The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 07, 1919, Image 8

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PfS„i.B. 9 T TRAVEL HEAVY L**. section i* R’ ****** i'** tll,re «* ESmt tourist travel this fall. Camp **2 are .tram *!l v up and <)«'« **■? flftinual Highway eveiy *i*M- . ii|ll of these ■ tourists * who pused thr.-tigh the state of ««»*»« «»j *g' torky. say that Georgia M»a MtWg, „y ; bat Georgia!* th« only state tkw lave traveled bat baa W road*. , WB6- HAMAWyilA PAULK Xwn'the Pearson tribune. rrfliy mining Mrs. Samautba, I’aulk arveived th# summons and was borne away from earth to mansions prepared for ‘"Thole "who love and await Bla ap- i.»*‘*ic" cTOaBc ' She -waa the dauibter of Hon. Hiram Hears, Sr., and the wife of Hon. Dennis I’aulk. Her parent# and husband have ; TIGER PAYS *100 FINK Ed Byrd, colored, pleaded guilty to selling whiskey Saturday morning lie- fore'Judge Price In city court and was sentenced to aerve'-eight month*, on the clialngang or a fine,of 1100.00 and costa. 1 The One was paid and Byrd urao re- ATTRNTION, LEGION! The. DcthlMhl vlifted lh*,‘t>ome of ] Thoms'A. djEMwa£.o^ ; ldealr a*., Honv day,‘night, eKovemher lind, at 8 o’clock, I and took Basin hlm^ bis 'wife, Mrs. Ida j Itoyal Ajhcws. who had been a Victim I pf .parejida for three yeiya. She died I from the.-fourtb,stroke, which came Sun day uigbt, October 2flti|, and made her I «jrn-hl3i to the time of.her death. 1 The. body we* buried at Bethel 1 1 la Taylor county, Mom tornova at 1 o'cloek. The funeral; i weretWpducted by Rev, L. B. Me# ot-OMthorpe. | | There will be a "box Suppey-iM tky ^a- leju school bouse Friday ntghf, Novem : her 18. , . The proceeds to ,.o for the benefit, of .Mu. school. Everybody inVited. . Willis Drug Com a bit to the attrae by the installation tain. Thin is om of furniture of id not frej of Tifton's size. | A meeting of the American Legion for Sift county i» called ’pt the office* of the | Hoard of Trade Friday night. The full membership is urged to attend to discuss arrangements for the celebration Xlies- Oglrtborpe. '- n .. Besides her hnsiwnd, aha i».survived by stepdaughter. Mr». .1. M.; Brooks, idea); three brothers: J. 8,_ Royal, Tiftoq I H. A. and J, I, Royal, of Bi llie, arid throe sisters, Mesdames M. and,J. W. Thompson; of Worthcoun- snd. Mrs, . It. A. Hoyal, of Rupert, fpc brothers and, two,sisters-pfheeded Wkr.ti a the Mkthodist church at Bethel, in yior .county, near, where she vras rear- uud lived up to the lime she wua rricl to Mr. Andrews. Her ll/e was it of a^Chrlstlan from girlhood to.her We Have Everything Needed on a Fanag^^^H of Plow*, Plow Gear, Hameaa, Bridle* Wc have just unloaded a Carload of VULCAN PLOtfS and have a full *tock of all parts for these plow*. . 3 - ; V- Bennett’s Hardware, Inc Hardware and Farm Implements, Coffins and Caskets. Tifton, Georgia. death, aiulwhe left on eiaraple. by which all could mofltj^true to;church, family «*•* 'and aright >Bd ved by all who . W. -A‘iW**.r - . A : , , Willing and untiring friends in her * ‘ lust; days left, nothing undone tor tier re* lief, and the flowers placed upon her grave »pokewolume8 for respect and lov- tor heirthcKjfore we.mourn not tor her '{ peaceful rest In Eternity, but tor that ; : ' aveet counseling influence end aaeocia- ' ” tlon we nre deprived of. : ’ Brother. If you have a hoots or lot or a farm you want to sell, see t L. Ford. IO-23dlt*w&wl2t COUNWY PRODUCE WANTED—Ws art in the market for Hens, Friers, Boos ters, Guineas, Docks, Turkeys, Geese or Egg*. Fruits and vegetable*, hotter end pure cream. Can also use af sw home- canned goods. Hotel Myon. Tifton, Ga. i' ■ • • Fatentry.2 I r C-irfi/fy. kid I in Simmons Metal Bed fd woman heeds to bear the •, A tl$fng (duly, fro** aduantaapfl nf thm mfefstl hgfl• tnllt Dit OPrflllilh Ann |\. advantages of the mfctul bed;, split,! * * over the wooden beds .ex- that tv plaioed to her—nordoes the need tubing to tw told bow badly the old-style takes 1 tnetal bed* look in the room. bfoktt . But the will be interested in that /.Mina ^S^r’SSS^ttofm^of All th * broader tnan even tnc matter 0* -.nj* , • •-line and form and Composition—„ s [« . . that involves a fundamental inven- - ^r The 10-Day Opening Sale at Whitley Bros. Department Store begins Saturday, NoV. 8th. 0-d2t-wlt You Take No Chance With Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic Coats, Suits, Dresses; and Wdim. metal bed*. Evenacleverd little With the Every ingredient used ir, the manu facture of Arocco Chil 1 nnd Fever Tonic is recognised and used by all leading au thorities on medic!ne in ti:c treatment of Malaria, Chills and Fever . In fact every ingredient eutering into itH romjtonition can be found in the U. 8- PharniacopeH, a book which gotten up and written bv the professor* of all the leading institutions nf pharmacy in the United States and the physicians of the United States, and is recognized by »» druggUtH as authority and law on the wniroe of drugs and their preparation and uses. Get a bottle of Ameco ChiU and Fever Tonic from your dealer. You will be de lighted with thiv wonderful medicine. Ameco Chill and Fever lenic is sold and guaranteed by all dealers. PRICE 25c. M rough—does not take the enamel Walnut ‘ SuMhia SfamUu SUd TWnt- bS exciuai ve Simnwna Idea and pro- Viritourdtoplay and let ua intr J psrty* duos yon to these artistic, a Here ia'tnbing square and 'trim, ptemmy comfortable beds. &1 . TAYLOR FURNITURE * HARDWARE CO. P : Tifton. Ga. THE COATS SIMEONS BEDS Built for Sleep The beautiful coats can Be had in all of the fashionable Fall colors. They are bothplain tailored and handsomely tripimed with fur. Some are lined with plairi)g§ fancy silk, oth ers unlined. The materials are Broadcloth, Duvet de Laine, Novelty Mixtures, Velour, Silvertone, Plushes, Bolivia, Pompon and Kersey. | JThe Photoplay ’Vith An Amazing Soul WAISTS Everything in Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Satins and all selling at below cost, Come and convince yourself Anything that the heart could desire. There are a selection of 150 Dresses that is something well worth looking at\ f jfflie materials are Jerseys, Tnc- olette, Tricotine, and Bo- tong and French Serges. Ready tor Your Inspection! fm the |«.y by GEORGE M COHAN Bated on the itoiy By FRANK L PACKARD THE SUITS There are no two suits in this lot alike. This means exclusiveness, which is something well worth looking for. The materials are : Tricotine, Duotone, Velour de Laine, and Peachbloom. Some of these suits show se vere tailored lines, braid and buttonshaving been used to add to the embellishment of others. There are numb^jrs handsomely fur trimmed and the linings m fan- fey pu»syww>w sitka, \ ] i;33 ^iWhole ofLifeirtlliintoeai .fhe:Vleslt,.the Blood, the women—Sinning, Struggling, loving. ; ■JeeVof the u&derworld, the W’re of the MO. thb hmtt PoBedi With a tKoti'Anl’lStileii adfftear*, into a'groat drama litK forever in ypur-heart-rCpME! * THEATRE LEVY’S DEPART, Special Mu»ic Every Performance , Hours 3,5,8:15* p. m. . ILY: Positively Nti One Admitted/ mount drlcnifl f/'ii ////