The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 28, 1919, Image 8

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BOlJP^'W MACON , New. SSPrecelved over the 'phone Tlujn,dajg|gJhht of the sudden death of Mr. Ho#Gri.p, of Maeon, oldest son of | Mr. ajM Mrs, 3. II. Crisp of Eldorado, “slE* b “ f ** fe roaster on the Georgia ripmern and Florida rallvray. The fti- noral will take p|aee In Macon. ■Mr. Crisp had been til only a day or two, of acute Indigestion. Ho was ' in Bldorudo Tuesday apparently well, and his death is a great shock to Hs many friends there, where ho Used with his parents beforo going with the G. 8. A fERE'S a aerial that’s lust ■l packed with lightning, ■ speed and action. If that’s the kind of a serial photo play you enjoy, you’re going to be electrified for 18 weeks with “ELMO THE MIGHTY." L Perhaps you remem. \ her ELMO LINCOLN V as “TARZAN"’ of Vi “TARZAN OP THE t \\ APES” and file Belgian L V blacksmith id "THE R" KAISER,THE BEAST ^ OP BEH- .-LIN.” In 8 .either case U you must not |U miss one single epi- Besldes bla wife and two small child ren, Mr. Crisp is survived by bis father and mother, three aiatere and four bro thers. The ali^ra are! Mra. Sherwood, of Macon; Mra. Clanton, of Gardner, Fla.; and Mrs. W. P. Montgomery, of Eldorado. The brothers are: Thomas Crisp, of Tilton, and Jsraes, Kiblcr, and Hnkler Crisp, of Eldortda. .( ‘ - The funeral will be held- la Macon. • The many frtenda of the heretvjd fam ily, throughout this section deeply sym pathize with them in tbelr sorrow. in the UNIVERSAL’S greet Challenge Serial ^ FOB LEAVE TO BELL GEORGIA—Tift County. Notice is hereby given that the under* Higned has applied to the Court of Ordi nary of said county for leave to sell, sub ject to the dower interest therein, a 1-8 of 1-7 undivided remainder iintercst in lots of land Nos. 131 and 140 in the Sixth District of Tift county, Georgia, belonging to Jas. Paulk, /minor, for the purpose of completing bis education, and necessary expense incident thereto, and that said application will be heard at the next regular December term of said Oonrt. This, Nov. 8rd, 1019. ' Mrs. Pena F. Paulk, x Guardian of said minor. APPLICATION LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA—Irwin Gounty. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 3005 of the present 1 Civil Code, the undersigned trill present to his Hon. B. Eve, Judge of the Superior Court of said county, at Chambers in Tifton, Tift couhty, Georgia, on the 13th'day of De* immlutp 1(110 an- annllf*riftn fn» Innva November 29,—-December 1st and 2nd. Will be the Big Days when Great Reductions in the price of SUITS, COATS, and DRESSES WILL HAVE FULL SWAY Continued warm weather during the fall season and heavy purchases made in advance find our stocks entirely too heavy, and we are going to lighten them. Make your selection now without further delay while die line of sizes and assortment of styles is complete, as these are exceptional H ERE’S the story of a giant foreat 1 ,\\ ranger and a beautiful girl. It 1 abounds in the tensest situations, / packed to capacity with thrills, siturated with ' f suspense and ail entwined with a beautiful love 1 story. If you love life in the open—if you love \ a clean high class story, you’ll enthuse over— ’ “ELMO THE MIGHTY.” Don’t miss a single episode. •BEGINS TODAY, SATURDAY, NOV. 29. Then Every Friday and Saturday for 18 Weeks. Alto Today, Harry Carey in “Ace of the Saddle” STRAND THEATRE (.•ember, 1010, ad’application-for leave to sell, at private sale/ the undivided 1-35 remainder interest of Ethel, •Oliffton, Sammie, Nellie, Unie, and Mary Fletcher, Minors, in lots of land Nob. 131 and 140, in the Sixth District of Tift county, Georgia, said sale to be made subject to the present dower interest Of Mrs. Judah Paulk Rooks in sold lands DR. WHITE IS PURCHASER A FINE LOT CATTLE One of the finest bunches of beef cattle ever seen in Tiftou was brought to the packing house Friday by Mr. E. T. Paulk, of Sycamore. They were of a good siz« and as fat as porkers. The price paid for the herd was not learned. Dr. W. E. White has purchased from Mr. H. H. Tift the old R. E. Hall house, corner Second street and Ohemratt ave- Thomas T. Fletcher n. Peabody, Houghteling & Co., et at Equitable Petition; in Tift Superior Court, December Term. 1010. T 0 the Defendants, Lucretia P. Hough teling; Alexander Smith; Barton Thom as: Edward M. Mills, and Francis R. Dickinson, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William R. Sterling. You ara hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at .the Su perior Oonrt to be held in and for eald County on the First Monday in Deeem- Dr. White also purchased from Mr. Geo. Raker the vacant lot, corner Eighth street and Tift avenue.* $19.80 At this price we have thirty Coats for Laflies and Big Girls that are wonder ful values. Also about Fifty more Nice Dresses of French Serge, Satins, Taffetas and Georgettes for only $19.80. Get fruit at W. I. Harvey’a 20dwtf flu Qutnino That Does Not Affect tho Neat Because of lla tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and do** not cause nervousness not. rinsing in head. Remember the fall name omf look for the signature of E. W. GROVE, &.r You will find Thirty Coats that include some real good Values up to $50.00 in this lot to select from. Also Fourteen pretty Tricotine Dres ses are in this lot that are Marvels for VelvdBMnsV^V Cl I \/ll We are the people whd made the market in Tift County for Velvet Beans and Corn. Central G roce ry Company Feed Mill W. E. CHANDLER, Superintendent Bring u, Tour velvet betas, hogs, com, ■ id other term produce. Ltig A Go.,, Gt, lOdwtf $39.80 In this lot including Thirty-six suits, Twenty Dresses, and Sixteen Coats you will find some of the season’s fin est garments and by far the biggest values that will ever be shown by ns or anybody either this season or at any time in the near future. For weak Women $49.80 Twenty-three very fine garments are in this lot which inchfdes Eight Suits, Four Coats and Eleven Dresses,, and any of the lot are exceptional values at from $70.00 to $90.00, but they lag ol the good Ctrdui hag done them. This I* the best proof ol the vikw ol Ctrdui. It proves tkti Ctrdui issgood medicine foe women. Thera ireaofaarmhder hebtt.formlng drugs la Ctrdui. II It composed only of mild, medicinal Ingredient*, with no bed efler-eflecit. SAVE THE MEAT YOURSELF SPECIAL on all Skirts for above SPECIAL FORABOVE THREE DAYS 10 per cent off on all Shoes. Children’s Garments are also reduced. We have a very complete line of In fants’, Children’s and Misses’ gar ments that are especially good values as they are, but they have been reduc ed One-Fourth. SPECIAL—15 per cent off on all Wool The Woman’s Tonfe 1 ~ than this season’s opening prices) and you can therefore put'a wonderful it the weather, today with entire And cave your meat, no matter Hundreds of former* are using th Write ue for full information L D. MORGAN & SONS Manufacturers of MORGAN’S MEAT PRESERVER TIFTON GEORGIA AQDruggists