The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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ick F'uatm^V Carroll im JfrroeL THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1910 No. 5264 Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Carrollton in the State of Georgia, at the close of business March 29th 1910. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $268,863,70 Overdrafts secured and un secured 8,167,09 U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 100,000,00 Banking house, furniture & fixtures 35,000.r0 Due from National Banks, (not reservo agents) jlO.368,92 Duo from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies and Savings Bilk Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Notes of other Nat. Banks.. Fractional papor currency, nickels ana cents Lawful Money Kesurve In Bank, viz: Specie.. .10.1)61.55 Legal-tender notes 2,077.00 13,338,55 Redemption fund with U. S. Tress. 6% of circulation ... 6.00 (X) Due from U. 8. Treasurer 800.00 881,50 82546,11 682,36 1500.00 187,24 Total $450,265.03 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided profits less ex penses and taxos paid... 13.086,19 Nat.Bank Notes outstanding 100,000.00 Indlvlduni erposits subject to chick 122,902 60 Time certiflcstes of Deposit. 2:1,674.15 Certified checks 110 45 Cashier checks outstanding. 486.26 Total $459,265.66 STATE OF GEORGIA. County of Csrroll, S3 I, E B Brodnax, cashier of the above named bank, do solennly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. El) Brolnnx, Cashier, Subscribed ami sworn to before me this 6th. nay of April 1910.' \V. A. Lyle, Notary Public. CORRECT—Attest: L O Mundevllle ) W W Fitts f Directors. CBStmonton ) Statement of the condition of the CITIZENS BANK Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business March 29th 1910. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $132,193.33 Overdrafts 8,144.48 Furniture and Fixtures 3,000.00 Dae from Banks and Bank ers In the state 25,489,04 Due from Banks and Bank ers In other states 16,602.35 Currenoy 3,124.00 Silver, Nlcklos and Pennies 758.63 Total $189,306.1 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In $ 60,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent expenses & Taxos paid 2,990.99 Individual Deposits subject tochcck 60,915.40 Cashiers Checks 400.44 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificated representing Borrowed Money 75,000.00 Total $189,306.83 STATE OF GEORGIA, Carroll County. Before me time A K Snead cashier of The Citizens Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said hank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. A. K. Snead, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of April 1910. W. A. Lyle, C. N.P Statement of the condition of The Peoples Bank, Located at Carrollton, Ga., at the close of business .«( March 29th 1910. RESOURCES Loans and DUcounts 95.690.88 Overdrafts 2.717.68 Banking House 4,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures 8,(M17.07 Due from Banks and Bankers In the State 2,398.47 Due from Banks and Bankers In other States 3,223.90 'Currency 2,042.00 Gold 12O.00 Silver, Nlokles and Pennies 887.42 Cheoks and Cash Items 1,782.77 TOTAL LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In 66,000.00 Undivided Profits, loss Current expenses and Taxes Paid 4,210.81 Indlvual Deposits Subject to check 29,481.83 Demand Certificates 4,537.90 Bills Payable,Including time Certillcates representing Borrowed Money 18,500.00 116,729.54 Before me came G. C. Cook cashier of The Peoples Bauk, who being duly sworn, says that the above and .foregoing statement Is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. G. C. COOK, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of Aprll|l910 W. L. Robinson, C, N. P. | NOTICE 3jjJ With every Net I give a free # Hair Dress, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, MISS FLANAGAN First National Bank Building. Rooms 32—34. W .tij 3 «RP cm Cty) Census Enumerators for Car- roll County Named. Census Supervisor E. T. Moon, of the .Fourth District has named ihe fallowing enum erators for the county of Carroll all ot whom have been commis sioned and will begin their work on April the 15th : Enumeratiou District 1. Militia district 642, Villa Rica, exclud ing Villa Rica town. Mrs Mae Spence. Enumeration district 2, Villa Rica town, T. M. Hamrick. Enumeration district 3, Mi litia district 649, Temple [p $rt ol] including Temple town. All north ot Temple and Villa Rica public roads. Clarence E Rin ger. Enumeration district 4, Mis litia district 649, Temple [part ot] excluding Temple town. All south ol Temple and Villa Rica public roads. J E Edmondson. Enumeration district 5, Mi litia ^distiict 682, Whitesburg, including Whitesburg town. J M Watkins. Enumeration district 6, Mi litia district 713, Roopville, in cluding Roopville village. H G Garrett, Enumeration district 7, Militia district 713, Carrollton [part ol] excluding Carrollton town. All East ot Lowell and Bremen roads. D R Brock. Enumeration district 8, Mi litia district 714, Carrollton [part ol] excluding Carrollton town. All West ot Lowell and Bremen roads. J W Ballard. Enumeration district 9, Car rollton town, [part ol | All East of Dixie aud Rome streets. E B Merrell. Enumeration district 10, Car- rollion town [part of] All West of Dixie and Rome streets. W Raymond Robinson. Enumeration district 11, Mi litia district 729, Cross Plains, aDd Militia district 1298, County Line. L M Turner. Enumeration district 12, Mili tia district 1006, Smithtield, Arthur L Mann. Enumeration district 13, Mili tia district mi, Bowdon, in cluding Bowdon town, Shelly Z Downs. Enumeration district 14, M D 1112, Fair Play, J M Samples. Enumeration district 15, M D 1152, Kansas, and M D 1310, New Mexico, W E Bowen, Enumeration district 16, M D 1163, Lowell, H A Millican. Enumeration district 17, M D 1240,Turkey Creek, AGEarnest Enumeration district 18, M D 1371, Shiloh, W R Vowell. Enumeration District 19, M D 1436, Flint Corner, and M D 1483, Clem, John T Hearn. Enumeration District 20, M D i496,Mandeville, John W Hamil Enumeration district 20, M D 1527, Victory and M D 1533, Tyus, Mrs Elza B Shinn. Enumeration district 22, M D 1541, Banning and M D I54 2 » Hulett, Lunus J Fuller. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CARBOLLTOFT BJLLTKI Located at Carrollton, Georgia, at the close of business, March 29th 1910. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 205,43489 Overdrafts (Cotton) 27,043.13 Furniture and Fixtures 1,000.00 Dne from Bauks and Bankers in the state 242.53 Due from Banks and Bankers in other states 9>S37 69 Currency 1,828.00 Gold 3790.00 Silver, Nickles and Pennies 629.25 Exchanges for the clearing House 2,900.58 Total 25 2,406.07 Total— 252,406.07 State of Georgia, Carroll County Before me came H. N, Spence, cashier of Garrollto Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books in said bank. H. N. Spence, Cashier, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of April I9I0. W. S. Robinson, C. N. P, LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in_„__ 75,000.00 Surplus fund 48,000.00 Undivided profits,less current ex penses and taxes paid 1 3>354*t>3 Due unpaid dividends 584.00 Individual deposits subject to check 81,759.71 Demand certificates 23,708.33 Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Borrowed Money 10,000.00 Hamrick’s Post Cards of Quality. Before we went into the Post Card business, we had so many of our customers to ask us why we didn’t keep them—that they couldn’t get any nice cards in town ! So we decidi d to ex perimeDt, and three months ago bought the handsomest selection of cards ever shown in Carroll' ton, from the largest manutac- lurer in the business—and our sales justify us in our decision that our customers want nice cards. So, in the future, if you want handsome, ariis.ic cards you will lind them at Hamrick’s We have just received several thousand post card views of Car rollton, that we had made up to order — photographic finish. The views include A. & M. Col lege, all three buildings, Birds eye view of Carrollton, First National Bank Building, First Baptist Church, Presbyterian Church (the Methodist church will arrive soon,) Carroll county court house, Carrollton Public School, aud a view of Dixie street. Owing to the handsome finish of these cards we have to retail them at 25c per dozen. We have just added to our rack, braad new selection fresh from the press, including hand- colored prints, reprints of lam ous paintings, the famous Colby Dog cards, Harrison Fisher and the famous Christy pictures on cards, also some high class comics, lover cards, flowers and fancy cards. Remember we are going to carry a full showing of of uptodate artistic cards, and if you want cheap cards you will have to go to the other place to get them, We appreciate your patronage in this as well fs our other departments, and are glad that you have shown us that you want nice cards. Call to see us in our new location, south-west corner Public square, Carrollton. For Rent—7 room house, 5 acres of land, in good repair, close in. Also 4 room house on Tanner st. Apply to J. T. Young FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby rnnounce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Carroll county, subject to the action of the democratic primary, I do with all my heart thank the good voters for qoting for me in the last election, and I hope that my first year in office has not caused any voter to regret having voted for me, and if there has been a single error 01 mistake made, it is uuknown to me and contrary to my heart! Now assuring you that I shall be as convenient and accommodating and meet you at all publuc places aud give all the time I can under the law, and lor thip I earnestly solicit your support and influence in the primary. W. D. LEE, RT RC C Prompt relief in all cases of throat ann lung trouble if you use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healinri in effect. Sold by W. L. Worthy. Two Mighty Attrac tive Things About STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES The first one is the price. You get an exquisitely tailor ed product at a reasonable self-respecting price. The next attractive thing is the suit itself. Its style, drape and hang and exclus iveness of design are there in every line. These qualities discriminate the STEIN- BLOCH wearer from the crowd. You’ll feel the differ ence after you get £one on—so will other people. We carry the complete line of STEIN-BLOCH Spring and Summer Ready to Wear Suits. 12.50 TO