The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, May 05, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, QA. fm*' ‘ Copyright Hirt Schalfner 8c Mari If you look on or take part in the game, we’d better fit you to clothes; Mart Schaffner & Marx and Kirschbaum all-wool quality. You’ll enjoy your self better; and look right. Suits $12.50 to 27.50 All the other Wearables you need. This Store is the home of hart Schaff ner & Marx Clothes, Boyden and Barry Shoes, Stetson and No-Name hats. YOUR STORE Medical Association is After house Fly. For the purpose of wageing a further war against the house fly along the plan mapped out by ihe committee on contagious dis. eases of the Georgial Medical Association, a large supply of literature has been recievcd by the school board of every coun try in the state and the bulletins will be destributed through the agency of the pupils. The campaign against con. tagion will not stop here, but advances will continue during the future, supported by the S . te School Superintendent Pound. The house fly is deemed the most preva ent as well as one of the best recognized mediums hrough which diseases germs are spread. In the schools where the best methods are being carried out the master ot contagious diseases and precutions for avoiding such are calling forth the best efforts of the teachers. The school children are being taught all the best ways in helping to distroy diseases germs whicU are so often prepat ed in foods. The circular states that the fly is the most dangerous insect known to man and that it is the filthiest of all vermin and gives the best method in ridding res idence of the flies, as well as destroying the breeding places for them. It is believed that this cam. paign will result in much good as the children will not only be taught lor fuiture denefit but their knowledgewill a beneficial influence in their homes at present. Cleanlinei s is he sworn and effectual foe ot the tjphoid fly. A recent issue ot Suburban Lite gives the following explicit and easily followed instructions tor insuring cleanliness, as they apply to the elimination of the fly with death on his feet. Spiiokle the garbage cans with lime or kerosene, and keep them constantly covered • Do not allow decayed vege table or any other ,material to accumulate. Keep your prem ises clean. Be caretul "that all doors are screened. Screen all food, if it is not pos sible to keep the flies from it in any other way.' To kill flies in the house, dis solve 318 grains of bichromate of potash in ten ounce of water. It should be sweetened with sugar and placed in shallow dish es throughout [the house. This material is |cheap, can be pur chased at the drug store. Another mixture is one part formaldehyde (form linI and four parts of water. If this preparation is placed in tins or saucepans about he house, it will prove very effective, as it attracts the flies, and kills them iustsntly. - Ex. Commander Julius Pratt Post No. 143 Dept. III., G. A. R. Mr Isaac Cook, Commcnder of above Post, Kewanee, 111., writes: “For a long time 1 was bothered with backache and pains across my kidneys. About two months ago I started tekidg Foley’s Kidney Pills and soon saw they were doing just as claimed. 1 kept on taking them and now 1 am free from backache, and the painful bladder misery is all gone. I like Foley's Kidney Pills so .veil that I have told many of my friends and comrades about them and shall recommend them at every opportunity.” Johnson Drug Company. For More Than Three Decades, Foley’s Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For infants and ohildren it is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. None genuine but Foley’s Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Johnson Drug Company. Foley’s Kidney Pills are antisep tic, tonic and restorativ and a prompt corrective of all urinary ir regularities. Refuse substitutes. Johnson Drug Co. William Lucius Adamson. Just as the dawn with rosy fingers, drew back the dark cur tain which covered the earth aod let in the liiegiving rays ot the sun, the spirit Lucius Adamson ol entered ANNOUNCEMENTS. For State Treasurer. To The People o£ Georgia: . j The Hon. Pope Brown having declined to William : become a candidate to succeed himself as the State Treasurer I hereby announce myself a „ | candidate for that office, subject to the ac- Gates of I earl to bask forever {ion of the Democratic party at the next in he sunlight of His love. I primary .for the selection of statehouse This was on April 30 and! om . c .' rs ' ... ... .., * J My candidacy is based on my qualifica- ons to fill the office of state 'treasurer, as demonstrated by long and faithful service formerly in that capacity, from which office I voluntarily retired several years ago on account of ill health. My health having been restored I would like to fill the "office again and to that end "I Jbeg the support of the people. Very respectfully, Wm. J. SPEER. EOR TAx RECEIVDR. I am a candtdate for Tax Receiver, sub ject to primary. Your support respectfully solicited. Gus Nix FOR TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce mysely as a candtdate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver when the tidings were spread , tions to fill the office of state'treasurer, as many hearts were saddened, many spirits grieved; for was not this liowdou's oldest citizen, the beloved of her people, “Uncle Billy” whom they rev ered on account of his sterling worth and loved tor his gentle kindness. It is not given to all men in old age to have the love and confidence ol the young, yet, little , children, maidens and youths loved to visit this man who was always interested in o£ Carroll County, subject to the action of . , ... . . , the democratic primafy. I do with all my them and anything which gave wider opportunity for the devel- opement of good in our future citizens- while the old continued to his sape counsel kuowing that with experience he united a judgement clear and sound. Born in Henry county June 10, 1828, W L Adamson spent his early years on a farm, living close to nature and |building a splendid health which was to last until ripe old age. At the age of eighteen he professed laith in Jesus Christ and joined the Methodist Protestant^ churco at Concord, Henry county : so, lor sixty tour years he stood tor ^truths which millions hold dear today. He was married to Miss Rachel Russell Robinson and they moved to Atlanta. Four children, two of whom are living blessed this union. During those stirring days from 1861 to ’65 he served faith fully the cause of his loved Southland and when the war was ended he, with others, bt- gan building anew. In 1867 Mr Adamson moved to Bowdon, then as now, noted for its educational interests, where he hoped to find the best advantages for his children. Since that time he has been a citizen of this place, always identified with its best interests, striving lor its good. Here his family was reared to young man hood and womanhood ; one ol his sons, Dr Lucius Adamson, being for a short time president ol Bowdon College, then going to New York where he died 1902 In 1904 Mr Adamson was married to Miss Hattie Warner. He is survived by his wile, his son, N E Adamson, ot Rome, and a daughter, Mrs T A C Smith, ol Carrollton. Death came to him sweetly releasing him from ceaseless pain and taking his spirit to Him who loved him and to the dear ones in the glorious home of the blest. With those left there is sorrow—yet who would call ones loved ones back, who rob him of one moment ot peace and^lory? Shall we not rather prepare ourselves to go to him and share with him the glories of the beautiful city whose maker and builder is God. He wished that we grieve not, lor he said with Tennyson, "Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me; And may there be no moaning ofthe bar, When I put out to sea." “For tho' from out the bourne of tim v ‘ and place, The flood may bear far; I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar.” What Everybody Wants. Everybody deaires good health which is impossible unless the kid neys are sound and healthy. Foleys Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first indication of any irregulari ty and a serious illness may be av erted. Folliey’s Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys aud bladder to thier normal state and activity. Johnson Drug Co. Flying Machines A few years ago flying machines were hardly thought of, nor was Scott’s Emulsion in summer. Now Scoff’s Emulsion is as much a sum mer as a winter remedy. Science did it. ah Din«gi«ta primafy. I do witb all my heart thank the good voters for voting for me in the last election, and I hope that my first year in office has not caused any voter to regret having voted for me, and if ^there has been a single error or mistake made, it is unknown to me and contrary to my heart. Now assuring you that I shall be as con venient and accommodating ,and meet you at all public places and give all the time I can the law, and for this I earnestly solicit your support and influente in the primary. W. D. LEE, R. T. R. C. C. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby aanounce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Carroll County subject to the action ofthe democratic primary. Will say to the people thut I will greatly appre ciate their support. Respt. WALTER MORGAN FOR TAX RECEIVER I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Carroll County, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Having been as sociatep with the Tax Collector and Re ceiver for several years, I feel competent to fill the office with credit to myself and all those connected there with Thanking you in advance I am yours, H. B. LANE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE His friends announce the name of G. D. Glass as candidate for the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to such rules and regulations as may bn formulated by the County Democratic Executive Commit tee. Judge Glass is in a ^position to know the deeires and need of the tpeople, and if he is elected as our representative would trp to execute their will. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce lor Treasi urer of Carroll County subject to the action of the primary election when ordered. Thank ing my friends, the voUrs of |the count\, for past Kindness I as sure them that I will greatly ,ap preciate their support in the coming ele- tion. As many ot you know I am blind and have a wife and three children d*peu- 1D dent upon m^ efforts. Very respectfully, E. . Johnson. See Stewart & Fleming it you need a buggy. We have just re oeived two cars. We buy in cars save the high local freight charges, and get the discount for cash. S.S.S CURES .MALARIA Lion Fondles a Child. In Pittsburg a savage lion fond led the hand that a child thrusted into his cage. Danger to a child is sometimes great when least regard ed. Often -it comes through colds, croup, and whooping cough. JThey slay thousands that Dr JKing’s New Discovery could have saved. “A few doses cured our baby of a very bad case of croup,’ writes Mrs George B Davis, of Flat Rock N C “We always give it to him when he takes Jcod. Its a wonderful medicine for babies.” JBest for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, hemmorhages, weak lungs. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guarranteed by Johnson Drug Co, Fitts Drug Store. The High Cost of Living. Increases the price of many neces sities without improving the quality Foley’s Honey and Tar maintains its high standard of excellence and its great curative qualities without any increase in cost. It is the best remedy for coughs, colds, cronp, whooping cough and all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. Johnson Drug Co Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Georgia, Carroll County. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of J. A. Aycock, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their demands to uswithin the time pre scribed by law, propery made out; and all persons indebted to said deceased are here by requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This April 6th, 1910. Mary E. Aycock L. C. Mandeville H. 0. Lovvorn E. B. Brodnax Executors J. A. Aycock, deceased. Large stock best 1.00 Over allB 95c —Weem: O Baskin . Malaria is due to impurities and poisons in the blood. Instead of being rich, strong and healthy, the circulation has become infected with germs of disease which destroy the rich, red corpuscles that furnish nourishment and strength to the body, and reduced this vital fluid to such a weak, watery condition that it is no longer able to keep the system in health, or ward off the countless diseases and disorders that assail it. The loss of these red corpuscles takes the color and glow of health from the cheek, and we see pale, sallow faces and washed out, chalky complexions among the first symptoms of Malaria. But Malaria is a general systemic disease, and as the blood becomes more heavily loaded with its genus we have more serious and complicated symptoms; the impure blood having its effect on all parts of the body. The appetite fails, digestion Is weakened, chills and slight fever are frequent, and the sufferer loses energy and ambition because of a consent tired-out and “ no account ” feeling. The lack of necessary nour ishment and healthful qualities iu the blood causes boils and abscesses, skin affections, and in some cases Bores and ulcers to break out, and sometimes the patient is prostrated with a spell of malarial fever which may leave bis health permanently Impaired. To cure Malaria both a blood purifier and tonic are necessary. In order to remove the cause and at the same time build up the system from its weakened and run-down rondition. S. S. S. is the medicine best fitted for this work. It is the most perfect of all blood purifiers, and the purely vegetable ingiedients of which it is composed make it the During 1900 I was running a farm on the Mississippi river and became so impreg nated with Malaria that for a year I was almost a physical wreck. I tried a number of medicine! recommended as blood purifi ers, chill cures, and Malaria eradlcatorf, but nothing did me any good uotil I began to use S. S. S. The result was that after taking it for awhile I waa aa wall and •trong aa I ever waa. I have never had a chill since nor the slightest symptom of Malaria. I hope others will be benefited by my experience, and with that end in view I give this testimonial, knowing that S. S. S. Is the best remedy for Malaria. Amory, Miss. S. R COWLEY. greatest and safest of all tonics. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes every trace of impurity ar poison, and at the same time gives to the blood the health-sustaining qual ities it need-i. It cures Malaria thoroughly and permanently because it removes the genus and poisons which produce the disease, and while doing this tones up and strengthens every part of the system. When S. S. S. has cleansed the blood the symptoms pass away, the healthy color returns to che complex on, the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entire health Is renewod. Book with information about Malaria and any medical advice tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. ©©©©.©©©©©OOOO© OOOO OOOOOOO O © Just Think © How Refreshing of is O o o e o o o e o o o o © o o o © o © © 8 o © © o ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©ooooo©©©©©©© ©0©0©©0©©©©©©0000©©0©©0©©© © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © FREE SEED CORN AT A. & M. SCHOOL 'Ihe Fair Association has bought several bushels of seed corn for general distribution. Any farmer in the county can get enough of this corn to plant, provided he will agree to make an exhibit at the Fair in October and leave enough of his ex hibit with the Fair Association to reimburse for seed etc. The corn that has made the highest record at the experiment station has been bought Call at A. & M. School and get your corn. © © © © © © © © © 8 © © © © © ©090000009000000000000 000© 'Carrollton fruit 'Co., We keep the Best Fruit pro curable at all times. Prices low, prompt delivery. Phone 54. Newnan Street. 'Carrollton, Georgia. RUSSEL SMITH GARAGE AUTOMOBILE Repairing, Storage, Supplies. Bass Building Tanner Street. Russell Smith Garage.