The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 03, 1919, Image 4

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•IUW, (iA, FKIDAY, OCTOBER ’Sr’iWvT ■ ' V The Only Oita- madf/wtthout vaJvts, cylinders or wheels. Cant dog, stick, waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re- [quires no atten^mnterorsimnner g-| Crude or Rowe’a Mediated OiL Simplest and most aatiafac- tory oiler on the market. Cotta i$2 to $12 leaa than others. KILLS H08U0E1 PRHMTS DISEASE—! commuaiiy wagtaag , akin of manget aamry and i other tidn diseases. Promote** ’ healthy akin and atmoothglottr _ coat of hair. Doe* away with i <5n* sod sprays. Disinfectipenaandyards. WardaogaawMe. I^andcheapest disease prevenutive and profit-maker you can find. FOR SAVE BN Beaman dVlnfl | tytia arrived home Saturday night, harina received fils die- choree'from the Nary at Atlanta. Vlr- (II wai on the U. S. 8. Imperator, the ■econd Itrgeht (hip in the world, nnd mode four trips across the Atlantic In the bl( tub. The (ins nt Omega will buy your cotton 4-dwtf 80MB BIO POTATOES II. McWhorter on Dr. Wilbank'o brm brought the Oasette office three Jig sweet potatoes Saturday. One led eight pounds, mother weighed I and the third while not so big around was 12 inches long. He says they until make about 800 bushels of sweet potatoes on the farm this year. The "CARRY ON”! BENNETTS HARDWARE, INC. Tifton, Georgia. If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take “Cascarets” O. E. LINDSEY, D. O. Osteopathic Physician Diagnosis and Treatment) Office Over C. L. Parker's Store, Office Phone 340 Feel grand. lie efficient! Don’t stay sick, bilious, headachy, conatipated. c the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue inted, your breath bud and your utomach sour. Why not get a small box of Cas- carctH and enjoy the nicest, gentlest lax ative cathactri you ever experienced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or incon- vnience one like Halts, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. Cascarets bring sunshine to cloudy minds and half-sick bodies. They work while wyou sleep. 858 Am of Land at Solumco Lying on Each Side off Brookfield Road FOR SALE BY J. A KICHEN, Sylvester, Ga. Anyone wishing to buy land can purchase this from $10 to $20, less per acre than other lands located as well as this, ac cording to information 1 get. around Tif ton as to prices of improved land. My intention is to close out this in tracts to suit purchaser or will sell the entire tract in a body. The railroads claim to be short 000,000 because of prohibition; but tty can stand it better than the wmgjapWw children who contributed to their earntya for so many years. Across a garden* in Tift ijoui rows of sugar cane were plant! of it, cot and aoUT brought more tbap forty remaining rows, with the already cut, will be saved for, owner has decided that it jHHH better than vegetables. -*'■yt The youngest child of Mr, and Long, died at the home of tya.-TS father, Mr. Lyons, near Ty Tf,. ^ night . It certainly does look silly—or- to see a workman sitting over and waiting till the factor comes to begin. He might find somi home to do. There are fewe r cotton buyers the report is that some of thenrwere ty badly "pinched” last auason) but everybody seems to be buying everything else—corn, groundpeas, bay, velvet beq&i hogs, cows and all sorts of ell. caters*. Sometimes they find it profitable and sometimes they don’t sometimes they ship them, sometimes they sell at borne. ■ Whatever may have happened fo of crops, the snake crop is fine. w* them all about and hear of them f every quarter. Those of the D. T.Vlil- ety having been eliminated, the real ones seem to he trying to keep up the average. Sumner sends out seven trucks, dally, to collect the country pupils for their school. This costs a good deal, of course?) and it breaks up the little schools, and people are asking if it pays. It probably does, for other schools have tried it and still others are making preparations to adopt it Sumner they say, will empty fifteen tcachera another year. There arts ten now. We have had Tide, Tidy, Tight-eye, etc, nnd now comes Tutu. Eac$> way of •pett ing it is less absurd than the name it really goes by Ty Ty. The melancholy days seem to be likely to stay their full time with us, and frost is due in less than a month. We have d no real summer. Organized labor seems to he getting 123Or W black LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled eye, bat what ii really needed l> busing of the ngltatori. They ire thinly dlefuiied Bolshevist,, seems t thousand pities that now. aa the fanner la coming into his own. iy mien are leaving the-farm nnd email positions in town. Ty times were tight, they laid, bat ■eem lively enough now. farm loaded with farm products, crowd farmers arc getting good prices thelre crops are paying their/debts l' spending part of theit surplus cash. . -The “one-day'« income- plan works well. There are few people «o sordid as to be unwilling to give the one three hun dred and slxty-lifth part of their annual income to a good cause. The threatened crusade against tobac- co'is going to hove a tough time making any headway. Every man who cultivates the weed successfully will! join all his forces with those cf the users of tobacco, and a mighty urmy it will be. And there'll be not n few women in that urmy. The Bepublicana made a sorry show in the Spaniab-American war. with their de cayed beef, ond other kinds of graft, and the unspeakable health conditions of our soldiers. So it is ouiy natural that they should feel sure when a Democra tic administration shows them how it Should be done. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Varner. Mr. and Mn. Clias Bowman and Mr. Dunu, Mrs. Varner's f-'her, went to Shingler Sunday. Ur.. Dunn remaining for a visit to re latives there. Mrs. Hendricks sari daughters, Mrs. 6. N. Hayes and Mrs. M. D. Thompson had an enjoyable, trip to Sumner Sunday ,/mT s pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. Occasionally, some town or Individual starts a protest against unnecessary noise, bqt it toon dies out. Ty Tj augers In alienee, though we hare much in 'this line to contend with. Engineers oh' the railroad are responsible for most of it, and there ought to bo some way to stop the nuisance. The telephone office ie near the right-of-way, and sometimes, for several'minutes, it is impoasfbts to hear on account of solas for which thye Is no Fowler DelL Returning, it was digerent: I the Imp ol Perversity seemed to get hold of the car, and it looked aa if they might have to spend the night. Mr. J. F. Nicholson came along though, and played flood Samaritan, geltiug the party to their destination in safety. ' Why this Tifton trend of cotton? Is it bringing a better price down there. On Tuesday, there wa» a regular proces sion of wagons going io that direction, nnd each wagon wns loaded to its full capacity. But Ty Ty ginned it. Tlie “Ford Store," now the property of Cottle A Nicholson and rented by Sikes Sc Varner, lias considerable space but it is being filled to its utmost capacity with corn, hay, etc. In the first of the week, as one wagon emptied its corn and moved out of the way another took its place. Crops of all kinds arc being gathered rap idly, and farmers will soon be sowing grain for onother year. Wagons loaded with wood go through the streets of Ty Ty without attracting attention. There is very little sale of it now, but, if the people wore wise, they would buy a supply for the approaching wiuter. Itemembe r the dearth of last winter whrn some of us almost shf- fered for lack of fuel. The Tift County Chapter of ffie Amerl- Itcd Crosa did excellent work during Squeeze the Juice of two latoonx Into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you hhvo t quar ter pint of the beat freckle, sunburn and|"“ “ a )L^i K>u ,b,"ln~polnt of fact, theii tan lotion, nnd complexion heautlfler, sti >a nev „ „ Ti(t county Chapter: It was very, very small coat. " , | n ,, v „ „ ro p, r i y organized. Some man (pre- You p grocer has the lemon* and any (er>bly , mun , interested in Red Cross drug store or toilet counter stfll supply mrk ahou | d read the Red Crosa constl three ounces of Orchard Whitotfor ft £aw cento. Massage this Bwectly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, inns and hands each day and tee how freckles, •unburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the akin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Georgia State Fair M UNDER AUSPICES GEORGIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MACON, GEORGIA OCTOBER 22-31* 1919 “Don't Fail To See The Wonderful United States Agricultural Exhibit” $25,000.00 IN CASH PREMIUMS AND PURSES THE LARGEST AND BEST MIDWAY ON EARTH SIX DAYS HARNESS RACES “Victory at St Mihiel,” Mammoth Fireworks Spectacle^ The Biggest and Best Agricultural and Live Stock Fair in the South. Splendid Exhibits of Cattle, Swine, Live Stock and Agriculture. Special Sales of Cattle and Swine. Exhibits of Home Economics, Canning, Corn Pig, Calf and Poultry Clubs. tution, call a meeting, and get ready for the Roll Call, November 2*11. Whether Ty Ty has gone back on the pollards or the collards has played a trick on Ty Ty, has not been learned; but, for two or three years, something seems to have gone wrong with that lowly vege table. There may be a worse piece of road in (leorgia than the Little river causeway on the upper road to Tifton, but the trav eling public devoutly hopes not to encoun ter it The causeway over the branch that forms Ty Ty’s eastern boundary is not imi'-h better, but there is less of it. Nearly all of the north Tifton-Ty Ty road is iu wretched condition, and the paved road we have been hearing about is iu the dim distacc—exceedingly dim. Having sampled the food from sur plus stores of our army in the Great War, the Amerinen public is prepared to say that the doughboy had no cause for compluiut as to what they had to eat. Ty Ty housekeepers invested liberally in these stores and the unanimous verdict is that it is as good as the best. Not only is it excellent itf quality, but it has all the variety necessary for a perfect ration. Never before was an ar my, especially one on foreign soil, so well fed, and so well cared for in every way, and we have yet to see a returned soldier Who dod5 n °t Show the effects of this care—not only In hit body, manner#, etc., but even in his faca. The Methodist Sunday School raised sixty dollars Suuday for the Orphans’ Home (Methodist) in Macon. WHOLE SYSTEM fillet IftlMMl Is Mold Mhr A FW Dost* of ZIRON Iron lull. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS ium Lists and Entry Blanks Now Ready for You. HARP %Y C ROBERT ^ er ,y\ and Gen. Mgr. Prescriptic Mix* Virginia Jones, of Moleu, vu in POUllded. Ty Ty Monday, on bar way to Sylvester, to attend tha Teachers’ Institute. Sue will teach in Worth county this year. • Mias Ford, who waa with her here Mon day, will be one of Mr assistant#. This week will probably see all of the schools in operation. * . Forty-two children on - one truck, on the way t 0 Sumner school, was some thing of a wight last week. Mr. Fowler, was driving the truck, and be said he ex pected to add six or eight more passen gers to his load this week. Mrs. C. N. Hayes made a short visit to relatives here before returning to her home. Mrs. Hayes, the youngest daugh ter of Mr.-O. G. Dell, came to Tifton to attend her father’s funeral. The postoffice at Molena, Ga., seems to be goiug a-begging, and yet it seems rather a good job, It is third-class and the postmaster's salary is $1,800. But a post office these days mean# lots and cords of work, and positions of that kind are not so popular as they nsed to be. Fifteen years ago aU the mail that came to Ty Ty postoffice was less than one carrier takes out now, and there is much more clerical work, that must be done now, more than the postmaster in those days ever dreamed of. Where are the "bull bats” that used to make the afternoon lively with their "bellowing?” The answer might be beard ini the echoes of guns. The game war den might find something to interest him if he would look around in this neigh borhood. The Ty Ty Methodist church sent up a good-sized delegation to the quarterly meeting in Sumner Saturday. Among them were Mr. W. B. Parks, Mrs. Aaron Darks. Mrs. R. R. Pickett, Mrs. F. B. Pickett and Mrs. W. J. Sikes. Woodward’s Garage is going over a car, putting it in perfect condition for the race at the Albany Fair. The car is the property of Mr. Coether, who was in Ty Ty while the electric light plant was being installed. Automobile race* are too dangerous to be interesting to the majority of people; to others, few things are interesting without an element of danger.. Elder A. B. Bima, of Valdosta, waa ex pected to assist in the two daya meeting at the Primitive Baptist church of Ty Ty, the past Saturday and Sunday, but he was detained by a death in his congrega tion. Elder Bikes, the pastor, conducted services, preaching to good congregations each day. Owen Dowd and Mr. A. H. Walker each has lost a purs# in the past few days, and, up to the present time, nothing has Ween heard from either. It is seldom that a purse does nok contain something to identify the owner, and there are other ways to learn where it belongs. “Finders are keepers,” is an old saying, but this gives the finder no right to be the keeper, with means at hand to find the owner. Anybody who finds ah article of even small value, and makes no effort to restore it to the loser, is a thief—just an ordinary thief, and should be dealt with accordingly. Ty Ty is trying to raise her quota of that army talked about by some of the opponents of the League of Nations. Two recruits arrived last week—one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Willis and the other at Mr and Mrs. Queen's. They start in with ten pqunds each—boys, of course, though it docs not necessarily follow that the army in question will be composed of men If women vote they ought to fight Groundpeas are bringing a better price than bus been paid in sometime. This is encouraging, ns they are no longer considered fit for food for hogs. Judging from the quantity of cotton in and around the warehouses this week, the cotton crop was not so dreadfully short. Press and people were anxious and wondering, just after the close of the war, what ou r returning soldiers were to do for employment, and now good jobs are going begging. Apparently one more case of crossing the stream before you get to Ty Ty Farmers Supply Co R. R. Pickett, President. J. M. Varner, Manafer, DEALERS IN , * Groceries Dry Goode . Notion*, Shoe*, Hats Ready-to-Wear ChlSiil Fan* Implement* S - And Other Thing*. Pictorial Review Pattern* TY TY DRUG GO. E. W. OUvar, Proprietor, . A coapUto lino off patoat fa and Snadrioa. v- 1 Drags THE BANK OF TY TT SAFETY FIRST TY TY, GEORGIA manmim) PBoriTB — . ramuBT paid —to, <a im uf BAVIN08 DRPOgBBr h *«r FRIEND whm 7M MONET w, will be TODKS ye* Mn NONA WOODWARD'S OARAGE Tr Tj, • • * • Oeorgta Repairs promptly attended to. Repalrx on Ford can a speriokfl Olla aad Grease for Sale. JONES a COMPANY Dealera In High Claw General M—luadlai Liter yon read thix advertisearoaA go to thix atom and do you dropping. PRICES RIGHT A. PARKS, Groceries. Dry .Goods Etc.. Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, G^aftiaT'- InCf Hill is one of the little schools that have boon discontinued. Another teacher is badly needed in the Ty Ty school, but ,up to the present writing one has not been found. There may be u reason for allowing cows and hogs on the streets, but there is none, except pure carelessness and « nnWM don’t-care, for throwing paper and spit- “UUlf II ting. Both these practices are against the law. Take some pride in the appear ance of your town, and especially consid er the question of health. Doctor* say another Epidemic of influenxa threatens, tfnii now is the time to ward It offl Id* each person do his or her part to help Mr. Earl Gibba expects to build a home aa soon as the material can be fot- to*et- ber, on one of thoae"beautifnly lota near the schoolhouse.. Mr. C. 1. Jonen, also baa bought .a building lot there D. VARNER! AND COMPANY ■ Deatua In Grocnriw Dry Goode, Condioo, CL (ore, Tobacco ond Everything Else in tbo 1 way of Canon! Merchandise. Men's FurnUhings n Specialty. DR. F. B. PICKETT. , _ _ PhyriciMf T> Tr. Cto. FOR TARN AND BRAUN 8m J. D. Man** about pattBg k a good • lath vtO, Terra Cotta, CMHnWd wsemaoL tied Ziron.and AdirewJ.D. Maand, Ty Ty, «*. •'When 1 began to take Ziion, it teemed could eat more c*ch dealbetttr. aad m“°e£twt* e “ Z iron is a new .scientific cotabhaaoi blnedwiS phosphorus,the tedrepris “rry’iuroB tolsyf oa’tte’moaer-bacl au Habitual Constipation Cored la 14 to 21 Days •LAX-POS WITH PEPSIN” Is a spedj “iSyrupTonic-Laxative for HaW be^^for^day. tolndnce i*«riarSto/ItStUmlstesud Regulates.# Very Pleasant to Take. #M* per bottle. CARL S. PITTMAN Physician and Surgaoa lyiy, a*. Highest price* paid for good white com and hay. ■ We boy cattle and hogs, alto. & Varner, Ty Ty, tf W. B. PARKS Gene to Florida^ hot payfcgg for this space just the aame. E. 1. COTTLE TT TT, GEORGIA H. G. MALCOM TY TY, GEORGIA Orden taken now ter plsnta, Also I tray and sell hog*. f ..Hogs, Beef Cattle and Mflk- WHIDDON & AKQIS Heavy and Fancy Groceries. ,.I*l8h£ Cow* St HefsBoom usd Said m&x ■ £ it. : ' :