The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 28, 1910, Image 1

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lift Mov mvVcK 4, 04 Dr J P /■*!> ®lj* darrnli Im parraa. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY AND CITY OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28 <910 Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Carrollton, Georgia. As made to Comptroller of Currency at close of business March 29,1910 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts , J277.080.88 capital Stock 00 United States Bonds loo, OOO. OO Surplus Fund . . 100,000.00 Banking House . . . Undivided Profits 18,088.19 Due from Banks and cash on Hand Redempt ion Fund . 41,434.77 6,000.00 circulation , . . Deposits 100,000.00 1 4 6.179.46 Du. from United States Treasurer 800.00 9459,265.63 $469,285.86 I, E. B. Brodnax, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. B. BRODNAX. Cashier J. R. ADAMSON. President, JOHN M, JACKSON. Vlce-Pres. G. C. COOK. Cashier. The Peoples Bank, CAPITAL $60000.00 Carrollton, Ga. CITIZENS BANK Carrollton, Qa. Good Banking connection is an essential con dition of financial success. It Is Our Business to furnish this connection to the people in this section. It Is Our Policy to be just as liberal with our customers as |is con sistent with perfect safety, A. K. SNEAD, Cashier. NOTICE Will Veal Dead. It is with deep sorrow that we convey this sad news of the death of Mr Will Veal to his many friendi over the county. Mr. Veal was on the streets last Sa'nrday about eleven o’clock when he was stricken with paralysis, and was carried to his home on College street. Hit condition has been regard ed as serious since, with no im provement since confined to his bed. Today, (Thursday) his death occurred. Mr. Veal came to Carrollton last tall from Roopville, and has since held a responsible position with the Mandeville Mills, He was held in highest esteem by allwho knew him Hejteaves a wile aud one child. NOTICE. After giving the matter care ful consideration, and for busii ness reasons, some of which have recently arisen I have de • cided not to offer for Mayor of Carrollton. C. L. Walker. He Got ’Em Too ! Old Jack Frost came snoopin’ ’round, And saw our garden greens. He smacked his lips and sez, sez he, “Peas I love—but oh you Beans 1” —The Rustler. Notice Poultry Fanciers. A movement has been started among the Poultry Fanciers of this city to organize a Carroll County Poultry Association, the object being the advancement of the pleasant and profitable work ot raising thoroughbred poultry iu this county. It is just as cheap if not cheaper, to raise thorough' bred stock as to raise scrubs. The intentions are to hold a meeting soon and get the Asso ciation permanently organized and make arrangements for holding a Poultry Show next fall. The Association will have no connection whatever with the Fair Association. Everyone interested in this matter wiil please send his name and address to P. F. Brown, Care Free Press. Join the Carroll Poultry Association. County J T Bradley. Pres C H Stewart Vice Pr H N Spence Cashier Farmer's Business of That was a happy selection of Pres. Talt’s when he appointed Chas. E .Hughes, of New York, to the United States Supreme Court bench. Isti t it about time lor our Board ot Trade to have another meeting? Are there not matters ol importance to the future wel- (are of our city demanding corn si deratio n? The following names have been mentioned for Georgia’s next governor, Jos. M. Brown, Hoke Smith, State Senator Hard eman and Judge Fite. How about Warner Hill or Murphy Candler? Odd Fellows Meet in Newnan. Quite a number of Odd Fel lows Irom this p ace together a number of the order irom the other lodges in the county spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Newnan in attendance upan the annual meetiop of the Ninth Division of he State. Col. Le □ Hood of this city was ire-elected D D G M lor ensuing year. The visitors report a splendid time. Grand Master, John P Davis of Rome, attended the meeting and added much to the interest of the occasion. The members of Newnan Lodge served an ex cellent barbecue Wednesday. The next meeting will be held at LaGrange, Ga. Card of Thanks. Editor Free Prers—Will you please allow me space to thank my neighbors lor their kind as* sistance and words oi comfort during the long and paintul illness of our son and brother. We appreciated your loving words and kind deeds, we can not command words enough to express. We feel that they are recorded in the Book ol Lile, and that |some sweet day you snail receive a reward such as wej can never give. May the blessed Savior ever comfort and guide you is our prayer. R. Grizzard and family We give particular attention ;to the business farmers. A checking account is a convenience no farmer should be without. Yon may sometimes need help. We will it our business to help you. We cordially inviti you to make this Banking Home. CARROLLTON BANK, Carrollton, Ga. make your amngmmmmswsmmmnmmmmmm THE COLE BRICK COMPANY Will furnish you First Class Brick in any amount from 100 to 100000000. PHONE 291 Office 31, First National Bank Building. CARROLLTON, GA. Blessings sometimes come to us in disguise, and it this cold snap results in larger planting ol corn and potatoes than otherwise contemplated, the evil results will be mitigated, although our good Texas brethren claim that cotton-seed meal makes firsts class biscuits. All honor to the brave heroes now in session in Mobile, Ala. Togethei with their dead comi radi s called home before them, they deserve to be ever held in glorious remembrance ; and too much cannot be said in praise of the noble women who have labored so lovingly and faithfully to eredt a fitting monument to their memory. I have bought the Bass Harness Shop on Alabama Street, and have employed Mr D. W. Keller, an old experienced Harness Maker. Mr Keller was formerly with J. A. Mitchell, We are pre- „ rp j t o serve you with the best repair work at reasonable p . 0„11 * c for Rridles. Collars prices. Call on us for Bridles, Collars and Harness. Cumby Harness Co. Carrollton 18, Cedartown O The Carrollton High School de feated the Cedartown High School here last Friday by the score ot 18 to o. The features of the game was the pitching of Morris, striking out 15 and al lowing but two hits, both in the ninth and the batting ot Burns, getting 4 hits out of 4 times at bat. Batteries; Carrollton, Morris and New. Cedartown ; Liddell, Fielder and Lynch. Public Library. In a few days five of the latest and brightest books of fiction will be on our shelves, and also ‘ From the Bottom Up,” a thrilling autobiography of a suc cessful man, and “The Church and Labor” by Chas Stelzle. Librarian. Beautiful line of ladies Neck wear. Weems O Baskin Just a word to our boys and young men. Go 10 work. Henry Ward Beecher well says, “Idle ness is begun when labor is a burden rnd industry a bondage, aDd if you are idle you are on the road to ruin, and there are few stopping places upon it.” The bone and sinew of our land are not those who live in idleness, but those who do things. Not the dude, or the sport, or the man in the limelight, but the man who works. Such men together with the women, who are too busy with household and religious duties, to have time for bridge and such like, are they who make our country what it is, the happiest, best and most prosperous country of the world. Don’t loaf on the streets. You had better be engaged each day in rolling a stone up hill and letting it roll down again, than doing nothing. Such exercise will give you good muscle and will iu time, rest assured, bring you to a job. Wanted a Boy. To learn the printing business one that doesn’t watch the clock and one that wants to learn from office boy up. R Lee Sharpe- farmer: THE BRUSH Will Save You Time And Money. PRICE $510.00 REESE ADAMSON, Agent. Jno. M. Butler has recently added a harness repair shop to his shoe business, and has en gaged E C Worthen for this work. Mr Butler invites the patronage of the public in this line of work, aud the invitation will be accepted by many. Bowdon Railway Company. The Stockholders of the Bow don Railway Company met last Thursday aud elected a board ot directors and trarsacted other business that means a great deal for the industrial welfare 11 Bow don. The board ot directors are, J L Lovvorn, Pres; J M Terrell, Vice Pres.; J W Barrow, R M Lovvorn, H J Reaves, T J Lov vorn, and G W Traylor. The surveyors lave been in the field for two weeks and will finish the first survey Irom Man deville this week. They then will run a line direct to Bremen, and probably one to Canollton. While it is not certain just now, what route the road will traverse, but i: is the general opinion of all *hat it will tap the Central at Mandeville, and go into Bremen over the C ntral tracks, The officers are our best busi ness men, and havejjample funds to insure building and success of the enterprise. A meeting of the stockholders has been called for the 25th of May, at which fifty |per cent of the stock subscribed will be paid in, and then the contract for the grading will be let about the first of June, The road will be completed in time to move the 1910 crop.—Bowdon News. Democratic Mass Meeting. The Democrats ot Carroll county are invited to meet in the Caurt House the first Tuesday in May (3rd) at 10 o’clock a. m. for the purpose of electing an ex ecutive committee to serve for tha next two years and to attend to any other business that may come before the body. W.O. Parry, choirman. G. A. Hogan, secretyry. Jewelry For Your New Costume. We have many novel ar ticles for wear and adornment that Jwill add to the beauty and attractiveness of your New Spring Costumes. All In Our Depen dable Quality. South West Corner Square, Carrollton, Ga.