The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 07, 1919, Image 4

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ri£; f i Want ad column NOTICE OP SALE GEORGIA—Tilt Coantjr. ' Where*!, on October 22, 1018, J. D. Conner, ol Bald But# and County, execu ted hi* deed to Alban? Trust Compeny ot _ Georgia (* corporation under the lawa o« nor » Bontan Shon Store, bnt * ««nnlne - annotate) to fta.ttal eetaU herelnatW So* nr lrf «t estabUshmant, where diet- described a* scCTgfcfor hi* alxt? pronto- TIPTON ELECTRIC SHOE HOSPI- yjiL—Ii not • N«* York Bargain Bona* ! coexistent with flrat-daas materiala and ■workmaaahlp. W* pot on Neolln Sole* and turn'aboe aolea. 0. W. Smith, Pro prietor. ldwlmo. STRAYED—Soar, with alx Hampahlre plea, black with white lint around them. Sow dark colored with few white apot* marked smooth crop In right ear, wil* ,K low fork In left Reward for Informa- ‘ tlon. A. D. Taylor, Route 1, Tlfton. C-d3t-wlt do* December 1,1818, and the real to be come dne one on the flrat day of each itk thereafter, alec hla ptomlaaory not*: ... $3.00080, due October 22. 1021, the lame bearing interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent -per annum, payable atml-annually thereafter—all foregoing aaid note* baring been dated October 22, 1918; and, where**, eald contract prorid- ed that abould any aald note* not be promptly paid when due, aa well aa ae- Bi-annual Interest, aoch fact would oper- FOR SALE OB RENT—445 acre* 1 1-2 miles south-east of Lenox : ninety acres cleared, seventy in cultivation. Will sell or rout cheap. Good flve-room house, AILT GAZETTE, TIFTON GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1»1». CLEMAN” WITH GREAT MASTERPIECES ate to make all aaid note* and all aald Intercut payment* due and payable on demand; and, ithereaa, aald contract pro vided that In the event of aueh proceed ings as Is hereby described the amount due on tbe unmatured portion of said notes (excepting tbe one (or $3,000.00) would be ascertained bj deducting there- from discount it tbe rate of 8 per cent 1 truant house on public road, half mile pcP annum: and, where**. rir l N«lonri’Hlghway. Henry A. Baker, ha* failed to pay arid note* so duo mouth 3td-wlt ly .alnee for tbi osa w n iy aince tor me one which became dua 3td ' wlt July 1'l»l»i, •« well os sll which have Tifton, Ga. __ FOR SALE—At $100 p<t acre] "So" acre* noto land, .TO acres in cultivation, good five- for gaQOO.oO which became due April room house; 1 tenant house, in three- 22, 1010, and October 22, 1010--all said # ei t niii« nf Tv Tv known aa ilcliiHiiicncicn constituting violations of fourths of a mile of Ty Ty known . I ^ ^ deed, and an- " .. p« rV . 1,.,,, the contract set out in seta deed, and au- the place where 1 rank I*™ 1 l,Te *- Arising the proceedings hereby deserib Ty Ty lies »» Bood school as there is ^ • iu South Georais, three ehurehca—Metho- N#Wi therefore, X, Joseph 8. Duvls, dist Ilnntist oud l’rimitive Bsptlst. Part President of said company, in accordance essh • terms for balance. G. 8. Nelson, with a provision of aaid deed, will sell or Sumner. Ga. 0-U2t-w2t, ^foi Z ££&!££& EOR SALE Seven good saw mill "or, ®f -g farm mules. Cosh or credit. W. A., 1„ the highest and best bidder for Puckett, Tifton, Ga., 3-d8tw2t cash, all that tract of land belua u tmr- tlon of original land lot No. .107 in the sixth district of said county, parPcnlorly described, In three tracts, as follows; First tract. Commence st an iron stake on the south edge of the Tifton and Ty Ty public road at it* intersection with AGENTS WANTED—$8 to $10 dally telling New Fibre Brooms; every woman will buy. Sample by Parcel Post, 60 cents. Wynne Broom Co., Elmira, N. 8d3twlt Y. I have the best Blacksmith and Horno- ahoer that Tifton bat ever had. Jtut gin them a trial and yon will bo convin ced. Tifton Repair Shop, 18dl5t-w2b H a Carmichael. "OR SALE—Fin mules, about 200 bush els corn, fodder and potatoes. For caah or good note,. ■ lift Vf B* Hitchcock. »4wtf -»*■«-** ****>" LOST—Bunch of keys with name on tax. Reward for return to Jank Gar rett. * ?>■ -adstwit STRAYED OR STOLEN—From my place near Omega 8atnrday night Nov. 1st, one dark bay hora* mule, weight about 850 imunds; long mane and tail. Liberal reward for Information leading to his recovery. H. H. Tift, Jr. 0-dwtf the originul east Hue of said lot, 38 degrees south along said public roau 1.114 toft to an iron stnke, thence south 28 degrees east 1,083 feet lo aa irou stake thence east 175 foot lo an Iron slake on the original east line of snul lot, thence north 3 degrees and ten minutes west 2.285 feet olnng the original caat line of aald lot to on iron Utah.; oud "to the. beginning point, said tract ~~“*|liUII* Second tract. Bogin at thClMeMeeWm of the original east line of said lot with the south edge of the right of way of tbe Atlantic Coast I.lne Railroad Company— aald right of way extending 50 feel from the centre of the main line ot said rail road. run thenre westward along south edge of said right of way 1,300 feet to a stake, thenee south 27 d«;;rees and -0 minutes east 1.007 feet to the centre of the Tifton and Ty Ty public road, thence cost 28 degrees north 050 feet along »*ld public road to its intersection with the iginnl east line of said lot, thence north degree. 45 minutes west nlong tile Fla* Big Story la Paraasunt-ArtcraR Picture Will Grip Audience Published originally as a novel in Muu- aey’s Mogatlne, written by Frank L. Packard and lator dramatized by George &.* Coban, and presented with phenom- I suecesH on Broadway, tbe Para mount-Artoroft picture, “Tbe Miracle lUn,” cornea to tbe Mtrand theatre November 12-18. A* a motion picture this absorbing story has been hailed by tbif.critics aa one of tbe finest productions ever seen on the screen. With scene* laid in the haunts of criminal* in New York's Chinatown, in a little village the aide of a giant mountain and on tbe nbore of a roaring ocean, the opportunity for wonderful photographic effects ha* been realised to tbe limit. But the chief interest is iu the strik ing story, which ceutorg about the ven- enernble figure of on old patriarch, who is credited with the power to heal the sick and make crippled limbs whole again. To him come Tom Burke nnd hi* band of crooks from New York with tbe idea of cashiug in on hi* powers. But it iloesu’t work out as they calculated, for hidden away in each of them is a leaven of good, which slowly comes to the surface under the influence of their wholesome environ ment. In almost marvelous way the crlm ituil» arc -reclaimed from the paths of crime. , A east of unusual ability enacts the im- portulit roles in thhe picture, beaded by Thomas Meighan. u well known leading man. nnd including E1ino r Fair, Betty Com | won. Joseph J. Dowling, Lon Cha ney, W. Lawson BUtt, J. M. Dumont, Lucille Hutton, and F. A. Turner. Mr. and Mr*. 8. L. Fleetwood, Mrs. Adam a, Mr. Algee and Dr. Wood came up Thursday morning to enliit Ty Ty in tbe Third Roll Call for. Red Cross. A meet ing was held at tbe hooaaand an organ! ages almost aa serious, wfll tbe k fanners I The Ty Ty Department' enters its return to cotton as the only money 1 fourth year , more popular, seemingly, .... — crop, or will they continue to plant po- than ever before . Tbe people bare stood zation of workers effected. Dr. Wood I tatoes, groundpeas, etc.—things that pay by it* without adverse criticism or fault- WANTED PBCANB—WU1 ptf highest ash price for all alsea Pecans delivered to Ty Ty, Ga. Large or small quantities. • Mklcom Brothers, Ty Ty, Ga, 18-dlr3w FOR BALB-One good farm mare-mule, 13 yean old, weight 1*200 pound*. Also one nice mare 5 yean old. Phillips Mer cantile Co., City. 25dwtl FOB «D"« OR EXCHANGE—Fort Se da*, nearly new, and 1 No. 85 Overland, in good ship*. Aik foe Clark Webb, at Omega, G*. GEORGIA—'Tilt County. By virtue of an order from tbe Court of Ordinary of Tilt County, Georgia, will sold, at public outcry, on the first iosdax in December, 1019, at the court huW door in said comity, between the * |1 hours srfW},. the tract of lund in raid original lot line to starting P"i“|— wild tract containing 30 seres, end being identified ns tract No. 1 ns shown on n identified ns tract subdivision map rande by H. W. Brown, dated May 23. 1012. recorded November 17, 1015, in "deed hoik Five. Png. 287. In ndee.of Clerk of Superior Court, of Tift County. Geeergia. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK county: the sn'rne lining One Hun dred nnd Fifty-one, *151) neres. more or less, of lot of land.--number One Hun dred Eleven, (111) iu the titb district of snld county nnd hounded ns follows.— On North by Cyclonotn Farm art lands of John Greeneon Hie West by ends of Mrs. McKinney: on the Enst by lands of Jason Scarboro and John Swain; and on the south by Dowry lands of Mrs. Emma E. Akins. Terms of said *ale to ha for <*nsh. . This. 3rd day of November.^J019. J. A. Akins, Administrator for #T. T. Akins. FOR DISMISSION GEORGIA—Tint County. Mrs. A. T. Houghton. Administratrix the estate of O. A. Williams, deccAs 29-dlm *' . , * .. I rd renrc8cnta to tbe undersignsd that she Tliird tract Beginning at the^ north*. • fn ,| m i n j K tenMi on said extate and west corner of trset last above described. . . . letter* of dismission. This l« at « "take 50 lwt>oaA to notlfj ill roncerned that snld npnllc. the main llna of theAQantic Coa*t Lie I tlon will be passed upon at the next term Railroad Oorapkny. thrnMrun talon* | Court of Ordinary “ the aonth edge of the right .of way «f S.“.. i„ necemhe. neat ■aid railroad company, the first saiu rauroau conij*«/. the centre froqi said jtoe, 537 feet to a . . .. stake* thence south 27 degree* and 20 mimifpa mat 1.045 feet lo a stake In the centra of the Tifton and Ty 'Ty. pnbllc road, thence east along the centra of said public road 635 feet to a etoke, at the *fmm Monday In December neat, from x „ VPlllb) . r :l , mm. J. J. Baker, Ordinary. Tift county Southwest corner of the tract last above - ,orth 27 degrees nnd LUMBER FOB SALE—Saw mill T mlloi from Tifton, 2 mile* weet from National Highway, 2 mtlce eouth of Chula. Price* right All orders Oiled: promptly. Se* — ~ Rigdon or W, H. Gltba, Tifton, I no|„t—aaid ...... _ , — . . (Vdw3w !being Identified a» tract No. 2 acrordlng .house door In nai l he H. W. Brown map referred, to In ] legal In,; ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA—Tift County. By virtue of an order from the t.qurt of Ordinary of Tift County, Georgia, will dcKribed, thence north 2! negroes onu or uroinary .m > ■ »■ -•, 20 mlmites weat 1,007 feet to bcglnuln* be sold, at H' ,w,r ,." ul . < L v A °" ,a' J,nrt point—said tract containing 20 neres and Tuesday in December, 1011), » •>£ ,court being Identified n» tract No. 2 according , house door In said county. I« tw -- the H. W. Brown map referred to In j legal bourn "f "«b- ' cr, li " r, nl RADIATORS RKPAIKKD-and m * de a ,hI^^?“»"eJrt^ira ocnipbulMby ,!ot"oV land number Two Hundi to special order. If your radiator has Ah" ' ^ home nnd conlai.iln* Sixty-seven (207) and been wrecked, tamed, froxon or lceke, & '■ ' " acres, more or ess, Of lots of he been wrecked, burned, froxon or leaks, send it to us. We will send it back to you in first-class condition. Pirat-claas used radiator* for sale at half price. Hol lingsworth Radiator Works, 12 W. Broad St., Savannah, Ga. nl ostato, lean, of Hundred nnd (97) When the boll weevil* leave, ti the] caterpillars left us, years ago, after rav- l ANOTHER TEAR made a abort Hpeett, followed by a few wordii from Mr. Algee, and the pftrty left thing* in good working order. Mr. J. M. Varner went to ^feeon • few days ago, and, Mince his rtpm, L he Eaa been Haying Home rathc r ui thingH about the Macon polic^^ bis automobile with a long while be went into a moving pi When he came out, hia extra inning and he wan out of pool neventy dollar*. Mr. and Mr«. J. H. Harria. took little boy, J. !!., Jr., to Moultrie to hCre hia tonnils and adenoids removed. Tbe operation wax entirely Muecensfai nud the little fellow wun ovc r it all In a littlp rhlle. At the name time Mrs. N. N. Hal- com (Mrs. Mnllcom Ih a sliter of Mr. Harrix) took ibcir youngest child, Nolan, to the name place for the same operation, to get Nolan fr/im under the Influence of the anesthetic. For about five bourn, he like a dead child. He was taken to a hospital, other physicians were called and, among them, he was at last brought buck to couHciouaneM. Since he got back home, he has been getting along very well, Drugs, Prescript aa well at considerably leu cost of pro-; finding,, and its advertisers include nearly duction? People seem, now, to be very ; all tbe business booses of Ty Ty. These well satisfied with things as they are, are the men who have been the { ehfef but cotton has a mighty hold on tbe af- \ factors in tbe growth and progress of Ty factions of our planters. j Ty: They have been behind every move- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cottle went to | ment that has added to the prosperity of , - Evergreen Sunday, and Mr. Cottle spoke the town. By their enterprise, ability and POUnaefl. in the interest of the $75,000,000 Cam- 1 energy, they have rescued Ty Ty from • paign being carried on by the Baptists, j calumny and given the town a place on Mr. Cottle proposes to give most of his ' ffae map. » time, for tbe remainder of the year, to . And the Ty Ty Department in tbe Tif- this work, and, if earnestness and zeal | ton Gazette baa had * share in this work, count for anything, hia efforts will be Without misrepresenting anything it has a mighty help to the cause. j always kept the beat , of Ty Ty and it* The horse-traders have left us after ( people in view >f the public, and it ia what did not seem to he a very satisfac- ( booked for at'- least one more tory visit for them. There was considers- yea r^io-good work for the town and it* ble sickness in their comp while they j community, were here—one of the women was really | . .q.. .. ■ ——. ill. Dr. “Rube" Pickett, who attended MUNICIUAL ELECTION, her, said—and trade did not wem to Twenty-seven voters assembled Tuea* be very brisk. Tbe two families that day to elect a mayor and aldermen for the FINE. Gasoline. The war taught, and continues to teach, a good many things. There was probably not a place in tbe whole world that haxborcd more prejudice against Homan Catholics than was found right hero; but returned soldiers are changing all that They say representatives of that church were “pretty gpod" over there, and this means a great deal com ing from a man about here. Tom \y«t* and his follower* hive' done much to fouler prejudice against the Romau Catholics, but it began with onr Eng lish ancestor*, especially with those don- endantH of non-conformists, and Church •f England people were not much better. Mrs. W. I». Wade, of Doerun, read the Gazette notice about work in the Ty Ty cemetery and immediately sent as her part, a dollar to hire help. If everybody woiild do likewise, (‘cmeteriea would not he the disgrace to civilization that some of them are. Mr. Earl Gibbs considered the present cost of building material, and decided to build his house until were here* were* Americans, mostly, some of them Geiirgians. They arc related to each other and have been making annual visit* here for several year*. Water is getting scarce in tbe coun try about here, the washwomen complain. Hog cholera is subsiding for lack of victims. If all accounts are true, there arc hardly enough hogs left to start again. A negro, passing along a Ty Ty street on a load of corn, called to another on the sidewalk, “come help me unload thiz corn and I'll give you a quarter", "It'a too hot," said the man in the shade, list lessly. This from a negro on the, Ust of October. Maybe the weather.Jia»ybeto of Ty Ty. Of coarse, this was on ly a small percentage of the voters of Ty Ty, but all the others had forgotten to register. The ticket with J. B. Hollingsworth After the operation it seemed* impossible at its head was an excellent one, and it was elected by a large majority; but the other voters want a show, claiming that notice should have been given that the books were open for registration. Tbe probability seems to be that an other election will be called. October as it • wfla'.tlis'AAar, but. if so, it was betore itoe^dUyjJ? the oldest inhabitant. PETITII CHARTER GEORGIA—Till County. \ To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of R. R. Pickett, W. B. Parks, F. B. Pickett, Charles Bowman, 1). Varner, Chaa. D. Varner, W. F. Sikes, R. y. Cornwall and E. J. Cottle, of said county aud state, respectfully shows to the court: 1. That they desire for themselves their associates, successors and assigns, to becduie incorporated under tbe name more convenient season. He has tented iand style of the the house recently bought by Mr. Mack TY TY PRODUCE AND PLANT OQ. Whitfield. This house was occupied last 2. The terms for which petitioners ask year by Mr. W. J. Bush and his daugh- |t» be incorporared is twenty years, with ter, Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar | the privilege of renewal at the end #f Gibbs ei|iect to live in their own house ; that time. In Ty Ty another year. I 3. The Capital Stock of raid Corpora- lhe potato house Is a big thing tor Ty Ty, and tho people seem to appreciate that fact. Only a “biker'* Anton" were present ut the infecting at the Baptist ehnrch tlon is 310,000.00, divided into ahare* of $100.00 each. Petitioners, however, aak the privilege o, Increasing aald Capital Stock from time to tuns tn any amount not exceeding $50,000.00, should It b* 25d0tw4t FOR SALE—25 bnahcls of Abruxii Seed Rye. W. O. Kennedy, Tifton. 31d3twlt FOR SALE—Finn*. 50 to K>0 acre*; also residences and vaunt lota In town. See l L. Ford. 10 2fdl r«wftwl2t 80 acres. I I in'mir.-.l' Ul'l.l m\| v-six CM WO Proceeds of Maid sale to be applied in ''' j* ,,, w ” || un( i,. tM | , m ,| Fnrtv-ono (241)', d,!" of , ,ho U,e eom“s”o^ 10 raid '.II in the Six,h (0) Land District of Tift # efter^pnylng ‘S «ha^.ey^.^*'lnvSi snld ittems Is tn be paid to raid Conner. his heirs or assigns. The authority for said rale being irrevocable In the P rof |'J dent of said company by the term of raid deed. Tifton. Ga., Nnvrmber 1, 1810. Joseph S. Davis. President. AVOID ACCIDENTS BUMPERS To fit all makes of cars. On sale for ten days at ishing said wile to be cash. This the third day of November, 1919. \Y. B. Hitchcock. Administrator, Estate of Robert Land. FOR LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA—Tift County. * Notice is hereby given that the under signed has applied to the Court of Ordi nary of said county for leave to sell, sub* joct to the dower interest therein, a 1-3 of t-7 undivided' remainder {interest in lotn of land Non. 131 and 14H in the Sixth District of Tift county. Georgia, belonging to Jon. Pnttlk. minor, for the purpose of completing hi* edueatiou, and necessary expense incident thereto, and that said application will be heard at the next regular December term of raid Court. Tills, Nov. 3rd. 1919. Mrs. I'etw F. Paulk, Guardian of said minor. Thursday, and there was enough dinuer deemed to the best interest of said Oorpo- f Q r a regiment—almost. ! ration and the stockholders thereof, by a Live stock does not seem to be mrn-h j two-thirds majority vote of said stock- in dchinnd hero. A mule was sold at {holders. • auction Saturday for $20 and a horse 4. The whole- amount of aaid Capital for $10, and they were not such very Stock, has been actually paid in by said poor animals, either. : petitioners. The press dispatches, telling about the ' 5. The object and purpose of said cor- visit of the Onoen of Belgium to Presi-! porntion, is pecuniary gain aud profit to dent Wilson, stated thnt she sat at the j its stockholders. The particular busi- left side of tho bed. This is important. ness proposed to be carried on, is the buy- Ty Ty did well by all the fairs within ; ing, selling, handling and curing sweet rom-h, sending h handsome delegation to'potatoes and all other farm products; each. People seemed to he kind of. fair producing, buying, selling and Dandling hungry, ami ouch fair was such a success | vegetable plants of every kind and dea- therc will probably he one nt every cross-1 cription; buying, selling and handling mid next year. live stock and poultry and all other farm Mr. and Mrs. Will Hobbs, of Route 3, j product*, not herein specified and men- had two cases of diphtheria in their fam- tioned. il.v last week, one of them fatal. Dr. 9. Petitioners desire and ask the privi- Pittman, who was called in, ndministor- lege of adding any other line of merchan- Mr. L. II. Bryan left Wednesday af ternoon to spend u few days taking in the fair in Valdosta. 40 per cent jHscount Ooer^nd Cfrpany Show Rooms OVERLAND COMPANY 'S 'garage m cant mm WHEN II FELT QUITE SO WELL oil serum, hut it was too late for one of the children. The othe r will get well. The little boy that died was two years 1. He was buried at Salem Friday. Mr. Aaron Parks sold thirteen tons of groundpeutt 4ast week at two hundred dollars a ton. How is that for a money crop? This was not a speculation; the groundpeas were of Mr. Parks’ own rais ing—in fact, he may have worked at them with his own hands, for when help grew scarce, Mr. Parks left hin store in charge of his son and went to work on the farm. Mrs. Ronsie Shaw had a very severe attaok of kidney colic Sunday night Dr. Frank Pickett was with her the greater part of the night, leaving he r much bet- HE WHY AND WHEREFORE old jingle gives the reasons that le have for going to ehnrch He tells us at 8nm4 go to church just for the walk, 8om« go there to laugh and talk, Some go there for observation, Some go there for speculation. Some go there the! r time to- spend, - Some _ go there to meet a friend. Some the impulse ne’er diacover, Some’go there to meet a love#. Some go there to sleep and-nod. A few go there to worship God. This is as true now as It was a hun dred years ago, and it is them people, except the class of the last line, who talk of good congregations, good IB and especially of good collections. A minister has-been heard to say “you haven’t been out to hear me preach"} as if that were the only reason people had for going to church. Not long ago the wife of an “evengeliftt” Was telling of ‘successful” meeting they had having in a rifilul town. “We took In thirty nmnbere**, she said, “and twenty* five of them I got myself." ... . . “Not unto ns, not unto us, O Lord," not noticeable in their talk. No dciuht about the %drid being better than It ever i, andrthe church is no worse. It ia only because church people are more giv- to speaking their minds. W. E. WILLIAMS Pays For D| • fjWintrii«r Wpttoeei, Shorn, data RMctr-to-Waar Cktfcfa* Form Implements And Other Thing*. Pictorial Review Pattern* TY TV DRU CO. W SgF ^ 1 - a ■i w« wuvw, mpncvsT* A iea,liti Um ,f petal ■ tbee, Drape •*!'' Samdrlea. ter. An Full ot Energy and Vital* ity; Have Fine Appetite; Sleep Sound; Constipation Overcome; Stomach Right Again, Since Taking Dreco. 1SMS? rad Moral, •oob >■ an 52? "1*' gjijjojjj i$aa8fadiir , - d “ Charlie Vomer is daft on the subject of alrplanee, havinng spent man, precious dollar* in aerial flights at the fair*. He sings about airplanes, but he does not sing that rang which invites, “Wont you come sail in my airsblpt”—not at ten dollars a rail. Mosquitoes are devouring the dwel* lers of Tifton, tbe report goes. Ty Ty la not suffering In that way this year, but it la not too late if warm weather should continue. ' The ahow (bat spent last week in Ty Ty was all that it claimed to be—good (of its kind) and clean. Pity tbe more pretentious sort could not-live as closely to their claims. Somehow Route 3 will not stay put Then la a movement on foot to change It once more, hot these changse have never amounted to much. (Hie best ser vice to tbi greatest number 1* the Idee— or ought to be. The Red Cross Roll Call began on the second of November and last* till tha eleventh. A house-to-house canvas la being made in Ty Tf, Have a dollar ready. t Because people era beginning lo say that the wont of tho boll .weevil visita tion la over la no cauat for a slump la the price of cotton. ' The street* an la a fk^r why to bt kept In order, unlest there, should bo*k missing.driver, or aemi thing eo. Patrons ot the Ty Ty school are wot dering why they have not had a nine- month* term before: It has been paid for -ae easily. Nobody objects, to the amen entrance fee) and thfc school goes on smoothly. The people outaida of Ty YF' incorporating the district, but n cumber of children from the coon- try in attending this school. m disc carried by: .merchants generally, should it bo detertnined by a; two-thirda majority vote of the stockholders of aaid corporation, that it is to the best interest of the stockholders of said corporation. Petitioners desire that said corpora tion shall have the right to sue and be sued and have a common seal; to buy, sell, lease and hold and own, both real and personal property of every kind and description necessary for the furtherance of, the object* of said corporation; to bor row money and pledge the property of said corporation, real and personal, as security therefor by mortgage, trust deed or other form of security, which in the judgment of a two-thirds majority of the stockholders of said corporation may ap pear to the interest thereof; to act as gen eral or special agents for other persons, companies or corporations, in buy ing, aellinc and handling any article or class of articles, appertaining to the business of said corporation, or usually or conveniently connected with th* busi ness «f aaid corporation hereinbefore ic ferred to; improve, sell or lento any or all real estate or personalty, as may he • ceinary in properly conducting the busi ness of said corporation, and to exercise the usual powers, to do all the usual nec- S The principal office and place of business of said Corporation shall be at e«:*ry and proper acts which p**rtaln t<» ar may be connected with any of the busi ness ot said Corporation. Ty ly» in Tift county. Georgia, with the right to establish branch offices or houses to do business anywhere in tha state of Georgia as may be deemed to the beat in ion, to be determined by'a two-thirds ma- pority vote of said stockholder*. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they t» made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to aU the right* privileges and Immunities subject to all the liaWlitie* fixr! by law. . James H. Price From present indications, the Ty Ty potato house will get the 20,000 bushels required to fill it Empty crates are going out and filled ones coming in, in rapid succession, notwithstanding the fact that it is unusual for farmers to harvest potatoes before frost. Seventy- five cents is a good price for potatoes, and that is what the potato house is paying. The land about here easily pro duces three hundred bushels to the acre, and the crop is easily made. Is cotton more profitable than that? Mr. Sam Lanine is a new comer. He has opened a stock of dry goods on the south side of the railroad and has moved his family into the house recently va cated by Mr. Arthur Ross. They expect to make this their permanent home, and he takes Ms place with the Ty Ty ad vertisers. NOTICK OF APPLICATION GEORGIA—Tift Coontjr. Notice is hereby giTen in conformity with section 3005 of the Code of Geor gia, 1911, that the\ undersigned will, as guardian for W. J. Taylor, make appli* cation before the Honorable R. Eve, Judge Superior Court. Tift County, Geor gia, at ttfton, Georgia, ou the loth day of November, 1910, for an order to aeu the following described realty, property of his said ward, to-wit: Three acres of land, more or leas, in Lot of land No. 525 in the town of Omega, Ga., being in the 0th land district of said county, and S particularly described as follows: ning at the Southwest corner on tout Street, and running North along the East side of said street 40 feet to an agreed corner; thence Northeast along an agreed line 240 feet to an agreed corner; thence East 385 feet to an agreed corner; thence South to Drean Branch and along said branch'to Alaba ma Avenue, said East line being 240 feet; thence West along the North aide of Alabama Avenue 90 feet to an agreed corner; thence North 150 feet to an •greed corner: thence West 100 feet to an agreed corner; thence NorthTOO feet to an agreed corner; thence west 200 feet to tChoetnut Street to statting point, and bounded as follows.—North by origi nal lot line and land of H. F. Brown; East by land of H. F. Brown and Drean Branch; South by Alabama Avenue, and land of W. J.-Wooten and 8. G. Lind sey i Weat by Chestnut Street and land of H. Roberts on Northwest. C. V. Taylor, Guardian for W. J. Taylor. RidsdiU A Mitchell, Applicant’* Attorneys. JONES * COMPANY Denier* la High Close General HenknAe 1 After yon rend thia advertlseaearth go to Ole etore nnd do rata ■hopping. PRICES RIGHT GEORGIA—TUt Oeentjr. ; I, Henry D W«bb Clerk of the Super- lor Court bt Tift eoaty, do eerttfr Oat the -above had foregoing le t Me gal comet copy .of the original'priUon foe Incorporation, ef the Tr Tr Traduce end Plant Compear, new an flle. he mj efle*. tore, thia 17th, dtr at October, 1919. ' HtnrrD. Wet*. J. F. NICHOLSON A COw WH Are In the Itafcet «ta ■h. G. MALCOii ■ pTYTY, GEORGIA] ■Oidtn taken now tor pW Alio I buy and tell hogTl ..Hogn, Beef Cattle end Mflk- ■aunsH A. PARKS, Groceries. Dry Goods Etc* Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia. D. VARNER AND COMPANY Dealer* la Greeeriee Drp Goads, CanJUa, Ci gars, Tobacco n Else la tba way •( Man's Famishing* n SpednHf. DR. F. B. PICKETT, Physician aid Surgeon.' T.» Ty, Ge. ■ -:3 ■at A D. MannS M part** » • seed I MA nrij. Tirra Petto, —tat , Me *■ te bettera, teekg ant eBgpta.,,, ■ AD.) CARL 3. PITTMAN