The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 22, 1910, Image 1

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\c.Y VV\»* ®fp (EarniU THE PEOPLE’S POPULAR PAPER AND THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, THUR8DAY. DECEMBER 22 1910 SERVICE We make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons shall be satisfactory. We want each to feel that they are free to come to us in all matters where our experience and advice will be of value and assistance. When we speak of the "Service” rendered to customers we mean the best sendee,-all that you reasonably expect from your bank Our service includes a hundred and one little details, all of which go to make of our patrons, Satis fied customers. If you have had no business with this bank, we feel oonfident you will appreciate the service we can render. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARROLLTON. Capital $100,000.00 surplus $100,000.00 A ’Possum Supper. I One of the most enjoyable oc casions it has been anyone’s rare good fortune to attend was the six o’clock “ ’Possum Supper” at which Mr. G. W. Burnett entertained a number of his friends Friday, Dec. 16th in honor of his 36th birthday. Covers were laid for twelve in the dining room—the long table with its cut-glass and silver and the huge stand of choice fruits making a charming picture under the soft glow of the lights. The host had made one stipula tion when extending the invitations that was that each one accepting the invitation must be a "possum lover." So of course the “center of attraction” when supper was an- nouncod were the five big possums. Piping hot and browned to a turn surrounded by the juicy sweet po tatoes and resting upon five platters they were indeed a feast for the eye as well as the inner man, and bore eloquent evidence to Mr. Burnett’s skill as hunter and host. The supper which was elegantly prepared was served in three courses; the menu consisting of; Possum Potatoes Gravy Baked Apple3 Celery Hot Biscuit Coffee Nut Salad Crackers Pickles Pepper Sanwiches Gelatine Whipped Cream Cake NOTICE Carroll Lodge No. 69 F. &. A. M will hold a regular communication on Tuesday, December 27th inst., to celebrate the Nativity of Saint John, the Evangelist, also work in the 1 degree, and installation of the leers. All Master Masons in good and regular standing with their lodges, are cordially invited to be present. The lodge will be opened promptly at 2:00 o’clock p. m. Fraternally J. D. Hamrick, W. M. First Baptist Church Sunday, 11 a. m. Prelude - Sullivan Offertoire — Melody in A — West Solo;—There is a Green Hill Miss Sadie Merrell Postlude - Englemann 7:30 p. m. Prelude - Eddy An original composition being a variation of an old Scotch Christmas air Offertoire - Buck Solo — 0! Holy Night Miss Mary Lou New Postlude - Wagner Organist—G. L Hamrick. The Citizens Bank will be closed Monday, Dec. 26th, and Monday, Jan. 2nd- The annual meeting of the stock holders of this bank will be held in Commercial Club Rooms at 2 p. m. Friday, December '30th. A. K. Snead, Cashier. IB. F.BOTKI1T ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Call and Sec About Borrowing Money. Loans Made on Farms and’City House andLots. First National Bank Building Phone No, io5 TV WHY NOT Get A Useful Xmas Present. x Those who were so fortunate as to enjoy Mr. Burnett’s hospitality were Rev. Edmondson, W. H. Shaw, J. B. Camp, C. E. Yancey, A. J. and J. A. Burnett, H. B. Adams, G. T. Copeland, H. F. Merrell, H. H. Word, J. R. Adamson, and C. M. Tanner. After supper around the cheery fireside with a box of choice cigars merry jests and stories made the wee’ sma’ hours approach all too quickly and the guests departed each one wishing Mr. Burnett many happy birthdays and (softly please) many more “Possum Suppers” at which each one present upon the evening of the 16th may again be invited guests. As each bright picture has its dark side, so with this and "justice demands that I chronicle the lament of the old darkey” accidentally overheard the morning after. Yo’ ax me what I’se weepin’ fer Hush honey! go on way Yo’ ain’ dun seed dem possums Chile, yo’ ain dun watch ’em play. Banks Will Close. The Banks of this city will be closed on Monday. December 26th, and on Monday, January 2nd, as these are legal holidays, Every body is urged to arrange their busi ness accordingly so there will be no inconvenience caused. STORES CLOSED As well as every business man should have a bank account. WHY? Your money is safer in the bank than anywhere else. Paying your bills by check is the simplest and most convienient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt pays. It gives you a better standing with business men. Money in the Bank strengthens your credit To Those Desiring Banking Connections With An Old Established Bank, We Extend Our Service, We carry sufficient burglary insurance to cover all cash on hand. Carrollton flank Carrollton, Ga. ' HE NEVER FAILS TO VISIT THOSE As Christmas day comes on Sun day we will ask all dry goods Mer chants to please sign this paper in favor enclosing the ttore on 26th. day "of December. Goldstein Bros, Jackson & Griffin, Merrell Bros. Robinson S. Harmon, .Bradley Hyatt, & Co, Heaton B:os W. J. Stewart, Weems 0. Baskin, Fleming & Robinson, Herrin & West- Lee Jackson Co, H. Klotz and A. J Baskin Co. En calkerlated on their heft E11 how tasty they'd be All fixed up fine wif valler yams En gravy (um yum) no sirree! Mars’ Burnett he cotch five of dem And give a possum supper An vited in twelve of his friens To make em possum luvvers. And when dey seen dem possums All brown en steamin hot Wif de gravy and de taters Child, old trubble dey forgot. Dey say dem possums sho wuz fine Law! I say dey’re mighty rite But since de white folks fin’ how good it am De niggar won’t git a bite. A Guest. Land Sale Georgia. Carroll County. Will be sold before the court house door of said county at Carrollton within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, to tiie highest bidder for cash, the east half of lot of land No, 201 in the Fifth District of said county, con taining 100 acres, more or less, soid as the property of several heirs at law of James Jordan; the purchaser to secure the rents for 1911; sold by virture of the authority vested in me as attorney in fact for the several heirs at law of James Jordon. This December 22nd, 1910. Jerry D. Jordan. WITH MON IN THE BANK Copyright 1909, by C. E. Zimmerman Co.—No. St Thisis the time when the pinch of poverty is 'felt as at no other time of the year. You should not envy those with money in the Bank for you can have a bank account if you will only save. There is a time coining in every life as this season comes every year when you will have joy in your life if you have saved, and sorrow if you have not. PEOPLES BANK CAPITAL STOCK $60,000 J. R. ADA’i'SON, Puesidenl. JNO. M. JACKSON, Vice-Pres. G. C. COOK. Cashier. BBgaMmnBaaBB Notice NOTICE These Cars Range In Price From $485.00 to $850.00 REESE ADAMSON Carrollton, Ga. Notice is hereby given that the Gainesboro Telbpeone and Telegraph Company in accordance with the law requirements of the Railroad Commission of Georgia, has made application to said Commission for authority to issue $69,000.00 of preferred stock, .and $181,000 of common stock. This application has been arraigned for hearing be fore the Commission at t its office in Atlanta, Georgia, at the meeting of the Commission to be held Thursday January 5th, 1911, at ten o’clock a ia Gainesboro Telephone and Telegraph Company By J. C. Bass. Pres. 2ts Notice To Subscribers Owing to the large number of new subscribers and renewals to the Free Press, we are greatly behind with the work on ; our mailing list, and if your date has not been moved up we beg you to be patient a little while longer, as it takes time to correct a list as large as ours. Mu>es McKensie, Baxter &. Peak will be at Bledsoe’s stable this season, at Smith & Vaughan old stand, with good mules and horses for sale, See them before you buy. Lost female dog, gray sparrow color, white breast, was wearing col or with black buckle. $5. reward for returning to my residence. Dr. Lewis R F D no T Carrollton, Ga., A Card Of Pride 1 am proud the way the ‘Smiles of our City received my hook ‘Smiles’ Up to date nearly four hundred copies have been sold and a gradual sale from now till the 25th will exhaust what is on sale at the stores. Out of the 82 grouches only two bought a copy, 17 of the deep lung ed laughers bought at first sight, the 18th wanted to take it home to see if his wife would buy it, then laughed and ‘bot.’ Nearly all of the the 342 men who can smile when all is wrong bought and only one wanted his money back because we failed to mention his name. One wanted to know if all that really happened, as he had been out of town, and our boy said ‘course,’ he bought two. Only two Smiles were stolen, but the names are known and will be published in the 1911 Smile unless they are returned. Walter Sturdivant traded us ‘He!! Number’ of life for one, Ernie Adam son the ‘Goody-goody Number’ of of same magazine and J D Sewell wanted to give us a peck of apples We told J D that we wasn.t a coun try editor but in this case would accept apples f. o. b. printing office, (ask J D.) (See 1911 Smile.) Holiday Opportunities A Chance to * n touc ^ the latest - triumphs of originality. ViPW w hat is beautiful and useful in new _________ Christmas gifts. A Choice ^ r0m ^ lfc P r °d uc t s of the most ____________ reliable manufacturers. ^ CCftclin assurance of high quality and hon- ' est worth in every article. A Complete assortment ) assuring satisfactory *_ selections in all cases. ^ Uniform SCa ^ e reasonable prices in con- ——formity with actual value, The Splendid Stock of the Season Altogether the most desirable line of Holiday Goods, insuring an easy selection of appropriate gifts for old or young. We shall deem it a privilege to show you these attractions When You See Them Your Judgement Will Tell You To Do. JUWYLRY 1 ; STORg. n • •