The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 28, 1919, Image 5

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TOE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON* GA., . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER S*W ' ‘ ' AT SUNSET. Sgf£ Wm. HU tale to t»M, He toadi to Night Hto wealth of gold. There at the toll gate To the West He page hto way. t Like ell the tceh WANHB>—To bej a ear of «Up ehuek- el ear eon; loaded,aajwheie la Sooth Oeergto. Phooe, wbe <* write heat of fer. J. W. Loot, Onega, 0*. lOdwtf mAlB OB BTOUtN—From nr piece near Onega Saturday night Nor. let, one dark bay home male, weight about 860 poonla; long mane and talL liberal reward for information leading to Me teeorery. H. H. Tift, Jr. Sdwtf FOB BALE—Fire mulea. For caah or good note. See W. B. Hitchcock. 25dwtf .UMBER FOR SALE—Saw min 7 mUee from Tifton, 2 mile. weet from National Hlghwey, I mUee eonth of Chula. Price* right AH ordem filled promptly. Seo 8. Rlgdon or W, B. Olbbe, Tifton, WfflM <Ww3w 7ANTED—Good, dean cotton rage. * ■BANS and CORN WANT- t price* paid. Bee W. B. Hitch- B. Bowen A Co. 25dwtf -for beef cow; Mack, with Strayed from paature cart Reward for returlj to W. , Ty Ty; “ ’ 223wtf l TO BUT—Or rest steam en- , or 10 horse-power. Write J. maon. Route A, Tifton, Ga. Hr. and lira. J, J. F. Belter, of Ber rien county, were in the dty Wedneeday •hopping* Mrs. B. E. Tomlinson, ot Macon, apest Thanksgiving with her atotar, Mra. Joe Kent in Tifton. I Lucile Johnson, of Albany, to the ot Miee Lucile Young for the Thenksgiring holidays. Mr. W. H. Willie of Bonte One, Ty Ty, war a business visitor In the city Friday. Mr. Hugh McClure, of Albany, was the goest of Mr. J. H. Yonng and family Thoraday. 1 ', Mrs. Clinton Shingles and children, of Aabbum, spent Thanksgiving day In Tit- ton with her parent*, Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Julian. ' , Messrs. J. W. and M. M. Thompson, of Worth county, are in the city having spent Thanksgiving the gueats of Judgo J. S. Royal. Eggs COc. Bring us your turkeys, geese, ducks, and of course wo want tho chickens. Lang It Co., Omega. 20dwtt Mr and Mrs. P. J. Slneatb and child ren, of Pavo, ore the guests' of Dr. and Mra. N. PetersonJ coming over for Thanksgiving. . We are' specialising in dyeing and working over army overcoats. Hava it dyed your favorite color. Stype’s Tail or Shop. . 25d5twlt Mr. Merril Yarbrough, who to attend ing G. M. O. in Milledgevllle, Spent Hr.. P. H. Watson, -of Boat* *. was bnslneaa visitor to the city .WedMfty, Ur. A. Julian, ■ prominent busineos man from Adeb.wa* a visitor to rite city Wednesday. • . Georgla-FIorida Saw Mill J elation will hold a meeting In Tampa, December 2nd and 8rd. Mrs. H. B. Watson, who had been visiting relatives here, for several days, returned to her homo in Ty Ty Monday. Mr. 'and Mrs. O. L. Gaulding, left Tuesday afternoon for Bartow, Fli, af ter spending a few days with relatives in Tifton. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Ballsy, ot Tern Haute, led., are visiting Mra. Bat- ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Miller, at 21S Central avenue. Mr. J. W. LIpsey, of Vancevilto, was In town on business Tuesday. Bo hit two good moles for sal* and advertises them in tho Want Ada. Bob Glover came oyer from Atlanta and saw Norman win the South Georgia Championship. Bob was ono of a largo number of old A. M. 8. football stars who saw the game. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Htrnil came over from Jacksonville, Fla., to see Hodges Harnll put up s good gamo against Nor- msn Institute at Norman Park Thurs day. County Game Warden, W. M. Sellars, reports tho tale of hunters’ license as Blow. Only 14 county license and 23 state license have been sold and no non residence license. Messrs. Corinth and Ivon Pool, of Vanceviile, returned Monday from a trip o North Georgia, and Atlanta, whore hey joined Misses Melissle and Nellie Hand Sunday for a sight-seeing trip on 8touo Mountain, New Ciotbes are too expensive. We change the color and style of your old suit. Stype’s Tailor Shop. 25dStwlt A member of the Macon city detective orce came to 1 Tifton Wednesday night o rBen Lanier, who was arrested by fficers here for the Macon authorities on a charge of stealing automobiles. A called meeting ot farmers interested In tobacco growing in the Enigma sec tion is set for Monday nigbt at 7 o’clock. Some important business is to be tram- FOR RENT—Four-Horse farm at Chu- Standing rent for money or.cotton. . Harris, Ty Ty, Ga. 24d3twlt Thanksgiving with bin parents, Ur. and Mrs.’ J.-A. Yarbrough. acted and everybody to urged to be FOR SALE—OS acres, part ot Young Waterloo tract, for sale Will' give terms. L..B. Sutton, Mercantile Company, Tifton. tinipe MOLES ; FOB SALE—At Whaley’s miles northwest ot Tifton, on i Griffin place.. Preston Whaley, Ga., Boats L 18dwlmo NGEB MACHINES—They an |4 caah fl per week. B. H. ; Tifton. 0-6-doodwtf Put up your syrup in fruit iar* and thus retain the newness the yaat round, and then you'll have the jars for use next canning season.. Will sell yon the jars at wholesale. Phillips' Merc. Co., Tifton, Ga. 25d6twlt Mils Lucile Bryant, assistant teacher at Midway School, left Thursday morn ing for Athbnrn to spend Thanksgiving and ’the week-end -with her parents. - We have jnat received another carload of Good Young Males. - If yon want to buy or trade for something good, don’t fail to cone to see us. Golden Live Stock Co. . 24d5twlt i cash US YOUR EGGS—Wo pay SO or trade. Choate’s. lOdwtf >F MULES FOR SALE-0 and old,. weight 1,000 potufds. pe. Will sell to right party for ail cash, Lipsey, Yon Take No Chance With Ameco Chill and Fever Tonic h, balance bankable note. iy, Vanceviile. 28w4t BY PRODUCE WANTED—We the market, for Hens, Friers, Guineas, Docks, Turkeys, Eggs. Fruits and vegetables, I pore cream. Can also use a had goods. Hotel Myon, . J. F. -I can furnish the very Goodman, Brookfield, wtf I Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days p Tonic-Laxative for 1 relieves promptly but dr for 14 to 21 days Jt Stimulates and Ptoasafit tn. Jake.o60a m Every ingredient used in the manu facture of Amoco Chil 1 and Fever Tonic is recognized and used by. all leading au thorities on medicine in tlic treatment of Malaria, Chills and Fever In fact every ingredient entering into its composition can be found in the U. S. Fharmacopes, a book which *.s gotten up and written bv the professor* of all the leading institutions of pharmacy in the United States and the physicians of the United States, and is recognized by nil druggists as authority and law on the source of drugs and their preparation and uses. Get a bottle of Amoco Chill and Fever Tonic from your dealer. You will be de lighted with this wonderful medicine. Ameco Chill and Fever Icnlc is told and guaranteed by all dealers. PRICK 25* mph D§ Palma Monogram Qil Packard Speedster and promptly. We have just received another carload of Good Young Mules. If you want to buy or trade for something good, don't fail to come to see us. Golden Live Stock Co. 24d5twlt Mr. H. Segravos left Tuesday morn ing for a week’s hunting trip in Flor ida. lie says he never lias killed deer, but be is going to kill the first one be shoots at or will give bis gun to Mr. Sumner, his companion on the trip, Farm Light Plants and water works systems. Come in and sec our light and water works systems for the farm. W. E. Farmer & Co. 24d2taw&wtf News was received yesterday from Mr. G. L. Blalock that he continues to Im prove and it is thought now that he will recover. He was taken to a hospital in Atlanta a few weeks ago, for nn opera tion, .but owing’ to his serious condition the operation was not performed until Monday nigbt. Don’t sell your Chickens, Eggs, Tur keys and Butter until you have seen me. I pay the best market price. W. I. Harvey. 20dwtf Mr. .1. T. .Johnson, a prominent tur pentine man from Norman Park, was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. Johnson reports a deal of more than usual importance closed a few’ days ago w’hen the Gaskins timber in Berrien county was bought by the Norman in terests, the deal approximating a quar ter of a million dollars. We move people anywhere in Georgia. We haul hogs. Wo also have bodies for all kinds of hauling. Kent’s Auto Line. 15d2tw3w < The Grady County Board of Trade Is pulling off a great Trade Week Carnival with all kinds of attractions during tho week, December 3 to Gth. An old fid dlers convention, side shows and Dare sDevil Rich will be among the attractions offered to those w’ho attend. They are live wires down in Grady and intend to keep Cairo in the front rank of pro gressive South Georgia dties. The easiest way to market your hoge Is to ’phone oa for a truck to haul them. Can Joe Lee Barker, Tifton 830W, How* ard Cooksey, Enigma, or Lang’a Store, Omega. We ship in car lota and pay the top price. 17dwtf AS STRONG AS AT SEVENTEEN Experts said it could not be done. Monogram Oil a min eral product taken from stock lubricated the Packard Avi- Motor that now holds world's record on straight-away and circular tracks for all distances from one-fourth of a mile to six hundred and sixteen miles. iTIFT-OVERLg^ COMPANY filly* Knight and Overland Cars *hone 20 Tifton, Ga. ORON Iron Tonis Kite Rar “OH Ha' All You* Apli, Up DiuM*. J. It. BROWN ' x nui FARM LANOTm^CTTY I A beautiful event of Sunday was the marriage of Ml**. Maldee Willis and Mr.’ B. A. Patrick, of Omega, at the qonntiy home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Willis, southwest ot Tifton. The marriage took plaee at 0 o'clock, Prof Jenkins, of Omega, per forming the impreafeive ceremony, which was witnessed only by tho immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The marriage of this popular young couple came aa a surprise to their many friends as it had been announced for early spring, but circumstances which made it more convenient, to have the marriage before the New Year. The bouse was decorated with autumn flowers’ and foliage plants, an impro vised altar bring formed of palms and ferns in th’e parlor, before which tbs wedding party assembled for the cere mony. Miss Annie Davis, of Quitman, played Mendelsohn's wedding marsh. The bride looked lovely in a blue tricotine suit with hat of the same shade and with'these she wore mahogany-brown shoes and gloves. Miss Davis wore taupe georgette.' KV A fpur-course dinner was served im mediately after the ceremony, end at the bride’s table ,at which covers were laid for eight, were seated, Mr. and Mr* W. H. Willi* Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. T. Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Patrick. The table decora tions were yellow and green. On the cluny lace luncheon cloth was placed a cutglass beasket of yellow chrysanthe mums. Tho other guests were served buffet style. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Willis and is a young woman of many lovely j traits of char acter, and wins friends “wherever she is known. She will be greatly missed in the home, where she has made herself almost infiispensiblc to members of the family. Mr. Patrick, has only been back from overseas eight weeks, where he served over a year in the Quartermaster’s Department. He had been in the service two years, but a part of the time was spent in the United State* He and Mr* Patrick will make their home in Omega where he is engaged in business. The Gazette joins their hosts of friends in wishing them a long and happy life together. Wm. J. Oliver PLOWS. We have re ceived our Wm. ,7. Oliver Plows and Re pairs sufficient for the season. W. E. Farmer & Co. 24d2taw&wtf JACOB HALL RESIGNS Had Served 17 Years on Hoards Education, fatten Is Successor Hon. Jacob HnH'.s resignation as member of the County Board of Educa tion, handed in several days ago, has been accepted by the State Department, and Mr. M. S. Patten has been appoint ed by Judge It. E\> uh Mr. Hall’s ccssor. This year would have completed seven teen years of continuous service on County Educational Boards fop Mr. Hall, be having served on the Board in Irwin county before the creation of Tift County. ENIGMA NEWS Is Georgia Baptist Convention, Durden Sunday Night, Dr. C. W. Durden, in,his m the Baptist church Sunday night, crlbed the Georgia Baptist Convention a great missionary society, in every member is on an equal footing, and no one greater than any other, Dr. Durden made a report on the re cent convention at the service, telling just whit the convention 1* Churches send delegates according to the amount of their contribution, but no woman allowed to be a delegate. The women have a separate convention of their — The organization has but one pui to look after spiritual matters. At thu last convention, an executive commit tee of 40 waa named to handle the business of the convention between ses sions, Dr. Durden bring elected a mem ber of this committee. : f. ^ Dr. Durden read for his scripturs les son from the first chapter of Act* In commenting on the same, he said that Jesus was not only a teacher hut alao * doer, and called attention to the foet thlt doing was mentioned before teach ing. Doing, he said, ia a good way to teach. Mrs. M. S. Shaw made a fine four- minute talk in the' Interest of the Bap tist 175,000,000 campaign. ’ ^ Mr. Durden urged every member the church to be present at the services next Sunday morning. The Baptist drive starts Sunday and will be ushered iu with a sunrise meeting for prayer and thanksgiving followed by Sunday Srbool at 0:30 and preaching at 11 o’clock. Every Baptist is expected to be on the job next Sunday. -0 We are now in the market for Velvet Bean* See us bofore selling.. Golden Live Stock Co. 24dStwlt INFANT OF MR. AND MRS. RUT LAND. The little two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rutland, of Eldo rado, died Saturday morning after sev eral days illness of cholera infantum. The mother of the little child was in Hot Springs, Ark,, fop her health when she received the news of the child’s ser ious illness and arrived just before it died. The remaius were laid to rest In the Rutland cemetery Sunday morning. The mauy friends of the bereaved par ents deeply sympathize with them in their loss. DELIGHTED WITH Suffered For Years WitK Stomach Trouble, Nervous ness, Pains in Back and Limbs, Dizziness and Con- stipatioa Ail Gone Wow. GOOD All LEATHER' Reasonably Priced. It you need good all leather guaranteed Shoes for Wq-k, School or Dress Wear, our line is com plete as is being shoum anywhere and our Prices are very reasonable as we bought early and heavy an ticipating a rise in the market, therefore we are in position to ott er you good shoes at less than manufacturers prices of today„ We can therefore help you cut your shoe bill by selling you good shoes reasonable. Wade-Corry Co. v Diptheria is trying to rage in our littlo city, but we nre doing all in our power to stop it. Pity but what we would try os hard to stop whiskey mak ing and drinking. We have n nice lit tle city, though most all of ou r impor tant officers like "stump" and enjoy seeing their fcllowman indulge. Mrs. G. O. Wheless of Alapaho was tho guest of her mother, Mrs. S. J. Shippoy, Wednesday. There is lots of cane being carried to mill; guess we will have plenty of syrup. The n we can have some good old syrup cake like grand mother made long ago. Mrs. Fannie Patrick is visiting her son, Mr. F. M. Patrick, of Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Harris returned from Brunswick Sunday night. School has been suspended for a few days on account of diptheria. Mr. C. B. Harris spent tho week-end in Waycros* guest of his brother, Mr. a. W. Harris. —Chero. Dreco, and It has made me Feel so much better and stronger that I can do all my own housework,'’ said Mrs. LIsslo New berry, Uszella, Ga., near Macon. “Before I began taking Dreco," abe continued, “I was in a terribly run-down condition; couldn't eat anything, hardly, and didn't sleep much. My trouble start ed several years ago. and althAgh I tried many different thing* nothing pre scribed for mo seemed to do any good, and I was almost a physical wreck. After eating I would feel all bloated with sour ga* and my heart would beat ■o fast sometimes I would think It waa going to Jump out of my body. This —■* ia and I waa eaay to » bad that I couldn’t • any interest in things. Nearly every LIBEL FOR DIVORCE 0. Mumfort vs. Annie Hall Momfort; Li' bel for Divorce; In Tift Superior Court, December Term, 1010. To the Defendant, Annie Hall Momfort You are hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the Su perior Court to be held in and for said County on the First Monday in Deqem* br, 1010, then and there to ansriRrer ths complaint in the above styled case, as in default thereof, ‘said Court will pro ceed as to justice ahiU appertain. Witness the Honorable R. Eve, Judge of said Court This the 10th day of Oct ober, 1010. Henry D. Webb, Clerk Superior Court Tift Co., Ga. R. D. Smith, Plaintiff’s Attorney. FOR DISMISSION GEORGIA—Tiflt County. Mrs. A. T. Houghton, Administratrix on the estate of 0. A. William* deceas ed, represents to the undersigned that she has folly administered on said 'Cftate and asks for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned that said applica tion will be passed upon at the next term of the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in December next. This, November 3, 1919. J. J. Baker, Ordinary, Tift county. If you want your trunk hauled, tele£ phone 112. Kent’s Auto Line. 15d2tw3w Files Cored In 6 to 14 Days Druggists rrfund money, if PAZO piNTMENTfalU to cure Itching, BUn<‘ Instantly relieves 1 wtfol sleep after made . _. „ get excited. I felt take any interest it day I would read in the newspapers about what Dreco had done for other* •nd mnny rases Just fltted my symptoms exactly, so I talked the matter over with my husband, and we decided to give *-*-* \fter a few days It began and I knew I had at last log my system needed. - . nen better that I can •at most anything I want, and at much found the°rlgft __ now co much better that I aa 1 want, and do not feel any bad effecta I gm deilgl Bee our new Avery wagon* Ham some g• «»(] values in second hand wagm* Lang A Co., Omeg* Ga. lOdwtf LOANS ON TIFT COUNTY FARM LANDS DIRECT CONNECTIONS — PROMPT HANDLING—CURRENT RATES Commnnlcato With Ua COTTON STATES SECURITIES CO. 421 Healey Bnlldlnt, Atlanta, Ha. Hollins N. Raldolph, President W. B. RENNET, Tifton, Ga. Local Representative $7.95 Guaranteed Automobile Robes Don’t miss oar display of theso wonderful robe, —ooo tho now colon and pat* terns. Kota tha cenerous size— 60 by 80 Inches! Every rob. porittvaly fuaran- ■teed! Every rob. 67.86! Don’t delay—arte to sm and feel strong and With what Dreco did for me. 1 When the liver, kidneys or bowels be- come Inactive the system falls to throw off. the potion* and slowly, day by day, ws'are weakening our bodies till a break down comes. Sometimes it takes ths form of the shorn css* Dreco causes the organs v carry off these toxins an waste maUer and keep ths system free c dpflts “ WAIaLM 1)K(JU CO. What Kind of a suit are you going to get? One that will Look Good on Him, Wear Well and still not cost too much. WEARPLEDGE SUITS for boys are the Best Suits that we have ever had. An insurance . policy with each suit that guarantees the wear of the suit. Prices from $12.50 to $25. Also our line of Boys' Overcoats are of the same quality. Bring your boy to our store and let us fit him DUNCAN & STUBBS SATURDAY £ MONDAY Are The Last Two Days of Our OPENING SALE We appreciate the cooperation of the giood people in making this SALE the great success it has been and we hope that everybody avail themselves of this opportunity by paying us a another visit du ring these last days of our Sale. We still have a great many Drummer's Samples left that we can sell at wholesale price* and many other thing* in Dry Good* and Shoe*. While they la*t we are telling for Let* than we