The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 10, 1919, Image 5

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TAKE NOTICE n* Junk UHu* bw OpM op «*« BAGS, SCBAT IRON W* an payias the hlxhtat rrkm tar Aid aU Idada •( I to any county in.Georgia ’ a Special Day. r obtainable. Good Band. Fire •.night ' detire that you witness our first The Hide Market It Vtqr Cttnac Briar Tour Hldea la Vs Amaun dosa fallow uo FAIR ASSOCIATION, J. J. PARRISH, SECRETARY W- 01 Asbbarn, is the Mr*. E. E. Lytle. belon*ln» to Ernest Sh,riff’s sale Tuesday Mr, B. H. Osborn left 8unday fo r At- laataoa Tistt Mlotime at Tallulah Falla before | hie return. and lira. W. T. Goode, and W. T. left Monday nl*bt for Carteraville' 'bit Mr. 3. 0. Goode and family and l[6. N. doidun for a week or ten days. FOR SALE—Bright Fulybum Seed Oatn, . Mr. H. F. Johnson moved his family NO BLUFF HERE Tifton has no shoe factory, bat the ’ closest to one la the old tellable Tifton Shoe HoepItaL We will make your old shoe as food aa new, or make you new shoes if yon want them. We make new ,0* shoes rifht along. Come and see. ’ 11.60 bushel delivered at farm. Fincher A Vernon, Roots 2, Tifton. tfdtw8t FARMS FOR SALB—We have a number] MONUMENTS—I can furnish the very of choice farms of various sites for sale beet J. J. F. Goodman, Brookfield, wtf FARMS FOR SALE—15 good farms tor aale, large and small, and well located. Best land in South Georgia, for the price, considering quality and location. See or write us at once. J. H. Whaley, or J. M. Harvey, Adel, Ga. 8-dw2w in tbi Chattahoochee Valley in tbf vlcin»| ■ » tty of Dothan, Southeast Hun* F0R SALE — One Hampshire male and dreda of car loada of hogs and cattle ship ped every season, immense crops of prac tically everything grown in the South. Two Packing Plants dose by, also Grain Elevator, Mixed Peed Mills, Peanut Crushing Plants, Syrup Refinery, Canning Plant, etc., with permanent cash markets for practically everything raised and produced. Those interested, write. Smith ft Morgan, Dothan, Alabama. ~ 8-lw8t one Essex Sow. Male, thoroughbred, ad dress, W. T. Hutto, Sumner Ga., Routel. 20d2twlt FOR SALE—Ford Sedan, practically new, driven about 800 miles; self-starter, etachable rims. See me at office between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Dr. O. E. Lindsey. 7dwtf FARM FOR SALE—2,400 acres, 750 cleared. Situated on National Highway, in Brooks county, Georgia, and near railroad. Will sell at a bargain for quick sale. Easy terms. Address Hu guenot Laud ft Abstract Company, Quit- man, Georgia. 26w4f >Ve expert to be in the market for new corn, hogs, rice, potatoes, peanuts and every kind of Jarm produce. See us be- .’fore you sell. Lang ft Co., Omega. Sdwtf COldt Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There Is only one “Bromo Quinine." E- W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. NEWIDEA HOG OILER (Saawrtni, Cafisfi Hog Rubbing Pouf) The Only Oiler made without valves, cylinders or wheels. Can’t tlog, stick, waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re quires no attention winter or summer ex cept filling- fissrsatsaf I Ytsn. Uses Crude or Rowe’s Medicated OiL Simplest and most satisfac tory oiler on the market Costs $2 to $12 less than other*. KILLS HOG LICE! PREVENTS DISEASE— ■Pw« and Yards UISltuSCiBQ PH the vermin destroying oil right on the Itch; heals the skin of mange, scarry and other skin diseases. Promotes s coat of hair. Does sway with and sprays. Dloinfrct, pens and yards. Wards off disease. — disease preventative and profit-maker you can find. FOR SUE BV » BENNETT'S HARDWARE, INC Tifton, Georgia. STRAYED OR STOLEN—One blacky five black shoats, one epotted sow with five pigs. Sows and ahoata marked with split In right ear, awallow fork in left. Reward for information. W. F. Mat thews, Tifton, Ga. Rt. 2. 7d5tw2t FOR SALE—At a bargain, 1000 acres Clay sub-soil land, one mile from Green ville, Fla., on public highway;’COO of which is under fence and cleared, and 150 acres more can be cleared, balance suitable for pasture, also contains one million feet, estimated/ pine and cypreaa timber. Sat< isfactory terms qan be arranged for part. J. Vickers, Greenville, Fla. 19w4t FOR QUICK SALE-223 acres land. 00 acres under good wire fence, 75 in cultiva tion, half stumped. Seven miles from Tifton, on public road. House, barns, etc. Price $7,500, half cash, terms on balance. H. Z. Dnnn, Route 2, Tifton. 23d2tw2t AGRICULTURAL LIME—Use Lime and increase your crop yields. Write for literature and for delivered prices any point Suwannee Limestone Company, Jacksonville, Florida. 10-w4t FOR SALE—20,000 Stalks of Seed Cane at $2.50 per hundred. Send check with order. Wiley Branch, Sr.,-Route 3, Tif ton. l-d3-w2t BUY SINGER MACHINES—They art the best $4 cash $1 per week. B. H. Bankston, Tifton. 04Weodwtf No Worms In s Healthy Child Ail children troubled with worms have ai _ healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there Is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC ghrea regularly •or two or three weeks will enrich the blood, Im prove the digestion, end net os n General Strength ening Tooio to the whole system. Nature will then from Macon back to Tifton this week and are occupying a house on Third street. We are glad to welcome these most estimable people back to Tifton. Mr. Oharlie Williams of Los Angeles, [Californio, arrived in Tifton Tuesday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coch ran for a few days. Charlie has many friends in Tifton who are always glad to j/alo, N. Y. pee him. Mr. aud Mrs. \\\ g. Cobb swui Wed nesday. in Macon, goiug over to see Mr. Cobb's nephew. Mr. Lee Cross, Mr. Cobb says his nephew is in good spirits and has his books and typewriter in his cell and is keeping up with his insurance business Jene^tdier, colored, was plhced in jail Tuesday at the request of his bonds men. He was under $250 bond for hav- ink whiskey on hand. The same day Sheriff Shaw received a warrant from Newton County charging Hnteller with stealing a bale of cotton and selling same. QuT trucks will move you or do any* kind of hauling. Figure on it and call US* VJiiBg ft Co., Omega. # 3dwtf «Tifton is well represented in Atlanta Chid week, many going from here to nt- tend the Veterans’ Reunion. About one hundred and fifty tickets were issued from the Union Station nnd the A. B. & A. Station. A few who havenlready re- tnrned report large crowds with accom modations hard to secure. We are in the market for Dry Slip- Shuck. Corn. Central Grocery Company, Feed Mills. H-ood-dwlw Mr. Claude Brandon, ,a ciga r manu facturer, located at Live Oak, Fla., for the past several years has been in the city this week making arrangements to move his factory to Tifton. He is much pleased with the outlook here and as soon as a suitable location can be found will move his factory here aud commence business at once. Mr. Hrandon employs several hands and the industry will be u good addition to already rapidly growing Tifton. la perfect h Of Especial Interest to Mothers Is a Nice Line of Infants’ and Children’s Wear m The heretofore hard problem of getting the children fitted for the Winter’s needs is made easy if yoh will bring them by and let us fit them in anything from head to foot as our stock of Children’s Wear is much larger and more varied Hus season than ever, and we believe that you will enjoy looking over it. For the Girls We have as pretty assortment of Silk, Serges, Velvet or Gingham Dresses as you will care to see and our line of Children’s and Misses Coats is full and complete. • For the Boys You can find here the best assortment of good Suits that can be found and if they prefer an Overcoat or a Sweater we can fit them in a good one. v : * mm' ■ Underwear A complete-line for Sister, Brother or Baby in a different’variety of styles and prices. W-Vj-v.-' A -- Shoes 'fit thinking of the School Shoe problem come let us Bhow you depend able, solid leather Shoes, that will give satisfaction, in wear and comfort"’’ GIVIN ™ | j jH| The Struggle Discourages Many • Citizen qf Tifton. Around all day with an aching back, Can’t rest at night; . Enough to make any one “give out.” Doan's Kidney Pills are helping thous ands. They arc for kidney backache; m And other kidney Ills Here is Tifton proof of their merit Mrs. W. W. Howell, 019 N. Central Ave., says: “My kidneys were weak and I suffered from severe backaches. I could hardly keep going. I felt tired and dull mornings and had dix* nervous headaches. My kidneya acted irregularly and annoyed me. I fi nally used Doan's Kidney PUls, which I bought at Brooks Pharmacy Co.’s Drug Mrs. -W. H. Goode, of Screven, Ga., is the guest of he r brother, Mr. W. E. Bass. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clarke are happy over the arrival of a little daughter at their home on Ridge avenue Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. E. L. Whitworth of Quitman, and Mrs. T. H. Parker, and Children , »t Moultrie, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Tillman and Mrs. McDonald. Two new through trains are schedul ed to be put on in the n ea r future. The Southland la slated to make its first trip on the third of next month and will run direct from Jacksonville to Cincinnati. The Dixie de Luxe will be put on some time in November, continuing in service ‘until the last of April. With the Bern- inolb Limited and Dixie Flyer already running regularly, this will give four Store and It didn’t take them long to help through traina daily, two in the day and Soon the backaches left, I was free j wo at night, each way. * from that tired feeling and the dizzy j Assistant Postmaster Harris Massey headaches didn't annoy me any more.' reports that the government’s sale o( My kidneys became normal, also." /surplus army supplies has put a great QUICK! YOUR HAIR NEEDS’ Check U,ly Dandruff > stop Ila'r fr-v inf Out and Double Its Reauty \ Price 00c, at all dealers. Don't aim- deal of extra work on postofflcc emplnt little "Dandcrlne" eooK and makes the feverioh, itchy oeai., ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's n e saJH about? $1,000 worth of orders j u “ <l 1>,i “ bl ''■ ,llel1 tbi " atmiulotinv to.i.e Kidney Pills—the same that Mr*. Howell wcre sent from Tifton, there being about Foater-hfilburn Co., Mfre, But-' M orders, the largeet for $00. Not n ot i v - single order wati filled completely and the work of checking up and trying to get Hens 26c, fryers SOc, egga BOc. Bring them to us nnd get the top, always. Bang A Co., Omega. Sdwtl Valdosta Times. Mrs. Annie L. Harrell, of Tifton, purehueed the W. If. Gainey home on the corner of Most Hille avenue and Foreot otreet, the trade being made by Mr. Warlick. Mra. Harrell la n daughter of Mr. Sim Harrell, of Ala city, and it is understood that her family will occupy the home which she recently bought. Bodies Coats in Velours nnd Broad cloth from $16 to $46, end children's Coats from $3.48 to $12.60 at Whitley Brothers Department Store T.T.S&W Cotton gins at Omega will not cut to “Gin Days.” Get your cotton ginned a&y day yon want it. Sdwtf LAND FOR SALE—200 acres of land 10 or 11 miles east of Tifton, 50 acres in cultivation, 00 acres under fence, 4-room house, 2 good wells. Big public road rum* through the land. Rural route every day by the door. Price $30 per acre. O. II. McOook, Route 1, Enigma, Ga. 10d2tw2t COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED—We •re In the market for Hens, Friers, Roos ter*, Guineas, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese or Eggs. Fruits and vegetables, butter and pure cream. Can also use sf ew home- canned goods. Hotel Myon. Tifton, Ga. STRAYED—One black and white listed male pig weighing between 35 and 50 pounds. Finder will please return to E. A. Watson, at Tifton Cotton Mills, Shipp street, House No. 31, and receive reward. 16dw2t FOR SALE—Farm of 450 acres iq Mad ison county. Florida. One-half mile from Georgia line, twelve miles south of Quit-' 200 acres in cultivation. More can be taken in. 150 practically free from stumps. Over 7 miles of wire fence. Good 5-toom dwelling, painted white; 3 good tenant bouses. Best barn in coun ty ; artesian well, pump aud engiue; good smoke house and cold storage with capaci ty ol 5,000 pounds of meat; syrup house, furnace and mill. Other buildings on place. .Iu4t 1 1-4 miles to shipping station, school and church. Land fine for cotton, peanuts, cane, tobacco, watermel ons, etc. Good outside range for cattle. This place will not be on the market lodV at price I am asking, so don’t write but come to see it. Pric* $12,500. Terr to responsible party. C. I. Betts, Lovett. Fla. FOR SALE—Jersey cow and calf. A. N Wilson. 7-d5wlt STRAYED—Two gilts; one black and white spotted, one black and light 'red ■potted. Weigh about 05 pounds each. Been gone about two weeks. Charlla Phelps, Motor A, Tifton. 4dwtf LOST—Setter Bitch, Black and White spots, 2 years old—Reward. T. W. Tift FOR SALE—Two good mares and three good farm mule*. W. Lennon. 27dwt( FOR SALE—Five mules from four to six yean old. One mare four yean old. I can save a man money by buying from me. Either cash Or bankable paper. B. L. Ireland at Marchant’a Warehouse. . 2-d3*w2t ORATION. GEORGIA—Tift County. W. S. Cobb and G. D. Browning ▼*. Southern Lumber Company, Petition to Quiet Title. ““ “ cember Term, nber C _ Tift Superior Court, Do- LTUIUU A.IHli 1919. To the Defendant Southern Lumber Company You are hereby cited to be and appear at the Superior Court of Tift County, Georgia, to be held in the court house of ■aid county In the City of Tifton at ten o'clock A. M. on the first Monday in December, 1919, to answer the complaint of the plaintiffs in the shove named ac tion In which you are named party rdo- fendant. In default whereof the Court ■hall proceed as to justice shall aimer- Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge tain. of uid Court Tbi, September 12, M10. Clerk of. the Superior ''court ^f*Tift County) Georgia. 19w4t a refund of money fo r goods not sent is some job. The first order was sent in two months ago and all thu order not shipped. A refund haa not yet be n received. Reminds us of the experience 'of the man who orders from a mail order house. Asliburn Farmer: Mr. and Mi M. Skipper, of Tifton, were here for the week end. They are preparing to move to Tifton. penetrates to the famished lui: revitalizing and invigorating every Iim ■ in the head, thus stopping the hair fall ing out, or getting thin, dry or fading. After a few applications of "Dand r ine" you seldom find a fallen hair or a particle of daudruff, besides every h’>ii shows new life, vigor, brightness nior« color aud ftiickucNs. A few cents buys u bottle of delight ful “Dauderine” at any drug let E. I ouutc FIVE PER CENT MONEY On Improved Farm Land and City „„ .. Property fo r 8, 5, 7, 10, 15, and «• The Quinine That Does Not Affect I.eHead 'Years. Loons Liberal and Made Promptly I B ' a WILLIFORD, Attorney Quinine and docs not cause nervousr.- s : a j Office In McLeod Building riusins In head. Remember the lull • - - - look tor the signature o! E. W. grove. I Telephone 107 Tifton, Georgia WHITLEY BROS. DEPT. STORE Anticipated their customers Fall and Winter needs in Dry Goods and bought heavily at satisfactory prices and are submitting you a few SPECIAL PRICES Silk Poplins, Satins and Table'Damask 98c to $1.50 Taffetas 98c to $3 Indian Head 39c Crepe de Chine- $1.98 up Dress Ginghams 25c to 35c Crepe Meteor $3 30c to 35c Percales 25c Serge 98c to $1.98 Manchester Mill Ticking 25c Wool Taffeta $1.98 to $2.25 Outing , 25c to 35c Plaid Suiting 48c to 98c 35c Value Shirting Cheviots ■ 25c Smott Cloth in Rose, Blue Pepperell Seamless Sheeting 89c and Green 75c Plaid Homespun 15c Our Stock of Dry Goods and Notions is very Complete and we invite your inspection. Whitley Bros. Dept. Store Main Street Tifton, Ga. ■ 8EE THE BIG- BHOW GEORGIA-FLORIDA FAIR Valdosta Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8. Johnny J. Jones’ Great Exposition Shows on Midway All Week. On Thursday, November 6, Gov. Sidney J. Catts, of Florida, will deliver an address to the people. SPECIAL DAYS MOND/ft, NOV. 3—Valdosta Day. TUESDAY, NOV. 4—W. O. W. Day—Special Program, Drill and Contests. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6—Patriotic Day. Wel come to returned soldiers. THURSDAY. NOV. 6—Governor's Day. FRIDAY, NOV. 7—Educational Day. College and school students in great parade. SATURDAY, NOV. 8—Farmers’ Day. Spe cial Lectures and demonstrations. • GREAT FREE ACTS TWICE DAILY. DAILY FREE BAND CONCERTS FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT. Magnificent Exhibits. Great Live Stock Dis play. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL GREAT GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT Covering 4,000 square feet of space. Only shown in two places in Georgia—an exposi tion within itself. Lectures and demonstra tions by experts, with moving picture films. NO INCREASE IN PRICES t Admission, 60c. Chgdren, 26c.;’ Excursion rates on aU railroads and amp!* hotel accommodations. "•x-.'-'tSf.;. Wednesday, Nov. 5, and Saturday Nov. 8, is Prize Gate Day, Get $300.00 if You are Present and Hold the Lucky $ •. ' :nm ' • .... am-