The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 24, 1919, Image 8

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OPEN 3 P. M. EVERY SATURDAY j-" Strand Theatre > 10e SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th 20c Wm. Fox Presents . Peggy Hyland •— in—• “The Merry-go-round 9 A fascinating drama of Circus Life, in which Cupid is an expert penorjner. ' * .. Also—This Funny “Sunshine" Comedy ‘Are Married Policemen Safe’ COME AND BRING THE FAMILY I IN CANE 1 •*:'*? ky Nefra Qpil)AVIoctobeii pp| — ■ Mon. Oct. 27th—D. W. Griffith’s special production “The Girl Who Stayed at Home." And, The Mack Sennett Comedy, “Reilly’s Wash Day." Tde. Oct. 28th—Mary 'Pickford in “Johanna Enlists.” And, Ros-coe (Fatty) Arbuckle in “The Cook." Wed. Oct 29th—Norma Talmadge in “The Missing Link." And • “Ham and Budd” Comedy. Thyrs. Oct 30th—Elsie Ferguson in “The Marriage Price” And, a “Hans and Fritz” Cartoon comedy. Fri. Oct 31st—Bert Lytell in “Lombardi Ltd." Sat. Nov. 1st—Geo. Walsh in “The Winning Stroke.” ly W* stthsCser. negro uoed Marlow. Pom Colquitt wsa abot and aer oualy, It not wounded Tuesday u'ght by Ral- Thunnao. also colored, who Urea on W. A. I*uckett*« plaee Just outside the city limits southwest ot town. The shooting occurred In Thurman's cane patch where he alleged he found Marlow stealing cane. The weapon used waa a double barrel shot gun, loaded with largo shot. The load took effect In Marlow's neck and ■boulder. The physician wto attended the wounded man reports kb i in a criti cal condition. “About three years ago whan I was suf fering from u severe cold ton my hum and coughed moat of the tana night and day, I tried a bottle of Chauberlala'i Cough Remedy end was surprised at the iptoesa with which it gave me re writes Mrs. James Brown, Clark l N. Y. Many another bee been enr- prlsed and pleased with the prompt re lief afforded by thla remedy. •ROAD TAX NOTICE See me in Ty Ty on Saturday after noon and get your road tea receipt H. II. Payne, Road Tar Collector 8d2twlt Ty Ty District Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Golden are hap py over the arrival of a handsome son at their home on the J. J. Golden place south of town. Frank Thom**, al'ua Ze'iars Thomas, colored, convicted of vo'untaiy man slaughter, and center* ed to serve seven teen years in the penitentiary, was as signed to Tift (.nunty by the Prison Com mission Wednesday, and bepan serving his sentence. TIFT COUNTY CHAIRMAN "CARRY ON”! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take “Cascarets” Feel grand. Be efficient! Don't stay tick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Re move the liver oud bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your touguc coated, your breath bud aud your stomach sour. Why not get a Kmnll box of Caa- •carets aud enjoy the nicest, gentlest lax* active, cathartic you ever experienced? f’’«*arets never gripe, sicken or incon- v- one like Halts, Oil, Calomel or i. >t. pills. Cascarets bring sunshino to cloudy minds and Imlf-sick bodies. They work while you sleep. Will Accept Donations for Roosevelt Memorial from People of Tift. Mr. II. If. Tift has accepted the ap- |M>intnieut as Chairman of the Roosevelt Memorial Campaign for this county and at an early date will nrrauge a meeting of those who wish to contribute to thf proposed educational institution ^at Rod* well, the home of the late President's ancestors. It is the intention to raise fifty thousand dollars in the state of .Georgia and later to have a half million • dollar institution of learning located at Roswell, the home of Roosevelt's mother. I President Roosevelt has many admir er* iu this city and section who will be 1 only too glad to contribute a small sum . to honor the memory of a man who was | first" of all an American througli and i lirougli, and in this day of 1. W. W., Bol- sheviks and other foreign societies it be- • hooves all true Americans to keep the fires of out* own nationality burning brightly.* ^Subscriptions will bo recieved from any one who may wish to contribute from^tta smallest to the largest. o New Bedford, Mass Oct. 22. An un known steamer is'ashore oT Nantucket, according to telephone {|dp(irts here to day. The report stated* Uut life-saving crows had gone to their assistance. Bring us your eggs a id butter, fiO cents casli o r trade Chon 11 22d4twlt The Golden Hardware Co. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE FARMER That we have now on hand the Tools that they will need for the Fall Plowing. Such as Collars, Hames, Traces, Back Bands, Superior Grain Drills and a full stock of Chattanooga Plows and Repairs. To the Contractor and to Any One Who Expects to Build We are in position to sell you all kinds of Building Ma terial at the Right Prices and if you want to paint your house we want to make you prices on White Lead, Lin seed Oil and Mixed Paints and Varnishes, ' " 1 s * Our stock of Sash and Doors is complete and we have a stock of Lime, Cement, Wall Plaster, Composition Roof ing and Shingles, Nails, Grates, Tile and almost any thing that you might want in a first class hardware store. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. Borne food values la second-hand wad- one at Lani & Co.'a, Ome,a. 3dwtf Special for rhureilnj, F-<daj and Sat urday. Good tender .-tear be* I at 16c P« pound. Parker*. Market. 22d8twlt Father and Son Differ on Style Not on Store J^thar likes styles as well *at soil—i-but not quite as much of it. We please both;, while the young man leans to belted suits, Father would - not give them a second look: he wants style-—but his idea o( it is different. And we have some thing (or both in- Stein Bloch ' ,v ' Smart Clothes For men and young men $35.00 to $60.00 Dobbs Hats Manhattan Shirts 24 West Forsyth St. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 858 Acres of Land at Solumco Lying on Each Side of Brookfield Road FOR SALE BY J. A. KITCHEN, Sylvester, Ga. Anyone wishing to buy land can purchase this from $10 to $20 less per acre than other lands located as well as this, ac cording to information I get around Tib ton as to prices of improved land. My intention is to close out this in tracts lit purchaser or will sell the entire Every priia wlnnln* herd of fine cat ena hogs now ..a display at the in Atlanta are booked - la-Flonda-Fair in w. J. F Turner were In Atlanta Tuoodty aa*l Iguniewed the owners of the the advantage herds at the the owners readily displays to come The Georgia-Floi inception nix years reputation for ‘ts stock, experts often showings here were 1 shown elsewhere. This yesr the dis play will exceed all other showings. Be sides the displays seenred f) JBT the At lanta fair there was already a strong I showing booked previously, and altogether the exMbitioa will be the largest and beat ever ottered to the public at any one fair in Georgia. The live stock bi^ it ike Georgia- Florida fair is the largest, most mod ern and scientifically /conrimeted used by any abow in the state, and this year it will be taxed to capacity showing more fine hogs and cows than ycu can see at any other show in the* South. The show opens November' 3rd and continues for six days, with a great free circus each day and night, agricultural dis plays, Johnny Jone* Great Exposition shows and more of everything than you can see elsewhere. 24wlt • 'v*r s We are pleased to announce that we are i best line of Boy’s goods of every desci could be secured, and in fact our showi a credit to a store in a city several times Tifton. ^ * . . and ^Founds, the FIRST TREATMENT is toost impor tant When an EFFICIENT antisep tic is applied promptly, there la bo dan cer of infection and the wound begins to heal at once. Fop use on man or beast BOROZONE is the IDEAL ANTISEP TIC and HEALING AGENT. Buy it now and be ready for an emergency. Hold by Conger Drug Co. -4 GREAT EXHIBIT AT MOULTRIE Swift A Company WSU Show All About 4 the Packing Business. Products of the packing Industry, from the livestock that furnishes the raw ma terial, to the vnriou« delicacies ready for the table, will he displayed at the Col quitt County Fair at Moultrie October 27 to November 3, hv Swift A Company. During tlie fair, the company will offer two attractions at tie pack 1*0- plant. In addition an invitation in exh-aded to all viaitora at the fair to go through the packing plant and see, under the direc tion of a competent guide, the various processes involved in the tr.naformation of a live animal to the final meat and by products. 1 "Sec for yourself, is our me*to’ declar ed H. McDowell, Manager of Swift’s Moultrie plant in speaking of the com pany’* plan*. The exhibit at the fair grot nds will be in the Manufacturer's Building. Artl- Nans and artists in Chicago arc now ham- nierbg together framework and wedd ing paint brashes In nn effert to make ; the booths a fit setting for. the product* they are to pfroent for insptetion. Glass covered refrigerator tables will ' contain and display the various food pro ducts of the picking industiy—develop ed to such a high degree at Moultrie. Produce exhibits will also be featured. Farmers iu this county wli? be shown how they can letter their ch>keu flocks. IA battery of high grade market birds ill be shown in a feeding test of seven days. Cheese, butter and eggs will also demand the agriculturist'? attention, nonstrators from Chicago will assist the success of the enterprise. But we don't want to ti'.l all about exhibits—not yet”, Mr McDowell said. “We are goin- to he'.o agricultural •tivities by ally sv, "Sti*H that may • profitable. iV- know (Lis s-ct on of the country, wefviutc • afideney ;u it, ns plant hon'ja t*s’ii»»i/ P*. and we believe that He Won* **f harmony between ih» farmer and Va rkcr of ne'iefit 10 both. Co-operation* is the mar lus!rc*v watch word. 80 we are n.s> v »«I to co c| erate with this fair. CSaic and .«“o ' SUITS We can fit them in any color or size at reason able prices. SHOES In all Bhades, styles and leathers. They are pric ed at from $1.75 for the. little fellow up to $6.00. If you need a dress shoe or one for work or school or an army shoe, we can fit them in their choice. SHIRTS* BLOUSES Good blouses in either fancy or plain stripes at 95c and $1.25. Good) madras shirts at $1,150 and $2.50, Jn &ny size. HATS and CAt*S The best line ever shown around here. They come in serges, fancy suitings and worsteds. They are reasonably priced ab50c 75c, $1.00, $1.60 ancNp to $2.50. — NECKWEAR For the little man in wash materials at 25c, or silks at 50c. UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY, In all grades and styles to fit any size boy; -" We assure you that if you look over our line of Boy’s Goods that buying will be a bigger pleasure than here tofore, as the assortments are better and quality is good-and dependable and prices reasonable and satis faction guaranteed with every purchase. WADE-CORRY CO. Fresh carload of mules, the best ever brought to Tifton. See them at Golden Live Stock Oo.'a barns on Railroad street. 21d3twlt Vlw Quintas That Doss Not Afftct the Heifl Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAX/,. TIVU BROMO QUININU is better than onliuary Quinine and doc# not esuse nenrousnej* r->: rinsing In head. Remember the futl name at: • look for the signature of E. W. GROVE- '■ SEED OATS Texas Red Rust Proof Abruzzi, SEED RYE Syrup Corks Ajax Tires JR. S. MOBLEY DiicuSaaa Sou, Alfalfa, Corn, Live Stock, Community Building Look! Read! . ADE Discusses Dairy 1 , POuiti Big Agricultural Farm and SHORT COURSE TO BE HELD AT ■ Tifton, Ga., Tuesday, Nov. On Tift Farm One Mile From Town Hours From 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. Nine Big Auto Trucks Loaded With Farm Machinery for Field Wo Nine Moving Picture Reels on Agricultural Subjects Taken from all Over" the World. Lectures by- H. S. Mobley and Mrs. Adda F. Howie, .Speakers . J of International Reputation and Fame. All subjects Illustrated Either b] Actual Field Demonstration, Charts or Moving Pictures. INTERESTING EDUCATIONAL ENTERTAIN Come and see for yourself why the use of improved farm machinery reduce your farm labor and expense. FREE! —-TT-TtfREEl There Will be Nothing Sold or Any Solicitation of Sales at These Meetings. Man, Woman and Child Is Cordially Invited to these Meetings. " £ ■ ■■ ' ■ ---- -t; ■ rj S Undsr the Auspices of the Tifton Board of Trade and in > College at Athens, County and Homer