The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 03, 1919, Image 6

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anne is such a coF- tee as voji long have wishea for—oFaistine tive Quality and of fla vor unsurpassed. It is literally true that/you will never know now d coffee can be un- you try Luzianne. coffee Mr. A. D. Taylor, of Route 1, was Id Tifton on business Saturday. Mrs. Ida Brfcdlove, of Boise, Idaho, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Breedlove. Mr. A. I>. Rows and two sons, Grady srnl Ouiar, were in the city Saturday business. Mr. Clyde Johns, of Macon spent the v\eek-end in Tifton slinking hands old friends. Messrs. Jack and C. II. Spiders, olmix-i ■Saturday. J. L. Smith. : T. II. Kendall. ; for l'ulntkn, Fla., ■d 111 !It 1 i I N 10 Mr. and Mrs. John (’. Smith unnounce (he arrival of a seven pound son at their mine September Si. lie has been named Hoy Howard. Mr. L. C. Wliiddou, of Moto r A. who was in Tifton Saturday morning on busi ness, says the crops are all gathered in his section except a little corn. Mrs. T. O’ll. Wood returned eurly In the week from siHMiding the last two months in Beaufort and Lena, S. C., and New York City. Mr. W. T. Wood, of Route 5, was in town Saturday looking for n stray mule, lie biter learned that the mule had Iici»i! killed on the railroad near Mi 1\ A. Skelton, of Way cross, who •en the guest of Mrs. K. L. Webb, lulled to Ashburn Tuesday morn the •» dside of her sister, Mrtf J is ill. I Inyo of Whertoi VT, D. Brady, of Ty Ty, wfo> e guest of her daughter, Mr*. V, Jones, for a week, returned home Mon day afternoon. There was a big crowd at tbe ting at Turner church Sunday add every one present had a big time, with a big din ner to till up the hungry crowd at noon. There was some fine singing, the Gray boys and girls delighting the large crowd with their tine singing. Abram Barnes, young son of Mr. Barnea who lives near Turner church, bus found a use for Tift county tobae- Hu rolls a fairly good looking sniokG from tbe home-grown leaf, turn ing out a very light barn-cured product and a dark sun-cured smoke. Miss AUie, who bud been at tending the summer course of the Nor mal School at Valdosta, and also visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Brady, at Ty Ty, spent the week-end iu Tifton with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. .Tones, leaving Monday at noon fo r her home iu Cordele. Mr. L. C. Wade returned Tuesday morn ing from Atlanta, where he carried Mrs. Wade Saturday night for special treat ment. Mrs. Wade has been ill for some fcsnie but owing to complications was thought best to take her to a specialist. She was accompanied on the trip to Atlanta by Mr. Wade and the nurse, who has been attending her during her illness. Ocllln Star. Judge Dan Tucker comes forward with the champion gourd vine of the season. The vine is forty-eight f cet Jong and has forty well-matured gourds on It. We have been thinking of the forty fine drinking gourds these would make if properly fixed up, and no doubt Judge Dan will have one fixed up for bis own special benefit, for be it known that there Is nothing that equals a South Geor gia gourd for a drinking cup. An Agreeable Surprise. “About three years ago when I was suf fering from a severe cold aonrny lungs and coughed most of the time night and day, I tried a bottle of Chamberlain's Gough Remedy and was surprised at the promptness with which it gave uie re lief.'’ writes Mrs. James Brown. Clark Mills, X. Y, Many another has been sur prised and pleased with tin* prompt re lief afforded by this remedy. Mr. C. It. Choate went to Macon Sat urday for Mrs. Choate and baby, who had been spending souie time there, where the baby is lifting treated by a specialist. While in Macon Mr. Choate visited Lee Cross, who is in jail charg ed with killing Frank Hodges Friday. He says Cross is cheerful and talks free ly. Imt carefully avoids any discus-ion of the killing. the llcsb. BALLARD' not hide when Want A«1 gets after thci ed a Want Ad Monday I lie got the bond Monday Butler mid little ned Thursday fi Profession: 1 .! Directory W. B. BENNET Lawyer Office over Darnell’s Tifton, Gn. 1)K. \Y. K. WIIITK Veterinarian Telephone 27(1 Tilton, Georgia Formerly with U. S. Government Hog Cholera Control b. u w i STTFi) r d Attomey-at-Law, Tifton, Ga. Office 30-32, McLeod Bldg. (Damage Suits ami Criminal I'ractkftjTR • Specialty.) " D. B. HARRELL Practicing Physician Office McLfod-O'X'ca! Bldg. Office Phono 203. Residence 301 Tifton. Georgia. Mr. But lei li. C. ELLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Special attention given to collection* and t« matters relating to land title*. Will practice in alb tbe Courts. DR. CHARLES S. SMITH Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Brooks Pharmacy Hounc 8 to 1—2 to 0 TIFTON, GEORGIA If you want n good farm, J A. Kitchen, .•i' Sylvester, has it. He la offering for sale S5S acres of the old Southern Ltnnbe Company place on the Brookfield road ami will sell it in n body or in tracts to suit the purchaser. Prof. L. II. Brynii. the toha.eo ex returned from n vi.-U to hi- old he.. North Cnrolim, Monday. While nun, visited the tobacco markets at Kingston, Wallace, Riehlands mid Goldcsboro. sr KG EONS agree (lint In ease.- < ('u.s. Burns. Bruises mid Wounds, tl FIRST TREATMENT is most impn taut. When nu EFFICIENT nutise tie is applied promptly, there is no dan ger of infection ami' the wound begins- to heal ntonee. For use on man <>r b»*o»t, BOROZONE is tlni IDEAL ANT1SEP HEALING AGENT. Buy it he ready for ao emergency. Sold by Conger Drag: Co. Miss Ellen Smith, of Trenton, PftUv ha* accepted the position of bookkeeper Ii Ivey Furuitur* Co. Miss Smi^b with tbe Bank of Ty Ty shout n year Her friends will be glad to welcome? back to Tift couBty. .ontilc Watson was arm-toil Ttax*~ day by Chief Thrasher o n * V- S. warms* iiargiug violation of the liquor law. TU» •use against Wateon. wa»- made ns a suit of u recent raid by Federal and i»u»- ty officers at hi* hcuu», where liquor was. found. FULWOOD A HARGRETT Attoro«y»-at-Law Office In Golden Building Tifton, • • • • Georgia Mr. Charles man for the Ail visited Tifton S vertising matter held ill Schullinan, advert my South Georgia Saturday distrilmtDig ■ fo r the big show i soup. He Is eovei in luUf of South Geo fig brent preparation 1 peets to have an nt-t plea*e and delight i si tor who Don’t Let Malaria Sap Your Strength and Vitality 5uur physician will •tell you malaria io the cause of more disease thnu any mal ady known. Chills aud Fever, Ma! Fever, BiT.^uh Fever, loss of appetite, drowsiness, loss of energy are the direct entities of Malnriat Ameco Chili and Fever Tonic is the deadly enemy of Ma laria* It kids the germn and its action is prompt and sure in breaking the Thousand* «*f prominent citizens have been e»red with Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic and uThrsitntfngly recommend to their friends. W. T. McDonald, prominent employe of the Macon- Railway & Light Co, of Mart», Ga*, saytK I hod Malaria and Bilious Fever mod Chilli sad Frrer and Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic cured me. It does every thing yw claim for R;" Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic la sold tm Tlfte* ard' guarantied by Brook* Pharmacy Corooaar. _ . AlutaiBbrn awl lfrasi! ffltae ntw—ou* Water Oheokx Sample*-esn be a*tn at Gazett* office where orders at*.,,taken for same. County Ci announces the following menta each week'fOrtHe ing typhoid vaccinations desire to take Omega, Wedi Ty Ty, W\ Tifton, Satui The above i ved each wee! who wish to vised to meti'Dft above places at Sixty Per Dr. Wood di amiuatio u of tty'MBSmtr school in Tif- jton. More than 100 were examined and [sixty i»er cent of these were found to have minor defects The Work iu th*;Tlftoh acbool will be continued until xfcphpila of the grammar school have been examined. SC1ENCEBATTL1NG Trying to Exterminate These Carriers of Malaria and Other Deadly GeM*w. Scientists say that the mosquito must go. Years ago they were looked upon only as nuisances but everyone now knows that they are a vital danger to all hu manity. Yellow fever, malaria nod many other diseases can be laM right at tho m<*q»ito’s door. Government, state and city health departments are trying hard to exfermtaafe him but that #w come fojr years;' 1 In the meantime we must protect 4 OUT- selves. See that proper screens Placed in the femur, and spray the house dally with TO&MENT. TORMENT is death to insect*, N<y mosquito or fly can live in its gaseoiifc* TORMENT will not harm Hothiiig o# furniture and has absolutely no effect' on bumn n being-:. Sold by druggists, general stores and dealers everywhere. The price is 23c per bottle; do not pay more. The (J. B. Willinr-s Company. (Jiiit- man, Georgia. ARTHUR COBB BACK. Mr. Arthur Cobb arrived Tuesday n ing from Philadelphia, where fae received hi.s discharge from the Navy u few days •U'«*. » A**(hiii- was on the battleship Maine and n.'idc four trips to differut jmrts iu Fr lb* wiin ino years in the service, being on,, of the first Tifton hoys to enlist is certainly good to have the Tifton c‘*tue h"ine looking so well. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas WontTcr for kidney and Madder troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and irregu larities of the kidneys and bladder in both men aud women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt < f $1.25. One small bottle is two months’ treatment and often cures. Send for ‘‘worn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall. -•*2(1 Olive Street, St. Louis. Mo. Sold ? tV, X;.. ' Xtr* ,,;, ^ ^ •nom N O use arguing about it, or making chin-music in & minor key! If you’ve got the jimmy-pipe or ciga rette makin’s notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few liberal loads of Prince Alberti Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert kicks the “pip” right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy’us class! Makes cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports! P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can’t bite your tongue or parch your throat 1 You go as far as you like according to your smoke spirit! Our exclusive patented process cuts- out bite and parch! * , Toppy red bagi, tidy red tine, handsome pound and bait-pound tin humidor,—and-~that elatty, practical pound crystal glaee humidor with sponge moistcncr t&fi that he€pM the tobacco in such perfect condition. R,- i. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. DAVIS-McGIl.l. Mi.- .In: I’avis ami Mr. Julia l>. Mi Gill were united in marriage Sunda. morning at 10 o’clock at the home o lodge W. M. Sellars, Judge Sellars per forming tlie ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. J. \\\ Davis, a prosperous farmer living on th- National Highway north of Tifton. T» employed at tbt> Cbci plant in Tifton. »-Col„ Wol sickly. ilality A Coated Tongue? What it Means JOHN A. PETERSON 1 .iji Office Deatlst r Nt„ O’Ncal-McLced Bulldlai Tltton, GeortU Golden Bid,. ; Ttfton. Go. royaiTarch masons Meet. Second SotnrdOT CTonlW ^ each month In Muonic BotMint »» • -I. IL ltntchluon, O. UBUUck. H.P. JUNIPER CAMP No. I4« WOODMEN OF THE WORLD 1 Meet, ever, flrtt ««> third Tnorfw hirht In tho Muonic IU1L AH memhero are requested to attend aad cbltlat Chop- kco we Clorfc. do, oltht Second nnd Fourth Sundo, to Mooonle HoIL J. T. HANCOCK, NofcU Omni t. A. YARBROUGH, Sectetarr .. bad breath, ooated tone-te, bad tnetc in tho mouth, laugnor.nnd.dertlily, arc o.oally o i gn s that tlio liver it out of order. Pxof. Hen* meter says: e-Dic liver it an organ tocondaryin importune, only to tin heart.” Wo can m aou f ao- turn poUnnt , wiihin oar Wj' : f own bodies } r/ which deadly r. 7 . n enatet venom. Tiie liver aett 03 a guard over oor veil-being, rifting out Uie cinders and r from tl.e getrcrnl eirculaitun. A biceVako in tbe Intestines piles , tuT.vy burden upon the liver. If ihe intestines are choked cr clogged jp, tne circalation of tV.e blood ' poisoned and the system '.-•comes loaded with toxic waste, ad we suffer from headache, yel- • r.v-coated tongue, bad taste In nausea, or gas, acid dys- | .paa, languor, debility, yellow skin ■ eyes At such times one should ike orator oil or a pleasant laxs- ' i Such a one is made of May- - . leaves of sloe ond jalap, put : ,vy roady-to-use form by Doctor . IPtee, nearly fifty years ago, and V jW for SS cents by. a!', druggists as r ir, F.erce’c PtdMjnt 1‘eUeta. RKt'AN — LUT1IKK Tlftfc'frti^iHftg ainrrlqgo nnnouqfemcnt Ain- IVrtyitfWit i{* of* fspotiul. 1 itatoroat Tifton whort* tho brhU* iu*de her tine fo P several: yoar* and ha». ft num* r u#‘fri(s®d»:: Tfle marriage of M|I« Thetiq^A. Bevan to Mf. Syilney It. Luther taok plaoe Thwmday afternoon at « o'fkwk nt the of tho britlo’v pnrotits, Mr. aud Mm. \V. C. tttivam lu Wayetoaa, U< J; M. llaymot-r. pm«Mr of the-First B«P* tl.^ ohuroli, utlii'iarivg. Ouly close rela* titro and iitdhmv friend** were in at* tendanoo. After several days in Florl- Jhj Mh\ ami Mrs. Luther will be at home to their fnV*ds xvltlr Mr. and Mrs Luthvr. ia Waycroaa. rKKPIJSS — BKALER ami Mr*. Walter Dent Peeples, Sr., ot Valdosta, nmufltBM the engftge- mv*t of their daujttsr, Mary Louise, to Mr. Alex W. Bealer. Jr., the wedding to. take place In Novjmber. t- cliildrcn an* unhappy. | They ean’t In* otherwi eat thoir atrength and ... dose* of WHITE’S CREAM VER MIFUGE perforniK n marvelous- trail* formation. ('heerfulnes*, *tn-hk’th am! rosy bloom of health' speedily return, "old by Conger Drug Ob. Relatives, here havq , received a letter telling of the. death of 0.'G,. Gtttey,. Jr., nt Oklahoma .City, Okla.. Mr. aud Mrs. :. O. Gilley, three g(rl«,-aad O. O,; Jr., left here August 24 ■for tty West. They were traveling in-a : car nnd;C. O., Jr., as stricken on the trip, only re*£orvring consciousness onpo. The body was terred at Oklabqma Gtty. Beside* his pareuts, .C. O^.Jr., s vivwl by several brothetrs and* dat" ** brothers-aud a sister are m>'v living the plaee south of Tifton recently sold to Mr. R. E: HhU. remninin* kei harvest th», crop. Caitas? “fitte-H" WIU Paal H Off! SIRS. LIZ/.IK MYIUCK DEAD. Mrs. Ltaafe Mjrick died nt the borne ot her dnoEhU-r, Mvs. 1. \V. Adaois* ,in North Contrnl. ov««uc, Sntordiy onoro- iag at ft o’cIixA, from a .troke of' pacab’- ni» which »he atfered Thurndn, night white Hitting at the supper table. The funeral was hold at the home Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, con ducted by Rev. W. H. Buddi aniated by Rev. O. tV. Durden. Mrs My rick was 7:1 yearn of one nod fa survived by four children; two daugh ter*. Mr*. I. \V. Adams of Tifton, nnd Mrs. Susie Whitehurst, of Atlanta: two noni, Mr. 8. M. Myrick, of Quitman nnd John Myrick of Florida. The body will ha carried to Valdosta Sunday morning at • o'clock for inter- ■ant Mrs. Adams sad family moved here about a month ago from Cordele and Mrs. Adams’ mother has been hero only about two weeks Tho sympathy of the people of Tifton are with them In-their bereave- amt UNSURPASSED EXHIBITS SUPERB LIVE STOCK SHOW, FMCES AUTO-HARNESS -RUNNING 6DAYS A BIG . shoM w STERLING circu: ACTS FREI DAY ANDNIGi V FIRE W0I IT MARVELOUS MIDWAY SHC DAY AND Mr. Wiley.Branch, Sr., of Route 3, was in Tiften^TuftadW on business. He has 20,000 stqHfft- swd c » ne for 8tl l e 00,11 ailvertise^ sane in the W r ant Ads. USE USE GAZETTE WANT ADS FOR RJEgpjn fujii removes It *a Wily aa It Aoft* this. -- you wquld leaves Uwaakli though you 'n^'raorft fusay pl%atara, J •tlcky Ml # ^-t Vesta Servii 1$^ REAL. Battei) Ijreih Distilled Wo Any Battflf, tinib tiupectip* Advice Apy' Ail Makes ! Repaired Is there any joy in motoring with poor tires, qr, a aiqjk storage battery? edly not*. , v Yaur battery, no matter what make it is, vpill be ipjbetter shaDO^have top or and a longer lease w life if you will let u%exan»ft<fc it periodioaUy. The care you are giving your battery is ffne but *n expert UtQUla be c occasionally. Do yoa know that for our expert infection aiw advlce no e QMtde? V»-s' V - ; r~*!*t* _ If your battery la dead or lacks “pep*,"' don’t conclude yen need a pew>^n&, would like to have you know about or use VESTA batteries—-but, until W^MTh r every effort to m^ke your old battery reader you your money s worth, W^.^rtll not I ,atlS< Tha.t , 8 oimpolicy; make them al\deliver the last ounce of Bervic^conBUteitt with] ihe e Befng%ennitted, under contwct, to use VESTA patented fe^jtures in th«;i of other iftakea, we are able to show repaarkable results. ‘ ,> You will be pleased with <m seridee »nd what it means If yoft once try it. Th.w’« no obligation on yo«r part. ••Tomorrow" for yqt« bftttery msy; come, _ '■ 's:‘ ,'d *>” ,^r- TWAY IS THE PROPER TIME,, V Tifton Vulcanizing dt Battery Boatright Building; OpposKo Bank of Tifton .AlU.'J.liU 111 W*> Ifw