The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 22, 1910, Image 3

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, QA. 111! SUCCESS IS A HABIT New Hillyer Trust Co. Building. 140 Peaeh'ree St. Ready May 1, 1911. Our Habits make us. We are creatures of Habit. Whether we are a success or a failure is a question of how we do things without [thinking. Therefore get the SAVINGS HABIT There are a hundred easy ways. For instance: Decide to save all your pennies-all your di mes- or all your quarters. Something you can’t avoid once the resolve is made. We can help you. HILLYER TRUST COMPANY “Home of Savings” North Broad and Luckie Sts. Atlanta, Ga. Open 5 a.m. to 12 p.m The—^ Carroll Cafe P. DEMAS & BROTHERS Proprietors. The Leading Cafe in This Territory. LOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN We Solicit the Patronage of the People Phone 220. Meals Sent Out. IO NEWNAN ST. CARROLLTON, GA ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Just Think How Refreshing A Assorted Absolutely Pure Costs no more Soda Water the very Best Satisfaction Sure Carrollton Coco=Cola Bottling Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 o 0 O 0 0 O Meeting of the Georgia Dairy and Live Stock Breeder’s Association. The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of of the Georgia Dairy and Live Stock Breeders Association will be held in Athens on January 17th and 18th This organization has accomplishad much good during the past 18 years in Georgia, but its usefulness has been greatly handicapped by the lack of support from the men who should be benefited by it most. It is an organization that directly and indirectly benefits every phase of industry in the state, In recent years much has been said about the increased cost of living. The dairymen and live stock breeders of the state should furnish an appreciable proportion of food stuff for the people. Since the in creased cost affects the man in town as well as the man on the land, all should lend every reasonable effort to promote any organization which has for its object the bettering of live stock conditions in the state and thereby cutting down the cost of living. It is therefore, urged that everyone whether he be a banker, lawyer, merchant, doctor or preacher use every argument to persuade the farmers to come to this conven tion, identify themselves with the most progressive stockmen, and re ceive the benefit from lectures of leading authorities who have agreed to prepare papers for this meeting. An able and comprehensive pro gram has been provided and in ad dition to this ample time will be given for the discussion of any prob lem which delegates may have to put before the convention. The boll-weevil is advancing tow ards Georgia by leaps and bounds and it is as certain as death itself that in but a short time the Georgia cotton grower will be confronted by a greater pest than he has ever dreamed of. A change in our gen eral system of agriculture will have to be made. Let us prepare for war in time of peace. The successful man is the one who discerns the signs, looks out into the future and anticipates conditions instead of becoming the victim of conditions. In the past most attention has been given to specific dairy problems. In tne present convention this phase of the subject will receive its due share of attention. However, beef cattle, hog production, and horse breeding will be amply dis cussed. For further pirticulars write Prof. Milton P. jarnagin, Secretary, Georgia Dairy and Live Stock Breeder’s Association, Athens, Ga. “I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whoop ing cough as Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,” writes Mrs Francis Tur nip, Junction City, Ore. This re medy is unpurpassed for colds and coughs. For Sale by Johnson Drug Co or W, L. Worthy. Heart of a Child. Children, in many directions, understand more than their elders give them credit for, and on the other hand are unable to compre hend many things they are assumed to understand—for example’ the reasons for certain lines of conduct. This is because they look upon the world with eyes that see but little of it and their visions of the years to come are filled with strange and wonderful things. They do not know that these coming years are to be governed by what they are doing now and can not be' 1 made to to understand it by being told: They must be guided into the paths that lead to a happy future by other means than mere cold instruction. Their hearts must be won. In other words, they must be fathered or mothered in the best sense. It is not always easy to get a child’s heart, but when it is done it is worth while. Sometimes a wayward boy most readily comes under the influence of a sympathetic man, sometimes of woman, but it requires the true parental heart in either case. It is a working of the old law that “ ’tis love that makes the world go round." Love is indeed the one law that applies to children. —In dianapolis Star. Vases, Comports, Fern Dishes see them sparkle! Hear them ring! They are they are the real thing. Johnson Drug Co. Chamberlain's Stomach and Live Tablets do not sick or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety oy the most delicate woman or the voungest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by W. L. Worthy or Johnson Drug Co. Glass bowls at Williams’ Cash Store. Go to J. M. Hughens for n $5.00 shoe at $3.98 Preparing for an Emergency. The boll-weevil will reach Georgia about 1912. Anthraconose and the wilt disease are destroying millions of dollars worth of cotton for Geor gia farmers each year. The cattle tick holds in check the dcvelope- ment of our live stock industries. The methods of fertilization and cultivation now pursued tend to les sen the crop yielding power of our soils. Our failure to select seed corn and cotton results in reducing in stead of increasing the yields ob tained. A serious situation confronts us. There are millions of dollars at stake. The prosperity of the state hangs in the balance. The future of the iives of thousands of boys and girls is involved in the issue. The place of Georgia among the states of the Union is being weighed. Realizing the momentus charac ter of the issues involved and the prize at stake, the College of Agri culture has organized a Cotton School and Stockmen’s Short Course to teach farmers how to overcome these difficulties. It will take but ten days to secure eighty hours of definite instruction and demonstra tion concerning these vital matters. It will cost from $15.00 to $25.00. Mr. Farmer are you going to at tend this short course and broaden your point of view, become a suc cessful farmer, advince the welfare of your family, increase your earn ing capacity, build up your lands and make your state permanently prosperous? "Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today" is one of the best axioms our civilization has developed. Prepare yourself to successfully meet the issues which changed conditions have imposed on Georgia Agricul ture. You cannot escape them but you can circumvent them by skill and definite knowledge which scienc and agricultural training and educa tion alone provide. Lost One auto cushion, pair of pipe cutters aud a Stilson wrench, be tween Carrollton and Bowdon on the upper Bowdon road. Finder return to the Carrollton Transfer Co. and recieve reward. Get you a $3.50 all wool sweater for $2.58 at Hughens’ FOR SALE—Pair of nice mules wagon and harness. See J N Hollo way, Mandeville Mills No. 1. Mr. B. M. Bell, who had his right 1 ankle broken by a fall from wagon a couple of week ago, died Friday night last, and was interred at Olive Branch Sunday last, a large concourse of friends attended thesad obsequies. At first it was thought the limb might be saved, but troubles arose immediately, and it i was amputated. The amputation, | however, was too late, as the poisons 1 had gotten in their deadly work, I and death soon relieved the man’s ( suffering. Mr. Bell had many friends as attested by the large and sym pathizing attendance upon him during his illness and at the funeral —Franklin News. Mr. Bell is well known in this county and has many friends who will regret to learn of his sad death. Mules McKensie, Baxter & Peak will be at Bledsoe's stable this season at Smith &. Vaughan old stand, with good mules and horses for sale. See them before you buy. Georgia Is Now In Tenth Place Georgia’s population as given out by the census bureau at Washington, D. C. is 2,609121 showing an in crease of 378,978 over the census of 1900, this is an increase of 20 per cent. Georgia's splendid growth places her the tenth largest state in the Union. Net Sorry or Blunder. "If my friends hadn’t blundered in thinking 1 was a doomed victim of consumption, ! might not be alive now,” writes D, T. Sonders of HarrodsbUrg Ky. ‘‘but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King’s New Discovery the effect was wouderful. It soon stopped tlie cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful saver is an unrival remedy for coughs, colds, laprippe. asthma, croup, hemorrh ages, whooping cough ’or weak lungs. 50c Jr.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Johnson Drug Co or Fitts Drug store. Get yourself a new hat at cost at J. M. Hughens. HER~ PHYSIO APPROVES Taking Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Rabattus, Maine.—“You told me to take Lydia E. Finkham’s Vegetable |C0mponnd and T ,iver Pills before child-birth, and we are all surprised to see how much good it did. My physi cian said • Wfthout doubt it was the Compound that helped you.’ I thank you for your kindness in advising me and give you fun , permission to use my name in your testimonials.’’—Mrs. II. W. Mitchell, Box 8, Sabattus, Me. Another Woman Helped. Grantteville, Vt—‘‘I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Finkham’s Vege table Compound restored my health and strength, and proved worth mountains of goH to me. For the sake of othex suffering women I am willing you should publish my letter.” — Mrs. CHARLES Barclay, R.F.D., Granite, ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffer ing from nny of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Finkham’s Vegetable Com pound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every com munity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Finkham’s Vegetable Compound. Horse Shoeing, Take your stock to Rome Street Shoeing Shop J. P. JACKSON, Prop. SATISf ACTION GUARANTEED | RoopHardware Co. \ Roop Hardware Co. — 1 ! HARDWARE — 11 B ders Hardware, Carpenters Tools, e Cutlery, Axes, Lanterns. Plows, N . Is, aud the best Field Wire Fence. —1 STOVES The best line of Cook Stoves, Ranges, and Heaters on the market. [Also Oil Stoves aud Heaters, FURNITURE Fine and Medium uites, Old 8iL and Dressers, Davenports, Lounges! Hall Racks, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, etc. “1 DINING ROOM, Suites consisting of Sideboards, Buffets Dining-Chairs, Dining ..Tables, China Closets, and also Kitchen Furniture You will find our line complete. Stove and Tableware, Silverware and like ware. RUGS Large assortment of Axminister, Orien- tal and Floral Rugs, Art Squares, for the whole house. VEHICLES — CHAIRS 1- Barnesville Buggies, Carmicbad Bug gies, Surreys and Mitchell Wagons. Best line Buggy and Wagon Harness. For everybody. A line of Rockers, Parlor and Dining Chairs not to be surpassed. Children’s chairs, Go-Carts. PAINTS ROOFINGS We carry always a full line of Devoe’s Paint for houses and interior work. Also Barn and Roofing Paint. We handle PAROID, the best compo- sition roofing made. Also Iron roofing painted and galvanized, valley tin,etc, We will offer extra low prices for the next 30 days on all Hardware and ‘Furniture. RoopHardware Company