The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 28, 1919, Image 3

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In the Market Again for Potatoes We furnish the crates and want them crated as formerly m We will ptiy Top Matket price all the time for Velve^peans, Peanuts and Slip-ShucKCorn Produce & Plant Co. (INCORPORATED) ... CHAS. BOWMAN, SEC. & TREAS, Georgia DODSON TELLS THE HORROR OF CALOMEL Your IN BUSINESS Knew Us 49 YEARS LYOU HOLD TTON THIS YEAR? C, Time was when the average Georgia farmer could not afford to hold his cotton. This state of affairs is in the pail The farmer has money enough to hold for a higher price. C In anticipation of a holding movement we have acquired additional facilities for storing more than 60,000 bales in fine, fire-proof quarters. Our charge is only fifty cents per bale per month for BOTH STORAGE and INSURANCE. Write or wire us NOW for particulars. Willinghams Warehouse Batabtlalis4 1170 R. P. WILLINGHAM, PrM. *£) MACON, GEORGIA jMtt'Knm, 1» Years Old. La* Life In Horrible Maimer at Nashville Sunday Morning. June Exam, fifteen-year-old son o( Mr. George Exum, was scalded to death about 4 o'clock Sunday morning, when he fell in a pool of hot water at the electric light plant at Naahvllle. Jesae and four or five other boya of about the aame age “stayed out" Sat urday night. They were playing around the light plant about 4 o'clock Sunday morning and in gunning around the plant, he fell into the pool of hot water. He waa scalded to death before be eould be removed from the pool. His cries brought the negro fireman at the plant to his rescue and' the negro threw a rope to the boy, but he waa too badly burned to hold the rope and died In the pooL The body waa so badlly burned that interment was UHd Sunday afternoon. The negro fireman became so excited that be turned in the fire alarm and had a large crowd out looking for the fire. Yon Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe or Sali vate Yourself to Start Liver You're bilious, sluggish, constipated. You feel headachy, your stomach may be sour, your breath bad, your akin sallow and you believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start liver *&d bowels.- Here's my guarantee! Ask your drug gist for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. 'If it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without grriping or making you sick, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day. Take a spoonful of harmless vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling splendid, t is perfectly harmless, so give it to your fiUdren any time. It can't salivate.« 1 SERVED 4 YEARS IN WAR Mr. W. B. Easters, 83 years old, died November 17th, of heart failure, served 4 years in the Confederate army and was a pioneer of this section, was a member of the Missionary Baptist church. He is survived by his wife and one son, John Easters, of Tift county; two daughters, Mrs. William Whiddon and Mrs. Eli Branch; two brothers, Ed and Richard ,of Texas, one half brother, George Pope, near Enigma, and two sis ters, Mrs. Dan McMillan and Mrs. Jane Alexander. TOO SHORT TO DO UP A Little “Danderlne” Stops Your Hair Coming Ont and Doubles Its Beauty To stop falliug hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderino" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dan druff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abnndant. ‘ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Every Ford OwnerShould Know Just what Ford service is, and why it is different from ordinary garage service, and why it is more profitable to patronize the Author ized Ford Dealer?—The Ford Dealer is a part of the Big Ford Family. He carries a large stock of genuine Ford parts for repairs and replace ments so you don’t have to wait while he sends for them, and he uses only genuine parts because he knows the imitation parts aren’t depend able and don’t wear. He has a thoroughly equipped up-to-the-minute garage with tools rt; that enable his Ford Mechanics to efficiently and properly make anj ‘ repair—from a minor adjustment to a complete overhaul. And when the work is finished, his bill represents the reasonable, standard Ford prices. 4 Now, we are authorized Ford Dealers—a part of that great Ford % Service organization which was formed chiefly to put within each com munity ’dealer who would have more than a passing interest in Ford repairs and adjustments. We are prepared and equipped to render Frinuptj'cgjsful Ford service. Drive in or 'phone and we’ll come after your cor; TIFTON SALES AGENCY '■# W Tifton, Ga. Insist on Genuine Ford Parts. <• Of .. ' Harris Gets Verdict for $1,000 Against National Bank of Oellto. Vickers Will Not Have to Pay $2,700. The first week of the^November term of . Irwin Superior Court adjourned Fri day about 11 o'clock, until Monday morning, when the Civil Docket will be taken up. There was a large Civil docket and the week was a very busy one. Nearly all of the cases were of only local interest except two. which involved some inter- citing legal points. W. M. Harris sued the National Bank of Ocilla for $1,000. It was alleged that B. A. Tapp, the former cashier who afterwards absconded, claimed to have arranged for Mr. Harris a loan for J. E. Powell, and in return for a note which Tapp claimed was signed by Pow ell and which was endorsed by Tapp, Mr. Harris gave a check in favor of PoweU for $1,000. It afterwards devel oped that the note was a forgery and that Mr. Powell did not get the money. The bank took the position that Tapp acted as Mr. Harris' agent in the trans action and therefore the 'bank was not responsible. The Court held that as the check was made in Mr. Powell’s favor the money should have been paid to him and that in diverting it to his own use the cash ier did so while acting as the bank's rep resentative. A verdict was directed in favor of Mr. Harris for $1,000. William A. Wright, Insurance Com missioner, auj under order of the Super ior Court ul Fulton county, acting as receiver for the American Live and An nuity Company, sued E. E., Vickers for $2,700 on live promissory notes. Mr. Vickers claimed that Vice-Pres ident Calhoun and Secretary Thornton of the Company came to him and sold him $2,500 worth of the company's in come certificates. Shortly, after he had paid for these he received about $300 in dividends and not long after this Cal houn and .Thornton came to him and assuring Kim of great friendship, told him that they wanted to let him in on the ground floor of a good thing; that these certificates would soon double in value, and asked him to take another $2,500 worth. He did this, giving his note for the amount with the understand ing that Calhoun was to hold the notes until Vickers found that he was in a position to pay them, or until Calhoun saw that the certificates were going to jump in value, when the notes would be deposited mid the certificates delivered at. the old price. About flic time lie wus getting ready to take up the notes Mr. Vickers said, ami while he wus still very anxious to obtain the certificates, the Company went into thr hands of » receiver, while the notes were still in Calhoun’s possession. The jury found that as Calhoun had neither turned iu tile notes nor deliv ered the certificates, the transaction had never been closed and returned a verdict iu Mr. Vickers’ favor. Buildings to Be Located on lng From Tifton to Agrloulf School, Agronomy and Prepara tion to-Occupy First Year. Prof. 8. II. Starr, Director of the Coastal Plain- Experiment Station, says they will begin work on the buildings as soon as u site can be cleared off and the material placed. The main buildings fo r the Experi ment Station will not be on the Na tional Highway, but will be located on the road leading from Tifton to the Second District Agricultural School, on the west side of the road south of the school grounds and north of the cross ing of the Georgia Southern and Flor ida railway. The first buildings erected will be four cottages for laborers to be followed by two bungalows. Next the big barn will be built and after that the admin istration building. General Line of Work. Prof. Starr has outlined the general line of work for the Experiment Sta tion. It Is to be understood however that these plana are only tentative, and will be submitted to the Board of Trus tees for their approval. The first year’s work will consist largely in getting the land stumped and in cultivation and ready for the experi mental work. Experimental work the first year will he devoted to Agronomy, field crops and fertilizers. The general line of work after the station is completely organized will consist of: Agronomy—Grain crops and fer tilizer. Horticulture—Fruits and vegeta bles and tree and plant diseases. 3. Live stock, which will be the main line of experiments. These are going to call for more build ings, which it is hoped to provide os they are lieeded. NEGRO ORGANIZER HERE An effort is being made by a man of this city to organize the negroes of Tifton into some kind of a secret society, claim ing it to be u labor union, but looked pon by the police as an effort to perfect he same kind of an organization here as those in the west that recently met with such prompt annihilation. A meeting was to have been held last veek but when the organizer found out hut the polie<> were on to the movement t was |H>st|M»ncd and ns far is has been earned no other date tins bcCu set for If the belief of the officers is nutided, it behooves the citizens of Tif- on and the entire community to get busy and put this pernicious mischief- maker where another effort of this kind will not be quickly undertaken by any- ody. The negroes of this section seem o be well contented as they should be, nd any effort to promote unrest among hem is ns much ugninst the wqjfare of he negro as it would be against th< f the whites. i peace Constipation. Most laxatives and euthartics afford only temporary relief and should be used only for that purpose. When you want permanent relief take Chamberlain’* Tab lets and be careful to observe the direc tion* with each package. These tablets not only move the bowels, but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. PATTEN RECEIVES COMMISSION Mr. M. 8. Patten received hi* commis sion as a member of the county Board of Education and took the oath of of fice Monday morning. Mr. Patten is a very public spirited man and is well qualified to fill tho position. 'SYRUP OF FIGS” IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD WHEN MEALS HIT BACK "Pape’s Diapepsin'' Instantly Ends Indigestion, Sourness, Stomach Acidity Ant lumps of undigested fowl causing you pain? Is your stomach acid, gassy, or have you flatulence, heartburn? Then take Tape's Diapepsin. Just as soon ns you eat a tablet or two of Pape’s Diapepsin all that dys pepsia, indigestion and stomach distress caused by acidity ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape’s Diapepsin never fail to make sick, upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost very little at drug stores. TWO COWS COST AUTO DRIVER $70 rom the Waycross Herald-Journal. Two young white men, traveling through Waycross, were arrested near the Waycross Cafe Saturday night on charge of killing two cattle belong ing to Mr. James Griffin, a farmer in the Brngauza district. The accused, who gave their names as Clements and Rey nolds, pleaded guilty, and were released upon paying $70 to Mr. Griffin. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonffcr tor kidney and blud^er troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and irregu larities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children, it not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.25. One small bottle is two months' treatment and often cures. Send for sworn testimonials. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2920 Olive Street, St Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists everywhere. SALEM COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL NEWS at Tongue! Remove Poisons From Stomach, Liver and Bowels , Accept "California” Syrup of Figs on ly-look for the name California on the package, then you art rare jfour child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its deli cious fruity taste. Full directions for child’s dose on etch bottle. Give it with out fear. Mother! You must say “California.” Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Collier are caring for tbe three children of their daughter, Mrs. Bert McDonald, whose sad death occurred on the 10th of November. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Col lier in the loss of their daughter, and to Mr. McDonald and the little children, the loss of wife and mother. Another sad death was that of Mrs. Jackson, of ExcelRior settlement, whose burial at Salem was last Friday. She was a Miss Harrell, and had many rel atives In the Willis family, of this sec tion. Our Salem teachers and several of their school children visited Tifton last Tues day night, and were present at the High School auditorium to see and hear the Hippie Concert, something to a school's interest Mr. Albert Collier is at home from Rome. He was unable to see his sister ‘till after death as her sudden sickness and death was over before he could get to see her. The Salem Missionary Society gets on nicely and we wish success for it Thanksgiving and Christmas are right with us and we wish a good time and pleasure for everybody. Mr. E. R. Sumner, of Ashburn, and Mr. Geo. Warren, of Tifton, spent the 20th, with Mr. J. M. Hooks, of Omega, and bagted game that they called luck that day. “Laura Salem Success”, the pig Mr. Dickson carried out to tbe Salem School, is a China beauty and eats lunch with the Salem School children and fattens like a pig. Miss Eloise Tookc, of the Sglem School, went home with her assistant, Miss Kathleen Clark, to Ty Ty, a guest of Saturday -and Sunday. They attended the Teacher’s Institute on Baturday. The box topper at Prospect that night; where there was a good pleasant time for everybody and $130 made for the school. On Snnday they went on invitation out to the pretty home of Mr. W. H. Willis to attend tho Willis—Patrick wedding and from there to Tifton to the lecture and singing at the A. M. 8. —Doano. Farm and City Loans Farm Loans: 55 perlocntjintcrest made.for 6, 7,10,15 or 20 years; prepayment privilege. Loans made by which borrower receivea ail the money for which he applies. A direct connection with a argelinsurance company .‘enables ns to render prompt service. City Loans: 65 per cent interest for 5 years’ time. Title Guarantee Company of Georgia 3 W. Warren, President. R P. Bentley. Attorney. bM laVCoUt* Bmitdiny, Tifton. Cat Worth County Offico. Syloortor. Cm. ■'I m The "Colonial” No. 1961 T« made of Simmons Seamless Sons e and Tubing throughout. 1 running casters. Your choice of r , -** ,, * ‘ ‘ “* ’ “ ' especially pleasing in Twin Pairs. Seel Noiteless Corner Lodes. Enameled in Ivory, the Decorative Colors, and Mahogany, Oak and Circassian Walnut effect. Wenua Everywhere Are Giving an Enthusiastic Welcome to These New Metal Bed Designs Ns beautiful beds wiffwonder the way they are being received. Every day goes further to confirm the initiative of the maker in pro ducing metal bed designs based on the sound principals of line, form and composition—such as the "Colonial,” illustrated above. It was Simmons Company that first thought of sleep in relation to metal beds. That led to the Simmons Patented Pressed Steel Corner Lock—the lock that holds the bed-together firm, like one piece of metal—the lock that prevents squeak and rattle and makes the bed noiseless invitingrelaxation and deep repose. They have consistently advocated the Twin Bed principal. They have invented Springs, toot that yield evenly to the contours of tho body—always resilient and elastic. \4| Now this latest achievement — good design in metal beds—In volves also the invention of a truly seamless tubing. M 9 When you see these new Simmons Beds, notice especially their con struction—their exquisite finish, freedom from seam and roughness and how beautiful they take the enamel. • vj Every woman is interested in new creations of this character. We ■ believe every customer of this store will welcome the opportunity of inspecting these superbly de signed beds. _ j TAYLOR FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. SIMMONS BEDS Muilt for-Sleep •< ' mrnmmmm We Are Having Real old Weather ThiB calls for Warmer Clothing. We are better pre pared to serve you than ever before. We have a complete [line of Underwear for Men, Ladies and Children. ShoeB for Everybody. Good all Woo Blankets. Ladies’ Coats, Suits and One-Piece Dres ses at 20 per cent off. A complete line of Boys’ Suits Shirts and Hats. - r ’| 1 New Jersey Petticoats, they are Beauties. A good assortment of Knox Hats for Men. Come to tee ua, we can cave you money. Adams-Smith Co. ■dfcs Telephone 46 ■ -M -, v’£ L'ii. .