The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 17, 1910, Image 1

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CttarrnU THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON 5 CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAR. 17, t9IO IT CANNOT BE IMPROVED For the settlement and payment of all (bills, ob ligations, and purchases, there has been, as yet,.no other method devised in the business world to equal or to take the place of the bank deposit and check system. Modern business methods have perfected this arrangement to such an extent that more than 95 per cent of the business the world over, ts trans acted in this macner. If you are still using the old carry-the-cash way of paying your bills, its time you adopted ihe modern plan of business safety. Have a check account with this bank. Why not join our large list of depositors and get the benefit of our large and modern banking facilities. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 Program Woman’s Missionary Society. March 21st, 1910 FIELD, KOREA. 1 The Country—location, size, population, etc—.using map 2 The People—nature, habits, dress, language, etc. 3 What has the W. F. M. S. done in 1909-10 4 What two missionaries in Korea supported by North Georgia Conterence? 5 Mary Helm School, Songdo, Korea. 6 An hour of opportunity. 7 What can we do to increase the efficiency of W F M S? diss eussion. 8 Missionary or Omissionary. 9 Missionary Bulletin. Meeting with Mrs Hugh Word, Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. XV We Respectfully Solicit Your PATRONAGE And Guarantee You SATISFACTION The Peoples Bank, Carrollton, Ga. J. R. ADAMSON. President, JOHN M. JACKSON, Vlce-Pres. 6. C. COOK, Cashier. 'd B. P. 0. E. Elect Officers. Officers elected Monday night for Catrcllton Lodge. No 1156 B PO E. H. Boatright Exaulted Ruler B C Bass Exaulted Leading Knight. B B Thomasson Exaulted Loyal Knight. C E Roop Exaulted Lecturing Knight. N C S Rhudy. Sec’y C E Smith, Treas. B A Chambers, Tyler. J P Travis, Trustee R. Lee Sharpe Replies To Another Wild Bray. City, March 14, 1910. Dear Sharpe: Did you see last weeks’ Times? The preat Ego flaps again—Your - Modern Printing Plant caused it, and I want to sa^ that I, in my humble capacity, cannot fathom why a man should lie so when everyone knows he is lieing. Maybe his mighty gall bag is exercised over you getting the contract for publish ing the Souvenir Book of Carroll County. Yours sincerely, Lit Mu Club Entertained. The Lit Mu Club was delight fully entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. L. M. Turner. The following program was very interesting: Haney’s Life Miss Janet McRae Poem—“ImThe Wheat Field” ^ Miss Mary Lon New Criticism of Haney’s Poems --j Miss Margaret Simonton Poem—"A Lyric’’ Miss Ethel Walthal Delicibus refreshrm nts of Waldorf salad^Qtomato J jell , with mayonaise, sandwiches, pickles, crackers and iced tea were served. 1 Contest Closes. The Piano Contest of Creel Jewelry Co. closed on the 15th inst. with a very lively finish. The number of contestarti who were taking the most active part in the contest had narrowed down to two—Mrs. D. A. Zach. ary Jand Miss Estelle Mcrrell, both of this city. Mrs Z .chary having the largest number of votes in the final count, wa9 awarded the piano, and Miss Estelle Merrell, a close second, wsa given a handsome diamond ring How Good News Spread, “1 am 70 years old and travel most of the time,” writes B F Tol son, of Elizabethtown, Ky. “Every where 1 go 1 recommend Electric Bitters, because 1 owe my excellent heaith and vitality to them, They effect a cure every time.” They never fail to tone the stomach, reg ulate the kidneys and bowels, stim ulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run down men and women, restoring strength vigor and health that’s a daily !oy. Try them. Only 50c and l.oo Sat isfaction is positively guaranteed by Joh'nson.Drtig Co. and Fitts DrugCo NOTICE. All persons are warned not to trade for or buy a certain note dated Nov. 5th 1909 and due- Dec. 1 1910 made to C B Sher rell or bearer and signed by E E. Smith and J. A. McDonald s for the principal sum of $108 »s the consideration in said note * as failed. E. E. Smith 4t Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic con stipation, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by W L Worhy Saved a Soldier’s Life. Facing death from shot and shell to J A Stone of Bemp Tex., then facing it from what doctors said was consumption. ”1 contracted a stubborn cold” he writes, that de veloped a cough, that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to I30 pounds Then 1 began to use Dr Kings New Discovery, which completely cured me. 1 now weigh I78 pounds, For coughs, colds, LaGrippe. asthma, hemorrhage, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough, and lung trouble, its supreme. 50c, 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Johnson Drug Co, and Pitt’s Drug Co. * EASTER NEWS OF NEW JEWELRY Time was when Easter drew near that the whole attention of the buying public was centered on new hats and new clothes. Not so now. Jewelry comes in for its share of attention and thought, and rightly so, for no toilet is considered complete without its accompaniment of appropiate Jewelry. New Easter Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Waist Sets and Buttons, and various other dainty articles are all assembled at our store for your inspection. Then, a gift for Milasy, to have an enduridg, appreciated reception, must be some bit of Jewelry, Cut Glass or Silverware. Buy Easter Jewelry Here * South West Corner Public Square, Carroll ton, Ga. Yes I read it. I am sorry he wrote it. Of course we are all used to his bellyaching, but when he breaks out with the colic and says his linotype cost $1500, a sum greater than the entire equipment of every other printing office in the county combined, he makes a statem ent that entitles him to a monu< ment to commit to the memory and sacred keeping of that great dean of American Prevaricating Journalism who whiled his life away for an ungratelul commun ity. For I don’t believe if a man took a fine comb and raked the lower regions over and skim med the seas that he could find a more colossal lie than the one thrust at the printing plants of Carroll County in the last issue of the Times. R. LEE SHARPE. P. S. Dear Reader-Patience is a virtue-a colicy baby must be put up with-and if you have the time-nurse him—walk the floor—listen'to his tale of woe— lor I can’t—the Board of Trade will not—and I am frank to say that if judgement day was at hand, and the Creator should send the angel Gabriel to blow his trumpet and warn the people this man Thomasson would be found standing in the back ground hollering : “As I was going on to say.” J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Pres- | H N Spence Cashier J Farmer’s Business We give particular attention :to the business farmers, A checking account is a convenience [no farmer should be without. You may sometimes need help. We will make it our business to help you. We cordially invite you to make this your Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. if i Hair turbans, hair nets, hair pins and ornaments.—AJ Baskin & Co. CITIZENS BANK Carrollton, Ga. Put your money in the Bank. Do not carry it on your person or hide it at home. When your money is depos ited in this bank, it is safe, and at the same time, is serving the i public. A. K. SNEAD, Cashier. An Awful Eruption of a volcano ezeites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if you useBucklens Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even ,the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Best for burns, cuts, bruises, sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains and piles. It gives instant relief, 25c at Johnson Drug Co and Fitts DrugCo Barred Plymouth Rock eggs from the very best stock. 15 for, 1.50. E T Jackson Carrollton Rt. 4 Get in the Easter Parade Even if you don’t wear the new Spring Suit on Eas ter day, it’s a source of satis faction to know that you have it and could wear it if you choose. Choose Stein-Bloch The Stein-Bloch spring patterns are exclusive and unrivaled in beauty. The Stein-Bloeh tailors have been in the Stein-Bloch employ for many years, and have raised tailoring from a trade to a fine art* The Stein-Bloch style is the last word of the great style centers of the world. These are reasons why Stein-Bloch clothes fii and suit the individuality of the wearer. Come to us and try one on for Easter I p , I; m?' j