The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, April 28, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRE83, CARROLLTON, GA. 99000000000000000090^^^^00 § LET US SUGGEST § o o o If your watch or jewelry is in need of re- 0 0 pairs we will execute the work in the most 0 o skillful manner and at a moderate cost. o o © © © © © © © © © © © Give Us Your Work and we will give SATISFACTION. All repairs in charge of Tom Coleman. 1 Southwest Corner Public Square. Carrollton, Ga, 00000090000000000000909000 o © © © © © © © © © © © Rubinstein’s Free Seat. A pianist who was pre-eminently successful in his day was Rubin stein, who traveled nearly the whole world over delighting people with his genius, lie was very much an noyed by requests for complimen tary tickets, but most of the time lie maintained his composure, even though justly irritated. It is told of him that just before one of his recitals in London he was accosted by an old lady in the entrance hall and thus addressed: “Oh, Mr. Rubinstein, I am so glad to see you! 1 have tried in vain to purchase a ticket. Have you a seat you could let me have ?” “Madam,” said the great pianist, “there is but one seat at my dis posal, and that you are welcome to if you think fit to take it.” “Oh, yes, and a thousand thanks I Where is it ?” was the excited reply. "At the piano,” smilingly repus* Kubinsiein. Who Ownad tha Fleh. There is in Wales a creek fiva miles long, connecting two small lakes. About fifty persons own property along this creek, and for years and years the people have dis puted aB to who owned the fish in it. Not long ago two boys got into a fight over the fish they were catching, and the dispute was at last carried into the courts. The decision of the judge was odd *mough. He decreed that any one claiming to own any of the fish •hould attach a brass tag to the tails of the fish with the owner’s name in plain letters, and that in the future he must catch his own fish or none at all This unique decision put an end to the dispute.—Chicago Rec ord-Herald. f Sail Bearing Fiahea. ( Various marine animals possess organs which, raised above the sur face, act as sails, by means of which they are propelled along the water. Among these may be mentioned the Portuguese man-of-war and the pa per nautilus. Certain fishes, it ap pears, use the same method of pro gression, the dorsal fin acting as a sail. Brousonnet called such fishes Poissons voiliers. And the scientific name histiophorus {sail bearer), giv en to a genus of fish, implies a sim ilar belief. In a contribution to the zoological Janrbuch The Newspaper. Most everyone knows of Arthur Brisbane, whose salary is said to be about equal to that of the President of the United States. Here’s what he has to say in regard to newspaper ad vertising, at the same time pay ing his respect to “fogies,” who still exclaim “advertising doesn’t pay.” ‘•That the millions spent yearly in advertising Jis in the end a saving to the {customer, that only fogies continue to think they pay more for adver tised commodities that the mil lions spent in this way is an in aurance Against fraud were some of the statements of Arthur Bris- bene at a luncheon given March 24 by the Chicago Advertising Association. ‘A man who advertises a business properly' is a distributor and helps to economize for the consumer,’ he said. ‘If a man manufactures a million articles and advertises them he can sell them cheaper than the man who makes a thousand and does not advertise. “The old fashioned think they pay more for advertised ar tides They pay less and are protected. The man who spends $10,000,000 in advertising is building a reputation the same as if he bought bricks and built a building. He can no more af ford to be lalse to his word and lose that reputation ithan he could affoid to set fire to his plant. “ ‘The advertiser ought to say. “I have spent so much money to buy a reputation and just that much is behind every statement I make.” You havej here in Chicago one ot the I greatest advertisers in the world. I The people do not adveitisej their goods. They have spent | fortunes advertising quality and people believe what they say. ’ “ ‘Daily and Sunday news paper advertising is the quickest and surest of building a reputa- tion. It pounds at the consumer every day. The trouble with Snow Was God-Send to Georgia Peaches. Commissioner T G Hudson says that truit in Georgia was not hurt by the cold and snow Sunday night and Monday, but ANNOUNCEMENTS. For State Treasurer. To The People of Georgia: The Hon. Pope Brown having declined to become a candidate to succeed himself as 1 1 i Decome a candidate to succeed himself as hat cotton has been injured .stateTreasurer I hereby announce myself a almost fifty percent by the snow 'candidate for that office, subject to the ac- and unfavorable weather which tl0n ° £ th ? Democratic party at the next 1 .» j . primary for the selection of statehouse has prevailed during the past ten days. He says that even be fore the snow fell much of the cotton that came up has died un der the cold, and that a good deal ot seed has rotted in the ground. He says the best thing the farmers can do is to re-plant where the weather suddenly changes and unless thecondi.ion becomes ideal lor the next ten dp.ys. Tne snow fall in Atlanta was 1 1-4 inches Monday morning. The t^myerature fell to u Q I hereby announce mysely as a candidate J y for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver officers. My candidacy is based on my qualifica tions to fill the office of state 1 treasurer, as demonstrated by long and faifhful service formerly in that capacity, from which office I voluntarily retired several years ago on account of ill health. My health havingbeen restored I would like to fill ihe {office again and to that end *1 {beg the support of the people. Very respectfully, Wm. J. SPEER. EOR TAx RECEIVDR. I am a candtdate for Tax Receiver, sub ject to primary. Your support respectfully solicited. Gus Nix FOR TAX RECEIVER degrees. Both the s'iow fall and the cold breaks all records for so late a date here. In fact, says Weather Observ er Von Hermann the minimum temperature here was the lowest recorded in the United -States. The snow, it is said, instead of hurting the fruit, proved a proi tection for it, because a tempera ture lower than freezing cannot ha«'e betn reached under cover let of snow. State Kutomologist Worsham says : “I am certain the fruit in south and middle Georgia wasn’t hurt, and I don’t think it suffered seriously north of here. It is my opinion that the entire Georgia peach crop escaped without in jury. “Many of the earlier peach e? are half grown, and the rest are deueloped to where they are hardy enough to iwithstand'very unfavorable weather. The snow afforded protection. Vegetation is not hurt by snow. Louis Delia claims that other genera are also - — i ~-j- _ sail bearers. Ke suggests also that average man is that he will among the cetaceans the grampi* 1 advertise a heater only when it and bottle nosed whale may maka^is cold. He should pick the hot a similar use of tb» fin. Painting Wagner’s Picture. Sir Hubert von * nerkomer, the celebrated English artist, described his experience in painting the por trait of Richard Wagner without a sitting. Wagner in 1877 was intro ducing his music to English udi- ences, and he permitted the ymng artist to be with him at his h ruse, Bee him day by day and watch him. iWhen Wagner was asked when he Intended to sit he replied, “He sees me all the time.” That went on for a month. Then the artist start ed one Friday on the portrait, work ed at it all day at white heat, slept badly all night and worked again all day Saturday. By the evening it was finished, and the next day he took the portrait, glazed and framed, to Wagner. Then came a change over the great musician. He was delighted. The Silk From the Cocoon. In attaining full growth the silk worm stops feeding and throws out silken thread. The silk is formed in a fluid condition and issues from the body of the worm in a glutinous state, apparently in a single thread From this silk tha worm constructs its cocoon, aa interval of from three to five days being required to complete its imprisonment in the envelope. In order that the silken strands may not be subjected to the danger of breakage by the moth emerging from the cocoon the cocoons are steamed till the in closed insects are dead. After thif the silk may be wound off. test day ot thp summer and say • “It is hot JaS the devil today. Next winterwjll be just as cold ” Then when winter comes the consumer is tamuiar with that particular heater.”— Exchange. Courtesy and Celerity. Judge Talialerro was holding court back before the war, in the lit'le [courthouse ot Citron- elle, Ala. It was a cloudy spring afternoon, and a ver}' difficult and puzzling case was on. The lawyers wrangled, quoted from great law books and broke into grand flights of eloquence, while Judge Taliaferro listened solemn ly, or gazed out of the window at the approaching storm. It grew darker. The Judge snatch ed a sheet ot paper, scribbled a line or two upon it, and placing it beneath a paper weight, took up his hat. “Colonel,” he said briskly to the lawjer who had the floor, “excuse me fo’ interrupting yuh sir; I want you to go right on with yo’ argument, fo’ its a darned good one. But, Colonel, I just nacherly got to set out my potato slips. But you go right on, Colonel; j|and, Majah, you follow him up, an’ when you two get through you’ll fiud my decisionunder this here weight.” And JJthe Judge disappeared through the door before the lawyers had time to exchange one astonished glance !—Detroit Press. Wise or Otherwise. Editor Free Press : Will you allow me space in your valuable paper to express my opinion in regard to all day siogiDgs. As I have been asked if 1 believed if there was any harm in an all day singing? Ot course my dear readers, I might say, yes I believe there is harm in all day singings, or I might say that I did not. It would only be my opinion, either way I would say. It doesn't make it true tor any one to spend his opinion on a thing unless he has evidence to prove it. As to opinions one man has much right to his as the other, then when refering to such things as to whether it be. right or wreng in having all day sing- iugs we have no evidence; but should let such things be Judged according to good judgement and sound reason. 1 am going to ask through this letter that some ODe who is so opposed to all day singings, and are always ready to object to them will give their reason and where they got it that it is not right to have all day sing ings. It has always been my ex perience aud understanding that Christian people loved music and would invite singeis to help them. I want to say my dear reader there never Wos a be- in disorders and dis eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies* remedies. 19 is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR SALK BY ADD DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child's 6ketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Duck Penny. SCOTT a BOWNE, 408 P.aH St.. N. Y. o£ Carroll County, subject to the action of the democratic primafy. I do with all my heart thank the good voters for voting for me in the last election, and I hope that my first year in office has not caused any voter to regret having voted for me, and if {there has been a single error or mistake made, it is unknown to me and contrary to my heart. Now assuring you that I shall be as con venient and accommodating ,and meet you at all public places and give all the time I can the law, and for this I earnestly solicit your support and influente in the primary. W. D. LEE, R. T. R. C. C. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby aanounce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Carroll County subject to the action of the democratic primary. Will say to the people thut I will greatly appre ciate their support. Respt. WALTER MORGAN FOR TAX RECEIVER I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Carroll County, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Having been as sociatepwith the Tax Collector and Re ceiver for several years, I feel competent to fill tfce office with credit to myaelf and all those connected there with Thanking you in advance, I am yours, H. B. LANE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE His friends announce the name of G. D. Glass as candidate for the lower boose of the General Assembly, subject to such rules and regulations as may bn formulated by the County Democratic Executive Commit tee. Judge Glass is in a {position to know the deeires and need of the Ipeople, and if he is elected as our 'representative would trp to execute their will. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce for Treast urer of Carroll County subjieet to the action of the primary election when ordered. Thank ing my friends, the voters of |the count>, for past Kindness I as sure them that I will greatly ‘ap preciate their support in the coming ele- tion. As many ot you know 1 am blind and have a wife and three children depen dent upon m / efforts. Very respectfully, E. . Johnson. See Stewart & Fleming if you need a buggy. We have just re ceived two cars. We buy in cars save the high local freight charges, and get the discount for cash. W. H. BISHOP, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON., Calls promptly filled day or night. Residende, Cedar St. Phone 139. Office in West Building up stairs in room formerly occupied by Dr. J. F, Cole. Phone 311. Carrollton, Ga, liever in Christ that would object to good music. There is nothing that is more touching than good singing? I want to say you will find where we are commanded to praise God with songs and with the organ. What kind of hearts would it be that could not be touched b> good music? Our blessed Book teaches us that there is music in heaven. Then dear readers that settles this queslion with me, for my desire is to live while on earth so as to gain a home in that heavenly city where we can sing praises unto God lor evpr. Now unless you bring some proof that it is wrong to have all day singings I will continue to stand in favor of them and think I am right. H E Reeves Diarrhoea should be curep with out loss of time and medicine which like Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no un pleasant after effects- It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Said by W L Worthy. your Vudor Shades makes porch cool and pleasant. Carrollton Hardware Co S.S.S FOR * • BAR BLOOD The most important part of the human system is the blood. Every mus cle, nerve, tissue, bone and sinew is dependent 611 this vital fluid for nour ishment and strength necessary to maintain them in health and enable each to perform the different duties nature requires. Even the heart, the very “ engine ” of life, receives its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since so much is dependent on this vital fluid it can very readily be seen how necessary it is to have it pure and uncontaininated if we would enjoy the blessing of good health. Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities^ humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow’ complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the flesh, often from a very insignificant bruise or even seatcli or abrasion. If the blood was pure and healthy the place would heal at once, but being loaded with impurities, which are discharged into the wound, irritation and inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Bad blood is also responsible for Anaemia. Boils, Malaria, etc.; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish tiie nourishment and strength required to sustain the body, and a general run-down condition of health results. S. S. S. is nature's blood purifier and tonic; made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison that may be there, restores lost vitality’, and steadily tones up the entire system. It adds to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, and in every way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess of acid in the blood, making it fresh and pure, and perma nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and eruptions S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Malaria, and all other diseases or disordtrs arising from bad blood. Book on the blood and •ay medical advice desired free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Your S. S. S., In my opinion, is as good a medicine as can be had; it simply cannot be improved upon as a remedy to purify and enrich the blood and to invigorate and tone, up the system. This spring my blood was bad and I was run down in health, and having seen your medicine highly advertised I commenced its um. Today my blood is in fine condition and zhy general health is of the best. Am filling posi tion as fireman for a large concern here, and if I was not in good physical condition it would be impossible for me to fill the place. Your S. S. S. has been of great service to me and I do not hesitate to give it the deserves. WM. F. VANDYKE. 815 Fifth Street, Beaver Falls, Penn. Just Think How Refreshing OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO©© 8 © © © © © 0 © © o 0 o 0 © o o © © 0 © o o © o o o of IS — i ©00©©©©©©©©©©©©©®®$q$$®$$« © FREE SEED CORN AT $ © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © FREE SEED CORN AT A. & M. SCHOOL Fair Association has bought several bushels of seed corn for general distribution. Any farmer in the county can get enough of this corn to pla-tit, provided he will agree to make an exhibit 6 • a * r October and leave enough of his ex hibit with the Fair Association to reimburse for seed etc. The corn that has made the highest record at the experiment station has been bought Call at A. & M. School and get your corn. — J WUl VW1U, 2 ©000090000009000000000 OOOi Carrollton fruit Co., We keep the Best Fruit pro curable at all times. Prices low, prompt delivery. Phone 54. Newnan Street. Carrollton, Georgia. RUSSEL~SMITh~GARAGE AUTOMOBILE Repairing, Storage, Supplies. Bass Building Tanner Street. Russell Smith Garage.