The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 03, 1919, Image 5

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AD COLUMN TAKE NOTICE BAGS, SCRAP IRON We m pajlnt the UHMt price* tar Aat «a Unde ol METALS The IlUe Merket to Very Straw Brtoki Tear Hides t* U*. A. WEINBLATT HUMS A TALLOW VO refers Halo. Wsrehoeee*SaIMIai CROPS Save your peanuts is short We have hg Machinery, sell hardware like wedtll furniture for the home. Taylor Furniture & Hardware Go. NO BLUFF HEBE Tifton has do shoe factor/, but tho closest to one is the old reliable Tifton Shoe Hospital. We will make /our old shoe as good as n/w, or make /ou new shoes if /oil want them. Vft make new shoes right along. Come and see. dwlm FOB SALE—At a bargain, 1000 acres Clay sub-soil land, one mile from Green< rille, Fla., on public highway; 600 of which is under fence and cleared, and 150 acres more.can be cleared, balance suitable for pasture, also contains one million feet, estimated, pine and cypress timber. Sat isfactory terms can be arranged fo r part. J. Vickers, Greenville, Fla. 10w4t m ARM FOB SALE—2,400 acres, 750 eared. Situated on National Highway, iks county, Georgia, and near Will sell at a bargain for Jck sale. Easy terms. Address Hu- j&ot Land & Abstract Company, Quit* H, Georgia. -0w4t QUICK SALE—223 acres land. 00 _jtt f00d wire fence, 75 in cultiva- phalf stumped. Seven miles from public road. House, barns, | price $7,500, half cash, terms on H. Z. Dunn, Route 2, Tifton. 23d2tw2t LTURAL LIME—“Use Lime lose your crop yields. Write fo r nre and for delivered prices any .» Supreme Limestone Company, nville, Florida. . •' " LAND FOR SALE—200 acres of land 10 or 11 miles cast of Tifton, 50 acres in cultivation, 00 acres under fence, 4-room bouse, 2 good wells. Big public road runs through the* land. Rural route every day by the door. Price $30 per acre. O. II McCook, Route 1, Enigma, Oa. 3Gd2tw2l FARMS FOR SALE—W« have a number of choice farms of various sixes for tale in the Chattahoochee Valley in the vicin ity of Dothan, Southeast Alabama. Hun dreds of car loads of hogs and cattle ship ped every season, immense crops of prac tically everything grown in the South. Two Packing Plants dose by, also Grain Elevator, Mixed Feed Mills, Peanut Crushing Plants, Syrup Refinery, Canning Plant, etc., with permanent cash markets for practically everything raised and produced. Those interested, write, Smith A Morgan, Dothan, Alabama. 8-lw8t COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED—We are in the market for Hens, Friers, Roos ters, Guineas, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese or Eggs. Fruits and vegetables, batter and pure cream. Can also use af ew homo- canned goods. Hotel M/on. Tifton, Ga. MONUMENTS—I can furnish the very best J. J. F. Goodman, Brookfield, wtf LOST—Between Tifton and Ty Ty, one curtain windshield for White truck. Re turn to Gulf Refining Co., and receive re ward. • 2-d2wlt. STRAYED—One black and white listed male ■ pig weighing between 35 and 50 Itouads. Finder will please return to E. A. Watson, at Tifton Cotton Mills, Shipp street. Houso No. 31, and receive reward. 10dw2t FOR SALE—Five mules from four to six years old. One mare four years old. I can save a man money by buying from me. Either cash or bankable paper. E. L. Ireland at Merchant's Warehouse. 2-d3-w2t Ship Your Old Top Frames To k hMHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. FITZGERALD, GEORGIA t m Manufacturers of High Grade ! TOPS AND SEAT COVERS igh Grade Painting for All Makes of Cars )UTHERN AUTO TOP & TRIMMING CO. ' West Pine Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia FOR SALE—20,000 Stalks of Seed Cane at $2.50 per hundred. Send check with order. Wiley Branch, Sr., Route 3, Tif- tonT l-d3-w2t FOR SALE — One Hampshire male and one Essex Sow. Male, thoroughbred, ad dress, W. T. Hutto, Sumner Ga., Routel. 2Cd2twlt Get a sick of that good home-made flour, made from wheat grown around Omega, price $1.65, Lang A Co. 4-dwtf FOR SALE—Two good mares and three good farm mules. • W. Lennon. 27dwtf LOST—Setter Bitch, Black and White spots, 2 year* old—Reward. T. W. Tift 25dwtf LOST—One note for $305 due Nov ember 1, 1010, algned by Dr. 8. T. Whit taker and payable to th* Tift-Orerland Company. Finder please return to TIB* Overland Company and receive rewanLOtf Get 50c per dozen ror your eggs at Lang's store, Omega. Highest prices for cNdcens. I am now in the market for Hens, Fry< era. Broilers, and Eggs. I can pay more than any merchant In Tifton. See me be- ore yon sell your produce. O. L. Parker BUY SINGER MACHINES—They are the best $4 cash $1 per week. B. H. Bankston, Tifton. 0-6-deodwtf $10,000 OFFERED IN PREMIUMS Superb Racing IVogram at the Big Al bany Fair, October 20-25. Thy racing events to bo held in con nection with the big Albany, Georgia Fair are attracting the eyes of the sport world. Some of the fastest horses campaigning- over the half-mile tracks will be found in Albany this fall competing for the liberal purses. In addition to the harn ess races, two running races are on the program each day. The race course at Albany is conocded by experts to be one of Hie fiues>~j fastesi—JuiUitjpk ringsU k/ *‘ fW ” outb - great home strctcTrTiTsixty feet wide, while the back stretches arc fifty feet in width. The speed barns are constructed along most modern lines. Stable*! have been erected to accommodate one hund red head of horses. In keeping with the elegant and com modious exhibit building on the Albany fair grounds, the grand stand ul the track is a model in every respect. It has seat ing capacity of three thousand. It is so arranged that every seat in this huge am phitheatre affords u clear view of the entire race track. Opposite the center f the grandstand, in the infield of the race course has beep erected n mammoth stage where each day and night of the fair will be produced feature circus stunts for the musement and entertainment of the f*IFs patrons. These sterling acts were selec ted with grent care and are the cream of the amusement world. Each night in tbe infield of the race track will be shown a mighty and magnificent display of fire works. It will easily be the most elabor ate diaplay ever produced in the great Southland. Directly in front of tbe grand stand is the music pavilion. Band con certs will be rendered day and night On the broad avenue leading to the grand stand will be found the tented amuse ment*. These will consist of shows of super-supreme excellence. With varied and elaborate amuse ment program visitor* are assured j* royal good time in Albany the week of October 20. We ar* all wanting to reduce the coat of living. If you want to help, bay your Groceries in Bulk and pay Cash for them. I am offering some special pri ce* on Groceries sold in Bulk for Gash. Try me and be convinced. 'W. L Har vey. — 28dCt ^No Worms m « Healthy Child I AO children troubled with warns have sJH hsehhr color, which indicate* poor blood, and a* a rule, there U more or lees etoesach disturbance. GROVE’S TASTELESS chid TONIC given regularly toe two or three week* will enrich the blood, im proved* digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Took to the whole system. Nature will then throw offor dispel the worm*, and th* Child wU be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. Sfe ner bottle. I Hundfe ds of Stone Set Rings to select frC% Ston you oftty fancy. Our pleasure to show theni. Gold and Gold filled from 75c to $35.00 A Large Stock to Select From. Moor’s Jewelry Store “The .Gift Store” •PHONE 2SO ms® B&KS m Judge R. Eve went over to Sylvester Thursday^ to bear a couple of alimony Mr*. Mary C. Taylor, of Tallahussce, Fla., is the guest of her daughter, Mr*. Chas C. T/ler. Mrs. H. H. Coombs and children, of Bainbridge, are the guests of Mrs. Coombs sister, Mrs. W. H. McCartney. Mr. Skipper, who has been very sick at hia home on the Height* is reported some better. Mr. Skipper was bitten by a spider a week ago. Mr., J. M. iWor, and children left Wednesday at noon for Shreveport, La., where they will visit relatives for a few days, going from there to San Francisco and other points in California. Mr. L. H. Johnson, of Greenville, N. G., is visiting his father, Mr. R. L. Johnson, and brother, Mr. Frank Johnson. Mr. ohnson is an experienced man at growing and curing tobacco and' Is seriously con sidering locating in this section for the purpose of growing tobacco. Harry Kulbersh’s Department Store will be closed Saturday on account of holiday. l-d3wlt Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Kent left Tuesday in their car for Savannah, where they will make their home in the future. Kent sold his home on the corner of Con tral avenue mid Sixth street to Mr. H. P. Webb, who has recently moved to it Mr. I>ent has purchased a lot i the most popular suburbs of Savannah and will begin work at once on a home in the Forest City. While their friends re gret to sen th'-.n leave T»tUm, tW- T*»r them Wicc-ss and happiness in next best city ; n Georgia, Savannah. INDIGESTION GOES, GONE! ‘Pape’s Diapepsin” at once fixes Your Sour, Gassy, Acid Storfiach Stomach acidity causes idnigestion Food souring, gas distress! Wonder whut upset your stomach! Well, don’t bother! The moment you eat a tablet or two, of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heart burn and belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish—truly wonderful! Millions of people know that itis need less to be bothered with indigestion, dys pepsia or a disordered stomach. A few tablets of Pape’s Diapepsin neutralise acidity and give relief at once—no wait ing! Buy a box of Pape’s Diapepsin now! Don't stay miserable! Try to reg ulate your stomach you can eat favor ite foods without causing distress. lilt cost is so little. The benefits so great FIVE PER CENT HONEY Ob Improved Farm Land aad City Property for 8, 6, 7, 10, 15, Mi 16 Yean. Loans Liberal and Made PrempHj B. O. WILLIFORD, Attorney 107 Tifton, Georgia J. H. BROWN I HELL FARM LANDS and CITY PROPBRT* 1 MAKE FARR AND CITY LOANS HOUSES FOR RENT OBee Na 11 New Ctyatt Mrs. John Crosby died at her home near Lenox Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock, leaving a tiny infant two days old. The funeral was held at Bethlehem church Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock, with in terment in the cemetery at that place. The services were conducted by Rev. D. C. Rainey. Before her marriage Mrs. Crosby wn> a Miss Corn Lee Denby, of Moultrie, aud besides the infant *5e is survived by her husband and two other small children. MBS. MYRICK’S FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Llecie My rick was the home of Mr. aud Mrs. L W. Adams, on North Central Avenue, Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock, tbe ser vice* being conducted by Rev W. H. Budd and Rev. O. W. Durden. Mr*. W.-L. Harman, Mrs. J. J. Golden and Mr. Julian Peeples sang “Safe in tho Arms of Jeiu*,” aud “Asleep in Jesus.’’ The body was carried to Valdosta Sunday morning where It was buri»l beside her husband,} who died three years ago. The dasket was covered with floral offerings sent by friends aud relatives. The services at the ceme tery were conducted by Rev. Jere M. Glenn ,pastor of tbe Valdosta Methodist' church. In the funeral party from Tifton were Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fenn, and Miss Fannie Fenn, of Cordele, Mr. 8. M. Myrick, <rf Quitman. Mrs. Cherry Myrick and Mr. John Adams, of Nash ville; Mrs. Pauline Myrick, of .Tack sonvllle; Mr. John Myrick, of Palatka, Fla.; Mr. George Peters, Mrs. Luna Pitts and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Harden New-Style Felt Bed Room Slippers, at Wade-Corry Company’s. 2-d3wl t Sea our new fall shoes, and dress goods. Lang & Company. Omega. 4-dwtf Coldfl Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove th* caose. There Is only one “Bromo Quinine." £. W. GROVE’S signature on box. 30c. DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND. THE BIG AUCTION SALE 490-Acre Bush Farm, Sub-Divided Into four farms, ] / 2 mile east of Irwinville, 3 miles north of Mystic, 8 miles west of Fitzgerald, 1-2 mile from Graded School. - • ■$;]? ^(indav Ort fill, 1 ft.QA A It/I fonday, Oct. 6th, lOffQj At This property, the Bpsh Farm, has ;bee& into four smaller farms, is a fine grade of land^'l been consigned to us by the owner* to sell at auction 11 the highest bidder on the above date. Everybody, whether buyer, bidder or .'spectator, h cordially in vited. COME. ■ J. C. BUSH, Owner. ATLANTIC LAND CO. Sales Managers and Auctioneer, m - DECATUR COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE 125 acres located munity, good .v-lioo public graded road, NO acres tiou ; deep well, clay subsoil. prosperous eora- 145 i r good school and church, on public graded road, six miles east from Itainhridge, about 1)0 acres in culti vation. One 6-rooin dwelling, 3-room ten ant house, pecan orchard and other fruits Price $25 per acre. 75 acres, well improved, mile: northwest from Bainbridge, 65 acres ii high state of cultivation, nice 6-room dwelling with sleeping porch, deep well, good barn, tenant house, on main high way. Price $5,500. , 375 acres with 100 acres in cultivation, ten miles northeast from Buinhiidgc, near graded public road, with a good fishing lake, some timber, 0-room duelling, ten ant house, deep well; quick sale for $15 per 500 !£• miles northeast from Bainbridge on highway. 275 acres i» »•«!- j tivntion ,nll fenced with good wire, deep j well, nice 6-room dwelling, three tenant j houses'. For quick sale, $27.50 per acre. J. B. L. BARBER, Bainbridge. Ga. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic I have two real desirable farms listed for sale. Both small. I have several .... , , i restores vitality and energy by purifying sod e»- nle c residence Ion end « ho ne or two rich , ntthe blood . y„ uM bc e me. Keith Ctrsoo. ~’4dWtf ) ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. SPECIAL SHOWING More chan 100 new dresses of French Serge and Satin, in Navies and Blacks. Sizes 14 to 44, specially priced at $19.80 to $27.50 Coat Picking Is Now at Its Best OOL/days have come and still cooler weather is on ^ ithe way. So now women are beginning to give se rious consideration to the matter of getting a new coat for Fall and Winter. Finding the very coats they want will he no task at all here, for Another Big Shipment of Brandi New Coats are Just In. -Perhaps You Wish to Pay From $19.50 to $49.50. Here You willffind cozy’coats'of Silvertone, Wool, Velour, Bolivia, Fancy MixturesJJand Melton Cloth. Some are plain and others|have collarsjof plush orjfur. Belt, ed or flaring styles. Half'or'fully lined. -Then Come the Coats at $52.50 to $100. These are Made of eitherfflaring back, belted, or Russian blouse styles. Of Tinseltone, Evora, Bolivia, Silvertone, Broad Cloth, Plush and WoolJVelour. Somejhave collars of Hudson Seal, Raccoon and Nutria. -You Who Choose Your Winter Coats Now Will Have the Satis faction ofjmowing thatyou are choosing from assortments at their best^and, on top of this, p y°u’H get a full measure of wear out of them. SPECIAL SHOWING Today of the Newest and Prettiest Styles of Fall and Winter Sweaters for Chil dren, Men and Women. A . \ Y/ ; " . A