The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, OA, FITTS DRUG STORE. Carroll Free Press. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Cnterd at second olss* matter in the poet office at Carrollton, Ueortfla. M' P. KCLLY. PAUL F. BROWN KELLY & BROWN, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CARROLL COUNTY. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE ’PHONE NO $oeal Tiews 249 Carrollton, Ga., December 22 191* Census Bureau Makes Report Washinton, Dec. 20—The census bureau’s report on the cotton gin ning, issued this morning, shows that 10,698,482 bales, counting round bales as half bales, were ginned from the 1910 growth up to December 13, compared with 9,358,085, for 1909. The percentage of the last three crops ginned to December 13, was 92.9 for 1909, for 91.0 for 1908, and 84.0 for 1907. Round hales included this year are 106,827 compared with 140,024 for 1909. Sea Island for 1910 is 75,170 compared with 85.177 for 1909.* By states the number of bales ginned to Dec. 13 was, Alabama, 1,129,273; Arkansas. 676, 1 5 6; Florida, 59,488; Georgia, 1,707,310; Louisiana, 234,468; Miss i s s i p p i, 1,066,946; North Carolina, 664,434; Oklahoma, 869,928; South Carolina, 1,108,967; Tenneessee, 2 6 9,6 5 7; Texas, 284,011. All other states .6;944. The distribution of Sea Island cotton for 1910 was: Florida, 25,804; Georgia, 39,717; South Carolina, 9,649. Corrected statistics of cotton ginned up to December 1, are 10,139,712. Sadye Merrell is home from Shor ter College spending the holidays. Pal Bradley and J B Brodnax of Riverside Military Academy, are spending Christmas at home. Luta Boykin, of Weslyan is ex pected home on Friday to spend Christmas with her parents, Miss Carrie P Villard, Principal of the Girls High Schoc’, returned to her home in Atlanta last Satur day. Miss Amelia Power is spending Christmas with her cousin Miss Senie King of Atlanta. Dr H Boatright will spend the month of January in New York where he will take a post graduate course. , See W F Dunlap for your plumb ing and sheet metal work at Roop 1 Hardware Co. Dr J E Cramer and family spent Thursday and Friday in Atlanta. Many people are sending "Smiles” as a Xmas Gift. Only 25c makes your friend away from home smile as Puck did |in his summer night John Stewart and Charlie Tanner of G. M) A. are spending the holi days at home. R. L. Bonner, of Arkansas is visiting his sisters, Mesdames A. D. Hulsey and E. B. Martin. Eail Martin of Tampa, Fla., will spend the week here. Miss Nela Johnson of Bowdon spent the week end in Carrollton. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Goodwyn of Roopville were visitors here Tues day. Did you get your copy of Smiles? Only a few more left, then 50c won’t buy one. Mrs. Otho Bledsoe of Sargeants will spend next week here. Miss Mary Lou Bledsoe spent Sunday in Whitesburg. Joe Russell left this week for New Orleans to attend the marriage of his brother, Will Russell, to Miss Mary Powers of that place. Will Chambers and children of Em ley, Ala., are the guests of Mrs. Fannie Chambers. Mrs. Robort Creel of Jasper is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bledsoe. Mrs, Homer Hanna left Wednes day for a visit to her parents in Madison. Davis Brown of Lafayette is ex pected home Sunday. Phone Mr W F Dunlap at Roop Hardware Store, who will come and do your plumbing. Owen Perry of Savannah is ex pected home Sunday, Miss Martha Brown left Monday for Benton, Ark., to visit her sister Mrs. Ruth Simms. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sox have returned from a visit to Columbia, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bickford of Atlanta are expected this week to spend the holidays with her parents. Dunlap the new plumber with full stock of supplies is now ready to do your plumbing at Roop Hard ware Store. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing, Dec. 28th, at 7 o’clock at the home iof Mrs. J. A, Aycock on Maple St. W. E. Dozier Mr. and Mrs. Earle Johnston of Palmetto, will spend Sunday here. Dr. R. L. King and wife of Hulette spent Thursday here. The little daughter of Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Melson is very sick with dyptheria. Xmas Candy—Lovely box is at Fitts Drug Store. Mrs. J. M. L. Strickland is serious ly ill with fever at her residence on Lee Street. Col. Sid Holderness returned Tues day from Atlanta. L. M. Turner and Willis Brown spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Evelyn Brown, of the G. N. I C, will spend the holidays with hoinefolks. Miss Eugenia Mandeville attend ed the aviation meet in Atlanta last week. Mr. W. H. Shaw and Will spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Lovett Newell and Rusell Smith went to Atlanta Tuesday after a car for Messrs. Wylie Garrett and Jim Webb. Mr. D. A. Russell arrived in the city Thursday, and will spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell. A very merry Christmas to one and all is the message The Free Press sends to its readers this week. Hon L. C. Mandeville was the re cipient today, Thursday of a deer, presented by his nephew Mr. Gene Long of Jasper, Ala., The deer is a splendid specimen, and is a most desirable gift. Christmas comes on Sunday this year, so Monday will be generally observed as a holiday instead. The saddest tragedy of the year is now frequently chronicled in the papers. Nearly every day we see where some little child has been burned to death. Oh, the horror of the stories of the suffering of these innocents. It is almost more than the stongest heart can stand. Par ents are not always to blame, but sometimes their carelessness is re sponsible for the ghastly tragedies. Presents for Mother and Father are sometimes difficult to select, a pair of Hawes glasses in a nice case is acceptable and appreciated. Fitts Drug Store. STEADY GROWTH The continued and steady growth of the business of this company has been made possible by the loyalty and support of its numerous customers. For such part as you may have contributed to our progress we desire to thank you. We assure you (that we shall continue to handle only the best goods in our line and to offer you such prices and service as shall enable us to merit a con tinuance of your valued patronage. We wish you the compliments of the season and prosperity during the coming year. HARRIS HARDWARE COMPANY 11— 4? FIVE VOTES Santa Claus Has been looking in our Store for sometime, and has found lots of things to please the chil dren as well as the older people. Only A Day Or Two Lett See our Great Xmas Sale on all this week. Bargains for you, come and get them, Hand Painted Jardi- niers 75c. Xmas novelty Decorating Bells 5c. Watch our windows ond you will see some of our specials, then come in and see wliat we have on the inside. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL WILLIAMS CASH STORE 14 Newnan St. CARROLLTON, GEORGIA. n FIVE VOTES \ VOTING COUPON This Coupon properly filled out, signed and presented at the of fice of the "Carroll Free Press will entitle the holder to FIVE VOTES in our GREAT POPULARITY VOTING CONTEST. I vote for Signed Fill out, send or bring this coupon to our office and have these votes cast for your friend or yourself. The Free Press One Year $1. *