The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, May 26, 1910, Image 2

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A- THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. How Many Times Does Your Wife Have To Darn one pair of socks of the kind you are now wearing? know? She does! You can do away with darning usiug the new hosiery for men, which will wear much longer than any you have ever used before. The marvelous wearing strength is due to the new Do you now by TOE and HEEL REO.U.SjAT.OFT. with which every pair is equipped. If you haven’t tried them yet, get a pair You will be very much surprised to fiud a that will wear better tliau any you have which are heavy iu weight. Samples For Reeves. Editor Free Press:—With heart, felt appreciation of your kindness for allowing me space to reply to brother Reeves. I again speak to present my side of the subject under discussion, hoping that you will not think me unduly usurping your col umns with a futile question; for there is great and pressing need for a thorough consideration of thesub- preachirig of God’s word together with the help of good music, which is quite certain to be the happy re sult, but aside from the study and practice of those divine truths, con tained in the Bible your “good sing ings” accomplish evidently little, while on the other hand much harm often follows a Sabbath spent in your singing festivals. I would God this were not true, but such has jectofour present all-day singing | ,,een observation and experience festivals in the manner of prevailing ‘ n die ma i° r >fy of instances, indulgence. There is no doubt in ! But - vou sa >’ y° u llave seen 8 ood my mind that the attendant evils of j old motliers shed tears under the our all-day singings render them \ P ower °f your singing. That may be and test them, fine lisle sock worn, even those wholly out of place, since the result | * rue > but these were evidently sav in the majority of cases tends to J ed S0Lds > 'f >' ou please and not the lower that high and holy reverence sinner lost in sin and vice. Never that sliou d characterize for the Sabbath day. our regard | have I witnessed such an emotional Whatever I d ‘ s P^ a y amon g the unsaved. There The Dangerous Fly. It is the season when the housewife must be reminded about the housefly. Nor are the the precautions against its dans ger and the practice of its pre vention restricsed to the woman of the house The warfare against this pest is man’s work also. The entomologist ot N ew York, Dr. K. P. Felt, is in accord with similar experts in other states, as well as with the coun sel issued by the federal experts in antomology in|the vernal call for the of this winged carrier of disease. These alarms are timely, and they are needed The mathematics ot this insects •tagger formulas. The theoreti cal offspring of domestic fly in a single summer are calculated in the quadrillions. But these pos< sibilities need not discourage destruction. The fly cannot travel far. The normal radius of its lite is restricted to less than a quarter of a mile, although it may be carried farther on carts and other vehicles. Their breed' iog placeslexist chiefly > because of indifference. The care and cleanliness of domestic animals have much to do with the de velopement ot this danger. Sans itation, particularly ^in the disi posal of refuse, is imperative, says the Washington Post. Will Bring Forty Wives. “The king of Siam, accom< panied by his forty wives and a large retinue ot attendants and servants, is expected to arrive in Seattle this summer,” said G. W. Walsh, of that city New Wilhird. | ‘‘Railway agents in Seattle already are making great pre parations to welcome the royal visitor and the ioo or more per sons who will accompany him, and the Seattle hotels are figur ing on ‘royal suites’ to accomo date the kingly visitor. An agent of the Siamese govern ment was in Seattle last month making arrangements for arrival of the monarch. “It is understood that the Siamese king will make an exi tended tour of the United States and will be in this country about six months. He is coming here, according to his agent, no. only for pleasure, but to study Ameri can institutions and the people of the United States. It is re^ ported that after making the tour of this country he will travel in Europe for about a year. This will be his second trip to the United States- he having been heie when crown prince.’’— Washington Post. The People Not Worrying. If there is one thing more apparent than another in Geor gia at the present time it is that the masses ot peo >Je are satis- fled with existing political con ditions and are not doing much fo change them. The restless ones are the ones who have be come worn out in their eff jrt to disturb the people’s rest. Several determined |efforts have been made to create Jan uprising but it will not rise. The fact is, the average Georgian cannot be convinced that the demnition bowswows are alter him as easily as he could be several years ago. They have heard the old cry ot “reform” many tia 6' be lore. They have tried some of the remedies offered them and have found in nearly every in. stance that the taste is bitter. The people understand, too, that there is more of selfishness than 'patriotism in the clamor that has been made recently for a “candidate” in this State. The cry is backed up by spite, which is a rather poor political asset in a great State like Georgia, The people are not quick to plunge into campaigns to help some man with a grievance“get even” with somebody else All efforts that have been made to pump life into the “oppostion” have failed for reas ms that are perfectly natural. Tnere must be a cause behind any movement that gets a very large following. The motion must {appeal to the masses. Sane and conservative people want something more than hollow promises and pics tures or imaginary evils. ‘You cannot tool them always, especi ally with the same strike twice in the same place. There are indications all over Georgia that the people want a reRt from turmoil aud strife. The fact that they have not responded to the appeals that hrve been made to arouse them shows that. Nobody except a few disgruntled politicians, who are mad because they have nothing to be mad about, are worrying (over condit tions in Georgia. 'The masses are satisfied and prefer to be let alone. They are taking a reed ed rest and it will not be safe for the agitators to arouse them. They know that the State’s in terests are in good hands and that all is well in “dear old Georgia.” The agitators a so need a rest. They should “go way back and sit down.”—Val dosta Times. „ Foley’s Kidney Pills are antisep tic, tonic and restorativ and a prompt corrective of all urinary ir regularities. Refuse substitutes. Johnson Drug Co. Notice All persons are hereby warned not to harbor or hire Y. T. Jack- son who is under contract to work for me for the year 1910, and rfter working two and ones half’months has left without cause and without my consent. M. O. Burt. 4t BoAdon, 1 Ga. Rt. 1. LOST—Gold watch charm < graved “W L R.” Finder turn to W L Robinson at Robin son & Harmons st >re, and re ceive reward. statement 1 may be allowed to make through your columns will be sup ported by my honest convictions in every instance, formed only after due thought and deliberation. It would seem to many that Mr, Reeves and I are rank strangers from his recent statements concern ing me, but that he has already made some inquiries as to my age, especially; these I deeply appreciate Mr Reeves and when desirous of further information please make make known your wishes and I will gladly furnish you whatever know ledge you may ask ot me. The fact that 1 am a young man will not I trust, bar me from debating this all important subject With a man of your mature age. Moreover, I wish to assure you that my whole mind and heart are wide open to honest convictions of truth at any time, and should you succeed in convinc ing me of a wrong position in this matter I shall deem it a great pleas ure to yield you the victory of this discussion. You tell me that you are “sorry” for me because I have allowed my convictions—honest they are—to lead me astray. Now if that be true doubtless you will be fully able to point out to me the error of my way which 1 wish you to know 1 shall highly and heartily appreciate. Will you earnestly try to do this? 1 sin cerely hope you will. You have my thanks in advance. The sympathy which you profess for me is such that 1 can neither admire nor accept I am sorry to say. From your co ercive language it would seem that ALCOHOL ung for consumptives.' Many of the “just-as-good” preparations contain as much as 20% of alcohol; Scott’s Emulsion not a drop. Insist on having Scott’s Emulsion roa SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS your sympathy is mostly due to the fact that my {opinions differ very widely from those of yourown.|The gross injustice your words seek to do me calls for my most profound pity and forgiveness, which were yours ere you you committed the foul deed. As one desirous of living a chrsitian life 1 freely extend you a hand of affectionate pardon despite your erroneous statements. But kindly bear in mind this scripture: “Wherefore thou art without ex cuse, C man, whhsoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judg- est another thou condemnest thy self; for thou that judgest dost prac tice the same things.” Rom. 2:1 1 have the greatest respect for brother Reaves, and whatever er rors he may commit shall have my unprejudiced consideration knowing that 1 too, am only a man, subject to err. “To err is human, to for give divine-” Brother Reeves would appear to leave the wrong impres sion by having the public think 1 am opposed to singing, which is cer tainly not the case. Gn the con trary 1 wish it distinctly borne com stantly in mind that 1 highly favor gospel music of whatever deset iption when coupled with preaching and prayer, where it rightiy belongs. I believe that no fair minded Christ ian would deny that here is the most effective power of music. 1 candidly requested brother Reeves to produce one single instance to show that his all-day singings result in soul saving power; but so far he has utterly failed to comply with my earnest request. Brother, out of your widened and varied experience as a promoter of these can you 1 not cite us to at least a few in- ! stances where your great singings resulted in the conversion of some of the souls of your hearers. Kindly furnish the anxious public with a few undeniable proofs. I know of hundreds of cases where souls were saved through the is the point to be considered, broth er Reeves. Doubtless your songs have their attendant joys and in spirations for the Christian, but the real work of salvation is a.cjmplish ed by prayer and preaching. You know that. Many young peopie at singings engage in making all sorts of re marks during the singing of your songs, feeling that they are not by present custom bound to solemnly and sacredly reverence that kind of re-igious worship, and the tendency is ever growing as may be plainly seen by any careful observer. O fathers, mothers of our beloved country awake to the great peril that awaits those innocent children of yours that must soon take their places in the various social walks of life. Let not these things escape your jealous |notice, for great are the means that Satan uses -to lead captive the souls of , your children. "Broad is the road that leadeth to destruction, and many there bejwho walk therein.” A closing word to you brother Reeves: Your lengthy epistle a bounds in glowing passages anent the value of music to which I give my hearty indorsements but all the way you seem to have utterly ig nored the resultant evils of our pres ent day singings- I again say that we should have good songs, but not to the exclusion of all that is pure, noble, and holy. The study of Gods word is of far greater importance than all-day Sunday picnics, that turn away the minds of t young friends from the great Book of Life. In conclusion I would have you know that 1 appreciate your plain language so no apology is necessary on your part. Again let me beg of you to make a close study of the subject under discussion; this hon estly done, I feel almost certain that you will admit the present day man ner of indulgence in all-day singings is productive of more harm tharr good. Sing on brother, those sweet songs, but see to it that therein the lowly Nazerine is {rewarded in the joyous salvation of the souls of lost men and women-the cause for which he died. Yours for Christ and humanity, John Milton Samples, Villa Rica, Ga. r mm ‘ (mate*/ When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn’t any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Fitclivllle, Ohio.—“ My daughter was all run down, suffered from pains in her side, head and limbs, and could walk but a short distance at a time. She came very near having nervous prostration, had begun to cougli a good deal, and seemed melancholy by spells. She tried two doctors hut got little help. Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills she has im proved so much that she feels and looks like another girl."— Mrs. C. Cole, Fitclivllle, Ohio. Irasburg, Vermont.—“I feel it my duty to say a few words in praise of your medicine. "When I began taking it I had been very sick with lridncy and bladder trou bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed a great change.”—Mrs. A. H. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful —or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask ? Notice of Singing There will be an all day Sacred Harp Singing atEmmins Church 4 miles south of Carroll ton on Frunkiin road on the 5th Sunday in May and we invite all singers and lovers of mus e to come. X A Man Wants To Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency But Dr. Kings New Life Pills expel the poisons from the system; bring hope and courage ;chre all Liver, Stomac and Kidneytroubles; impart health and vigor to the weak .nerv ous and ailing. 25c. at Johnron FOR SALE—One second hand thirty horse R D Cole M’i’g Co engiue complete and in fairly good condition, and one five thousand feet capacity steam dry kiln. Walker Lumber fg Co. John D Rockefeller would go broke if he should apend his entire income trying lo grepare a better medicine than Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diahrroea Remedy for dirrhoea, dysentary or bowel com plaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by W L Worthy For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands or cures to Its credit, |Mk Mrs. Plnkham Invites all sick women Hr to write her for advioe. She has guided thousands to health' free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. I RUSSEL SMITH GARAGE AUTOMOBILE Repairing, Storage, Supplies. Bass Building Tanner Street Russell Smith Garage. ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©0 SAVE YOUR OATS AND WHEAT. in put Do not forget to save your Oats and Wheat for the exhibit at the A. & M. Fair next fall. Hand some prizes are offered for the best exhibit small grain. It will pay you to carefully aside some of the best raised. Prizes are offered for poultry and live stock also In fact everything raised on the farm will receive due consideration at this fair. Would you not like to have a few shares of the stock? Last year the Fair paid a dividend of 33 per ct. It is a safe investment and one that will help to build educational and industrirl institutions county. All information desired can be had by to J. L. Heaton, Secretary, Cariolltou, Ga. up of the the writing o o © © © © © © © © © o © © © © © © © © ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©QQQQQQQ§Qg A Regular Tom Boy was Susie— climbing {tree sand fences, jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains 1 bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother just applied Bucklen’s Arnica salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healable. —Boils Ulcers, EczemaOld Sores, Corns or Piles Try it. 25c at Johnson Drug Co. and Fstts Drug Sore. MONEY TO LOAN I.»m prepared to make loons'on Improved farm landH tn Carroll County, at 7 and s per cent lnrerest on terms of special advantage to farmers and others owning farms. The principal is repayable in annual Install ments of one-tenth of the amount borrowed and interest is charged only on the amount actually at lntereit. I.oans are made for a period of five years and there fls no commis sion oharged for making but a reasonable sum for abstracting title, If you are lu need ot money ami have improved farm lands to oiler as security. it will pav'yon to consult me. L. Z. DOKSWTT. Roop Building, Carrollton. Ga. Foley’s Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia- bates, and restore health and strength. Refuso substitutes.