The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, February 24, 1910, Image 1

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■ SsVuura Cumbers, •tpt * o 4- (Earroll 3ftn flrmL $383 r* THE OFFICIAL, ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEB. 24 1910 ~ ~ This Bank Is On The Honor Roll The comptroller of the Currency has placed this Bank on the Honor Roll, from the fact that our Surplus equals the amount of the Capital Stock. Few Banks in the whole United States are able to offer such security. We respectfully request a part of your business. NOTICE. A meeting ot the Carrollton Board of Trade is called lor Friday night, Feb. 25th, at 7 :3o p m at the | Halycon Club rooms. Business of much impor tance to Carrollton is to be taken up. A full attendance is requested C E Roop Pres, R W Adamson Sec. Bulletins Prom The ‘To Flor ida or Bust 1 ’ Tourists FIRST NATIONAL BANK Feb. 17 Barnesville, Ga. at 8:30 p. m. Raining to beat the band. Campbell Feb. 18 Macon, Ga. Hunting for warmer climate. Campbell. Feb. 20 Waycross, Ga. Stuck in the mud six hours in the night. Creel. OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 (Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent.) ^eb. 21 Jacksonville, Fla. Reach- j ed Jacksonville today, would have reached here Saturday but for I Camobell’s tire trouble. Maxwell [ running better than when 1 started ! Have had no trouble at all. I Tanner. r -9 We Respectfully Solicit Your PATRONAGE And Guarantee You SATISFACTION. The Peoples Bank, Carrollton, Ga. , J. R. ADAMSON, President, JOHN M. JACKSON. VIce-Pres. G. C. COOK, Cashier. Feb. 22 Guard get busy with plumbing. I need the money. Campbell Feb-22 Having a big time but Oh you mud and water. Sharpe. Feb. 22 In Jacksonville, 425 miles without a mishap, running some, hows that. Campbell. Feb. 23 In Jacksonville, having big time. Will be home next week(? Hamrick. Bledsoe-Creei. At the home of the bnde’s parents on Thursday evening last Miss Bessie Bledsoe and Mr Robert Creel were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by -Rev. Jesse M. Dodd at 9 o’clock. Only the immediate families and a few intimate friends were present. A delicious sweet course was served during the evening. The bride was one of Car> rollton’s most charming and lovable young ladies, Mr. Creel, formerly of Car rollton; but now of Jasper, Ala. holds a very responsible position there. Mr. and Mrs. Creel have hosts of who extend to them theii heartiest congratulations Reduced 27.50 & 25.00 Suits Reduced to 19.95 20.00 Suits Reducedto15 .95 18.00 Suits Reduced to 13.95 15.00 Suits Reduced to 12.95 All Boys Clothing _ 1-4 Off. Take advantage of these prices and buy while they last. I ONE PRICE HOUSE Prominent Speakers Will Be Here The Itinerant Agricultural School will be here this week and it gives us pleasure to an- uounce to the farmers and bush ness men of this and adjoining counties that the State College of Agriculture is sending for this meeiing p large number of its best speakers. Prof. W. A. Worsham, Jr., will appear first discussing the relative cost and sources of the essential elements of plant lood. The preservation and uses of manures is a live topic since any system of permanent agriculture must have live stock as its basis. There i3 a great loss through the improper handling of manure. Pres. A. M. Soule will handle the fertilizer problem in a way which should enable any farmer to Know how to cope intelligently with the fertilizer dealer and the latter should not lose this chance to learn the needs of the farmer and the changes that are almost inevitable if he does not get in touch with the educational wave which is sweeping over the cour try. Every one connected in any way with the handling of commercial fertilizers should be present to hear Pres. Soule. He will lecture Friday alternoon, February 25th. Cotton improvement is ably handled by Prof. Nixon. The general interest in the cotton plant should bring out a number ot questions from our tarmeis A spirited discussion often reveals many important facts which a lecturer does not bring out in the short time allowed on the program. Much good intorma- tion will be disseminated in the hoo&lectnre devoted to cotton. Df, A. G. G. Richardson, the College Veterinarian, will be here to diagnose and prescribe for all ailments and diseases of the horse, cow, hog and sheep. His services will be entirely free to anyone attending the meeting. If you have animals troubled with any ot tho following ail ments; digestive troubles, skin troubles, external parasites, lameness, teeth disorders, stom* ach worms, lung worms, hog cholera, shipping fever or milk fever, bring them to town or come to the meeting where Dr. Richardson will tell you how to treat ihem. The present high prices of living should cause evt ry familv in Georgia to grow their own vegetables. Prof. S. A. Minear has made a specially of trucking crops and will sho v you how and when to plant; you should know why without being told. He will conduct a demonstration in pruning and tell about spray ing tor the many injurious insects which are troubling the garden er and grower. There will be few times that a veterinarian is nBededif our farm animals are judiciously fed. Mal nutrition is the chief cause of digestive troubles and can be avoided by knowing how to combine the foods available to the Southern farmers . It is said that a horse, cow, pig and sheep together will excrete $60 worth ot manure every year. This value may be doubled or cut into half depending largely upon the kind of feed used. Successful corn and cotton growing seems to depend upon manure for max imum results. Prof. Hite will give three lectures on feeding farm animals and discuss seed corn improvement and a suitable rotation tor the live stock tarmer. Farm building will be given some attention by these lecturers. The morning session will be gin at 9 =30, afternoon session at 1:15, and night session at 8:co; something of great importance will take place at every session. The program is so arranged that you will find something to suit you every day. Do not miss any of these lectures. J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Pres. H N Spence Cashier Farmer’s Business We give particular attention to the business of farmers. A checking account is a convenience [no farmer should be without. You may sometimes need help. We will make it our business to help you. We cordially invite you to make this your Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. CITIZENS BANK Carrollton, Ga. Put your money in the Bank. Do not carry it on your person or hide it at home. When your money is depos ited in this bank, it is safe, and at the same time, is serving the public. A. K. SNEAD, Cashier. amH»a>»i>Wi>mKua»iiKi» nnuasa»aM»»^>a»iUi>M>nM Don’t fail to attend the Belch* ert Wright Company at Opera House Monday night. The Carroll Free Press and Semi-Weekly Journal for Atlanta $1.50 COPYRIGHT E.C? THE CHARM OE NATURAL BEAUTY. Is always increased by art. Good taste in the selection of jewelry cannot fail to excito a greater admiration for a beauti= ful face or figure. But it is of vital importance to moke jewelry rslections from a stock thorough- lr adapted to your purpose. At the store of Creel Jewelry Co., seekers for orignality in design and elegance of style in diamonds pearls and all feshionable stones and settings will find almost unique collection at very moder ate prices. si mm