The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, January 27, 1910, Image 1

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(Hit? (Earrnll 3m toea. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JAN. 2T. 1910 BURGLARS BUSY: i There are hundreds of robberies every day of the year about which we hear nothing, but through which people who are careless about money lose it. That person who keeps his or her money in a bank has but little fear from the holdup man or the house-breaker. It ,is the man who carries money on his persou that usually gets “touched.” Your money, if deposited with this bank, will be absolutely safe. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,00000 Surplus $100,000.0 Fire At Bowdon Thursday morning about 2 o’clock, a very disastrous fire broke out at Bowdon, iu this county, which resulted in heavy losses. The following is a list of losses with estimated amount of loss; O P Bennett, 2 story concrete building valued at 3500.00, no insurance, First Baptist Church To Have Pipe Organ. It will be quite a matter of in terest to our readers to learn that the First Baptist Church will have their magnificent Pipe Organ in the near future. The Organ Committee who have Wileys Candy t Made To Eat We keep a fresh supply of Chocolates and Fruit, so remember us when you want good candy. We are well supplied in everything in the Soda Fount Line and nice fresh fruit. Look for February numbers of all leading Magazines. PHONE 122 HARRIS & WILLIAMS. gone carelully over the field, ascertaining the merits of F M Vance stock of general i th ,f d '! Terc " t mukes of or gans, r in v ance, siock 01 general. f ina ll y c l os d a contract Monday merchandise, loss 2500.00 ins, with the Est q Co sured Bowdon News valued at 800,00 partly insured. S C Campbell, Jeweler and Watch repairing, loss 350.00, 1:0 insurance. B W Little storage room for Bowdon Telephona exchange, total loss. Henry Tarpley, Barber Shop, total loss. Star Pressing Club, total loss. J B Moore General Merchans dise, probably 5000.00 stock, partly saved but damaged, in, surance on building and stock 2200.00. B A Styles & Son, Groceries and Soda Fount, Goods practi cally all saved, but damaged, no insurance. House occupied by Styles & Son was owned by Dr J L Lovvorn and probab'y insured, but amount not known at this time. Corn, Hay, Oats, Banner Feed. If it is anything in feed stuff 'or chicken feed yon want, we know we can supply you at io per cent saving to you W. D. BASS & SON Phone 150 Rome Street Death of Mrs. J. F. Aikin. The death of this good woman will bring sadness to the hearts of the many friends who have known her from childhood, and have known her only to love her for her amiable and meek qualities as a neighbor, friend and Christian lady. She departed this life at her home on Dixie street, Saturday a m 22d inst. A consistent and much beloved member of the Centtal Baptist Church,a faith ful and devoted wife and mother, gone from earth to her reward above. Funeral services at Beulah Church, Sunday p m 23. Many sympathizing friends present with words of comfort to the bereaved parents, husband, rel atives and children, and to do honor to the memory of dear Maggie. Sister thou wert mee* and mild. Gentle as a little child. R Cstey Organ Battleboro, Vt. The instrument is to have something like thirty five stops, some nine hundred pipes, and the contract calls lor the iatest patented improvements in action couplers, and mechanical access ories. It is a duplicate of the orgau in the Ci ntral Congrega. tional Church of Atlanta, which is considered one of the best in that city. It will cost $3000. The committee has already sub scribed about $2500 of this amount. The balance members and friends of the , church are expected to make up, It is hoped to be installed by May 1st by which time the date will have been set for the dedi cation of the church. Rev. Geo. D, Harris, the lormer pastor has accepted the invitation to dedi cate, it was through his untiring efforts that the church was built. We .congratulate the church on the excellent work they are doing, and welcome the coming of such a magnificent instru ment to our little city. Mr Farmer: The Carroll Free Press and Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal $1.50 H ITS WORTH YOUR WHILE To Remember Our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Pure Drugs, (Quality) Accura cy, a careful Prescription Clerk appeals to your confidence. OUR MOTTO: The Best of Everything and Reasonable Prices. We Appreciate Your Trade. > FITTS DRUG STORE. Prize Winners Last week we made mention of the fact that Mr. George J. Gray, of our city, had entered some of his fine chickens*iu the Poultry Show held in Atlanta, and below we publish a partial list of prize winners, showing that George was there with the goods. Single-Comb White Legiiorns Mrs. Paul C, Jack Entertains. The social event of last week was the beautiful domino party given by Mrs. Paul Jack com plimentary to Mrs. Howard Jack. The reception room, sitting room, and dining room were thrown open for the guests. Punch was served by Miss Maude Bass At the close of the game the guests of loior Mrs Howard Jack and Mrs Jesse Long of Jasper, Ala., were pre sented with beautiful Jjabots. Mrs. C, E. Roop received the consolation prize. Delicious re freshments of chicken salad, sandwiches, pickles, crackers and punch were served. The guests were Mesdames I J. C. Bass. Frame Bass, E. M,| Bass, C. M- Tanner- Sidney Ilolderness. C. H. S'.ewart, - Jack Turner, Jesse Long, S. J. I and B. F. Boykin, S. P. Coaln son, Jas. Fitts, Bob Fitts, R ! h. Hyatt, Frank Weems, Harry Burns, J. H. McLellan, J. A. Reese of Atlanta, L. M. Turner Marion Camp, R, II. Hanna, 1 Chas- Lyle, J. G. Cheney, Leon Mandeville, Jeff Brock, and Misses Maud Bass, Pauline Harris, Italy Simonton, and: Eugenia Mandeville. Times have changed since you were a boy Progressive People deposit their money iu a good bank They yay their bills t by check Lots of reasons why you should have a bank aecouut with CARROLLTON BANK, Come in the next time you are iu towu and talk it over with us Capital $75,ooc oo Surplus 45,000 00 J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Qres H N Speuce Cashier <? e- The Peoples Bank, Carrollton, Ga. Offers you absolute protection in every transaction with them. You are not only protected by a list of strong stockholders, but you have all tne other protection that is af forded by a strong bank with efficient man agement. All your business is guarded with utmost care and you will receive courteous treatment from the officers at all times. You can get a safety deposit lock box from them for almost nothing as compared with the protection afforded you for your papers or other /valuables, they are fire and burglar proof and no one can ®pen them except you. Yovr account will be appreciated and you will be offered every accommodation consis- tant with sound banking. Come and inspect the office, furnishings and the latest Jimprove- rnent in burglar proof safes. J. R. ADAMSON, JOHN M. JACKSON. President, Vice-Pres. G. C. COOK, Cashier. The Carroll Freee Press and Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jouurnal r 1 9he 'Zeonemii of 9ime Jno. F. Childress, Sweetwater Tenn. ; first and second cock, second hen, first cockerel, first pullet, Kimballville farm, Atlan ta, third cock, fourth hen, fourth cockerel, fourth® pen. W. H. Hcrdeman, Commerce, fourth cock. Belmont farm, Smyrna, fifth cock, first, third and fifth hen; third cockerel, third and fifth pen. Geo. J. Gray, Car rollton, Ga., second cockerel, second and filth pullet. George H. Tommins, College Park, third and fourth pullet, first and third pen. Attention Corn Growers, ; There will be a meeting held at the Court House in Carrollton on Monday Feb. yth in your interest. Let all who are in terested in this work come. [Im I proved culture, improved seeds, better methods is of interest to all. An expert will be present to I judge seed corn. Let every farmer bring a sample of ten ears and have it tested. W, W. Yates E. T. Jackson Agt’s NOTICE FARMERS Owing to oil mill being shut down lor indefinite period, and consequently boilers not being fired, we will gin only Saturday of each week for remainder of the season. Mandeville Mills Oil Mill Ginnery. 2ts NOTICE. On the first Tuesday iu Feb. ruary we will give away the $25 prize offered by us last spring to the party entitled to it. Perdue & Pace. Farmers Cooperative Demonstra tion Work. The members of the boys Corn Club and all who desire to be membeis this year will please attend this meeting and bring specimens of corn . J. S. Travis Ag’t Boy’s Corn Club Suit on Note in city Court of Carrollton w fiou nty, March Term HHl) McCord 8te\vurt Company vs. C T Adams Georgia Carroll county To C T Adams, you are thereby required to be and appear at the City Court of Carroll- tou of said stite and county on the 1st Mon- x -March 1010 to answer the petition which has been filed in the above stated case. In default whereof thsl said court will P r ,9p. c . et as to justice shall apertain. Witness the Hon.'.Tames Beall, Judge of said court, this 2eth of Jany 1910. D. F. Pea ice CSCC Is a most important factor that all per= sons must consider, and tne most help ful of all time savers is a good, reliable watch, one that can be depended upon under all conditions. If you are in need of such a time piece, we can supply the need, as our line of watches is very complete, and we have them at all prices, and in every style, from the plainest to the most elaborate. 1 j