The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 31, 1919, Image 3

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•prr; , s ■ -..arwj;- i'mqr*" r ’"r t ” . . I¥ i ; . THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3l, 1919. Men’s Dress Hats We are showing the newest styles out in “Nobby" dressy hats for Men in No Name and Knox makes at $5., 96., $6.50 and up. Drop in and let us put you under a “classy lid.” Wade-Corry Co. * TIFTON POSTMASTER EXAMINATION 25TH Applicants (or Position Moot Qualify By Data Named. Kcilynatlon ol Hr. Bennett Cause* Vacancy. The United Bute* Civil Service Com mission has announced that all, applt cant* for the position of postmaster Tifton must qualify on or before Not* her 25. The vacancy here vas caused the real!nation it Postmaster Bennett. Forms for examination may at the Tifton postofllce or Service Commission. Washington,' Competitors will not be required port at any place for examination, but will bo rated on education and business training and exprience. Among the requirement* are: AppU- canto must show that (or nt leaat three years they have held ' responsible posi tions in which the principal duties in volved the management cf business af fairs and the direction and supervision si employes; must have psseed their 25th birthday, and must submit a' pic ture taken within th* last two years. The Tifton office pay* a salary of $2,500 a year. We Are Keeping Our Guaranteed Quality Up Which is just a little harder now than in the days gone by but we are still maintaining this principle and it does not cost you any more for us to give you a guarantee of satisfaction as we are always at the front with BIG values, LEADING styles and GOOD merchandise. We now have our Fall and Winter Lines complete in every particular and when prepar- * ing for your Winter’s needs we shall be pleased to have you give us a trial. 't&adeQ&w/Qsmpm/ GOODSHOES OR WINTER’S NEEDS We are showing as complete a line of good shoes for all members of the family, as can be found anywhere in South Georgia, and both wisdom and prudence can be shown by letting us fit you now in your winter outfit while stocks and sizes are complete as manufacturer’s prices on shoes are advancing every day, and there is not even a probability of cheaper shoes for the - near future. If you peedi-shoes for dress-wear or school or play, we cap fit them in ail grades and leathery anfroiir price is consistent and reasonable, and we guarantee satisfaction ^^Xwithev^:purchaae;'i 9 PETITION FOB DIVORCE GEORGIA.—Tift County. , George B. Owen vs. Aim* A. Owen. I Petition for divorep. Tift Superior Court. December term, 1910. TO ALMA A. OWEN: You are hereby required to be and ap> l*eur either in person or by an attorney, at the December. 1919, term of the Su perior Court ot Tift County. Georgia, to be held On the first Monday in December. * ’ OJ9, to answer the petition of George H. Owen, wherein you are named party (Wendant, the same being a petition for diTorce. | ; Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of said court, this June 6, 1010. L . Henry D. Webb, Clerk, Superior Court, Tift County GEORGIA—Tift County. W. B. Hitchcock, administrator estate of Robert Land, deceased,' made application to me for leave t6 gel certain real estate, to-wit: Twentjr sores more or less, of lot of land nurabafc Two Hundred and Sixtr-seven (207) and Ninety-seven (7) acres' more or jHH, of lots of land numbers Two Hundred and Sixty-six (200), and Two Hundred* and Forty-one (241), all the Sixth (0) Land District of Tift county, Georgia. Also, one share, No. 10, in the Country Fish ing Club; this Is to cite all iw.rsous, cred itors ami kin, to show cause before me at Tifton, Georgia, on the First Monday hi November, 1910, at 10 o’clock, A*. M., why the prayers of said petition of the said W. 11. Hitchcock, Administrator of the estate of Robert Land, deceased, should not be granted. _ . . , Witness my* hand and official signa ture, this 0th day of October, 1019' J. J. Baker, Ordinary, Tift County, Ga. CITATION.—YEAR’S SUPPORT GEORGIA—Tift County. The returns of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the fam ily of G. F. Willett, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons con cerned arc cited to show cause by the loth day of November, 1011). why said application for twelve nJCtis'.*’ support should not be granted. This, 17th day of October, 1919. 24-w4t. J. 4. Baker, Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE O. Moinfort vs. Annie Hall Momfort; Li bel for Divorce; In Tift Superior Court, December Term, 1010. To the Defendant, Annie Hall Momfort. You are hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the Su perior Court to be held in and for said County on the Firat Monday in Poceni- br, 1910, then and there to answer the lotnplaint in the above styled case, as in default thereof, ‘said Couit will pro ceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable U. Eve, Judge of said Court, This the 15th day of Oct ober, 1010. Henry D. Webb, Clerk Superior Court, Tift Co., Ga. R D. Smith, riaintilTa Attorney. £<• \\\\\\k\\\\> * For Weak Women la use forever 40 jrear*l Thousand* of voluntaqr letter, tram women, UU- Inf ol the good Cardul ha* .done theta. This ia the best proof ol the value otCardul. It proves that "Cardul Is a good medicine lor women. There are no harmful or habit-forming drug* hi Cardul. It Is composed ooly of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no had •fter-efiects. TAKE Used by 3 GewntticTir tf§cpectantMothers Has been found a time tried relief dur ing the stages c f maternity. The deli cate organa- involved should be pre pared for an easier, quicker and more practical delivery. MotWa Friend ia wed externally. Atoll Druggists. PETITION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—'Tl*l County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of K. R. Pickett, W. B. Parks, F. B. Pickett, Charles Bowman, D. Varner, Chas. D. Varner, W. F. Sikes, U. 8. Cornwall and E. J. Cottle, of said county and state, respectfully shows to the court; EQUITABLE PETITION Thomas Y. Fletcher va. Peabody, Hougbtellng A Co., et al , Equitable Petition; in Tift Superior Court, December Term, 1910. To the Defendants, Lucretia P. Hough- teling; Alexander Smith; Burton Thom as; Edward M. Mills, and Franda R. Dickinson, Executor of the Ltit Will and Testament of William B. Sterling. You are hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the Su perior Court to be held in and for said County on the First Monday in Decern- , ber, 1010, then and there to answer the complaint in the above styled case, as In default thereof, said Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of said Court, this the 0th day of Aug ust, 1010. Henry D. Webb, Clerk Superior Court, Tift County, Ga. Quineey A Rice, Plaintiff** Attorneys. FOR LETTERS ADMINISTRATION 1. That they desire for themselves To All Whom It May Concern: . Mrs. H. T. Horton, of said State, hav ing in proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. S. S. Horton, late of mai«l county, deceased, this is to cite nil am! singular, the creditors and heirs of said Mrs. S. 8. Horton, to be and appear nt the November term of court, l'.ilO, ami show cause, if any they con. why per manent letters of administration should 4. 4. Baker, Ordinary, their associates, successors and assigns, to become iucorporuted under the name and style of the TY TY PRODUCE AND PLANT CO. 2. The terms for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The Capital Stock of said Corpora- uoTbe granted, tion is $10,000.00, divided into shares of j Witness my official signature, this, Gth $100.00 each. Petitioners, however, at»k {day of October, 1010. the privilege of increasing said Capital Stock from time to time to any amouut j SHERIFF’S SALE not exceeding $50,000.00, should it be [GEORGIA—Tift County, deemed to the best interest of said Corpo- J Will be sold on the first Tuesday In Nov- ration and th, atockholdcre thereof, by a j* gf®* t- two-thirds uiajoritj \otc of said stock- .legal hours of sale, to the highest bidd< holders. J for cash, the following described property 4. The whole amouut of said Capital | to^wit tick, has petitioners. 5. The object and purpose of said cor- j levied on as ttie property of H. "L. 'Gen- poratton, is pecuniary gain and profit to , ? U1| d£ r * fi fa issued from the City ma,. j • ,Court of Tifton in favor of C. A. Irby its stockholders. The particular busi- and tpunrt H. L. Gentry. Bald property ness proposed to be carried on, is the buy- j n possession of defendant on date of levy, ing, selling, handling and curing sweet j This, 16th day of September, 1010. potatoes and all other farm products; J. M. Shaw, Sheriff, Tift County, producing, buying, selling and handling | NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE vegetable plants of every kind and des- GEORGIA—Tift Counfy. cription; buyiug, selling and handling I Under and by virtue of an order grant- live stock and poultry sud .11 other form jjd b T »>»•». Eve, Judse of the Superior 1 Court of the Tifton Circuit, there will be products, not herein specified and men- jj ^ Court House door and be- tloned. | tween the legal hours of sale on the First 6. Petitioners desire and ask the privi- 'Tuesday in November, 1010, to the high- lexe of uddlng sny other Hu. of mercb.u- ^ disc earned by merchants generally, should it be determined by a two-thirds majority vote of the stockholders of said •rporation, that it is to the best interest lug described property, to-wit: All of the property belonging to the Tift County Hospital, and containing the following articles, to-wit; 1 Oak writing desk; 11 window sbndcs; */j barrel pla«- • 4 . ".... . . * j ter paris; 1 oak ice box: 1 hat rack with of the stockholders of said corporation. 1 mirror; 1 kitchen table; 400 yards 7. Petitioners desire that said corpora- j plaiu gauze; 4-5 yd. moist gauze; 4 doz- tion shall have the right to sue end be .on assorted bandages: 2 lb*, cotton; 1 sewing machine; 1 alcohol heater; 1-2 "" ,l h » vc “ <" lnmo " sc,,l: 10 1,UJr ; ’mart cretin freezer: 5 wood dressers. sell, leave and hold nnd awn, both real j]tj r ds Eye;. 2 wash stands. Oak; 1 read- and personal property of every kind nnd jiug table, Oak; 23 lbs. absorbent cotton; lescription necessary for the furtherance 1*10” Electric Fan; 10 j 0 j ...... , * . . , . pillows; 1 lot linens and blankets; 1 lot »f the objects of said corporation; to bor- ;J|j sheH . -j j ot w. enamel ware: 1 wheel row money and pledge the property “f . stretcher; 1 pressure sterilizer, etc.; 1 said corporation, real and personal, as [outfit non prcHsure sterilizer * 1 * • -uvi.y by mortgage, trust deed ,MttUSS&l ’ or otbbr form of security, which in the . gUh. ihjiltllwap;“ gats. dtolufeetont: judgment of a two-thirds mnjority of the ir. strnight choirs; 1 metal buck rests: ■1 uluminum chart bneba: 1 ouk center table: 1 set wire splints: 1-2 basin wash stand: 0 H. W. jog*: 1 •<* *lM»w«re. 1-2 burner oil stove; 1 coal range. 1 iot rubber good* & surgical dressings; 1 re* frigerntor; 2 doxen roll* toilet paper; J» lb*, ether: 50 lb*, green *o»p; 8 iron bed steads ; 4 rocking chairs i 1 table; 1 operating table. All of said property 1* the property of Tift County %.Mh day of October, 1010. J. M. Shaw. Receiver. The Woman’s Tonic You cut rely on Cardul. Sorely it wlU do tor you what it has done (or so many thousands ot other womenl It should help. "I was taken tick, seemed to be ... wittes Mrs. Mary E.Vetle, ol Madison Heights, Va. “I got down to weak, could hardly walk . . . ]utt staggered around. ... I read ol Cardul, and alter taking one bot tle, or before tricing quit* ah, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottle* at that time, and was able to do my work. I take It la the spring when run down. I hid no appetite, tod I commenced eating. It la the best tonic I tret eaw." Try Card uL All Druggists stockholders of «aid corporation may ap pear to the interest thereof; to act as gen- ral or special agents for othir persons, compunicN or corporations, in buy ing, selling and handling auy article or claim of article, appertaining to the busiiieNN of said corporation, or U'ually or convenient'y connected with th» busi- of Haiti corporation hereinbefore ic ferred to; improve, Htll or lemsc any or all real estate or personalty, as may be Lieiiiary in properly ccndueting ihe buni- ne«Q of Haiti eorimrntion, and to e\crei«fc the usual iiowers, to do all the usual nec* en ury and proper acts which pertain t-» v may be connected with any of the busi- t.i'h'H ol said Corporation. *i The principal office and place of bus;ncss of Kaid Corporation shall Ih> at f.v 7y, in Tift county. Georgia, with 'he right to establish branch offices or bouses to do business anywhere in the state of Georgia as may be deemed to the best tn- ion, *0 be determined by a two-thirds ma- pority vote of said stockholders. Wherefore, petitioners pray that thoy made a body corporate under the name acd atyle aforesaid, entitled to nil the rights, privileges and immunities and sr.ltjtet to all the liabilities fixsd by law. James H. Price • Attorney for Petitioners, GEORGIA—Tift County. I, Henry D Webb Clerk of the Super ior Court of Tift county, do certify that tho above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition for incorporation, of the Ty Produce and Plant Company, now on file in my office. Witness ray hand and official signa ture, this 17th, day of October, 1019. Henry D. Webb, Voa Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you got m enjoyment out o( everything when i blood 1, in good condition. Impuritiet the blood btve a vety depressing effect the tyttem, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness end sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC ires Energy end Vitality by Purifying Enriching the Blood, when you (eel ill atrengthenlng, invigorating effect, see how It brings color to the cheeks and how It improves the appetite, you will then appreciate Ia uao tout; \kuc. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC It hot a patent medicine. It ia (imply IRON and QUININE euspended tn Syrup. So pleasant even children like IL The blood needs Quinine to Purify It end IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never (tU to drive out impurities in tho blood The Strength-Cresting Power ot GROVE’S TASTELESS ChUl TONIC has made it favorite tonic in thousand* of homes, than thirty-live yean ago. (oiks ridea long distance to getGROVE'S ESS Chill TONIC when a of their family had Malaria or i body-hnlldtag, ttrength-givlng tonic. The formula la Just the same to day. and you can gat It bon any Jm otore. Me per bottle. NOTICE OF APPLICATION GEORGIA—Tift County. Notice in hereby given in conformity with section 3005 of the Code of Geor gia. 1911, that the undersigned will. guardian for W. J. Taylor, make appli cation before the Honorable It. Eve, Judge Superior Court, Tift County. Geor gia, at Tifton, Georgia, on the 15th day of November, 1010, for an order to noil the following described realty, pnqierty of his naid ward, to-wit : Three acres of land, more or less, in Lot of land No. 525 iu the town of Omega, Ga., being in the 0th land district of said county, and more particularly described a*, follows: Beginning nt the Southwert corner on Chestnut Street, and running North along the East side of said street 40 feet to an agreed corner: thence Northeast along an agreed line 240 feet to an agreed corner; thence East 385 feet to an agreed corner; thence South to Drean Branch and along said branch to Alaba ma Avenue, said East line being 240 feet; thence West along the North side of Alabama Avenue 00 feet to an agreed corner; thence North 150 feet to an agreed corner; thence West 100 feet to an agreed corner; thence North 100 feet to an agreed corner; thence West 200 feet to tChentnut Street to Rtaitlng point, and bounded as follows.—North by origi nal lot line and land of H. F. Brown; East by land of H. F. Brown and Drean Branch; South by Alabama Avenue, and land of W. J. Wooten and 8. G. Lind sey ) West by Chestnut Street and land of H. Roberts on Northwest. C. V. Taylor. Guardian for \V. J. Taylor. Ridgdill A Mitchell, Applicant'! Attorneys^ PETITION FOR RECEIVER Tift Superior Court, December Term, 1919. GEORGIA—Tift County. Phillips Mercantile Company vs. Tift County Hospital, County Hospital. To Tift County Hospital: You are hereby cited b» be aud upjwar att the December Term, 1910, of the Su* K rior Court of Tift County, Georgia, to held In the courthouse of said county In the city of Tifton on th" ilrnti Monday in December, 19 1 ° or Irt o’clock, A. 1C., to a*** % -"- : ri* ii fi*ed by the plalt- l ; .T iu tl.c a’.- - d cn«**\ the same b9- njf a petition for the appointment of 9 re ceiver. wherein you are named party de fendant. In default thereof, the Court shall proceed as to justice shall apper tain- Wltneaa th. Honorable R. Eve. Judge prop- of the said Court, iesin This, October 4, 1019, Clerk of Superior Court, T Cure* In 14 to 21 Day, •LAX-F0S WITH PEPSIN" to a spemiliy- mpared SyropTonlc-Lexatlve for Habituil Constipation. It relieve, pcompriy hot should be Uken rejulsriy f« 14 to « dare »Induce regular ecrioo. ItStimulatea and Rsfolatee. e Verr Ftoeaant toTaioeMe : .■ ■ v, • »,m- : y.•;< • • .... LIVE STOCK RAISERS ATTEilll We are in the market at'all times for carload lots of cattle,, hogs, sheep and lambs at market prices* Telephone or wire us for quotations. Swift & Company H-9 The Golden Hardware Co. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE FARMER That we have now on hand the Tools that they will need for the Fall Plowing. Such as Collars, Haines, Traces, Back Bands, Superior Grain Drills and a full stock of Chattanooga Plows and Repairs. To the Contractor and to Any One Who Expecta to Build We are in position to sell you all kinds of Building Ma terial at the Right Prices and if you want to paint your house we want to make you prices on White Lead, Lin seed Oil and Mixed Paints and Varnishes. Our stock of Sash and Doors is complete and we have a stock of Lime, Cement, Wall Plaster, Composition Roof ing and Shingles, Nails, Grates, Tile and almost any thing that you might want in a first class hardware store. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. Give the -world the once over L ISTEN, fellows, to some J straight talk. Many a man when he gets to be 40, misses some thing. He may have lota of money, and a fine family but— He never “got out and saw ■ things”. After he gets settled down, it’s too lete. Every man wants to see the world. No man likes to stand still all his life. The best time to TRAVEL is when you’re young and lively—right NOW I Right NOW your Uncle Sam to calling,‘‘Shove 0^1" He wants men fofhis Navy. He’s inviting you! It’, the biggest chance you’lr ever get to give the world the onca overt The Navy goes all over I world—sails the Seven f •Quints at the six co (Aar’s it. business. to see more odd sights, l ful scenery and strange than you ever dreamed of. You’ll work hard while Jem work. You’ll play hard whileyo* play. You 11 earn and team. You’ll get, in addition to “hhora. leave”, a 30-day straight vaca tion—which to more than th* average bank president, caa count on. You can Join for two 1 When you get through youU 1 physically and mentally “tu up” for the rest of your I You’ll be ready through through for SUCCESS. There’s a Recruiting I right near you. If you i know where it la, your master will be glad to tety yoa* Shove off!-Join. .1