The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, March 31, 1910, Image 1

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HOT *. »• Okrroll 3xn JJrpfiH. /f ;' V -V , L'“ • i?' «^V- «/; THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUN TY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAR. 31, 1910 PROTECTION AGAINST EIRE AND THIEVES Is secured for all valuables placed iu the First National Bank safety deposit vaults. Every big fire or report of a burglary, should remind you of the necessity of keeping your papers etc in a safe place. The box rent is only $2. 00 a year. FIRST * NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 FROM THE TIME This Bank was organized, it has had the repu tation for Courtesy and Liberality In Its Dealings, This Reputation will be maintained in our future transactions. CITIZENS BANK Carrollton, Ga. First Baptist Church Sunday. March 27th, 1910, Missionary Day, will stand out in the history of the First Bap tist Church of Carrollton and in the history of the Carrollton Association, [as, perhaps, the greatest day in the history of either up to this time." The Sunday School’s contri bution to home and foreign mis sions was sixty-three dollars. Alter a powerful missionary sermon by Rev. J. M, Dodd at 11 o’clock the church brought this year’s contribution to home and foreign missions up to seven hundred dollars. This is the largest amount ever given in one year to this cause by any church in Carroll County, and it is thought marks the beginning of greater activity among our peo pie along missionary lines. Cottage prayer meetings will be held Irom time to time in the homes of those who cannot at tend the services in the sanctuary The first of these services was held with Mrs. G. W. Merrell last Tuesday evening. The next one will be held with Mrs. Hug- gius on next Tuesday night. The “Sunbeams” ol the First Baptist Church will render a program next Sunday night. We Respectfully Solicit Your PATRONAGE And Guarantee You SATISFACTION The Peoples Bank, Carrollton, Ga. J. R. ADAMSON. President, JOHN M. JACKSON, Vlce-Pres. G. C. COOK, Cashier. Southern Land Co. Gives Away Piano. Chrysanthemum Club. Wednesday afternoon a num ber ol ladies met at theresidence of Mrs. S. C. Kytle and organ ized the Carrollton Chrysanthe mum Club. The object ol the Club is to encourage the cultivation of this queen of autumn flowers and to develop the flowers as near perfection as possible. The membership lee is 25c a year. Frizes will be awarded to the six best white, six best pink, six best yellow, finest bronze and red, and best general collection of crysanthemums. An invitation is extended to all to join the Club. The following officers were elected : President, Mrs. S. J. Boykin, Vice President. Mrs. Sid Holderness ; Secretary, Mrs C. H. Stewart; Treasurer, Mrs S. C. Kytle; Asst. Treasurer Miss Exa Jeau Neely. Splendid Offer Made by This ^ Company on Lots in Oak Lawn. The Southern Laud C om- pany, owners ol Oak l^awn, ad joining the beautiful residence districts of this city, are offering a piano or sewing machine free with each purchase. In an in terview with Mr. E. C. Albright their representative, he said: ‘‘I find a number of [your citizens surprised at our exceptional offer and being amazod and wonder ing how we can afford to offer such an inducement. The so lution is we have contracted with the Kruff Piano Company to allow us one to two hundred instruments in each state in which we operate in the South to introduce them. Hence our bargain sale here. We, like all large dealers, have adopted this method of closing out. Just one word in conclusion. I wish it understood that we have not adi vanced the prices : when the lot is two-thirds paid for we give this piano or {machine which h guaranteed lor ten years, and which retails through the North for $300 and $50 respectively. The people should grasp this opportunity which is at our sacrifice." sw>w>w>H>h>waK>H>KiH>)i sm»awana>»aK»aw»aw>MMi J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Pres. H N Spence Cashier Farmer’s Business We give particular attentionjto the business farmers. A checking account is a convenience [no farmer should be without. You may sometimes need help. We will make it our business to help you. We cordially invite you to make this your Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. Try a box of Sulphur and Cream of Tartar in Tablet form for your complexion. 23 cents at Camp Drug Co. I For Rent—7 room house, 5 res of land, in good repair, close in. Also 4 room house on Tanner st. Apply to].T. Young Price Low Enough For Everyone. Qurlity High Enough For Everyone. REESE ADAMSON, Agent for the BRUSH RUNABOUT Mrs. H. B. Adams Entertains. Mrs. H. B. Adams was the charming hostess of the Ladie’s Domino Club Friday afternoon. After several interesting games a delicious salad course was served, after which a short busi ness meeting was held and the score counted for the past year, Mrs. E. M. Bass having the highest score. Mrs. J. G. Cheney was elected as a member. The next meeting will be with Mrs. S. J. Boykin on Col lege St. ,>»«. y>ly flair Stressing GIRLS l^ - Why do you presist in wear ing your hair in that old fashion way ? Why not come to the Beauty Parlor and get your hair dressed a la mode ? I have braids, turbanettes and nets to match any. shade of hair, at a very reasonable price. Can also riU you people of those pimples, splotches and sallow complexions. Call and see me, Miss Jlanagan, National Bank Building, 3rd Floor, Rooms 32 and 34. _ Mr. John S. Jackson Dead. The many friends of Mr. John S. Jackson will be grieved to learn of his death which oc curred Sunday night at his home in this city. He had been in ill health for the past several months, and his condition had grown continually worse until death relieved him of his suffer ings. Mr. Jackson and family moved to Carrollton from Newnan about a year ago and during his short residence here had made a host of friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family.] Funeral services were held at the Central Baptist. Chuich, of which he was a member, Tuesi day and were conducted by Rev. Gibson, and the remains interred mthe city burial grounds NOTICE. This is to notify all persons not to contract with O L Fuller lor the year 1910 as he has made, a trade with me aad has been furnished and and a mule. D F Driver 4ts / Stein- Bloch Spring and Sum mer Smart clothes mastered—tailored from exclusive suitings woven on English, Scottish, and American looms HAVE ARRIVED They are ready for you to try on. 12.50 TO 30-00 ONE PRICE HOUSE