The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, July 28, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink 3 ham’s Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. — “For four years my life was a misery to me. I suffered from irregulari ties, terrible drag ging sensations, extreme nervous ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I had given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new life had been given me, and I am recommending it to all my friends.”—Mrs. W. S. Ford, 2207 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Fink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, intlam- mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don’t give up hope until you have given Lydia E. Finkham’s Vege table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Pinkliarn, Lynn, Mass., for it. She has guided thousands to health, free of charge. Democratic Primary The Democratic Executive Committee met at the Court House with a quorum present. On motion W. O. Perry was elected .Chairman and G. A. Hogan Secretary for the ending two years. By unanimous con sent of the committee present a Democratic Primary was ordered for August 23rd to nominate candidates for county officers. The candidate receiving the highest vote to be declared the nominee. W. O. Perry, G, A. Hogan and John Broom were appointed as a committee to assess the candidates for fund to defray the expense of holding said primary. All candidates are required to pay their assessments to G. A. Hogan, Secretary, by August 1, otherwise their names will not appear on the ticket. Each voter is required to vote in his own precinct. Polls will open in Carrollton at 7 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. Polls will open in Villa Rica, Temple, Bowdon, Roopville and Whitesburg at 8 a. m. and close at 4 p. m. At all other districts polls will open at 9 a. m. and close at 2 p. m. W. O. Perry, Chm. G. A. Hogan, Secty. A Choice Cut of Meat is better than medi cine. Pills and pep sin are for those who do not know how or what to eat. A man is all right when his stomach is all right, Stomach comfort and satisfaction comes from eating our beef steaks. No food con tains more Muscle Making Material They are better than medicine and cheaper than doctors. They are good for doctors too R. H. Fletcher Phone ' - - 13 Sunday School Convention. Proceedings of the Thirty- sixth Annual Convention, held at M. P. Church, Mt. Zion, Ga. Saturday, July 16th. The convention was called to order at 9130 o’clock by the oresident, Thos. W. Dimmock. Devotional services conducted by the president. Song service led by J. A. Lyle. Prayer by V. D. Whatley. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The address of welcome was delivered by C. Q. Martin, of Mt. Zion, and the response by J. H. Melson. The enrollment of delegates was next taken up ; about twen ty-five tchoolo bt ing represented The following committees were appointed: On resolutions—Pro! T. H. Melson, Rev. Nelson Hintsley and John W. Baskin. On nominations—B. A. Sharp, H. M. Earnest and J. L. Cartel- President Thos. W. Dimmock addressed the body on Sunday school work. Short addresses were made by Rev. Jno. A. Poole, ol Bowdon, and others. Afternoon session Song service led by brethren Hixon, Lyle, Mote and Weir, after which reports were heard from the county districts, all be' ing represented. Our reports were encouraging. The committee on Nomina 1 tions reported as follows: Pres' ident, Thos. W. Dimmock : Vice President, Jas. Beall • Secretary. V. D. Whatley. Executive com mittee: Jno. T. Hixon, chair man, B. A. Sharp, W. E. Dozier, H. J. Reaves, J. H. Melson, L. A. Ware and H. M. Earnest. Chorister, J. C, Hixon, assistant, J. A. Lyle. Short talks were made by the president and Dr. R. H. Robb on the efficiency of Sunday school officers. Also Rev. Juo. A. Poole and Bro. J. A. Lyle made good talks. Committee on resolutions re* ported as follows' Resolutions In view of the fact that the Sunday School Association of Carroll County is doing a great work for God fcnd Jiumanity in the upbuilding of the waste places; and further in view of the fact the Suoday school is the means by which a very large per cent, of church members are brought to Christ, therefore be it resolved, 1st, That we, as an as sociation renew our eftoits in this great work for God, believ ing as we do, that our efforts, if directed along the right lines, will be rewarded in the salvation of souls. Resolved 2nd, That we com* mend our ever zealous president lor his untiring work and that we assure him that he has our co*operation and prayers in winning souls for Christ. Resolved 3rd, That we extend to the gojd people ot Mt. Zion and community our most sincere and hearty thanks lor the hos* pitality and kindness shown us while in their midst. Rasolved 4th, That we ex- tend to the county newspapers our heartfelt thanks for the grea. assistance given this Association by giving publicity to the dif ferent meetings and Sunday school cause in general. J H Melson Nelson Hinesly J W Baskin ’ Committee. Sunday Morning, July 17th Conventioh met at 9 o’clock. Devotional exercises conducted by the president; a strong ph a Deing made lor more and effi- cient Sunday school workers . Address by Prof. V. D. What ley, of Bowdon. At 11 o’clock the convention sermon was delivered by Rev. H E Sumner, of Mt. Ziou Afternoon Session Convention met at 2 o’clock. Soug service led by brethren Hixon and Lyle. On motion ar- C. the by led M. Annual Singing at Mt. Zion ! The annual Sacred Iiaapsing- ing met at Mt. Zion July 23 24. House was called to order by j G. L. McEwen and prayer by Rev. Hix Martin, introductory 1 lesson led by J. B. Entrekin, I after which organization was disposed of as follows ; G. L. | McEwen, chairman, J. E. Eason,' vice-chairman, M. W. Lovvorn. Sec’ty,, R. R. Bishop, H. H. KasoD, and J. B. Entrekin, ranging committee. Music 20 minutes by J. Arthur, recess 10 minutes. House called to order by chairman, mude 60 minutes led by J. W . Eason, A. D. Talley and B. D. Styles, 20 minutes each, recess one hour and a quarter tor dinner. After dinner house called to order by chairman, music 60j minutes led by Allen Barnes,; H. M. Casey and W. E. Aber* crombie, recefs 10 minutes. House called to order by vice- chairman, music 40 minutes led by ]. R. Reid and M. W. Coats 20 minutes each, closed by the chairman and benediction by Dr. H. Martin. Sunday 8 a. m. Opened by chairman and by Dr. H. Martin, music 60 minutes led by R. J. Akins, G. W. Eason and J. B. Entrekin, 20 minutes each, re cess 10 minutes. House called to order chairman, music 40 minutes by H. H. Eason, and R, Reid, 20 minutes each. This brought us up to the preaching hour when the time was filled by the pastor, Rev. H. E. Sumner, his text was from Hebrew 12, 1-2. “Wherefore we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily Deset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand ol the throne ot God.’ This is a just text and was han> died well and Was interesting. After dinner house called to order by chairman and a memon ial lesson was sung in memory of Uncle P. H. Chandler, led by J. E. Eason, M. W. Lovvorn and G. L. McEwen, 20 minutes each, recess 10 minutes. House called to order by chairman, after which a discus* sion was held regarding the dis continuing ot the annual singing at Ml. Zion, but alter a vote on it it was decided for the singing to remain there as an annual singing. Delegates were chosen to represent this singing in the United Sacred Harp Musical Convention which will be held in Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 9, 1910. The delegates are W M. Lov vorn, J. C. Arthur, A. L. Turi ner, S. B. Powell and R. M. Reid. R. M. Reid chosen to lead introductory lesson at the next session of this singing. 60 mini utes more of music led by J. T. Arthur, M. A. Barrow and T.J. Entrekin, 20 minutes each, and closed by chairman. G. L. McEwen, Chm. M. W. Lovvorn, Sec’ty. Got any canning to do, Phone Harris Hardware Co.? for the Tin Cans. Can Tops, Fruit Jars and, Rubbers. Lookout Mountain Seed Potatoes Extra fine, in excellanl con dition. Raised by me in Carroll ton and have kept well. Plant July 15th to August 1st. Good crops have been made ot this potato planted even later. Strict ly a fall potato for the South, by far the best in every way in my opinion. Price $3.00 a bushel, 75 cts a peck, five cents a pound f o b Carrollton. Cash with This Is Our Profitless Season Your Money-Saving Season We are in business for profit, but from now on we must give our whole attention to the rednetion of stocks, regardless of profit—a step which good merchandising demands at this time ot the year. Now is when you can make the profit which usually falls to the clothier, with no rent, heat, light and other selling expenses deducted. You are not going to let the chance slip by, are you? A fine collection of models, fabrics and pat terns in all sizes from which to make selections. Sale is now in progress. Come early. $25.00 Suits, now $19.00 22.50 Suits, now 17.00 20.00 Suits, now 15.00 15.00 Suits, now 12.00 12.50 Suits, now 9.00 Secret Orders KeKUldr Communication of Carroll Lo<tf?o No. 119 F. & A. M-. every First Tuesday and Third Thursday at 7 o'clockj>. m. J. D.Hamrick. W. M., W. J. Mllllcan, Sect. Regular Convocation of Carroll Chapter No.22R, A M., every Second and Fourtn Tuesday at 7:8U p. m. J. H. Barron, H. P., W. J. Mllllcan, Sect. Regular Assembly of Western Oounotl No. 21), K, & 8. M„ every Second and Fourth Tues day evening after Chapter. J.D. Hamrick, T. I. M„ W..I. Mllllcan, Rec Stated Conclave of Hebron Commandery Xo. 28, K. T., every Third Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. B. L. Harrett, K. C., J, F. Creel, Bee. Hay Fever and Asthma Bring discontort and misery to people but Foley’s Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suf fering ones. It relieves the con gestion in the head and throat and soothjng and healing, None ginuirie but Foley’s Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Scld by Johnson Drug Co, Pig Strayed I have put up a stray pig which owner can get by prov ing property and paying expen ses. 1. . W alker Get an Electric Fan Get an Electric Fan and keep cool- co?t of running them is low. The Use an Electric Iron of ironing bill, Carrollton and save fifty per cent No smoke, heat or smoot, Electric Co. will loan you one for demon stration, See us for particulars. Carrollton Electric Go. Money to Loan I have some cheap money to loan. See me before bor rowing elsewhere. W. P. COLE. tiie place of holding the next j order. Specify freight or ex Annual session was left with the executive committee. Several good and interesting j talks were made by different members of the association. Thos W Dimmock, Pres V D Whatley, Sec (County papers please copy) All kinds of trusses Fitts Drug Store. ! press. Oidernow- Supply limint- ] ed. cv. K. Smith, Carrollton, Ga. The worlds most successful medi cine for bowel complaint is Cham berlains Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy. It Iras relieved more pain and suffering, and savod more lives than ’ any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold bv W. L. Worth Horse Shoeing, Take your stock to Rome Street Shoeing Shop J. P. JACKSON, Prop. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. FRUITS ORDER YOUR FRUITS FROM CARROLLTON^ FRUIT CO. Because it is strictly fresh. We receive fruit daily from, the place where grown. Phone orders receive prompt atten tion. Wholesale and Retail. Phone^o. 54. Carrollton Fruit Co. Georgia School of Technology ATLANTA, GEORGIA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE of the highest rank, whose gradu- J\, ates occupy prominent and lucrative positions in engineering -j and commercial life. Located in the most progressive ana ^ healthful city of the South, (1050 ft. above sea level) with the abounding opportunities offered its graduates in the South’s present remarkable development. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile and Civil Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Chemistry and Ai-chitecture. Extbi-.oive and new equipment of Shops, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Librai’y, new Infirmary and new Chemical Laboratory. Demand for graduates greater than the supply. Cost reasonable. Each county in Geoi-gia entitled to 15 free scholarships, which can be secured by making application to the President. For illustrated catalog, address K. G. MATHESON, LL. D,, President, Atlanta, Ga.