The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 03, 1910, Image 1

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& ®hp (Earroli ;o' < Mh . . -i i ■■.*■. ■ ■rJrl' J ‘ ‘ : THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAR. 3, 19|Q >v This Bank Is On The Honor Roll The comptroller of the Currency has placed this Bank on the Honor Roll, from the fact that our Surplus equals the amount of the Capttal Stock. Few Banks in the whole United States are able to offer such security. I We respectfully request a part of your business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 (Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent.) We Respectfully Solicit Your PATRONAGE And Guarantee You SATISFACTION. The Peoples Bank, Carrollton, Ga. J. R. ADAMSON. President, G. G. GOOK, Cashier. JOHN M. JACKSON, Vice-Pres. L FOR LOVERS OF FINE JEWELRY. Our stock of the most artistic examples of the jeseler’s art off= ers an exceptional opportunity to indulge their taste and fancy. For those who prefer diamonds, we have some exquisitely ar ranged settings in ‘ pendants, rings and pins, or if you like pearls and other precious stones we have some superb necklaces, brooches, pins etc. Our prices offer also another great induce ment and as our guarantee is back of every article sold, you cannot go wrong. Which Shall It Be? Shall Carrollton continue to be known over the country just as a little country town, or shall it be known as a live, up-toidate hustling city? Citizens of Carrollton, it is up to you ! You are the ones who will have to decide the destiny of your town,, your business, your homes, and it we do not all work together in harmony we will never get the new Post Office Building. Twenty,five years ago Carroll' ton could well do without a Post Oflire Building and tree city de< livery of the Jmails. She wa then but a struggling town that has since grown by leaps and bounds into a city of no small dimensions; beautiful brick churches, school houses, busi ness blocks and modern resi dences now stand where then were only small wooden build* ings • we have an up'to-date sjs.em of waterworks and sewer age, a model fire company, electric light and telephone com panies, macadamized streets, manufacturing plants have been located here, the city limits have been recently extended, and last but not least the population has increased accordingly, all of which demands the new Post Qflice, and every citizen can help procure this by a more liberal patronage [of the office during the next four mouths. We have only to increase the total' receipts of this Joffice to $10,000 for the year ending June 30, 1910, just $2,o;o more than they were last year, and the postal authorities will give us the free delivery. If every business firm in the city will buy a years’ supply of stamps or stamped envelopes from the Post Office (a number have already agreed to do this) during these next four months, and others who may not need as many will buy 50c or 1.00 worth of stamps, without doubt the required amont over last years receipts ($2,oco) can be easily raised by June3oth. At the Board of Trade meet ing Friday night this matter was brought before that body and a committee of three was appoint ed to investigate and report on same at the next meeting. If the committee calls on you wiil you assure them of your support? If you have the welfare of your town at heart you will do all in your power to help get the Post Office. Any town that is not good enough to take a pride iu and work for its betterment is not good enough to live^ in and we would leave such a town. We are proud of our county and town and take pleasure in work ing for their welfare. It you feel the same way don’t be backward about letting it be known but go to work at once and let’s get the Post Office. Railroad For Bowdon. The petition of the Bowdon Railway Co. published in this issue of the Free Press will be of interest to our readers, and especially those living in the western and southwestern parts ot the county who have so long felt the need of a railroad. It is rumoied that the proposed road will run from Bowdon to Mandeville or Bremen. Why not make it from Bow don to Carrollton ? We are better able to help finance the road than either ot the two pro posed towns, and the charter which they are seeking will allow them to come here. Fol lowing is a section of the ap plication for charter we refer to: "4. Said road • will run from Bowdon, Georgia, in said county of Carroll in an easterly direction to some point on the Cen tral of Georgia Railway in Carroll county, Ga., or to some point on the Southern Railway in Haralson county, Georgia.” We trust that the Carrollton Board of Trade will take this matter up as soon as practicable as a road from Carrollton to Bcwdon would be of great benefit to both places. Mr. Frank Bass Dead, Our city and county loses anoth er prominent and highly esteemed citizen in the death of Air. B. F. Bass, who departed this life on Sun day, February 27th. The deceased had been indentified with our county and prominent in the business enterprises of our town for near forty years, and his genial manner and courteous attentions to all with whom he had dealings won for.him many warm friends who will miss him in the social and busi ness circles. Butinhs home and the family circle he will be missed most because o c his devotion to relatives and especially to his own family, the sorely bereaved -wife and children to whom we, in com mon with all our people, tender our warmest sympathy. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and will also be missed from that communion. Funeral services at the M. E. Church on Monday, 28th, were largely attended, being|conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. W. Quillian, other ministers and friends assisting and speaking most kindly of the departed, City Court. City Court will convene next Monday. /The criminal business will be taken up and disposed of the first week. Civil cases will be taken up on Monday of the second week. Jurors' and others concerned are requested to be at the court room promptly at 8 o’clock Monday morning. An Awful Eruption of a volcano ezeites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if you use Bucklens Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even £the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Best for burns, cuts, bruises, sore lips,, chapped hands, chilblains and piles. It gives instant relief. 25c at Johnson Drug Co and Fitts DrugCo J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Pres. ' HN Spence Cashier Farmer’s Business We give particular attention to the business of farmers. A checking account is a convenience [no farmer should be without. You may sometimes need help. We will make it our business to help you. W’e cordially invite you to make this your Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. CITIZENS BANK Carrollton, Ga. Put your money in the Bank. •See the BtseBall Goods at Camp Drug Store. Do not carry it on your person or hide it at home. When your money is depos ited in this bank, it is safe, and at the same time, is serving the public. A. K. SNEAD, Cashier. - r ;> Clothes Help Make The Han You are judged by the clothes you wear. If your garments are stylish, well fitting and nice appearing, they will create a good impression for you. If you [wear Stein Bloch and Spero, Michael & Son New York Made” clothes you will not have to think of your appearance. Your clothes will always be styl= ish, and you will look neat and well dressed. Come in and let us show you a Spring suit that will improve your appearance. ONE PRICE HOUSE "