The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 07, 1919, Image 7

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the TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, NO Sic* I unlimited troable. This remedy i_ 'one of the greatest vegetable compounds known, and containi ao minerals or Chemicals to injure the most delicate skin. Go to your drag (tore, and set a bottle of S. S. S. today, set rid of ..'those unsightly, disfiguring plm- . ~ lers I pies, and other skin irritations. It fire. I will cleanse your blood thorough- ood needs (ly. For special medical advice free, these im-1 address Medical Director, 41 Swift can cause | laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. * fUmtUiM in 1870 Your Grandfather Knew Ui IU BUSINIS3 HERE 4» YEARS LOST!! 500,000 Dales of Cotton gn Through carelessness in Coring \JI and handling and by failure to *• ship to a recognized warehouse 500,000 bales of cotton were lo& .-4 last season. . gtt Avoid Country Damage. Ship to |]l us. Fee 50c a bale per month " cover -both Storage and Insur- ance. Will sell at price you name. “Small commission. Write or wire for information. Willinghams Warehouse R.F. WILLINGHAM, Pres. MACON, Ga. NORMAN TAKE{ CAMP BY SCO! A. M. 8. Scrubs Defeated Institute Sec- ond Team Here Saturday Afternoon In Close and Interesting Contest. Sutimluy afternoon the Norman Inzti- ture second team again met defeat at the BUSY TIMES FOR WORTH CO. COURT Large Number of Cnees Closed up Dur ing First Week. Many Cases on the Criminal Docket Worth Superior Court, which convened Monday morning, October 27th, recess ed Friday afternoon until Monday morn- i mnd;4 o( the A . M. 8. scrubs, tbe score ing, November 3rd, after a busy week svveu to uotbiug. Tbc same was devoted to the civil docket. There is a c | OM .jy flayed, especially in the second big criminal docket before the court the Ualf wheu sideg heM weJl aud tbo second week, including several murder ba jj changed bands frequently, cases, though it is not known whether the murder cases will be tried. Judge B. Eve returned home Friday and reports a Urge number of civil cases settled and quite a number of lit igated cases tried and disposed of during the civil week. One Interesting case was that of John son vs. Hayes, being a foreclosure of a landlord's lien for supplies. The defen dant set up that the landlord had not complied with section 1882 of the Code of 1911, which requires that all scales and measures used in selling must be tested i aud approved by the ordinary, j Every ordinary’s office is equipped with accurate instruments for testing scales and measures. Tbe section referred to reads as follows: “All persons engaged iu selliug by weights and measures shall anply to the ordinaries of their res|ieetive couuties and have their weights and measures sos marked and in default thereof shall not collect more than three-fourths of any account, note or other writing, the con sideration of which is any commodity sold by their weights and measures.” The lust case taken up was that of . Johnson vs. Fowler, a petition for injuuc- J tion and other equitable relief. The de fendant denied the plaintiff’s claims and set up a special plea, for specific perform ance, claiming that lie had bought the one-half interest of his partner aud ask e<l that title be decreed in him. The suit involved realty and personalty valued at $10,000. A verdict was directed for the plaintiff. INTO STATION D1 i 7-0 ! : Ill i U NTIL the war-worn world has regained its old-time efficiency where are the hungering millions ol Europe and Alia to get enough to eat? This la our biggest interna tional problem. To stimulate food production we offer large premiums tor the best exhibits of farm crops. FLORIDA STATE FAIR Jacksonville, Florida NOVEMBER 22-29 A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder Tor kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and Irregu larities of the kidneys and Madder In both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mall on receipt of $1.25. One small bottle la two months’ treatment and often cure*. Send for sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2020 Olive Street, St Lonia, Mo. Sold In the first half both sides played bet- defensive tbau on the offensive, time the Aggies were threatening the Nuruiau goal from the nine-yard line, but were held for dowus and tbe period •ended with the ball iu Xormau’s pos session on her twenty-yard line. Norman opened up tbe second quarter by punting . The ball went out of bounds after beiug touched by a Tifton player and was recovered by Norman on the fifty-yard line. Tifton was penalized five yards for being off side and Normau started down the field, but was finally held on the Aggies’ twenty-yard line. Tin* half ended. with the ball here and in Tiftou's possession. The Aggies kicked off to Norman twen ty-yard line. Noruiau brought tbe ball back up the field and gained twenty- live yards on a forward pass. The ball was kept near the middle of the field as both sides tightened down and only a few gains were made. In the final period the Aggies’ advanc 'd steadily down the field and were noon threatening the goal that Norman was lighting t<> defend. Norman's line did a pretty piece of holding when they held Tifton for two dowus on the one-foot line. J. Ihiffy made a pretty liue buck and carried the ball over for the only lotiehdown of the game. The goal kick • his credit. •wing were the line-ups: Institute- Forman, re; Monk, rt; Evans, It; Newton, rg; Hidden**, o; Oook, fh; Willis, r. l it; Smith, lb. .—Estes, c; Terry, Ig; Ford, li: Mathis, le; Hull, rg: Whigham, rt: 1’"illicit, re; Pinkston, rhb; Brannon, rlih: Noting, qh; J. Duffy, fb; Spinks and M. Duffy were used as subs. Norman. Referee; Owen, Umpire: J. II. Darker, hendlincsmnu; Adams and Harrell, tinn-keepers. Newly- Elected Head of Coari# Plain Experiment Station Will Begin Work Here at An Early Date Prof. 8. II. Starr, recently elected di- etur of the Coastal Plain Experiment Station, iu company with Prof. John U. Fain, sj»eut Friday in Tifton, coming here to look over the situation in preparation to reporting as early as possible and darting work on the station. Prof. Starr is anxious to get to work at Tifton aud will come here just a* soon be relieved from bis duties at the State College. The plans for the uilding, laying out the experiment tracts, etc., is being held up until Prof. Starr arrives to take charge. Tbe trustees feel fortunate iu securing man of Prof. Starr’s ability to direct the station aud believe that be will make a success of it The work of the station will be placed entirely unde r Prof. Starr’s direction and its success will depend ou his efforts. Prof. Faiu, who is greatly Interested in the success of the station, eame here with Prof. Starr to look over the situa tion. They left for Valdosta Friday af ternoon. ' We Have Secured the Agency For HANSON-SIX CARS in Tift and Cook Counties A High-Grade, Up-to-Date Car Built for Beauty, Strength and Service. Guaranteed for Twelve Months. DEMONSTRATIONS GLADLY GIVEN. J. T. KING and 0. E. Womack % •• FENDER, GEORGIA. HOSPITAL PROPERTY SOLD he property belonging to the Tift County Hospital, consisting of furniture, Mting tables, sterilizers, etc., was in bulk at sheriff’s sale Tuesday at i. The property was bought by Dr. N. Peterson for $815. A I bulge car, belonging to H. L. Gcn- \ was sold at tbe same time and bid in by C/. A. Irby for $175. Cannot Praise this Remedy too THE WAY ONE UDY PEELS SUFFERINQ TWO YEARS Judging: from her letter, the mis ery nnd wretchedness endured by Mrs. Charlie Taylor, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 144, Dillon, S. C., must have been terrible. No one, after read ing her letter, can continue to doubt the great healing power of PE-RU-NA for troubles due to catarrh or catarrhal conditions in any part of the body. Her letter is an inspiration to every sick and suffering man or woman anywhere. Here it is: W I suffered two years with catarrh of the head, stomach and bowels. Tried two or truthfully say I am well. When I began to use PE-RU-NA, I weighed one hundred pounds. My weight now is one hundred and fifty, I cannot praise PE-RU-NA too highly, for it was a Godsend to me. I got relief from the first half bottle and twelve bottles cured me. I advise all sufferers to take PE-RU-NA.” As an emergency remedy in the home, there Is nothing quite the equal of this reliable, time-tried medicine, PE-RU-NA. Thousands place their sole dependence on it for coughs, colds, stomach and bowel trouble, constipation, rheu matism, pains in the back, side and At Methodist (liureli Sunday Night in Memory of I. O. O. F. Members. The Tifton Methodist church was pack ed to its capacity Sunday night for the special memorial service for deceased members of the Tiftou I. O. O F. Lodge. Quite a number of the members of the lodge attended the service, marching to the church from their hall in a body. Rev. \Y. II. Iiudd, the pastor, preach 'd « fine sermon on “The Fear of Death” and told how this fear might be relieved by faith in Jesus Christ. The sorviee was held in memory of Messrs. /. T. Brown, W. B. Carter and John Boswell, member* of the order ho died recently. loin, and to pravent the nip end Spanleh Fin. To keep the blood pure and maintain bodily strength and robustness, take PE-RU-NA. You can buy PE-RU-NA any where in either tablet or liquid form. 858 Acres of Land at Solumco Lying on Each Side of Brookfield Road FOR SALE BY J. A. KITCHEN, Sylvester, Ga. Anyone wishing to buy land can purchase this from $10 to $20 less per acre than oth6r lands located as well as this, ac cording to information I get around Til ton as to prices of improved land. My intention is to close out this in tracts ir Or will sell the entire \ Good mull Medicine for Children J. W Phillips, Redon, tin., phoned to J. M. Floyd, the merchant there, for a bottle of i’liainberlain’s Cough Remedy 1 she hud bought a bottle of it at his store receutly and that it was doing he r children so mueh good that she want ed to keep up the treatment. You will find nothing better for coughs and colds, in children or for yourself. It keens cough loose, expectoration easy and soon frees the system from cold. Die. < KOM I) AT SERVICE A FRIDAY NIGHT VISITOR Mr. L. S. Shepherd’s friend, the burg lar, made his regular weekly visit to the store again Friday night. » seems to be quite a nice burglar, always Inking pains to enter without breaking anything. Ilia last two visits made thhrough the rear window by removing one of the panes and spread ing the bars apzrt. His last visit was rather abruptly in terrupted by Mr. John Gaueding, who tcred in time to see him go through his hole in the back window. Mr. Burglar, as aforesaid, waa a nice burglar. He had filled about a dozen small sacks with rapdy and put tham all In a large sack. Another sack was filled with pecans. He left these In his hurried exit ’from the store but he hud already taken what change be could find in the drawer and had drunk two three bottles of soda water. He left his shoe* and pliert i n the store and forgot to corac back after them. 8o, you see, he is quite an accommodating burglar as well as being a nice one. Nothing else has been missed from the store and it is not lenrned whether Mr. Burglar wijl return next Friday night or not. IN TIFTON An Agreeable Surprise. “About three years ago when I was suf fering from a severe cold *on my lungs aud coughed most of the Une night ami day. 1 tried a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and was surprised at the promptness with which it gave me re lief,” writes Mrs. James Brown, Clark Mills. N. Y. Many another has been sur prised and pleased with the prompt re lief afforded by this remedy. • MRS. DELILAH I»EARSON From the Pearson Tribune. Mrs. Delilah Pearson, was called to r reward. Sunday afternoon, in her sidy-lift iT year. With tier family is connected much the history of old Coffee county. Her father, her brothers, her husband, Judge James S. Pearson, and her sou. Rev. iel J. Pearson, held many offices ..f i and responsibility. Her husband Coffee county a present of fifty ■j of land upon which the courthouse and ihe business portion of the city i Douglas is built. Mrs. Pearson was the mother of eight children two sons nnd six daughters. daughti rs, and a host of grandchildren ml great grandchildren. One sister. Mrs. Sumpie Smith, and one brother, Hon. Daniel Gaskin, of Douglas, also sur vive her. “NELSON'S toil! make you proud of your hair’ * The particular colored people of til© United States use Nelson’s Hair Dressing For more than so year. Nelson’s has been sold and recommended by drag stordsevery™here. Nelson’s makes stub born, curly hair soft, glossy and easy to (manage It is fine for the scalp, relieves dandruff and makes the hair grow. It to important to Jet the genuine N.lionV adwRtomm to the drua «<*,. and team to a*t the sunlit. NELSON S Nelson Manufacturing Co., Inc. RICHMOND. VA. PERROUDAVI3 > colored girl of Tsmpa., Fla., a tU?o it no k»ir dressing like Nelson’s. , if y 4L I HAVE JUST BOUGHT BACK MY Blacksmith Shop IN TIFTON, I Am No Stranger Here You Know Me I am back here to do business at the right prices. SEE ME BEFORE YOU GIVE YOUR JOB Blacksmithing, General Repairing, Horseshoeing. R. A. HOLLOWAY The Horseshoer South Main Street /&= $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE la taken internally and acte through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys tbe foundation of the dlseaee, K res the patient strength by improving e general health and assists nature In doing its work. 9100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE fells to cure. Druggists 78c. Testimonials free. T. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo. Ohio. ADERHOLD—PEARMAN Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o’clock in the home of the bride, occurred the wed ding of Miss Blanch Aderhold, the see- mi daughter of I. D. Aderhold, of this county, and Mr. L. L. Pearmnn, of Tift county. Rev. G. W. Garner, of Atlan ta, officiated. Miss Aderhold was popular in the com munity ip which she lived. She was es pecially active fo church work, and n teacher in the Sunday School. Mr. Pearman is a prosperous farmer of Tift county. He formerly lived in this ounty, but went to South Georgia several years ago. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE LIVE STOCK RAISERS ATTENTION We are in the market at'all times for carload lots of cattle, hogs, sheep and lambs at market prices. {Telephone or wire us for quotations. Swift & Company MOULTRIE GEORGIA Nam* "Bayer” is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer The next time you have chills and Fever TAKE AMECn f\"lt Kills 1(10 Chills" y A scientific prescription which kills the malaria genna, breaks np the ChiUs and Fertr and bnllda np the Brat cm. Amaee Chill aad Ferae Ma to add la Tlftem aad gaanalaai hr Brads PRICK K CENTS 1,4*0 BALES SIIORT According to Cotton C,Inner.’ Report for Season up to October 18. Tbc report of J. E. Abbott, cotton sinners' reporter for tbe National De partment of Agriculture for Tift coun ty shows a total of 7,170 bain ginned in Tift county np to October 18, 1910, compared with 8,809 bales ginned to the same date for 1018. Habitual Constipation Cured to 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a apeclaUy- S d Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual atlon. It relieves promptly hut be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to Induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take, a <0« ' per bottle. Intist on “Barer Tablets ol Aspirin” la a -Bayer package,” containing proper directions for Haadacbe, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Naffla “Bayer” means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen rears. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets iost few cento. Aapirin to trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetle- acideater of SaUcyUcactd. ItOX SI'I’PER AT RED OAK . hurt* will bo a box aupiivr at Red flak School House Friday flight, Novem bc r 7. The proceed* go to the school. Everybody invited. ENJOYS HIS 3 MEALS A DAY Ur. Woolen Thinks Msch of ZIROH, It Util Him His Old Self Again. Sick people do not get much out ol life. In order to enjoy your meala, to do your work well, you must be strong and healthy. Pale, weak, nervous people frequently need Iron to enrich their blood and to re* store vitality to their system, and a good way to supply the iron Is to follow the example ol Mr. Clayton Wooten, ot Scot- ^ d, Ga., who used Ziron I too Tonic and [this to say about It: "I have taken Ziron according to dh E and I can truthfully say that it tonic. It hat done me all the good. »1 began taking It, I have gained eight pounds in - meals a dr commend Try Zironl Your druggist sens Ziron On a guarantee to refund ^our money it 4 in weight and enjoy eating three a day. 1 shall do all I can to re end Ziron.” Zironl Your druggist tells Ziron tuarantee to refund your money it st bottle fail* to benefit. You can not lose anything, but very likely wB pin much, by getting a bottle of Zfcon, WHITE SEWING MACHINES, CHEAP I have a few White Sewing Machines I am selling out Cheap. Notwithstanding they have advanced 50 per cent, I am selling for leas than the old price. If you need a Good Sewing Machine now it your chance to get it _ W.E. FARMER MORGAN’S MEATiPRESERVER ~ PATEN ED MR FARMER: __The Weather continuealwarm and Hog Feed is high. But it is not nec essary to Wait For Cold Weather to loll hogs. That’s uncertain anyway. You can kill Any Time and be Sure of saving All your Meat if you buy one of our Meat Preservers. ' I. D. MORGAN & SONS TIFTON, GEORGIA