The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 24, 1919, Image 6

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am rianne is a clean cowee. It is not touch ed by hand from the time it is first receivr ed in New Orleans until you serve itfon your table. IVIRY POUND COLD IN AM INDIVIDUAL Att-TIOHT TIN CAN coffee The Reil^-Ta^ior Company WHERE JOY'S STAYING You’ll know where Joy’s a-stayiu’ An* be happy all rnun' Wlieu you hear the fiddle* playin' In the old home town! When you think the old time music Will shake the ah ingles down— The best of earth is with you In the old home town! —Atlanta Constitution. Mr. W. W. Itryan. wife and son spent several days in Atlanta last week, where the boy was taken for teratment. Levi Franklin, colored, entered a plea of guilty before Judge Price Monday mor ning to violating the prohibition law. He was fined $100 and coata and paid the fine. Whein the ehest feels on tire and the throat bums, you have indigestion, and you need HKRB1NK to get rid of the disagreeable feeling. It drives out. badly digested food, strengthens the stomach and purifies the bowels. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Professional Directory DR. O. E. LINDSEY Osteopathic Physician hours s IJ A. M. 14 1*. M. bee Over Office Phone Is. Parker’s 340 W. B. BENNET Lawyer Office over Darnell’s Tilton, Ga. Mr. 8. Burk, Jr., of Eldorado, was in Tlfton Helling oottou Tuesday morning. Messrs. II. C. and Chester A. Baker ere in town Tuesday morning attend ing to business. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coburn are hnp- r over the arrival of a fine boy at their tme on the Heights. Mrs. K. D. Smith has returned from a *o weeks stay in Atlanta and Scuota with relatives and friends. Mr. W. B. Barlow, Jr., is having a sun parlor added to his home on the corner of Tift avenue and Fourth street. r. L. B. Phillips left Sunday aftcr- fo r points in Florida, where he will d a week looking after his turpentine interests. Mr. K. I). Gluduey of Route 4, was i business Monday. He lias a nr which he advertises for sale iu the aut ads. Rev. /. b. Johnson, Pastor of the Methodist church of Berliu, and I)r. Whitaker, of Berliu, H|teut Tuesday iu ftou o u business. Material is being placed on the ground for the erection of a bungalow for Mr. Burt Adams on the west Hide of Mill venue, beeween Fourth and Sixth atieets. Leonard Baker, the young white arrested last week for shooting at f ' violating the prohibition law, whiskey on hand and being drunk public highway, was released Saturday bond, the four bonds totalling $1)50. Mr. Gordon Willis, of the Omega SOQ* tion, came into town Tuesday morning from Valdosta, having been down and purchased a farm near there. While in Valdosta, he was the guest of his son, Mr. M. C. WilUs. Mrs. W. I. Patrick, of Enigma, brought the Editor of The Gazette Monday a quart jar of delicious fig preserves from her well stocked pantry, for which he returns many thanks, as figs are his fa* vorite fruit either cooked o r fresh from the tree. Mr. H. H. Payne, road tax collector for the Ty Ty district, was in town Sat urday getting some receipt books and pre paring to collect the taxes for his district He asks those subject to road tax in the Ty Ty district to see him in Ty Ty on Saturday afternoon. Messrs. J. N. Horne and Herbert Horne left Monday at noon for Atlanta, where they will spend the week taking a short course on fertilizers, the Chattahoochee Fertilizer Company treating them to tin trip. About 400 salesmen from three states will take the course. County Superintendent of Schools, A. J. Ammons left in his oar for Albany Tuesday morning to take in the Fair, He reports that all schools in the coun ty have been supplied with teachers now aud everything points to one of the best terms in the history of Tift county school*. When your food does not digest well and you feel “blue," tired aud discouraged you should use a little HEH11INE at bed time-. It opens the bowels, purifies the system and restores a line feeling of health and energy. * gold vby Conger Drug. Co. Col. R. S. Foy, of Sylvester, Solicitor- General of the Tifton circuit, left Wed nesday morning for Butler to visit his father, who is 78 years old and# in very feeble health. Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation. Chamberlain’s Tablets have restored to health and happineHS hundreds who were afflicted with indigestion, biliousness and coustiputiofi. If you are troubled in this way give them a trial. You are certain to be pleased for they will benefit you. Indications are that there is going to be a record crop of rye planted in this sec tion this year. One local dealer reports that lie has already sold twice as much seed rye this season as was sold in one pear before und the demand continues strong. Ills purchases of seed rye have already amounted to $1,000. rate Earl Tidd, a machine gunuer, went with the First Division to v und returned with that outfit, just uheud of Geu. Pershing, was in town day. He fought during the entire ngugiug iu ull the buttles his divis- ivus iu, aud was one of only two in his company not receiving a wound. Wormy children are unhappy, nuny aud sickly. They cau’t be otherwise while Worms eat their strength aud vitality. A few doses of WHITE'S CREAM VER MIFUGE performs a marvelous trans formation. Cheerfulness, strength ami rosy bloom of health speedily return, lold by Conger Drug Co. Mrs. H. H. Tift, Mrs, Nichols Peter son, Mrs. H. II. Adams, Mrs. W. II. Mc Cartney, Miss Long and Mrs. Clarke, motored over to Albany Monday morning with the Tifton Club exhibit for the Daisy Dixie Fair. Some of the members of the club will be iu Albany every day in charge of the exhibit and those going over from Tifton must not fail to hcc this ex hibit. Tax Collector T. S. Rigdon reports tax collections the slowest since he has beeu in the tax collector’s office. Announce ment is published elsewhere of the date for his first round. SALES JUMP OVER 500 PER CENT DR. W. E. WHITE Veterinarian Telephone 276 Tifton, Georgia Formerly with IT. 8. Government Hog Cholera Control B. C WILLIFORD Attorney-at-baw, Tifton, Ga. Office 30-32, McLeod Bldg. (Damage Salta and Criminal Practice a Specialty.) D. B. HARRELL Practicing Physician Office McLeod-O’Neal Bldg. Office Phone 263. Residence 301 Tifton, Georgia. R. G. ELLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Special attention given and to matters relating to land titles. Will practice In all the Court*. DR CHARLES S. SMITH Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Brooks Flmrmacy Hours: 8 to 1—2 to 0 TIFTON, GEORGIA Neuralgia of the far feet requires a pov will penetrate the flesh. BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT possesses that pow- Rubbetl iu where the pain is felt is ull that is necessary to relieve suffering nnd restore norniul conditions. Sold by Conger Drug Co. •. N. A. Williams received a tele gram telling of the denth of his brother, Mr. Russell Williams, at his home iu Culro, of typhoid fever. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. Miss Ann! > Odum, of Newton, nrrlv- 1 Sunday to take charge of the Eldora- « school ns principal, Miss Etta Wal ker, who had been teaching at Eldorado, will ho assistant at Bay . Dewey Hudson, the young white man rested with Leonard Baker on Mr. J. M. Shiver’s place, Friday, gave bond Mon day afternoon in the sum of $100.00. and is released from jail. Atlanta, Oct. 18.—Secretary o» State Guyt McLendon has announced that under orders issued to his department, fi will be issued about November against approximately 2,(XX) Georgia cor- poratioiiH which have failed to register ith the state this year and failed to pay 'gistration fee required. FULWOQD A HARGRETT Attorney*-**-!** Office in Golden Building Tifton, • • • • Georgia Dr Williams 101 Tonir Greatly In De mand for “Flu" Treatment. While the Iiitlueii/a plague was raging October, BUS. the sales of Dr. Wil liams 101 Tonic jumped over 500 per cent i* c»*i |»e onlv one reason fn- such a tremendous increase; nnd that is that Dr. Williams 101 Tonic is a correct 4 real incur ’’Flu," LaGrippe, Chill nnd Odd i, as well ns Malaria mid other fevers Quinine, the cueuiy of disease germs, is one of the ingredients of this etfieieut medicine. Magnesia is another im|»ortnnt icnl contained in the tonic. It ses the liver nnd bowels of accumu lated poisons. Iron, the rich blood pro- \ is the third. It builds up strength stamina nnd vitality: and strength will in against any disease. 25c and 50c bottles at your drug store. Refuse all attempts to palm off substitu tes. There is only one Dr. Williams 101 Tonic . The G. It. Williams Company, Quit- nu, Georgia. ‘Completely Discouraged' rr who arc "run-;! so low that work t’ngs, head aches, back aches, dragging down feelings, ui pale and weak, little things an noy and "every thing goes wrong.” Look the other tray just a minute and see what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ha* done for more than a million wo rn mi la the li filty yeans. What it has done for others it can do for you. A helping hand to lift up weak, fired, over-taxed women—that’s what you’ll find in Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Prescription. It give* you just the bdp that you need. To bq had in liquid or tablets. Tablet form, 00 cents, at oil drug stores. It is a medicine that’s made especially to build up women’s strength and to cure women’s ailments—an invigorating, re storative tonic, soothing cordial and bracing nervine; purely vegetable, non alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. ROYAL ARCH MASONS - _ - Toy mrntm •* ta rr-T*- BalMin, at • "iTfiT H.tithw, at. Without the beat tain Pen Absolutely gua ranteed to give satisfaction. A Pen suited to your hand. Come in a them out. Moor’s Jewelry Store “The Gift Store" PHONE 250 E Tift Canning Club Girls Take First Hon or* at Albany. Also Win Many Individual Prizes. Tift County’s Canning Club exhibit took First Prize at the Daisy Dixie Fair at Albany. The prizes being awarded Monday. Besides having the best county exhibit, Tift county girls won quite a number of individual first prizes, among which were fig anil watermelon preserves, and can ned tomatoes. This showing is remarkable when it is considered that exhibits were sent to the Southeastern fair at Atlanta and the State Fair at Macon, thus not leaving a full exhibit for Albany. The ladies of the Twentieth Century Library Club are especially proud of their exhibits at Albany, having won quite a number of Blue Ribbons. The HALLMARK Store O TY TY PRODUCE AND PLANT CO. Petition fo r charter of the Ty Ty Pro duce and Plant Co., is published else- < where. The petitioners are R., R. Pick- I ett, W. B. Parks, F. B. Pickett, Charles J Bowman, D Varner, C. D. Varner, W. F. Sikes, R. S. Cornwall, and E. J. Cottle. They ask incorporation with a capital of $10,000 with privilege of increasing same to $50,000 The business to be engaged in by the etitionerg is the buying, selling, handling, and curing of sweet potatoes and all cither farm products; producing, buying, selling and handling vegetable plants; buying selling and handling live stock and poultry and all other farm products. And any other related business in which be company may decideto engage. Constipation. The beginning of almost every serious disorder is constipation If you want to enjoy good health keep your bowels regu lar. This is best accomplished by proper diet and exercise, but sometimes a medi cine is needed and when that is the case you will find Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent. They are mild and gentle in their action, easy and pleasant to take. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. NIPPER SCHOOL SPLENDID OPENING Those attending the opening day of the fair iu Albany Monday report oue of the most enthusiastic and best opening of any fair in South Georgia in a long time. All ■of the business houses closed and every body went to the fair. The fair grounds arc out near the park id country club and the buildings are all *w and up-to-date and the exhibits ar ic. The amusement features are nls. of the best quality. le Tewentieth Centary Club exhibit taking prizes Monday as fast as the judges could award them, which is grati- fying to the wo mop of the club, especially those getting up the exhibit. Albany and l\)ugherty county may well be proud of their fair. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Crawford spent Monday night with Mr. Henry Crawford nnd family. Mrs. Willie (Sentry and Mrs. Perry Lee Milam visited Mrs. J. M. Walters Mon day evening. Dr. Baker and Mr. Webb were visitors iu this section Monday afternoon. Mr. M. L. Smith, of Alabama, visited Mr. J. M. Walters last Tuesday and Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Scarborough visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thomason Wednes day. Mr. Davis Shiver sud Mr. Pickett By- •u and Miss Ruby Willis nnd Miss Ilmn- is of Damascus, passed through this •ction Wednesday. Preacher Hnhurn filled his regular sp- dntmeut at Mt. Calvary Saturday mid Sunday. Mr. George Willets aud family visited r. and Mrs. Joe Bray Sunday. Preacher Hnhurn nnd family spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Nancy Spurlock. Mr. Ed Bruce is sick with fever at is writing. Mrs <\ A. Thomason aud Mrs. H. S. Stansell visited Mrs. J. M. Walters Sat- day afternoon. Mrs. Nona Williams and Mrs. Floyd Duniels spent Suuday afternoon with Mrs. Nancy Spurlock. Mr. Jessie Gibbs and Miss Nobbie aud is* Vera l*bpe, of Brookfield, spent Sunduy with Mr. H. T. Shannon and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Long took diutier with Mr. .Toe Porter ami Miss Ora and iss Grace Porter Sunday. Miss (’ary Van Crawford and Miss Hattie Barnes spent Sunday with Miss Josh* and Miss Corine Stanford. Mrs. H. C. Crawley visited Mrs. J. M. Walters Sunday afternoon. Those present enjoyed the singing at McHenry Shannon’s Sunday night. Mr. Oliver Johuson spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Porter. Mr. 0. A. Thomason an dMr. aud Mrs. ■1. B. Thomason and Mr. H. S. Stansell motored to Tifton Saturday afternoon. Mr. Co.vt Walters spent Saturday night with Mr. J. B. Thomason. —Aguvate. k LITTLE SUGAR IN B1G11T J. N. BROWN I SBi. FARM LANDS aad err* PROPHET* I HARK FARM AND CITY LOANS HOUSES FOB RENT Mitt. Mar, I.din Patterson, of ClritEn in ttio guest of her aunt, Mrs. I. C. Touchstone. Corns Come Off Likt Banana Pori Paducah, Kt.—-After tint becoming i mother, I was In mlsenbla health. I developed » severe case of woman's trouble, and suffered with backaches and pains In ray aide. 1 got to had that I was a complete nervous and physical week and had given up hopea of getting better when I began uklng Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I soon started to Improve and waa convinced that I had found the right medicine for my trouble. I kept on teUng the ‘ Prescription* and my health waa completely restored. I IffiKURMF M Hrr — Savannah. Oct. 21.—A part of the sugar to be refiued by the local refinery will be distributed through Georgia and the East Coast of Florida ami the remainder will have to be seut to- England. Shipments of sugar will also be made here from Louisiana and some beet sugar may be sent here. W. IL Pardonner, Secretary and treasurer of the Savannah Sugar Re finery Corporation, returned from Jfew York where he has held a conference to get the shipments of sugar to England i«^ duced. He states he succeeded In get ting the allotment reduced considerably and this portion of the product will be distributed through Georgia and the East Coast of Florida. He says a committee of the refineries has been appointed to work out a plan to relieve the shortage. The sugar from the local refinery will not entirely re lieve the shortage and shipment will be sent here from New Orleans and some beet sugar will probably be brought here. A cargo of sugar came up the river yes terday for the refinery. Thia will proba bly be the last shipment from Cuba un it next year. While Ur. Pardonner trfaks the refinery committee will finally work out a solution for the shortage, he economy in the nae of mm. “Oeta-IC Leaves To# Smooth As Tour Palm. Never Voik. . v Rvjr wsat off a banana aktaT Wall. that 1 * tha way ‘•a.ta-If* Mala off sny cMa or callus. It’s a picnic. Nolhtac aloe In the World will a. It -SDnMaf'Gets*.' IMVnCnr hut “Geta-It” because of the new m- cr«t principled the “OeU-It- form, ula. •Meta-It" does away forever with -contraption*,” -wrappy” plea, tore. Ointments that rub oil. blood letting knives and scissors that snip Into the -quick." -aeto-R" eases pain. It takes but a second er two to use ’’Gets-It” There’s no fussing or trouble. It dries Imme diately. You put your stocking right back on again. Your corn will coma t trllfs at any^ drug ■SSl >$4 by HORNE-DANIEL From the Ashbura Farmer. A pretty autumn home wedding oc curred Tuesday noon at the home of the bride, when Miss Bertha Horae aud Mr. Rufus Hardee Daniel of Daytona, Fla., united in marriage. Rev. T. E. Dav- rt officiating. Only relatives and a few friends were present. . Tin* bride aud groom left iu the after- Hin for I taytoua, Fla., where Mr. Daniel has many friends in the business and soci al world, being cashier of the First Nat- I Bank of that city. INDIGESTION GOES, GONE! "Pape’s Diapepsin” at once fixes Your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomach Stomach acidity causes indigestion! Food soaring, gas, distress!....Wonder hat upset your stomach! Well, don' bother! The moment you eat a tablet o wo of Pape’s Diapepsin all the lumps •f indigestion pain, the sourness, heart burn aud belching of gases, due to acidity, inish—truly wonderful 1 Miliious of people know that it is need less to be bothered with indigestion, dys pepsia or a disordered stomach. A few tablets of Pape’s Diapepsin neutralize acidity and give relief at once—no wait- Buy a box of Pape’s Diapepsin ! Don’t stay miserable! Try to reg ulate your stomach so you can eat favor ite foods without causing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so grent. Offie* Na. IS New Cijatt 1 March 1999 A. P. NUsaoo enlisted in tbs it try amen Apprentice Bremen. Sard class, to April I90Yhe was rated Chief Turret Captain, HU pay today U $165.76 par A man's life — among men! Reel them off—"Rio”,Gibraltar, Ceylon, Yokohama—all the great port* of the world—are they only places on the map to you—or are they porta where you’ve gone safl- ing In Dram the high oeas with every eye along the shore turned admiringly on your big ship— your ship I Every ocean has a United States ship sailing for •ome poet worth seeing. i of grant j If you’ve any call in you for a full life—join, and color all your years ahead with memories of things worth seeing—with knowl edge worth having—with an inex haustible fund of tea tales and adventures picked up ashore and •float that Will make you a wel come man in'any company. Work?—sure, and a man's * it if, among men. Play?—well,rather,withabunch | of tnen who know how to play»’| These comrade* of your* carry j in their card the aouadt < world cities, of 1 •washing seas—found* your share with them and that never die 'away. And when you come home, you’ll face life ashore with levd cyca »;-! for Unde Sam train* , hi reliance as well at i The Navy builds atralght f no mollycoddle*. F booming of Boliat for two years. Excellent opportunities for advancement. Four weeks holidays with pay each year. Shore leave toaeeia- land lights st poets virited. Men always learning. Good food and first uniform outfit free. Pay begins the day you enlUt. O* fun information from your nearMt recruiting station. If yea do not know when the neamt recruiting station Is, ask yew Shove off! -Join U.S, 5 1-2 PER CENT FARM LOANS 7 Per Cent Tifton Gty farm loan, at 8 1-2 per cent, interact end | privilege of paring part of the | and of any year (topping interest on amounts paid, 1 noil payment of principal required. R. C ELLIS W. W. I Golden Building Tifton. I SEE THE Bid SHOW GEORGIA-FLORIDA FAII Valdosta Nov. 3,'4, 5, 6, 7,8, Johnny J. Jones 9 Great Exposition Shows Midway All Week. On Thursday, November 6, Gov. Sidney J. Catts, of Florida, will deliver an address to the people. SPECIAL DAYS MONDAY, NOV. 3—Valdosta Day. TUESDAY. NOV. 4—W. O. W. Day—Special Program, Drill and-Contests. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6—Patriotic Day. Wel come to returned soldiers. THURSDAY. NOV. 6—Governor’s Day. FRIDAY, NOV. 7—Educational Day. College and school students in great parade. SATURDAY, NOV. 8—Farmers’ Day. Spe cial Lectures and demonstrations. GREAT FREE ACTS TWICE DAILY. DAILY FREE BAND CONCERTS FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT. Magnificent Exhibits. Great Live Stock play. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL GREAT GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT Covering 4,000 square feet of space, shown in two places in Georgia—an i tion within itself. Lectures and demo tions by experts, with moving picture I NO INCREASE IN PRICES Admission, 50c. * Childr Excursion rates on all railroads and hotel accommodations.*, . • . i. i • • 5 -I Wednesday, Nov. S, and Saturday Nov.8?‘is Prize 1 Get $300.00 if You an Present and Hold the