The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, October 13, 1910, Image 2

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' vltitiSi-.-. V.?... THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. Official Program for October Home Missions. District Meeting Stock Raising in the South Department of Home Missions. District Meeting, Rome District. Carrollton, Ga. Oct. 14-15th, 1910 Mrs. Jesse McGhee District Sec’y Program Committee—Mrs. Herbert M. Franklin, Tennille, Ga., Mrs. J. A. Bryan, Talbotton, Ga. Mailing Department—Miss Louise Ivey, Tennille, Ga. Study—Battles Around Atlanta. Questions. Friday Afternoon, oct. 14, 1910 Reception for delegates at resi- The Georgia and Alabama In dustrial Index calls attention to re newed activity in cattle raising in the two states which is encouraging. It says in part: “An interesting phase of develop ment in the two states is the in- CURES REMOVE DOUBT ABOUT ECZEMA CURE Read What Your Druggist Says About Oil of Wintergreen 1 When and why was General ( i ence 0 f Mrs. S. C. Kytle from 4 to' creased attention that is Joseph E. Johnston relieved of the command of the Confederate army? What did General Sherman say when he heard of the change? 2 What was the relative strength of Johnston’s and S her m a n's armies? Give an account of prep arations for the defense of Atlanta. How many state troops had been placed in the trenches? 3 Who commanded the state militia, and what noted Georgian, who had resigned his command in Virginia, was on his staff? 4 The four brigades of state militia were commanded by what brigadier generals? 5 Who was placed in command of the army when General Johnston was removed? When did he' assume the aggressive and make the first attack? 6 How long did the battle con tinue, and what was the result? What were Hood’s heavy losses? 7 In the fierce battles of July 22, what Confederate General was killed and what other southern general was severely wounded? 8 What Federal general lost his life in this battle? 9 Give an account of the encoun ter of of July 28. 10 Tell of the commands sent out by the Federals on raids through the state. What part did General Wheeler take in the action around Atlanta? 11 Describe the siege of Atlanta. Why was General Hood finally obliged to evacuate the city? 12 What were General Shermans orders in regard to the citizens? What was the fate of the city? Answers to these questions may be found in Evan’s History of Geor gia, Field’s History of the United States or Georgia Land and People. The above questions are for study of the Annie Wheeler Chapter this month. Mrs. T. B. Slade, Pres. Minute of Self Improvement Club. A meeting of the Self Improve ment Club was held at Stripling Chapel, Get. 1st, 1910. Cliff Martin acting as Chairmau. The first busi ness was the election of officers as follows: C. E. Boyd, Pres., Cliff Mar tin, Vice Pres., Eilly Keaton Sec. A constitution and by-laws was read and adopted. The Chairman appointed the following committees on entertainment: Roy Lyle, Chas. Stallings and Pierce Reid. Motion carried that the Club postpone action concerning a debate with Glenloch School till next Society night. Billy Keaton, Secy. THE LASH OF A FRIEND Would have been about as wel come to A. Cooper of Oswego N. Y. as a merciless lung racking cough that defied all remedies for gears. “It was most troub'esome at night” he writes, nothing helping me till 1 used Dr. Kings New Dis covery which cured me completely. I never cough at night now. Mil lions know its matchless merit for stubborn cold obstinate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe asthma croup, hay- fever J or whooping cough. It re lieves quickly and never fails to satisfy. A trial convinces, 50c, gl Trial Jbottle free, It’s positively guaranteed by Fitts Drug Store or Johnson Drug Co. The Dining Den 6 p. m. Every member of Home Mission Society is most cordially in vited to be present. Friday Evening 7:30 Organ Voluntary Selected Hymn Devotional Exercises Rev. A. W. Quillian Solo Mrs. Peabody Address of Welcome from Local Church. Greeting Local Home Missionary Society Mrs. Bradley Greeting Local Foreign Missionary Society Mrs. Meadows Greeting from Presbyterian and Baptist Societies Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Rhudy. Response to Address of Welcome Mrs. F. D. Cantrell Music Benediction now being paid to stockraising and diversified farming. In Baker county, Georgia, a farm 2,750 acres was bought by people who will use it solely for stockraising purposes. An Ohio in vestor bought a 500-acre farm near Demopolis, Ala., and will devote it entirely to the growing of alfalfa and raising cattle and hogs.’’ This is good news to the consum er who is today being forced to pay unreasonable prices for meat and accept the inferior western quality at that. Until we raise our own meat in the South we can never expect an improvement in conditions. Georgia farmers should raise all of ] the meat required by consumers Tor several years we have an nounced, with our recommendation, that we had found a positive cure for eczema; a simple skin wash, oil of wintergreen compounded with other healing ingredients. Yet we know there are people right in this town who have eczema, and still have never tried this rem edy. We have, therefore, arranged with the 1). I). D. Laboratories of Chi cago for a special offer of a trial bottle at 25 cents instead of the $1.00 bottle as regularly sold. We offer this trial bottle with our r .'commendation and assurance that just as soon as the patient washes his itching skin, this mild liquid will take the itch away instantly. How delicious were those pies of I boyhood. No pies ,now ever taste so good. What has changed? the pies? No its you. Youve lost the I strong healthy stomach, the vigor- of this stateand the Ledger is pleas-, ous , ivei , the active kidneys, the ed to note the fact that a beginning is to be made in Baker county. To my friends, the eaters. I have bought the little lunch stand on Newnan St. and will ren ovate the same making it inviting and clean. Amos the boss cook of the town will have exclusive charge of the cooking and serving. Stop as you pass and get a nice lunch from 10c to 50c. Everything will be tip top for nicety, cleanliness, and well cooked, at the „dining den." Thanks Bruce Merrell Saturday Morning, Oct 15th, 1910 Devotional Mrs. E. T. McGhee j Solo * Mrs. Peabody Organization Roll Call Apixiintment of Committees. Reixjrt of District Secretary Mrs. Jesse McGhee Aux Report—First Church, Rome, Ga„ South Broad St., Rome, Ga. Second Church, Rome, Ga., Howard Ave. Rome, Ga., North Rome, Rome Ga., Cedartown, Bremen, Buchanan, Dallas, Douglasville, Rockmart, Lin- dale, Carrollton. Some of The Needs of our District Mrs. F. D. Cantrell White Slave Traffic Mrs. E. T. McGhee A Chart Talk Mrs. Jarrell Bible Study Miss Addie Mitchell "Home Missions mean that America must be won for Jesus Christ throughout her borders." “Unfortunate friendless girls, call to tell us to help them meet the Struggles of Life.” “We are bound to do this work by every tie that clairfis a woman’s heart.” Saturday Afternoon, 3 o'clock, Oct. 15th, 1910. Devbtional Mrs. Quillian Solo Mrs. Peabody Press Work and Home Missions Literature. Mrs. M. B. Eubanks The Deaconess’ Work Miss Addie Mitchell Workers Hour Mrs. Luke Johnson Consecration Service What Woman’s Home Missionary Society has done for me. Ladies of Rome District “In this Southland of ours there are two hundred and ten counties in which twenty per cent! of the white voters can neither read or write." “A Philanthropy which will lay itself out for the wretched and ig norant of other lands and do noth ing for those at our doors, may be called sickly and sentimental.” Joe Holloway at Home Sunday Morning, Oct. 16th, 1910. Sermon 11 a. m. Rev. Chas. O. Jones Sunday Afiernoon. Childrens Rally 3 p. m. Sunday Evening 7:30 Devotional Miss Addie Mitchell Solo Miss Peabody “Our Broadened Opportunity" The Call of the Friendless Mrs. Luke Johnson Everybody invited to attend these meetings. A Brass Jardinier will be appreci ated by your wife. J. R. Holt Drug Co. Tuberculosis The protracted service being held at the First Baptist Church led by Evangelist Paul Price are undoubt edly accomplishing much good. There have been sixteen additions to the Church up to Tuesday night. And a large number of Christ: a 1 people of the town^are being edified by the lectures at the morning services. The meeting will close next Sun day night. The ord nance of baptism will be adminstered Sunday after noon. _ Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out-doors and a plain, nourishing diet are all gootV and helpful, but the most important of all is Scott’s Emulsion Fine Cut Glass: We have recently adped a nice selection of Maple City Glass, which we are offering at a remarkaly low price, 6 inch nap- pie for $1.25, other sizes in propor tion. J- H. Holt Drug Ca. It is the standard treat* ment prescribed by phy sicians all over the world for this dread disease. It the ideal food-medi cine to heal the lungs and build up the wasting body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., namo of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Hank and Child’s Sketch-Hook. £uuh bank contains a Good Luck Penny. Mr. Joe Holloway, leader of the Holloway Bros, band with the John Robinson Circus, is at home for a few days on account of illness. Mr. Holloway has been in rather ill health since leaving Richmond, Va. early part of Sept, but he continued in charge of the banduptoOct. 4th wiien they played in Atlanta, there he left the show for a few weeks stay at home, where his h ealth is greatly inproving, and he hopes to be able to rejoin arid take charge of his band in the near future. The band is still on the road un der the direction of Claud Holloway at the present. They are playing the Atlantic States along the coast. i regular bowels of boyhood. You digestion is poor and you blame the I food. Whats needed? A a com- ' plete toning up bs Electric Bitters of all organs or digestion-Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bowels—Try them. They’ll restore your boyhood ap petite and appreciate of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 50c at Jobuson Drug Co, arid W. W & W, L. Fitts. Copyright 1909. by C. E. Zimmerman Co.—No. 3« The Old Cabinet Maker Says: A LAWYER’S SUP. Put In Damaging Evidence Against His Own Client. 7t docs not seem to be frequent that a pin in till’ gets through the courts what he considers a satis factory Settlement for damages for an injury sustained when a railroad company is the defendant. Cases are of .record, however, where the attorney for the railroad has un consciously admitted evidence that resulted in a verdict for the plain tiff. Such a ease was that of Mrs. Herkimer of Beloit, who sued the Missouri Pacific for $10,000 before a court in Kansas. The defendants were represented bv the able and learned Waggener, who sought to prove that there was a full inoon on the night of the accident and to place the responsi bility with the plaintiff. A messen ger boy was sent for and secured an almanac of the year of the acci dent. Examining it only to learn that it contained the desired proof, he offered it in evidence. In his argument the lawyer for the plaintiff declared that the de fendant company was the property of certain millionaires, whom he named, who had amassed fortunes totaling a great number of millions and were well able to cure for his crippled client. Waggener was immediately on his feet offering loud objection to this line of argument, claiming that nothing had been introduced in the evidence to justify the state ment. “May it please your honor, there is,” declared the other lawyer. “It is in the direct evidence offered by the learned attorney for the de fense.” “Where?” shouted the surprised Waggener. “It, is in this almanac, your honor,” calmly replied the lawyer. He had studied the book, and there in its pages were pictures of the men named, together with sketches of their lives, and every one of them was rated at from $100,000,- 000 to $150,000,000. These figures evidently appeared to the jury to be substantial enough to award a verdict for the amount asked, and that without leaving tbeir seats.—\ew York Tribune. Your kidney trouble may be of long standing, it may be either acute or chronic, but whatever it is Foley’s Kidney Remedy wil aid you ro get rid of it quibkly and restore your nature health and vigor. “Cne bottle of Folend Kidney Remedy made me well” Said J Sibbull of Grand View Wis. Commence taking it now, for sale by Johnson Drug Co. That if you want something in the way of an extra bed to be used on regular or special occasions, the new sanitary davenport or couch, which whdn opened up becomes a com fortable bed is ideal in every' way, especially if you are shy on room, first they are light in weight and being made of all metal they are vermin proof and durable as well, and a good one is as comfortable as a bed, in fact some people pre fer them. With all these advantages as well as their hand- oome appearance and their low price it is out of the questi^i for you to be without one if you have any use for one. S. C.KYTLE Carrollton, Ca. M HARDWARE No matter what kind of Hardware you may need, you should by all means see us before buying. We buy in car load lots and can give you the closest prices on anything in our line. Highest standard in quality of goods. Builders Hardware Our [stock of Builders Hardware is unsurpassed and we will give you the very closeht figures this line of goods. on Stoves and Ranges Our stock of Stoves and Ranges is the largest and best ever brought here. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and make cooking a pleasure. BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES We have lots of Norman Buggies, the best on the market, call and inspect them in our salesroom. A Few Short Weeks Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edvardsville, IfL, writes: “A a few months ago my Kidneys became congested, j had severe headache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley’s Kidney Fills promply cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them only a few short weeks and I can cheer fully recomend them. For Sale by Johnson Drue Co HARNESS Our stock large and styles is are various. CUTLERY A nice line of scissors, knives, pocket razors, table cutlery, ietc. FENCING Our line of wire fencing is the very best. Poultry and Hog fencing a specialty. Chattanooga Plows and Cane Mills Carrollton Hardware NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of W. A. Eady late of Carroll County deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to la-.v, and all per sons indebted to said estate are required to i make immediate payment. This 16th day I of August, 1910. T. J. Eady, Admr. Company