The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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Nov 4, 04 (Fit? (Earrall Jrn JfrrsH. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THUR3DAY, FEB. IQ. 1910 v No. 5264 Report of the Condition ot the First National Bank At Carrollton in the State of Georgia, at the close of business January 31 19:0. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts 268 021,07 Capital Stock $100,000.00 Overdrafts secured and un secured IJ. S. Bonds to secure circu lation Banking house, furniture & fixtures 12,426,30 100,000,00 35,000.00 Surplus Fund Undivided profits less ex pensos and taxes paid. . Nat. Bank Notes outstanding Dividends Unpaid 100,000.00 7.245,79 99,800.00 ....210,00 Due from National Banks, Indlviduiu^ueposits subject (not reserve agents) Duo from StaDwind Private Bunks nnd Brokers, Trust Companies and Savings Bnk 3,029,85 6111,41 Time certificates of Deposit. Certified checks Cashier checks outstanding. 21,249.15 200 84 617.42 Due from approved reserve agents 17,884,32 Chocks and other cash items 2,581,74 Notes of other Nat. Banks.. 400.C0 Fractional paper currency, nickels ana cents 223,90 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie . lfl.672.65 Legal-tender notes.... None 16,672,05 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 6^ of circulation.... 5.000,00 Total $461,858.30 Total $461,853.80 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Carroll, ss I. E B Brodnax, cashier of the above mimed bank, do solemnly swear ^nt the above statement Is true to the best of mr knowledge and belief. KB Brodnax. Cashier. ►Subscribed and sworn to^before me this 8th.* nay of Feb, 19104 J T Vaughan, Notary Public. CORRECT-Attest: LGMandeville ) W W F'Ittu f I Directors. Mrs. Dodd Entertains. Rev. and Mrs. Jesse M. Dodd delighttully entertained some ot the members of the First Baptist Church choir, and trie ids, aj their home last Tuesday evening. A drawing contest which proved to be very spirited re suited in the first prize being awarded to Geo. L. Hamrick ; the consolation unanimously voted to Mr. Dodd. After other amusements and music an appetizing salad course was served. Among those present were Misses Mary Hogan, Carrie Shank, Eunice Cochran, Jennie Mae Walker, Martha Brown, Mary L0.1 New, Mesdames Silas Coalson, Robt. Fitts, R. H. | McLellan, A. K. Snead, Messrs Robt. Fitts, Geo. L. Hamrick, C. R. Mullins, and J. H. Croft. Agricultural School Assured. The dates fixed for the Itnier ant Agricultural School which the State College ot Agriculture will hold in Carrollton are Feb ruary 24, 25, and 26. This meet ing is only three weeks ofl and every farmer and merchant should arrange to be there. Your spring work will not be pressing and while some farmers have planned their season crop ping we would ask those who could wait until this meeting be fore fixing their plans to do so. Crop rotations wi'l constitute a portion of the discussion and definite rotations will he given for stock and cotton farming. Buying and mixing fertilizers will be discussed pointedly and so closely that every farmer who uses commercial fertilizer should know how to make his own mixtures from any formula he may want to use. Statement of the condition of the CITIZENS BANK Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business January 31st 1910. RESOURCES Loans nnd Discounts S111.54V.87 Overdrafts 2,345.46 Furniture and Fixtures 3,000.00 Dae from Banks And Bank ers In the state 3,34:1,28 Due from HankB and Bank ers lu other states &,:tno.38 Currency 4 500.00 Silver, Nlckles and Pennies 330.49 Exchanges for clearing house 1,462.00 Total 1181,373.18 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In ( 50,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent expenses A Taxes paid 1,785.24 Individual Deposits tubject to check 58,694,75 Cashiers Checks 1,108.1V Total 3131,573.18 STATK OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before me came A K Snead cashier of The Citizens Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said bauk. as shown by the books of file In said Bank. A. K. Snead, Cashier . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of Feb. 1910. J. H McClellan, N. P. An attack of the grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many ,oves a great annoyance, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been extensively used and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies -had failed. Sold by W L Worthy While it is often impossibla to prevent an accident, it is never im possible to be prepared-it is not be yond any one’s purse. g Invest J35 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like injuries, Sold by W L Worthy. REDUCED 27.50 and 25.00 Suits reduced 19.95 20.00 Suits reduced to 15.95 18.00 Suits reduced to 13.05 15.00 Suits reduced to 12.95 All Boys Clothing 1 -4 0ff. Lit Mu Club Entertained. Mrs. J. G. Cheney entertained most delightfully the | Lit Mu Club’ last Thursday Jallernoon at her home on South JStreet. The following unusually inter’ esting programme was rendered’ PROGRAMME. Instrumental Solo. Miss Jones Story of Act V. Mrs Bnford Boykin Comparison of the Characters of Anthony and Cleopatra: Anthony and Caesar Miss Kate Slade Song Mrs Paul Jack Closing Study of the Play Miss Eva Thonasson Recitation Miss Ethel Walthall Duet Missesi Jones and Annia Pace After the programme delicious refreshments consistirg ol sand wiches waldo, hot cotfe, salad, and crackers was served. Brock—Kramer. The marriage of Miss Ruth Brock and Mr. E. G. Kramer, which took place Tuesday even ing at 7 o’clock at the residence ol the bride’s parents on College street came as a surprise to their friends. Only the immediate family of the bride and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. E. Dozier in his impressive manner. Mr. and Mrs. Kramer will leave shortly for a tour through South Georgia and Florida, and aftertheir|return will be at home to their friends on South street Mrs. W. A. Fomby Dead. Last Saturday morning, Feb. 5th, Mrs. Susan Fomby, wife oi Mr. W. A. Fomby departed this life. A faithful wife and true mother, a devoted and much beloved grandmother, a loyal friend and most excellent neigh bor, she was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Quiet and domestic *in her manners and tastes, she faithfully discharged her every day duties, and made home | better [and brighter be> cause of her presence. In early life she united with the Methodist chdrch, but after her marriage translerred her membership to the Baptist Church in the fellowship of which she died. She leaves a husband, a son, in law and five devoted grand' children, one brother and one sister to mourn her loss. The funeral services were conducted at the residence just west of town, by Revs. A. W, Qnillian and W. E. Dozier. We tender to the bereaved husband and other relatives our sincerest sympathies. Live StockJ to Have Important Place in Program of Agricul tural t School. The interest manifested in live stock by the farmers of Car- roll County should cause the work of the Itinerant Agricul tural School to be heartily wel comed and [thoroughly enjoyed by them. The subject of “Feed ing Farm Animals” is one ot importance since rations properly mixed and led not only mean economy but also enable the animal to more completely utilize the food thereby being a much more efficient machine. Poor feeding is the cause of many i diseases and sometimes the , death ot many valuable animals. Dr. i Richardson from the State College ol Agriculture will hold a free clinic Thursday afternoon, Feb 24. He would like to have assembled in the city animals which you think are sick and need treatment. Sanitary milk produefioa certainly needing some attention by farmers and dairymen of the south. The lecture on this and the demonstration of seperating and testing should bring out every one connected in anyway with the handling of milk or butter. Maxwell—Williams. A beautiful wedding of much interest to a large circle ot friends over the 6tate was solemnized at the home ot Mrs. J. G. Maxwell on last Wednesday evening when Miss Nancy U. Maxwell and Mr. Leroy J. Williams were married. Rev. Marvin Williams performing the beautiful cere mony. On " account of the recent death of ths brides f ither, Mr J. G. Maxwell, the wedding wa a very quiet affair only the im mediate lamily being present. The young couple leit on the evening train for a short honey moon trip and will be at home at Carrollton alter Sunday. —D;uglasville Sentinel. Card of Thanks. To our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted g us and saw to our every need, in the recent sickness and death of our daughter and sister, Cora : We extend our sincere thanks and deepest gratitude and pray that God’s richest blessings may attend them in all the trials of life. Mr. R. G. Jones and family C ome Out to hear Crossland First Baptist Church. All Suuday School Workers, and indeed everybody will be cordially welcomed at the Cross land meetings with the First Baptist Church next Sunday, 11 a m., 3pm.. and 7:30 p m. Is the attendance slim? Is the Teacher’s Meeting lame? Is the Sunday School enthusiasm low ! Come and Crossland will show us how to solve the problem. Sore Lungs and Raw Lungs. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indicates. All people should knov thatJFoley’s Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy will quickly cure the soreness and cough and restore a normal condi tion. Ask for Foley’s Honey and Tar. Johnson Drug Co. TEACHERS INSTITUTE will be held at the Court House, for one day, Saturday Feb. 19. J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Qies H N Spence Cashier Farmer’s Business We give particular attention to the business of farmers. A checking account is a convenience |no farmer should be without. You may sometimes need help. We will make it our business to help you. | We cordially invite you to make this your Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. Statement of the condition of the THE PEOPLES BANK Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business January 31st 1910. RKSOURCE3 I.nans and Discounts Overdrafts Banking House Furniture and Fixtures... Due frnm Banks and Bankers In the State. 18.166.53 1, WI4.99 4.800 00 2,389.|» 6,809.25 6.363.90 Currency 2,436.00 Gold 240.00 Bllver, Nlckles and Pennies 82.1.25 Checks and Cash Items 3,350.17 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In Undivided Profits, less Current expenses and TaxcB Paid 2,782.74 Demand Certificates 4,261.85 Before me came G. C. Cook cashier of The I'eoplae Bauk. who being duly sworn, says that the above andiforegolng statement le a true condltton of said Bank,as shown by the books of file In said Bank. G. C. COOK, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of February 1910 W. O. Robinson, N. P. The Carroll Freee Press and Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jouurnal $1.50 A PROFUSION OF ARTISTIC ELEGANCE Illuminates our crockery display, a sight of which delights the eye quickens the fancy and refreshes the mind. Our designs on china beat those of the European pow= ers. They come in tea, dinner and salad sets, rivaling romantic landscapes in picturesqueness. Those beautiful cut glass jnovel* ties, too, are worth a descrip= tion in verse We only ask a peep, the wares will do the rest. AJewe\wv TYYJYURN' STORE" ^