6-in. Stay 13.50 per 20 Rod Roll 14 BARS 52-in. High, 6-in. Stay 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll 10 BARS 47-in. High, 6-in. Stay 12.50 per 20 Rod Roll 21 BARS 58-in. High, 6-in. Stay 15.50 per 20 Rod Roll 13 BARS 46-in High, 6-12-in. Stay Combination 13.50 per 20 Rod Roll 10 BARS 28-in. High, 12-in. Stay $ 9.50 per 20 Rbdi Roll 11 BARS 34-in. High, 12rin. Stay 10.00 per 20 Rod Ball 12 BARS 40-in. High, 12-in. Stay 10.75 per 20 Rod Roll 13 BARS 46-in. High, 12-in. Stay 11.50 per 20; W~l’P«Hi A have prices include staples sufficient to put. up, are E4.0. B. Valdosta and all orders have prompt; attention.. t W. H. BRIGGS HARDWARE GO. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. & -Mrs. Il.’ <’ Ue,-.e. of A (hii H.,1 willinum.i: A very v„.| Mi Williiighiim 1 Willii.gfiam •nia at Colora I! lli- I'JSO ’ L gripe A FL’BLIC REST ROOM >r the accornmodutlou of t)ie visitors and customer* of Churchwell’a dry goods re, Mr. B. H. Bate*, the geniul mate •r who is always looking out for the t attention to tbOM wh^ call to trade with them, hus installed on the second floor a rest room wher* the ladies ran go and enjoy a quiet rest. Tile rent room is couvruh^Hy- arranged and it Is expect^ tfi^t many wktt '■> Tiftuit hi da llhdi' malS *•* i t . ,'bing ■ When your food doe, not dwell ■ud you feel • , l)lue,’ , tired nnd diNeonrare:! you should use n little HEHB1NK at beil- tinie. It op,‘ns ‘hr bowels, purities tile ' VOTEKS* LISTS A eomplel, i^t.of the regislereil voters of Tift county has i”' 1 ’ 11 <1 " m l'ile , l >»' Deputy Clerli K. J„ Welili, I, " ol,,a, "“ 2.2.V, names and is srrauited alpbli«'' ' nlly and by ilistricts, giving the po»t- "■ ’ ‘ ‘ bv f,c the complete list ever issu.-d, mu! Is thc ivsUH !>f “ uc li hard work. sir. Wei' ,b lartahgeil If foF tho Coavenience of ficp ness fcen 4esinit| * complete Hit of mitt* and s»Hf .copies af I!5 each, wbleh does not i/iore th.'fV <*bvifr'r the tfott of production. i N«no "Baycr’^ B^on Gen^ini' Aspirin—say flaytT ,-ith hi I] *• dentil . -HI. Mr. JudM ill with pneuu .1 Wv un*ther is there nnot reach Atlanta in ral of her hushuftd. Mr. Willingiinm was a II. II. Tift and Mrs. T. Tiffin, and Mrs I. \V. M uud has inuuy friends he lis visits to relatives. I pent last whiter here th< Tift. - ''' Mr. H. II. Tift, Sr., was iu Atlanta at the time of Mr. Willingham's death and Mrs. Tift, Mr. Henry Tift. Jr.. Mr. A. (’. Tift nnd Mr. Willingham Tift will at tend the funeral. SYRUP OF FIGS IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD hr*ether of Mrs. O B. Wood of ,-rrs, of Atfauta, of Mrs Bl'RI'RIKK BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. cud Mrs. L. Duffy, of tie* old Ty Ty distriet, surprised their sons Mike and James, wlm are attending the Second Dis trict Agricultural School. Monday evening with a birthday supper in l\"ie>r of Mike’s birthday anniversary^ The boys knew pothing about the plans, until Mr. >|w. Duffy arrived at the sch*j'Ai Monday evening with a supper ftl-* Wftdy prepareu. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and little daughter, Catherine, and Mrs. Tus sle O. Clark were Invited to take supper with the boys, the feast being spread on the lawn. fndfge*t(oti, Biliousness, (’onstipatloii. Chamberlain’s Tablets have restored to health and happiness hundreds who were afflicted with indigestion, biliousness ami constipation. If you are troubhsl >u tins way give them a trial. You are certain to he pleased fo p they will benefit you. 'California” Syrup of Figs on ly—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having tho best and most harmless laxa tive or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delirious, fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose ou each bottle. Give it without ear. Mother! You must say “California.’’ We Have These Beautiful Coats—Something New CLEVER WINTER COAT These new and exquisite Winter Coats just recei ved, and we in vite the ladies to call to see them. Levy's Department: Store Tifton, Georgia. SOUTHERN GEORGIA TREAT THREE JAILED ON ARSON CHARGE Sylvester, Sept. 20.—Will Jones, Steve Simmons and Ollic Donaldson ,all ne groes, are held in Worth county jail un der warrants sworn out by G. F. Alford, charging then) with arson. The sawmill of the Alford Lumber Company, in the r edge of this county, was burned on thc night of September 13, and Will s has confessed, it is alleged, and has implicated the other two negroes. The best i Georgia* agers « Magnificent Firework* Displays to Be Featured Nightly at the Daisy Dixie F»lr. none too good for Southern That l» the slosan of the man- „f the Daisy Dixie Fair to >* h r , “ in Albany, Ga., October 20, 21, — 23, i «nd 25. * mr-uant to this polley the managers 1 eentraetwi with the celebrated &*♦» ,-Duffield Fireworks Display tout- TheSrt, ■ a nightly presentation of their pany foi rnteehttic displays, fntpotw py im is the most elaborate ever TL? Ko»k he Southland. It includes produce,] i# V -at novelties. It i» the world's fMx -'ling to the extreme. Inspiring and tWl. Ill take plane "' the These dl»pfa#rA ’ rnn 'i Vmr infield, opitosite' txiie\ v.'sit to the fair 0*1)1' * yon fail to witnCfcf oW*\ oun It Is 4n ,: ifo . tha I He dm e to enjoy a n eu ttf* only hftV her* tofore been n jh •ot be complete if >f these marvel •ortunlty of a • inment that United •4k** °f this good ‘ dlft To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take I rents. Aspirin in tnid. I Vsnn/seiuro of UeootStu! | xddaeter «f Stlii^UeieitL Cllltlhntx'S—RICHARD sd^ Mr. and Mrs. A G. Christmas, \ of, Madison, Fla., anoouv ee the marring, t f their daukter, TUtlma,; 6> Ur. June ' Judson Riehardson, of \ Nuhiill'e, Os., j on Septebber 20l lWlO A.' 1 home after | Otjnfcnr U « VUUk,. I aliisUsLik ,'eiir.c.' 'oouitCfcr'eSc-t AJUfert&Wfcv.,1 The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c. PALL SHOWINGS •-'mil We are showing some very nifty Styles in Coat Suits, Coats an One-Piece Dresses,; And Our Prices Are Right ML The remodeling of our store has beencomplet and with the larger space and new arrangen we are better prepared than ever to displa Most Complete Line of Ladies’ Ready-to^ Millinery, Piece Goods, Shoes, and Gept*e Fur nishings. Our Goods, as all our customsrs A are dependable. WE APPRECIATE YOUR ■ • i M