The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, November 03, 1910, Image 2

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r THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, GA. / i THE ANNUAL MISSIONARY SERMON Before The Carrollton Baptist Association at Roopville, October 21, 1910, 15V RI£V. JESSE M. DODD Jesus Christ of life. The My text is the latter part of Acts turning by faith to 1-8 “And ye shall be my witness-' alone for the bread es both in Jerusalem, and in all recent political revolution in Port ugal is the same movement to which Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part (literally, the last place") of the earth. Already we have begun to preach Christ’s gos pel “in the whole world for a testi mony unto all the nations, who at our lord’s return are to be gathered into the august presence of the king for the judgement of the great day. As we call ourselves a missionary body, even the child ren ought to understand the term “missionary.” When Jesus appeared to the eleven in the inner chamber on the evening of his resurrection, he said unto them, “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you,’, or “As the Father hath made me a the Lutheran Reformation gave birth when Europe was plunged in to the throes of internecine war, that political and ecclesiastical tyranny might die and freedom reign. Coincident with these move ments is the growing recognition of the dignity of the individual, con stitutions are being framed, parlia ments assembled, and the rights of all classes guaranteed. To-day the power of Christianity and the glory of Jesus Christ are spreading over the face of the whole earth. And unto us it is given unto us, as never before to any people is given the opportunity to spread the missionary, even so make I you gospel, and the hour of crisis is upon of commercialism sweep 11s from our ancient moorings, and our craft be dashed upon the unfriendly rock of materialism. Our own much loved Atlanta, our leading southern city, spent over a half million dollars on automobile races, a year ago, while 250,000 Baptists gave about thirty cents each for foreign missions last year. Luxury, base selfishness,shame less sin brought mighty Rome to ir retrievable ruin. History repeats it self. And if we are spending 93 per cent of the $225,000,000 auto mobile investment this year for pleasure alone, ours is the gravest danger. Again there are dangers without, the most threatening being the foreigner coming 100,000 or more a month with his heathen ideas and godless customs—a menace to the social, political, moral, educa tional. and religious well being of a free people.. The assassin of the pious William McKinley betrays, like the saloon keeper, in his very name the fact that he is a stranger to American sentiment. And as we have already seen to-day the foreigner feels at home rather in the city, the center of influence and of crime. Mr. Josiah Strong, of the American Institute of Social missionaries,” for a missionary to- qs! Not during the Civil War, but g erv j ce a ndperhaps the most eminent day is one sent on a mission of sal- j today the South faces the crisis of j f ar _ see i n{ j student of social con- ... , — Lord [ her entire history. We occupy the ditions in America t0 . day) says that vatioh from Jesus Christ the of life. , I wish us this morning to consider! of any people the urgency of missionary work in every land. One billion people have never heard the gospel, “and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent?” Nearly 600,000,000 iof the world’s population are Catho lics, Mohammedans, Jews and such like. One million a month die un saved in China, where 33,000 are born every twenty-four hours. There are 14,000 preachers, teachers, and physicians in the United States to one in China according to population, and while we have one ordained preacher for every 546 persons, most strategic geographical position on earth. Maury’s prophecy that some day a Central American canal would make the Gulf of Mexico the Mediterranean of modern times, the center of the world’s commercial activities, is about to have fulfilment; nearly every trunk line from the West is to-day seeking outlet through some Southern port, and a score or more of railroads are surveyed through mountain to Southern seashore, the building to be consummated along with the completion of the Panama Canal. Baltimore is the fifth ship ping port in the United States, New Orleans, the third, and Galveston The Lost H. Sergeant Channel), who was in the habit if dropping his h’s, and Sir Frederick Thesiger were once trying a ca^e about a ship called the Helen. Every time the former men tioned the vessel I10 called it the Ellen. Every time the other coun sel mentioned her they called her the Helen. At last the judge, with a quaint gravity, said: “Stop” (n favorite word of his). “Stop. What was the name of the ship? I have it on my notes the Ellen and the Helen. Which is it?” And the bar grinned. “Oh, my lud,” said Thesiger in his blandest and most fastidious manner, “the ship was christened the Helen, but she lost her ‘h’ in the chops of the channel.”—Lon don Spectator. “Mamma, if I had a bat before I lad this one it’s all right to say fhnt’s the hat I had had, isn’t it?” “Certainly, Johnny.” “And if that hat once had a hole in it and I had it mended I could sav it had had a hole in it, couldn’t 1 ?” “Yes, there would be nothing in correct in that.” “Then it’d be good English to snv that the hat I had had had had a hole iD it, wouldn’t it?” China has only one for every 183,000 j second only to New York City. Yet our “God is no respecter of per- And according to the vision of such sons,” but is “Lord of all, and is seers as Mr. Richard Edmonds, of rich unto all that call upon Him.” 1 the Manufacturers’ Record, we In the United States there are are only at the dawn of our agricul- 90,000,000 people, 20,000,000 Protest- tural and industrial pre-eminence, ants,) 12,000,000 various sects, and and are already becoming the richest 58,000,000 unevangelized! or, about and the dominant people of the one third are nominally Christian earth. We are fast superseding New while two thirds make no religious England in the manufacture of cot- pretensions whatsoever here in our ton, the most important crop on own so-called Christian country, earth, worth last year one billion Chicago is the second Bohemian, dollars, and our annual cotton sup- the third Swedish, the fourth Polish, ply to New England is almost equiv- and the fifth German city in the alent to the total capitalization of whole world; and the other day a all the national banks in the United judge in that great city said that States. But the South is to-day 65 or 70 per cent of those in her spending $20,000,000 building cot- criminal courts are between the to* mills, Likewise we are sur- ages of 16 and 25. Texas and Mis- pacing Pennsylvania in, iron and souri have nearly 1,000,000 foreigners steal manufacture, for of coal, the each, and within two or three of our chief industrial factorin Great Britain southern cities there is a population and (Germany, the South has as much of foreigners as large each as the asGieat Britain, Germany, France city of Atlanta. There are forty; and ' Austria together, and more iron ore than all the rest of the United States. We have besides 40 per cent of the timber of the coun try, practically all the phosphate one third of our population are in the city already, and that without a change forty years more will see one half there. How urgent then that we strengthen our forces in the centers of influence, even as the wisdom of our State Board of Mis sions saw some years ago that a church must be planted in every county site and place of importance And how equally urgent that our rural churches shall continue to raise up leaders to go before the hosts of the Lord into the land of promise. Many a boy has looked wiih inspiration upon the shepherd life of Moses and of David. Brethren, let us return to our churches and homes and thank God for our heritage, that we live in the garden spot of earth; and now as we come to the most delightful part of this service, let us to-day give the largest offering in the history of the Carrollton Assoc.ation, THE LASH OF A FRIEND Would have been about as wel come to A. Cooper of Oswego N. Y. as a merciless lung racking cough that defied all remedies for gears. “It was most troub'esome at night” he writes, nothing helping me till 1 used Dr. Kings New Dis covery which cured me completely, I never cough at night now. Mil lions know its matchless merit for stubborn cold obstinate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe asthma croup, hay- fever or whooping cough. It re lieves quickly and never fails to satisfy. A trial convinces, 50c, $1 Trial bottle free. It’s positively guaranteed by Fitts Drug Store Johnson Drug Co. Coprrisht 1909, br C. E. Zimmerman C0.--N0. 41 The Old Cabinet Maker Says: That the Sideboard not only helps to £11 up the room and adds to its appearance, but is the most useful article of furniture in the Dining Room. We have a nice stock em bracing all sizes and made iu a number of different woods and finishes. They come iu a wide range of prices and if you have room for such au article, we want you to come in and look over our stock, for the prices and the quality of the goods will make you buy. jt S.C. Carrollton, heathen temples in the United States, and of the professing Christians in the empire of Texas \ one-fourth are Catholics. How about \ our own state? Well, some months j rock, the basis of the fertilizer m- x ago statistics showed 850,000 un- 1 dustry, and the South is also the saved white people in Georgia, | center of the natural gas and oil 600,000 being over ten years, while industry. 400,§00 white children are not in! Why subh abundant resources? Sun'dV’ school, and so at least 85 Why such marvelous development? chance. for their salvation are Because upon us as never upon any lost. In. his grand old common- people, as I firmly believe, the God wealth of which we proudly and of heaven has thrust the opportunity properly boast, only one fifth of our of the centuries. After calm and people are Christians. Some time thoughtful x deliberation I declare ago there was a section of our state that the religious and the domestic 75 miles long and 25 wide with r.o welfare of the world is in our hands: church, and on the opposite side of ours is the purest American blood, the state another section half as the holiest family life, the religious large with the same destitution, ideals, the home of orthodoxy, the So then everywhere today men atmosphere of genuine piety. The are in need of the gospel, the church people who are to stem the tide of houses of worship, the Bible, the radical criticism, iconoclasm, irreli- Christian influences and civilization, gion, and infidelity worship God And I rejoice, my brethren, that the around Southern hearthstones. We doors of nations and human hearts believe the Bible from the first verse are everywhere opening wide for. of Genesis to the last verse af the the triumphal entry of the Prince i twenty-second chapter of Revela- of Peace. Despite criticism, despite | tion. We believe that Jesus Christ the concentrated opposition of His was born of the Virgin Mary; and is enemies, Jesus is everywhere being [the eternal Son of God. We know recognized as Lord of lords and God; we know Christ; we love Him; King of kings. When men criticize I we delight to serve Him; we stand the methods of missions, and ques- for “the truth, the whole truth, and tion the use of the funds, one should nothing but the truth.” The Baptist refer them to the only reliable, denomination is the largest in the source of information, the Secretary j South, and a half million more than who has this work in charge. At the second largest, and a million the Baltimore Convention Dr. Wil-1 more than the third. There are lingham’s report said, “Eighty-eight j more Baptists in Georgia than all cents in the dollar goes direct to J other denominations together, we the missionaries.” Any other report 1 being 57 9-10 per cent of the popula- is maliciously false and is satan-in-' lation. In the political and ecclesias spired. The heathen are losing S tical unrest which the leaven of the faith in Theft ancient religions,' gospel is creating, we are offering which never gave a sense of peace rn m democracy, and suol liberty.doc- with God nor calmed the troubled, t rinal orthodoxy and spiritual free- breast. And to-day as they grope dom. Roger Williams is everywhere In the dark they are stretching forth their hands for the Christ whom we preach. All the world knows that Pope Pius trembles as he beholds the signs of the times. The Fairbanks and Roosevelt epi sodes are now succeeeded by an other, the apology which his holiness How delicious were those pies of boyhood. No pies [now ever taste so good. What has changed? the pies? No its you. Youve lost the strong healthy stomach, the vigor ous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. You digestion is poor and you blame the food. Whats neeJed? A a com plete toning up bs Electric Bitters of all organs or digestion-Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bowels—Try them. They’ll restore your boyhood ap petite and appreciate of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 50c at Johuson Drug Co, and W . W & W. L. Fitts. Your kidney trouble may be 0 long standing, it may be either acute or chronic, but whatever it is Foley’s Kidney Remedy wil aid you ro get rid of it quibkly and restore your nature health and vigor. “Cne bottle of Folend Kidney Remedy made me well” Said J Sibbull of Grand View Wis. Commence taking it now, for sale by Johnson Drug Co. Conner & Martin carry at all times a nice line of fresh meats, and fish and oysters in season. recognized to-day as the apostle of religious liberty in America, which boon our Baptist forefathers vouch safed to future generations by put ting that clause into our federal constitution which guarantees re ligious freedom to every citizen. But while we may justly feel has been compelled to make to Em- ■ proud of our history, we must give peror William, because of aspersion, cast upon innocent Protestants. The infallible Pope! France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Portugal, and other Romish countries are refusing the unsavory meat of Catholicism and our thought rather to the present and the future. Along with an un parallelled opportunity we are con fronted by the gravest danger. There is peril in the very prosperity that makes us glad, danger lest the tide Scrofula disfigures and causes life-long misery. Children become strong and lively when given small doses of 9, B ^ every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and Scott’s Emulsion con quer scrofula and many other blood diseases. FOR SACK IIY A 1,1, DRUGGISTS GET READY Preparation is the foundation of all success=-=be- gin now for your next crop by turning your land. We have the plow for you, the Chattanooga Line with many improvements, all sizes from the least to the largest. Call and see us. WIRE FENCING 7 We learned from the poultry exhibit at our Fair that there’s a growing interest in poultry raising, we have just received a car of P. & R. Fencing that enables us to take care of all your wants in this line. BUILDERS HARDWARE Our Builbers Hardware stock is of the right kind and at. prices a Good Deal cheaper than cotton. STOVES, RANGES HEATERS. ~ To suit everyboby. Our business on Pocket Knives, Scissors and Table Cut lery is gratifying to us but we want to do better, give us a chance by calling on us. Our line of Harness, Saddles, and is Full Good, Better and Best. THE BEST BUGGIES We would be glad to talk Norman ^Buggies to you, if need a buggy or if you don’t, it is a pleasure to talk 31 thing that has merit in it like Norman Buggies have. Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Hank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Euck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y. Carrollton Hard ware Company