The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, July 14, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRE9«, CARROLLTON, GA. Hall Explains Rules Of Primary Voting Chairman Hewlett A. Hall was in Atlanta Monday tor the pur pose o< conferring with Judge John C. Hart, whom he is to succeed as attornoy general, and while here place construction up- oq several ot the rules ter hold ing the state primary which have been puzzling the people lor some time. There can be no ‘’single-shot- ing’’ in this primary according to Mr. Hall. Where two can didates are to be voted tor you must not strike either one, provid ed there are but two candidates lor the two positions. If one name is marked oft, the ballot for those particular ofticers is not counted. For instance for railroad commissioners there are at pres ent three candidates tor two positions. The voter must strike only one It he strikes two :t is at had marked them all from the ballot. THE COUNTY VOTE RULE Considerably misunderstand- ing has been rife over the new rule adopted by the state com mittee relative to prorating the vote ot a county where one can- Blow at the South As was to be expected the Federal grand jury in New York has returned indict ments against James A Patter son, Frank 13 Haynes, W P Brown, E G Scales and M H Rothschilds for endeavoring to corner the cotton and force prices up. It is remarkable that the short interest of New England, Europe and New York City have systematically pooled their issues to torce the cot ton market down, and have been successful in their ellorts lor years, but our patriotic and zeal ous Federal authorities have never discovered any restraint of trade in this transaction. When the New York and New England “bears” sold themselves up to their neck in May cotton in New York in January, and found they could not check the upward tendancy ot the market, they became des- name. p^ ra j e anc i laid plans to have t i, e j aw intervene to save thems selves, at the cost of the cotton planter. We have the name ot at least one New York “bear” who promulgated a circular let ter invoking the sentiment of the country against the unjust treatment of the poor spinner, and those dependent on him, didate does not receive a major-1 suggesting ths anti-trust law as ity over two or more opponents, the final and last remedy Where a county has only one legislator it is entitled to two votes in the convention. Or it is entitled to two votes to every ligislator, to put it in terms easii ly understood. Then where a candidate receives one-eighth ot the vote in a county he is entitled to one-fourth of a vote in the convention. Not less than one- lour^h fit a vote will be counted. This rule applies only when a Candidate fails to recieve a majority of all the votes cast in a county. Only a perfect ticket shall be voted. That is to say, candi dates must not prepare ballots with the name of their opponents left off. To be counted, the names ot every candidate must appear on the ballot. Counties can not levy assess ments upon candidates for state house offices. These assess- ments are levied by the state committee and are to be used for publishing a hand book which virtually w.ll be a Dem ocratic directory ot the United States, setting forth at the outset theDemocratic national platform and the state Democratic plat form. Then is to follow statis tics of theDemocratic party in its every branch ail over the Union. Lookout Mountain Seed Potatoes Extra fine, in excellanl con dition, Raised by me in Carroll ton and have kept well. Plant July 15th to August 1st. Good crops have been made ot this potato planted even later. Strict ly a fall potato for the South, by far the best in every way in my opinion. Price $3.00 a bushel, 75 ct3 a peck, five cents a pound fob Carrollton. Cash with order. Specify freight or ex press. Ordernow. Supply limint- ed. x-«. K. Smith, Carrollton, Ga. What about the poor man with the hoe? The men above indicted im. mediately gave bond, and pro ceeded to buy. the market U P‘ ... For the first time in the history of cotton a successful ‘bull’ cam. paign has been waged on the tailend of a short crop. For the first time in the history of cotton the planter has been able to get something near its value every week since the market opened lsst September, and the men who have been indicted for buying up the market are solely responsible lor such conditions ; yet we undertake to say that the consuming world—the spin-* ners—have tory friends enough in the South, misled by demagogues, to condemn these men for supporting the market, in what they would ignorantly term gambling. The “bears” have shot their last wad, and it is up to the people of the -South to retaliate in no uncertain terms for the attempted outrage. To that end Cotton and Cot ton Oil News will publish lull details and names of all parties to the conspiracy as soon as they can be obtained. It matters not to us whom it may help or whom it may hurt. This paper has a mission and a service to perform to the cotton planters and the people ot the South generally, and will not shirk its duty, no matter how much the cost, pecuniarily or otherwise. Lookout 1 —Cotton and Cotton Mill News. In Memory of little Maderson Reagin. Son of Mr and Mrs E O Reagin who was born April j 13, 1910, and died June 21, 1910. Another little lamb has gone to dwell with him who gave, another little darling babe is sheltered in the grave. God needed one more angel child amidst his shining band, and so he bent with loving smile, and clasped our darlings hand. Aunt Ludie. Our Meats are good. Not simply because they are sold by us. This same meat would have just as much merit anywhere else as here. But it is a fact, no such meat is for sale any where else. The reason why our meats are palatable and nutritious is simple enough. Animals from which they are secured. They must be healthy, young, fat. R. H. Fletcher Phone 13 Must Be Above All Suspicion Kidney and Bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and it unchecked so often fatal that any remedy offered for their cure must be|above suspicion. Foley’s Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and tharough test. Sold by Johnson Drug Co. Hay Fever and Asthma Bring disconfort and misery to people but Foley’s Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suf fering ones. It relieves the con gestion in the head and throat and soothjng and healing, Noneginuine but Foley’s Honey and Tar In the yellow package. Scld by Johnson Drug Co, Money, Money!! Plenty of money to loan good men on good farms. Best terms. R. D. JACKSON. Resolutions Adopted at Warm Springs The Democratic Executive Committee of the Fourth Con' grtssional District of Georgia, being lawfully assembled pur, suant to due notice at Warm Springs, Ga., on the 9th day of July 1910, hereby adop's the following resolutions. ist. That pursuant to the res' olutions adopted by the State Democratic Executive Committee on June 4th, 1910, in which a State primary election to r.omi' uate Governor and other officers including Congressmen was or' dered to be held in each county ot the State on August 23, 1910, a Democratic primary election, for the purpose ot securing del' egates to a convention to nom' inate a candidate to represent tne Fourth Congressional Dis trict of Georgia in the 62nd Cougress, be and the same is hereby ordered, to be held in each of the counties of the said District on the said 23rd day of August 1910, in connection with and as a part of said State pri mary election, and subject to a.l the rules and regulations as to qualifications of voters consoli dation of the votes, preparation of the ballot and otherwise as were prescribed by said State Democratic Executive Commit tee in their said resolutions on June 4th, 1910 in so far as same are applicable. 2nd. That in said Congress ional primary election candidates for Congress shall be voted for directly, their names to appear on the official ballot authorized and prepared by the State Ex’ ecutive Committee, and the voter to erase or mark out the name or names not being voted lor. 3rd. That all persons desiring to be voted tor as candidates in said Congressional primary election shall on or before July 23rd 1910 make written (person al application to the Chairman of this Committee to have their names placed on the official ballot for that pursose, and the said Chairman of this committee shall immediately thereafter address and fotward a cummunication to the Chairman of each County Demo cratic Executive Committee in the District setting forth the names of those persons so applying, and only those names so furnished by said Chairman of this committee shall appear on the official ballot in any county, and any votes cast for any name or names not so furnish ed shall not be counted or consoli dated. 4th. That all candidates for con gress must on or before July 2ftrd I9I0 pay the assessments made against them by the various County Executive Committees for the ex penses of said primary election, of which due notice has been given them, and which they have had the opportunity to pay. Provided that assessments may be paid at a later day than July 23rd 19I0 if rule three as to making application for name to appear on the official bal lot has been complied with and the failure to pay the assessment earlier is not due solely to the neg ligence of the candidate, and pro vided further that a failure to pay the aisessment in any county will authorize and require the Executive Committee of that county to omit from the official ballot the name of the candidate so failing to pay Any votes cast for a candidate failing or refusing to pay a county assessment legally made shall not be counted or consolidated. 5th. That in conformity with the resolutions of the State Executive Committee, the Chairman of each County Executive Committee is re quested, immediately after the votes for Congressman in his county have been consolidated and the re sult known, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, to certify and transmit the consolidated vote of his county for Congressman to W. L. Stallings, Newnan, Ga., Chair man of this committee, who shali lay such returns before the conven tion hereafter ordered, and said chairman of the County Executive Committee in each county of the district is hereby further authorized and requested at the same time to appoint from among the friends of the candidates for Congress receiv ing the highest number of votes in his county the delegates to repre- ser t said county in tne Congress ional Convention hereafter ordered, and there shall be appointed from each county twice as many dele gates to said convention as said county has members in tne lower branch of the General Assembly, provided that upon failure of said county chairman to appoint said delegates, the successful candidate may himself do so. Too Inquisitive. Mr Editor. When a fellow has a fine rising or carbuncle on his tace or neck, or when he is suffering from some bruise or sore on the limbs or body and when he is in deep study as to the distance between Kamscat- ska and Heflin or trying to fig ure out the age ot Penobscots great uncle, trying his best to forget his pain and suffering, then tor a rank stranger, one whom he has never seen before and hopes to never see, asks the question “Mr whats the matter with your face or neck or arm?” well that brings back unfond recollections and you borrow a little patience J from Job and answet “it is a j sore or wound ot some kind” | yes I knew a man who had one jnsl like that one, only not halt so bad and it killed him, then 1 our friends go on to tell a I remedy or tells a man or woman who nevers tails to cure up things like that. It is considered ill manners for a body to interrogate one on Ids mistoitunes, and especially i-- it so tor any but ones intimate friends. Of course there are some who take their liberty for the good of humanity and with a thought ot beneficial to the afflicted one, but 90 per cent is moved by curiosity. A person gets awlully tired and vexed at being asked about h s afflictions time and again every day. Old father Job never had but three to wo ry him and i e called ( them “miserable comforts” what would he have done it he had been askee and questioned by three hundred. I don’t know but what would have took his wife’s advice, only he should cussed them outjand died. ff “Is Life Worth Saving” Miss Mollie McRaney, Prentiss Miss, writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble and that four bottles of Foley’s Kidney remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her letter saying ‘ j 1 heartily recommend Foley’s Kidney Remedy to any snfferer of kidney diease.' It saved my life.” Sold by Johnson Drug Co. We have decided to put our regular stock of hammocks in with the line ot samples we have left and you can have a large assortment to select from, all priced down with the samples. —Carrollton Hardware Co. When the stomaoh fails to per form its functions, the bowels be come deranged, the liver and the kindneys congested causing num orous diseases. The stomach and the liver must be restored to healthy condition and Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do it, Easy to take and most effictive. Sold by W. L. Worthy. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be con trolled by giving Chamberlains Cholera, Colic and diarrhoea Rem edy. All tnat is necessary is to give the pjescrided dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then caster oil to dense the system. It is sa'fe and sure. Sold by W.L. Worthy. Ruta Bega Turnip seed and other kinds. “They come up ” Fitts Drug Store. > Copyright 1909 by C. it. Zimmerman Co.-No. 29 The Boy’s Room |\lD you ever think liow important it is that it be properly furnished? Did you ever know how a boy likes to show his companions his bedroom? Is your boy ashamed of his? May-be you have never given much attention to this, figuring it was just the boy’s room, but if you want to make your boy truly love and cherish his home fit it up so that he will be proud of it Our line of bedroom furnishings are cheap enough when you come to think of it, so that the hoy’s room can easily be a room that both you and he will be proud of. S. C.KYTLE CARROLLTON, CA. 24 FOLDING POCKET 6th. That a District Congtesion- al Convention, made up of dele gates as heieinbefore provided for, shall assemble in Warm Springs, Ga., on the Ist Saturday in Sep tember, at ten o’clock, A, M., which convention shall proceed to the nomination of a candidate for Congress to represent said district in the 62nd Congress of the United States. The majority rule shall prevail in said convention Jand the candidate / receiving |a {majority of the votes of said convention shall be declared the nominee. Said convention shal 1 also elect a new Congressional ^District Committee, and shall perform such other acts as to (them shall seem necessary and proper for the good of the party, 7th. We reccommend that the various county executive commit tees assess the candidates for con gress not to exceed $25.00 for ex penses of holding said primary. W. N. McGehee tendered his resignation as chairman of this Committee, and W. L. Stallings, of Newnan was elected chairman to fill the unexpired term. ! (Signed) M. U. Mooty, Sec. Here is a new member of the Brownie family, which gives a picture of that highly popular size, 2y 2 x 4Lf, in a folding pocket camera, at the extremely modest price of $7.00. The illustration above not only shows the camera itself, but designates also the exact size of the picture it makes. The 2A Folding Pocket Brownie loads in daylight with Kodak film cartridges, has our pocket automatic shutter, meniscus achromatic lens, automatic focus ing lock, reversible finder for horizontal or vertical views, two tripod sockets, and is in every respect a well made and well finished little camera. NOW ON SALE BY ALL KODAK DEALERS. PRICE $7.00. Catalogue of Kodaks and Brownies free at the dealers or by mail. X Eastman Kodak Co. Rochester, N. Y. Secret Orders Regulnr Communication of Carroll Lortee No. 09 F. & A. M.. every First Tuesday and Third Thursday at 7 o’clock!), m. J. D. Hamrick. W. M., W. J. Millican, Sect. Regular Convocation of Carroll Chapter No.22 R. A M., every Second aod Fourth Tuesday at 7:80 p m. J. H.. Barron, H. P„ W. J. Millican, Sect. Regular Assembly of Western Council No. 20, K & S, M . every Second and Fourth Tues day evening after Chapter. J. D. Hamrick, T. I. At., W.J, Millican, Rec Stated Conclave of Hebron Commandory No. 2S,K. T., every Third Tuesday at 7:80 p. in. B,L. Garrett, E.C , J, F. Creel, Bee A Few Short Weeks Mr. J. S. Bartel!, Edwardsville, III., writes: “A a few months ago my Kidneys became congested, j had severe headache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley’s Kidney Pills promply cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them only a few short weeks and I can cheer fully recomend them. For Sale by Johnson Drug Co. See our summer lap robes the prettiest line ever brought to Carrollton—Carrollton Hard