The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, September 22, 1910, Image 2

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. Peruna Tablets Tested, What Are the Peruna Tablet? pone for? Has anybody used them enough to know wlmt they will do? Read the following letter and see. If you have nuy doubt as to the genuineness of the letter, write to Mrs. Lolir, enclose a Stamp for reply, and see whether her testimonial is genuine or not: Ravenna, Mich., Juno 1(3, 1908. The Peruna Drug Oo. In regard to the Peruna Tablets, 1 have used about ten boxes in all. While I was in Chicago my oldest daughter was bothered with a cough alt the time. Rho has had it for four years. Sometimes it would go away, and in tlio winter time it was so bad that tho doctors and professors said that she had consumption, and I he only way to give her any relief was to per form an operation. I spend so much money for different medicines, nnd for doctors also. Noth ing seemed to help her. So I saw tho Peruna Tablets adver tised in the paper, and I got a box and tried them. She could get some Bleep by taking them. She would be up all niglit and cough. So in all she took six boxes, and never was bothered any more. I will leave this for any one to in quire at our old residence, whero we lived In Chicago, All our neighbors would say that sho could not live with such a cough. You don’t know lmw thankful I am. Sho Is eighteen years old. My oldest son also was bothered with his stomach, throwing up, and his bowels so looso all tho time. Ho was all run down for four months. L also doctored with him. One would any (Ids and the other something elso. I started ill to give him tho Tablets, nnd now he Is all right and healthy looking, lie took four boxes. That is all ho wants to take whenever anything ails him. So I praise your Tablets just as high as I have your Peruna. That is all the medicine that ever comes in my house. Whenever I travel 1 take some with me. I luivo had three of my chil dren sick with scarlet fever two months ago, and that is all I used, was tho Pe runa and the Tablets. X did not lose any of them. If there is any more information you want, why just let mo know and I will |,u glad to do so. Yours truly, Ill us. L. Limit, Ruvouua, Mich. LEGAL NOTICES YEARS SUPPORT. Georgia, Carroll County. Mrs Lena Findley having made applica tion for twelve months support out of the estate of J. Findley, deceased, and apprais ers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return, all persons con cerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they can, before the court of ordi nary on the first Monday in October 1910, why said application should not be granted. This September 5, 1910. W. J. Millican, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Carroll County. To all whom it may concern: John McGukin having,in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Benjaman McGukin, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Benjaman McGukin to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, the first Monday in October, 1910, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not granted to Joan McGukin on Benjaman McGukin’s estate, Witness my hand and official signature, this 5th day of Sept. 1910. W. J. Millican, Ordinary. LETTERS ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Carroll County. To all whom it may concern: H. B. Bates having in proper form ap plied to me for permanent Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Appleton L. Bates late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Appleton L. Bates, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, the first Monday in October 1910, and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted H. B. Bates on Appleton L. Bates estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 5th day September 1910. W. J. Millican, Ordinary ADMINISTRATORS SALE By virtue of |an order of the Court of Ordinary, Carroll County. Georgia, grant ed at the September term 1910, will be sold before the courthouse door of Carroll County within the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday in October, at public outcry to the highest for cash, the following described property, to.wit; 50 acres of land in the northwest corner of lot of land number 323 in the 7th District of Carroll County: also 30 acres in the southwest corner of lot of land number 310 in the 7th district. Sold as the property of Mrs E R Reeves, de ceased, late of Carroll County, Georgia, tor'the purpose of distribution. IX. A. Reeves, Administrator GEORGIA, CARROLL COUNTY To all whom it may concern Whereas G. W. Tumlin, Executor of the estate of J. S. Tumlin has in due form ap plied to me for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of said deceased, said appli cation will be heard 10 o'clock a. m. on the 1st Monday in October, 1910. Give under my hand and official signature this the 9th day September, 1910. W. J-Millican, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia, Carroll County. Will be sold before the court house of said county, in Carrollton, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October 1910 during the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: One soda fount. Levied on and sold by virtue of a mortgage foreclosure issued from the City Court of Carrollton in favor of Robert M. Green & Sons vs. Camp Drug Company. This September 6, 1910. W A Garrett, Sheriff. New Automobile Law. On Sept. I, the new automos bile law ol Georgia became ef fective in regard to operating machines on public highways of the State. The main points of the law in regard to regulating travel on the public highways are as follows : Every “owner of an automo< bile or other motor vehicle shall tile with the Secretary of State his name, address, a brief de scription ol his machine, name ol maker, number, style of ma- chine and motor power, and shall pay the Secretary of Stale ;j>2 for each machine so register ed. Upon receipt ol the registra tion fee, the Secretary of State shall give the owner a number and a seal of aluminum or simi lar metal, circular in form and not less than two inches in di ameter, and on which shall be the words, “Registered Motor Vehicle No. Georgia Motor Vehicle Law.” The seal shall be conspicuously’ displayed at all times. The Secretaiy of State shall also give the owner a number plate bearing the car number and the letters “Ga.” The plate shall be of ^the same rria- terial as the seal, the letters not h ss than three inches high and shall be displayed on the rear of the machine. When approaching a pedes trian or a person riding or driv ing a horse or other draft ani mal, the driver of the machine shall give the signal by soundi ing his bell, horn or gong. Il the person riding or diiving, raises his hand, the machine shall be brought to a stop, and il the animal appears ilrightened the driver must cease the rum ning of the motor until the ani> mal has passed. If a person purcheses the ma chine of another he shall secure a new seal and number lrom the Secretary ol State. No intoxicated person and no person under 16 years of age, shall be allowed to operate a machine on the public high ways of this Slate unless such miuor has had at least twelve months experience, and is ac companied by the owner. It shall be a misdemeanor tor any person to operate a machine without the consentof the owner. No person shall throw glass or nails or other obstacles in the way of a machine, and no per son shall give the signal of dis tress to a machine-driver with out due cause. Shiloh Cotton picking is the order of of the day in this sect on. Mrs. W. A. Johnson spent Saturdayjnight anh Sunday with Mrs. S. A. Johnson. J. [,A Hammond and family spent Suoday at the home of S. W. Harper near Clem. Mr. J. T. Bradley was in our vi le one day last week in an auto. Mrs. Nancy Buchanan spent Monday evening with Mrs. B. T Roberts. The Haile which fell here yesturday done much damage to tho ci ops. Success to the Free Press and its many readers. “Is Life Worth Saving” Miss Mollie McRaney, Prentiss Miss, writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble and that four bottles of Foley’s Kidney remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her letter saying ‘.il heartily recommend Foley’s Kidney Remedy to any snfferer of kidney diease.’ It saved my life.” Sold by Johnson Drug Co. # NOTICE Notice is heieby given that Roy Power and E. M. JBass have bought ‘all the notes and accounts of Camp Drug Co., and all debtors are ihereby noti fied to settle with either of us at once. Your complexion as well as your tender miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both, Sold by W, L. W orthy. ARE YOU READY FOR THE FAIR? 11 you are interested in the up building of Carroll County, help us wi ll the Fair that is to be held Oct. 17.22. Great prepar ations are being made to make this a great Fair. Diflerent days will be observed . It is probable that the Govenor will be present and open the Fair, The singers will have a day, the babies will be given a day, the old soldiers will not be forgotten. A new building two stories high will be ready for the exhibits. A num ber have already made applica tion for space to exhibit. It would be well for you to do likt- wise. The boys will be on hand with the corn. One of the best carnival companies in the coun try will be here and will give several free attractions such as High Dive, the balloon ascen sion, etc. Special diys are as follows. 1st. Day. Farmer’s day. Opening address by T G Hudson 2nd. Singing—Mullins and Doster. 3th. Horse Show—Heaton. 4th. Sporting Day—Mande- ville 5th Womans Day ana Baby Show—Mrs. C. H. Stewart and Miss Pauline Harris. 6th Automobile Day — R W Adamson A Winter Cover Crop The farmer who does not try to get all he can out of his land annually and yet leave it in con dition to yield more the follow ing season has mistaken his vo cation. One way to do this is to plant cowpeas in the corn at the time of the last cultivation, harvest the corn in September and pas> ture the cowpeas in October. Early in November deep break and plant to rye, using about one . bushel per Jacre. Our reasons for preferring rye are the following : 1. Itishaidy. It will germi nate and make a stand when other grains fail. Oats and bars ley Jwill winter kill when rye will remain practically uninjured by the host. It stands tramping and grazing better than other grains. 2. It takes kindly to poor soils, wnich is an important factor on most lands. Where hairy vetch will suc ceed, the addition of a peck of vetch seed to a bushel of rye is an improvement. Where there is no boll weevil infestation, rye or rye and vetch may be planted between the rows of cotton in October, and not later than the first of November. It is better to use a narrow drill in planting, but where ^farmers do not have this the seed may be sown by hand and ^cultivated or harrowed in. Crimson Clover : On lands adapted to ,it, crimson clover sown in the corn at the last working has given results About 15 pounds to the acre is generally used and [by the first of the following April it furnish es a cutting of 1 1.2 to 2 i>2 tons of cured hay or, turned under, adds a great body of manure to the soil, The terri tory in which theciimson clover thrives best sppears to be from the latitude of the northern por tion of the Gulf States to the latitude of the Ohio River, Oats or barley do well some winters. When they succeed they turnish a large amounj of winter grazing and considerable humus lor plowing under in the Spring • When the stomaoh fails to per* form its functions, the bowels be come deranged, the liver and the kindneys congested causing num erous diseases. The stomach and the liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do it. Easy to take and most effictive. Sold by W. L. Worthy. The worlds most successful medi cine for bowel compi unt is Cham berlains Colic, Chc.leta ind diarrhoea Remedy. It lus n lieved more pain and suffering, and savad more lives than any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold by W. L. Worth HARDWARE No matter what kind of Hardware you may need, you should by all means see us before buying. We buy in car load lots and can give you the closest prices on anything in our line. Highest standard in quality of goods. Builders Hardware Our [stock of Builders Hardware is unsurpassed and we will give you the very closeht figures on this line of goods. Stoves and Ranges Our stock of Stoves and Ranges is the largest and best ever brought here. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and make cooking a pleasure. BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES I We have lots of I market, call and HARNESS Our stock is large and styles are various. Norman Buggies, the best on the inspect them in our salesroom. CUTLERY A nice line of scissors, pocket knives, razors, table cutlery, >etc. FENCING Our line of wire fencing is the very best. Poultry and Hog fencing a specialty. Chattanooga Plows and Cane Mills Carrollton Hardware Company R. E. FOSTER, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Diseases of Women. Office in Bradley Bldg. Day Phone 176-3, Carrollton, Ga. RAY F. SOX, DENTIST Office hours: 8 a. m. to 4 p. m, Bradley Building CARROLLTON. GEORGIA. J. T. COLEMAN, Watchmaker Expert Watch and Clock Repairing Jewelry Repairing and Engraving. South West Corner Public Square with “HAMRICKS” CARROLLTON, - GA. Prices reasonable. Work Guaranteed. HAMRICK & THOMASSON LAWYERS Carrollton, Ga. Rooms 1 and 2 Bass Building. ADAMSON & JACKSON, LAWYERS, Carrollton, oa. gForeign capitalists loan money on first-class terms for five years at 6 and 7 per cent. See me if you want money. R. D. JACKSON. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of W. A. Eady late of Carroll County deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all per sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. This 16th day of August, 1910. T. J. Eady, Admr. MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to make loans'on improved farm lauds In Carroll County, at 7 and 8 per cent interoat on terms ot apeelal advantage to farmers and others owning farms. The principal Is repayable in animal Install ments of one-tonth of the amount borrowed and Interest is charged only on the amount actually at Interest. Conns are made for a period of five years and there ,1s no commis sion churned for making hut a reasonable sum for abstracting title. If you are in need of money and have improved farm lands to offer as security, it will pay "you to consult mu. L. Z, DORSBITT, Hoop Building, Currollton. Ga. 9he franklin 9en Call at N.A.Horton’s Book Store and see the Franklin — the pen that is never out of commission, be cause if ever the fill ing device failed to work the nozzle can be unscrewed and the pen filled just like an ordinary old style fountain pen. This is a feature contained iu no other self-fill- fountain pen on the market- Thc Perfect Fontain Pen Bicycle Messenger Service PHONE 15 Messages and Packages De livered Anywhere in the City for 5c. Outside City Limits ioc & 15c Meadows & Mullins Must Be Above All Suspicion Kidney and Bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any jemedy offered for tljeir cure must be above suspicion. Foley’s Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long ar.d tharougli test. Sold by Johnson Drug Co. Horse Shoeing, Take your stock to Rome Street Shoeing Shop J. P. JACKSON, Prop. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Screen Doors, Hammocks, Refrigerators, Freezers, Water Coolers at the very best pricey —Harris Hardware Co, Kidney- Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor, rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn 01ft tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia- bates, and restore health an^ strength. Refuse substitutes. Electric Bitters wcaKnesses they are the si remedy, as thousands have te p OR kidney, uver STOMACH TROUB il is the best medicine eve over a druggist’s countei