The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 07, 1919, Image 6

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''it*#'- '-vv 7 FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 7,1919. | No matter where vou buy it, Luzianne coffee is always the same high standard of excellence f Every pound is sold in an air-tight tin can. f Luzianne retains its lull rich flavor. coffee The Reity-Taylor Company QfwprUm0 IM® f WEEK’S {j~9 TUB HIGHER-UP ONES Thu uirHhip'it lost lu the tiptop sky, I tut the High Cost boils it goio* by And say», “How'o things On tbo enrth below? For I'm up so high That I jes* dunno!" —Atlanta Constitute Mr. A. M. Pasku, of Ty Ty, was iu the city on buaineMH Saturday. Mr. .1. W. Bolton left Friday morninK for Norcrosn, Go., to spend some time. Mr. It. II. Maugham, of Motor Uoutc A., was among Saturday’s visitors 0 Tiftou. Mr. aud Mrs. J. 1>. Phillips spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, near Omega. Mr. E. J. Thornhill, of Cohpiltt eou \ ty, who recently bought the Judge K' place from Col. J. S. Itldgdill. was the city Saturday. Irregular bowel movements lead chrouie constipation and u constipated habit fills the system with impurities, 11ERBINK is a great bowel regulator. It purifies the system, vitalises the blow! ami puts tlihe digestive organs in fine Mr. I. B. PritclAird, of the Fender section, was in Tifton on business Tues day. Mr. H. A. Shockley, of Fender, is among those in attendance on City Court this week. • Miss Itebeccu Brady, of Ty Ty, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. It. F. Jones, this week. Mr. A. B. Vuughu, of Tiftou Route 0, ns among those attending to business iu Tifton Saturday. The owner who lost a Maltese Cross nmclod pin will find information of hie in our advertising columns. Mr. F. I.. Ilall, of Omega, passed through Tifton Friday on Ids way from eek’s visit with relatives at Brook field. Mr. 41. 1». Cummings. Stock Claim Agent for the (I. S. & F., with head- imirters in Ynlldnsta, npent Friday night in Tifton. Mr. William Lawrence, of Florida, -pent the week-end in Tifton with his [*hildreu, little Miss Cecelia out! Master William Lawrence. audition. Sold by Conger Drug Professional Directory DR. O. E. LINDSEY Oateopathic Physician HOURS 8-12 A. M. H 1‘ Office Over Office l’lion, C. L. Parker’s 340 W. B. BENNET Lawyer Office over Darnell’* Tifton, Ga. hr. w. E. WHITE Veterinarian • ^ Telephone 270 Tifton, Georgia Formerly with U. 8. Government Hog Cholera Control K. W. and Vamon Home, of Park, motored over to Tifton Monday, bringing Miss Louise Horne to takei the train for Forsyth, where she is attending Bessie Tift College. Manager P. G. Seaman leic Monday night for Jacksonville to attend the leeting of the Southern Bell Telephone Association In that city. He will pro bably be away for two o r three days. Mr. C. W. Haisten, of Brookfield, pass ed through Tifton Saturday morning on big way home from a business trip to Cairo, where be will shortly move to go into the mercantile business. Mrs. B. F. Williford returned Satur day from an extended visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. M. W. Halford, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Halford are welcoming a lovely lit tle daughter, Jeffolee Williford, born on October 23. Born to Mrs. Z. T. Brown, a ten- lamnd son, at her borne on Tifton Heights Sunday. The little boy will be a great comfort to his mother, making up in part for the death of her husband, sever al months ago. Pearson Tribune—Alnpaha is to have another big saw mill. It will be the property of the "Albemarle Lumber Com pany,” just incorporated. It has recent ly purchased a big body of timber in the northwest portion of Berrien county. Mrs. J. B. Conger, and two little girls, Thelma and Lutrelle, returned Sunday night from Savannah, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmo Towns. She also visited in South Carolina while away. Huh a sore throat with BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. One or two appli cations will cure it completely. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Mr. F. M. Patrick, formerly of Enig ma, but who has bought n farm two miles out from Axaon, in Atkinson ty, was in Tifton on business Saturday He is delighted with bis new location and says Atkinson is one of the coming counties of this section. ELDORADO PEOPLE iras TOBACCO On* of the Most Enthusiastic Meetings of the Series Held Friday Night. Acreage Committee Named. The tobacco meeting held at Eldorado Friday night was the best yet. There not quite ns many people out as at Brookfield Thursday night, but what the crowd lacked in number it ore than made up in enthusiasm. County Agent Dickson, who had charge of tlie meeting, spoke first, and gave interesting informatiou relative to Regulate the bowels when they fail move properly. HERMNE is an ini ruble bowel regulator. It helps 1 liver and stomach iiml restores u f feeling of strength and buoyancy. S by Conger Drug Co. Mr. B. V. Wallace, of Tifton, is ( of the petitioners for a charter for the South Georgia Wholesale Grocers Asso c-iation, an organization composed of the wholesale grocers of this section of the state. The corporation will huve n< ital stock, is not organized for pecuniary gain, but has for its aim the promotion of fellowship and good will among it: members and to advance the welfare of the wholesale grocery trade iu general SURGEONS agree tlmt In eases ol 'ots, Burns, lli-uises and Wounds, the FIRST TREATMENT is most import- When nu EFFICIENT antiseptic is applied promptly, there Is no dange HEED OLD ADAGE ipnl .. I'ofioti and the wound begins to heal at onnee. For use on man or beast. B* »- KOZONE is the IDEAL ANTUSHlTlC urn! HEALING AGENT. Buy It now and bo ready for hh etnergeuoy, *" by Conger Drug Co. Miss Ada Bell Williford, who Is teach ing at Statenville, entno to Tifton Sat* that the tobacco industry. He said bile all civilized countries raised'some tobacco, only u limited area 4jj£- this country raised cigarette tobacco, and since our cigarette had been introduced into Europe during the war the people had no cause to fear an over-crop for at least five year*. H. Bryan, the tobacco expert, spoke next and gave a very instructive ddress on practical tobacco farming, contrasting conditions iu North Carolina, tobacco country, with Georgia, ns a •o'tton country. Mr. J. M. Brown was the next speak er and a more constructive and uplift ing talk has not been made to a Tift eouuty audience yet. He contrat ted con ditions in North Carolina 30 yt*r» ago when no tobacco was raised, with con ditions there now since it has got to be the principal money crop. He said it was not out of the ordi nary at all for people there to raise from $800 to $1000 worth of tobacco to the acre. Mr. H. Kegraves, who raised tobacco this year, made a very ahort talk but to the point. He said there was plenty of work and money both in to bacco, but as a money crop it was ahead of anything he bad tried, and that lie going to plant ten or twelve acres next year. Several enthusiastic talks were made by prominent farmers and the general trend of opinion was that something must be raised for a money crop other than cotton, and why not tnhacn A committee th secure ncroag apIMiintod as follows: L. M. Gwen, (’'hair- man: 11. S<-graves. J. 8. Welch. .1. G Adcock, II. A. Shockley. J. M. Roy and W. It. Talbot. Cliuiiiiiuu Gwen called another meet ing to la- held next Friday night, and i number of business men of Tifton h expected to meet with them. Ounre of Prevention Better Than Pound of Cure. With influenza again making inroads into the health of the country, the old i adage, "an ounce of prevention is better For sale i than n pound of cure” never meant more than it does now. A 3-ounce bottle of Dr. Williams 101 will save many pounds of cure. 101 TIFT'S C. C. EXHIBIT Mrs. T. O. Clark, County Agent ii Home E<onoinies. and Mrs. X. lVtersoi left Saturday morning for Valdosta, b carry the Tift County Canning Club ex liibit to the Georgia-Florida Fair. Mrs II. H. Tift furnished automobiles and tin party went through in cars. Worker* In Tifton Find People Ready to Join. 2,200 Memberships Expect- dd From the County- The third drive for membership in the Bed Cross began Monday morning and' will continue all the week. The ladiea of Tifton will make a straight house-to-house canvass In an. endeavor to enroll every citizen of the city as a member of this great organ!: zation. Tift county’s quota ia only $2,200.00, and this is really a small amount for so great a county as ours, when the worthiness of the cause is considered. The Tifton workers are very enthusi astic and as the canvass progresses they say they are very much encouraged, and indeed they should be, for Tifton has not failed yet when called upon to do her part in anything. Indeed, the entire county is expected to have its full quota long before the drive end*, for the work is in capable hands and the workers are among good folks. If you can’t be at home you are re quested to leave your dollar there so that your name will be sure to be en rolled. and the ladies will not have to make two trips. The membership being for the Entire year of 11120 everybody is urged to join now so that no other drive will be ne cessary. Dodson’s Liver Tone” If y on feci bilious, headachy, eon- -tipated and aD knocked out, jnat jo to your drugglet and get a bottle of Dodson’e LWer Ton. for n few eeata, which U a hamlet, vegetable tub- stltute for dangerous calomel. Teko a tpoonfnl and If it doetn*t start your liter end atrelghten yon up hotter and quicker than naaty calomel tad without ,a just go back end get your mosey. If you take calomel today you’ll | be eick cud mutated tomorrow) bo- \ you, while If liver Tooo yon will wake up ftaUng (Nat, fall of ambition and raady for wotk or play. It b hamlets, pleasant and safe t* gin to ehOdreui they Ilk* it, , - ' -9 unlay to spend the week-end with her Quinine, Iron und Mag- parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williford. , 1 ’ ... .I nesia. Thin is « proper combination Me. Devere More ., of Montlcelto. h lor-, ^ o( grippe, Fever Kin, who has been the guest of his uncle, 1 „ , Mr. B. U. Grantham and family fa, : end Malaria, u well a. ’Hu are to be rnl days, left Friday for his home. Mr. W. B. Hurst and wife, of Mans field, and Mrs. J. W. Rockwell, of Coy iugtou, who were the guests of Mr. and ( sulos of 101 It Mrs. J. M. Davis, returned home Friday. ; fiOO pe treated or warded off. During the Influenza epidemic which vored the country iu October, 1018, the reused more than proves that 101 In dump, chilly weather there is al- ,Tonic is i ways a large dentinal for BALLARD'S disease. SNOW LINIMENT because many pco- j . pie know by experience its great reliev- iWl ing power in rheumatic aches and pains, ! but acts i effective treatment for this C. WILLIFORD Attoraey-at-Law, Tifton, On. Office 30-32. McLeod Bldg. (Damage Suit, and Criminal Fraetloo * Specialty.) D. B. HARRELL Practicing Physician Office McLeod-O'Neal Bldg. Office Phone MS. Residence SOI Tifton, Georgia. R. C. ELLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW pure to apply it nt the first twinge. Sold by Conger Drug Co. Miss Esther Abbot, repre’senting the Rndcliff Chautauqua people, is In the city today trying to make arrangements for these popular outertuinors to come here. This Means You. you get up with a bad taste iu •nth, ii dull tired feeling, no re lish for food and are constipated, you may know that you need a dose of Cham berlain's Tablets. They not only eause agreeable movement of the bowels, hut inse and invigoratethe stomach and improve the digestiou. Mr. W. L. Carter, of Berrien county, is a visitor in the city Friday. Mr. Carter says that it has buen so dry in his section that vegetables are things of the past, Mrs. R. U. Eason, of Atlanta, came in Sunday and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. C B. Holmes, for several days. Her little son has been here for •oral weeks. not only treats the diseast i general tonic. Get 101 Tonic nt your drug store—2.V and 00c bottles. Accept no substitute, for there is no medical preparation sold which is like Dr. Williams, No. 101 Tonic. The G. B. Williams Company. Quit- man, Georgia. HI UAL CARRIER EXAMINATION The United States Civil Serricc Com mission has announced an examination for the County of Berrien, to he held at Tifton, on Dec. 13, to All the position of rural carrier at Enigma, and vacan cies thut may later occur ou rural routes from other post offices iu the above- mciitioucd county. The exnmiuetion will he open only to citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of n post of fice in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth iu Form No. 1377. Admission of women will be l : inited to the widows of U. S. soldiers, sailors, or umriuos, and to the wives of V. S. ers, sailors, or marines who are physically disqualified fo r examination rensou of injuries received in the of military duty. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices mentioned above or from the ed States (Mvil Service Commission nt Washington, D. C. Applications should he forwarded to the Commission at Wash ington at the earliest practicable date. BONNETT BROS DEPARTMENT STORE ■ S'l is OVERSTOCKED ON SHOESt BOX Sl'PPKR AT OAK RIDGE The box-supper at Oak Ridge Friday night netted nearly $40. Quite u crowd attended and as Sheriff Shaw was auc tioneer, they were well repaid for their trouble. Constlpationi Moat laxatives aud cathartics afford only temporary relief and' should be wised only for that purpose. When you * Onyl A Cold. Are you ill? is ofteu answered—“Oh! it's only n cold,” as ifi a cold was a mat- *rt of little consequence,, but people are begiuniug to learn that rjcommon cold i a matter uot to be trifled) with, that some of theh most seriouN diseases start with i. cold. As soon as the first indication of a cold appears take Chamberilain's Cough Remedy. Remember that the soone r you get rid of your cdld the less the danger, and this remedy will help you to throw* If you are going to buy Shoes for any member of the family it it off. permauent relief take Chamberlain’s Tab- Jets and be careful to observe the direc tions with each package. These tablets not only move the bowels, but improve the appetite and strengthen, the digestion. aa* t, tutUr. relating to toad title* Wm Benefit* In oil th. Court* FULWOOD * HABGRKTT Such a Change PLEASED WITH TIFTON Offioo la OoHtffi 1 JOHN A. PETERSON Office Death* No* O'Neal-HcLeti B TlftetL flotrtla Tinea. O* TIFTON M A.M. w f. A. Mathew* r-> W. M in feelings and looks!. “After suffering pain, feel ing nor- sunken,’ black chocks—-I was restored to health “ by tho Favorite Prescription of Dr. 1 “ " 1x^.0 On writtk manv mffits. tifton LODGE No. i*a L O. ttW So *rito many women. MeetoFlr**»-|_ l too&1 l oob ,£ or ^tcr tak- Have Moklnxe of a Great City Herr, Says Southern Development Agent. Mr. Z. P. Smith, Agent for the South ern ltftilwa> Development Service, Wosh- uigton, D. C„ was * pleasant caller at the Board of Trade room. Friday. Mr. Smith i. but recently discharged from Ms service with the U. S. Army and has taken his old position with th* railway. “This Is my first trip to Tifton, and JpV*t <§>*"< I must say that 1 am simply oharmed Sy, weak With your city tad It* people to well m3 draw. u thls.oeetton of Southern Georgia. Ton hove the making of a great city here, and I hope your citisto* will take ad- ■ Vantage, of every opportunity offered for net&es'of iervlopineot «1«U sty ltaeo. eton may /|1 wet MSuoed that It will ho the policy ■By at the great system.! repeenent to eld my OJM you la any nuditll. tUk(e for your up- and puffi building. At any -rime I sty be .able to eerve you in any way, yon hove but to call on mo and! 1 wtB gladly respond." Mr. Smith left for Atlanta on the night train. LITTLE RIVER ASSOCIATION The I-ittle River Association will meet with Mystic Baptist church Wednesday and Thursday. November 5th nod Oth, says the Ocllla Star. This Is always a notable gathering of Bnptists from nil over this section, and good meetiug will be had with these hospitable people. Baptists generally are arged to attend sad the public is Invited to be present at the sessions of this body of church people. WILL PAY YOU IN DOLLARS AND CEl As well as in satisfaction to see us. Common-SMStfor Nothing leaves this store without our Personal it. And when you couple this fact with the extremely low pi l 1 at which we are offering our shoes it can instantly be seenlm|ji it is to your advantage to COME HERE. “ ^ ^ ^ : M .■Mawwar U you have, over triad to got rt* Quite a few of our Shoes are being offered at HALF PRICE} all are offered at a price lower than u>e can btQrthemi .. moil ‘♦al ES.*zr“ mm mmm m .w WM.x CAMT No. 1M n > Rttcnp* the r, tbs cheeks plump. DmaMa wivik % taWeta.ot CHARGED Win BOO STEALING Sheriff Show amatU Haiti* Muon, colored, Saturday morning on a warrant charging hog etcottng. Ho iloo had John McLaurin nrteotrd 4a. 8ylre*ter on the but ung ONL Y SHOES 18 'I petaaMtaK made from wild root*. do* ibla to Ar tny ; until I triad , »’a Farorita Preocriptioo, rablato do ail i i m cooking, m cutting wood, ’ m: IMS StH'U.. jt £ im- . y~* • mmm