The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, July 07, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. TUMOR OF YEARS GROWTH Removed by Lydia E. Pink 3 ham’s Vegetable Compound Holly Springs, Miss. — “Words are inadequate for me to express what yourwonderf ul med icines have done for me. The doctors said 1 had a tumor, and I had an operation, but was soon as bad ngainas ever.I wrote toyouforad vice,and began to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound as you told me to £S1do. I am glad to ^£Jsay that now I look and feel so well that my friends keep asking me what lias helped me so much, and I gladly recommend your Vegetable Compound.”—Mns.Willie Edwards, TIolly Springs, Miss. One of (he greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound is the conquering of woman’s dread enemy — tumor. If you have mysterious pains,inflammation,ulcera tion or displacement, don’t wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion, but try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table compound at once. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard re medy for female ills, and such unquestion able testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy, and Should give everyone confidence. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. Carroll Free Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY fnterd at leoond olMt matter In the poet office at Carrollton, Georgia. ' . KELLY. PAUL F. BROWN KELLY & BROWN, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE ’PHONE NO. 249 Carrollton, Ga., July 7 1910. liulett Mr. Nelson Hinesley is at tending the ministers examina tion in Dallas this week. Mr. and Mrr. J. L. Wallace spent Monday with their son, Mr. Oscar Wallace of Carroll ton. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Boyd, of Villa Rica, are visiting Mrs. F. nnie Duncan this week. Mr. and Mrs Chandler, of Bremen spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Thompson. Miss Mary Roberts of Doug lasville is spending this week here with relatives and iriends. Miss Fannie Sewell spent Tuesday with Mrs. A. w. Stubbs of Banning.I Rev. Wm. Hall and family, Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Roberts and Miss Bessie Roberts went to Concord Sunday to hear Bishop Candler Mr. E. T. Jackson, of Carroll, ions, pent Tuesday here. Mr. W. M. Burnett and farm ily visited relatives in Douglas County Saturday and Sunday. Lola, the little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Boatright hts tyhoid lever. Whitesburg Miss Mary Barron, who has been visiting Mrs Tyre Jones for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Atlanta Tuesday morning. Rev R M Stevens filled his regular appointment at Turin Baptist Church last Sunday morning and night, and returni ing home Monday at noon, Mr Abe Housworth spent Tuesday in our town on business, Messrs Sid and Frank Camp passed through Whitesburg Tuesday on their way to Car rollton . Miss Me Cltsky of Birming. ham is spending a few days as the gufst of her former college mate, Mrs J P Jones Jr. Mrs. Merrell of Carrollton, will speak to the ladies ol Whitesburg and vicinity on Fri day afternoon at 3 o’clock p m in the Baptist Church. She rep resents the Woman Missionary Union for the Carrollton As> sociation, All ladies and girls from 16 up are cordially invited to come out and hear Mrs. Mer- rell. Mrs Kansas Benton formrely Miss Houston of Whitesburg, died on July 1st at her home in Moreland Ga. Her remains were brought back here tor in terment. Mrs Benton was about fifty years old, having outlived her husband about ten years. She leaves two sons Robe r t 23 years old, and Huston age 18. Mrs John Haynes, Postmaster of Moreland, came up last Sat 1 urday with the body of Mrs. Benton. Mr. Sam Houston of Bowdon came down Saturday to be present at the burial of his sister, Mrs. Benton. Messrs Robt. and Houston Benton accomplished the re mains of their mother to Whites burg Saturday. Col Edgar Watkins spent Saturday and Sunday with his family, leaving Sunday after noon for Sweetwater Tenn. where he delivered the Com mencement address, to the In dustrial College at that place. Miss Jewell Jones is in Carroll* ton this week spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lovick Jones. Mr Tom Jones and bride are spending their honeymoon among the mountains ol N. C. They were at Lake Toxaway last week. They are expected in the Burg sometime next week. Judge Hodnett’s family will move from here to Franklin as soon as the muddy roads will permit. Prof Bevis and family from Newnan will move into the domotary now occupied by the family ol Judge Hodnett. Prof Bevis has been elected Principal of our Public School and we are all expecting to help him build up one of the best schools in Carroll or any other County. Here’s hoping that the iron wagon bridge across the Chat tahoochee between Carroll and Coweta will soon be built. Rooksville Alter one weeks absence we are back again. The farmers are badly be> hind with their crops on the ac count of so much rain. On last Thursday the biggest ram that has fallen this year fell in this section, and it damaged the crops very much and on Fiiday Clem was nearly washed away J. A. Phillips of route 3 is on the sick list. John Phillips who has been sick for quite a while is slowly improving. B H Phillips ANNOUNCEMENTS. the day fair View The Public School will com mence at this place the second Monday in this month. The picnic at Victory the I 4th was well attended with the usual crowd of good looking people, but a muddy time was the ordej of the day. Commissioner Braswell was on hand Saturday, looking after th§ roads and ^evinue3. 1S e river bi/Jge at Victory Aj i 8 Hk'dly wrecked, but has been ^atBJpd for crossing. The crossing, mill dam at Brock’s mill was washed away, they can not grind. Miss Cneta Askew, who has qeen at Sparks Institute, Sparks Ga, for the past year, arrived in our little city Monday night. She wifi spend two weeks here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ben Kelley. Miss Cora Hornsby of New nan,came over Tuesday and will spend a tew days visiting Mrs. VV. Parks and Mrs. Richard Parks. W. Parks is in Atlanta where he went Monday to have a large carbuncle cut out of the back of his neck. Roy Graham came over Tues 1 day and spent the day boosting the new bridge. Dr J R M Carter came down from Carrollton Sunday morning and spent the forenoon with Mr. Lipscomb. Mr. Lipscomb is considerably improved but he is still quite weak and unable to do much more than sit around. The Baptist Sunday School have purchased twenty five new Revival Glory song books, and all who can and will sing are urged to be at the home of Rev. R. M. Stevens at 8 o’clock Thursday night lor the purpose of practicing some of the new songs. Mesdames Otis and Tom Jones spent a few hours in Whitesburg Tuesday p m. The crops on the creek and branch bottoms have been over flowed and badly damaged during the past few days heavy rains. for State Treasurer. To The People o£ Georgia: The Hon. Pope Brown having declined to become a candidate to succeed himself as State Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candidate for that office, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party at the next primary for the selection of statehouse officers. My candidacy is based on my qualifica tions to fill the office of state treasurer, as demonstrated by long and faithful service formerly in that capacity, from which office I voluntarily retired several years ago on account of ill health. My health having been restored I would like to fill the 'office again and to that end Jbeg the support of the people. Very respectfully, Wm. J. SPEER. To The People of Georgia. “I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of state treasurer, subject to the democratic white primary of 1910, to be held on a date to be selected by the state democratic executive committee. “In making this announcement I feel that it is appropriate for me to say that my service tor seven years in both branches of of the Georgia legislature, during which time many of the present laws relating to banks and banking were enacted, and my service at the same lime on the house com mittee on banks and banking, by which these laws were considered, has given me a clear insight into the Georgia laws concern ing banking and finance. “In addition to the foregoing experience I have been, for fifteen yesrs, president of the Elberton Loan and Savings Bank, in which capacity I may say I have gained wide practical experience concerning the operation of these laws; and as a result of which I am in a position to recommend certain improvements in the present laws which will better safeguard the interests of the depositiors in Geargia’s state banks. “If elected to this important position, I shall give my every effort to the faithful discharge of its duties, to assist me in which I shall secure the services of trained, expert, and capable assistants. “I respectfully request the favorable consideration of the democratic voters of the state. “Peyton M Hawes, “Elberton, Ga., May 7, 1910.’’ FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Carroll county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. L. Webb will be my deputy. Very truly W. A. Garrett. FOR CLERK I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Super ior Court of Carroll county and City Court of Carrollton, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Yours very truly, D. F. Pearce. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Carroll county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Yours truly, M. E. Griffin. EOR TAx RECEIVI R. I am a candidate for Tax Receiver, sub ject to primary. Your support respectfully solicited. Gus Nix FOR TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce mysely as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Carroll County, subject to the action of the democratic primafy. I do with all my heart thank the good voters for voting for me in the last election, and I hope that my first year in office has not caused any voter to regret having voted for me, and if "there has been a single error or mistake made, it is unknown to me and contrary to my heart. Now assuring you that I shall be as con venient and accommodating Jand meet you at all public piaces and give all the time I can the law, and for this I earnestly solicit your support and influente in the primary. W. D. LEE, R. T. R. C. C. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby aanounce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Carroll County subject to the action of the democratic primary. Will say to the people thut I -.vill greatly appre ciate their support. Respt. WALTER MORGAN FOR TAX RECEIVER I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver ] of Carroll County, subject to the action of Double Springs passed through | cSSSS 53°il ceiver for several years, I feel competent guest of D A Cook one last week. W P Smith and little son Walter ot near Whitesburg were in our town one day last week. Mr and Mrs J D Simpkins has been visiting the latters par ents. Miss Mae Simpkins spent oae night last weekjwith J. D. Simp kins and wife. J D Simpkins has . been sick with chills but is better at this writing. Mr. Hall Johnson of Palmetto was down last week visiting his parents at this place. D. A. Cook and family spent one day with B. H. Phili lupsiand family last week. Mrs. Lula Clark has returned home from a three weeks visit to Edwardsville Ala. where she was the guest ot her parents Mr aDd Mrs. Daniel Dougherty. Otis Copeland passed through our Ville one day last week. Claud Cook was the guest ot Miss Mae Simpkins Sunday. S L and C L Cook made a Hying trip to Carrollton last Friday. The picnic at Lowell was en< joyed by all present the 4th ol July. The farmers thank their Sen ate for the Automobile law that has recently been passed. L W Cook was in our Ville last Saturday p m. Henry Clark ot our Ville one day last week. C. L. CookJ was in onr town one day last week. Hon C H Knott has the best cotton and corn in and near Ephesus. JJ A. Simpkins and little son George spent one evening in our Ville last week. Several ot the young people otthis place attended the singing at Mt Pleasant the 4th Sunday in June, and with them were Prot Hall Johnson ot Palmetto, Ga. they reported a good sing ing and a nice time. With best wishes to the Press and all its readers. Free FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I am a candidate for Representative, subject to Democratic primary. If elected I promise to represent the whole people to the best of my ability, My motto is “Justice to all and special favors to none.’’ John R. Spence. Money, Money!! Plenty of money to loan good men on good farms. Best terms. R. D. JACKSON Sporting goods at Harris and Williams. to fill the office with credit to myself and all those connected there with. Thanking you in advance I am yours, H. B. LANE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE His friends announce the name of G. D. Glass as candidate for the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to such rules and regulations as may bn formulated by the County Democratic Executive Commit tee. Judge Glass is in a ^position to know the deeires and need of the (people, and if he is elected as our representative would trp to execute their will. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Through the solicitation of my friends I now announce myself a candidate for one of the legislators from Carroll County subject to the action of the primary election I will appreciate the support of all the voters of the county. J 0 Sharpe FOR REPRESENTATIVE. We are authorized to annonnee the name of A T Cobb as candidate for representative to the next General Assembly, of Ga. his candidacy subject to the action of the Dem- cratic primary. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a Can didate for re-election for representative of Carroll County subject to the action of the Demoratic primary Aug 23rd. Very Respectfully Yours M. D. Watkins. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce for Treasurer of Car- roll County, subject to the action of the primary election when ordered. Thanking my friends, the voters of the county for past kindnesses I assure them that I will greatly appreciate their support in the com ing eleetton. As many of you know I am blind and have a wife aad three children dependent upon my efforts. Very respectfully, E C Johnson. Copyright 1909 by C. E. Zimmerman Co.—No. 32 The Old Cabinet Maker Says: T HERE was a time when we used to put things in the celler or the well to keep them cool, but now adays wa have miniature ice houses, where we may store the eatables during the hot weather from day to day. For one reason alone you can’t afford to buy a poor one, for you pay the difference in price in the ice you have to buy. When you get one from us right here at home, people you know, you are bound to get the right kind. First we don’t handle any other kind and even if we wanted to we couldn’t afford to, four just figure how much It would hurt us if we solk you an ice burner for a refrigerator. If you have one now that is using too much ice, what you save in a single season one the ice bill will buy you a good one. S. C.KYTLE Carrollton, Ga. FOR TAX RECEIVER To the voters of Carroll County I hereby announce myself as Candidate for office of Tax Receiver of Carroll County. If the people feel that I am worthy of the o ffice I will surely appreciate their support. Very Respectfully W. N. Garrett FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the voters of Carroll County: After having, the matter, under con sideration for several weeks, I have decided to become a candidate for the Lower branch of the next General Assembly. My candi dacy is subject to the August Primary. Having been in public life, in this county, for more than 20 years I deem it unneces sary to canvas because a vast majority of the voters of the county are acquainted with me, I therefore, know of no good I could do by canvassing. I wish to say that I will highly appreciate every vote cast for me and if elected will represent the people of this county to the very best of my ability, i W. D. Hamrick. FOR SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Having passed the examination and hav ing been declared eligible by the Board of Education, I hereby announce myself a candidate for County School Commissioner of Carroll county, subject to the approach ing primary. If elected, I will devote myself in the fu ture, as I have in the past, to the best in terest of all the common schools of the county. J. S. Travis. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. The pain struck me in the ‘solar-plexus'' last week. I won t shift the burden of my announcement on “my many friends.’’ I alone am responsible. I can’t visit every voter so wont visit any.- If you want me go to the polls and like freemen say so. If you don’t want me do the same. One word of advice—of seven evils take the least. Geo. W. Harper.