The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 22, 1910, Image 5

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, OA. 100 YEARS OLD. Grandma Sanderson, of DeWitt, Mo, Has Lived a Long and Useful Lift Grandma Sanderson is a wonderful woman. She is in as good health to* nay as ever in her life, although she is over one hundred years old. In a letter tothe Peruna Drug Mfg. ^-f e yet'in’love with Tife and "rap- Co., she gives the highest credit to Pe- , tured with the world he passed in [' Q In Memory Death has invaded our ranks, and taken from us a loved and lov ing Brother, perhaps he had passed on life’s highways the stone that marked the highest point, yet there was much in life for him, but being weary he lay down, using his burden for a pillow, fell into that dreamless sleep from which no one ever awoke runa for her excellent health and ex< treme old age. Eead what she says. Surely the evidence presented by each cases as these ought not only to dispel prejudice against Peruna, but inspire confidence in it “I will send you a picture that was taken a few weeks before my hun* dredth birthday, H I am a true friend of the Peruna Company. I have derived great ben efit from Peruna many times. I can nay I regard Peruna a very great med icine. I found out the merit of it a .good many yean ago. “A little more than two yean ago I contracted a very severe cold, which resulted in la grippe. Owing to the severity of the disease, and my ex treme age, my case was considered to be very critical. I employed no doc tor, but Peruna was the remedy I used, and to-day my health is as good as it ever was in my life. "However, I still continue to take Peruna, a spoonful every night before retiring.” Peruna is an ideal tonic for old people. It is a compound of herbal remedies that has been known to the medical profession for many yean. Peruna operates as a tonic by cleans- '■ ing and invigorating the mucous mem branes. This explains why Peruna has become sc extensively known as a catarrh remedy. Catarrh is simply a condition of depraved mucous mem branes. Peruna ohanges this deprav ity into healthM vigor. A great many old people use Peruna, and would not be deprived of it for any .consideration. People who object to liquid medi cines can now secure Peruna tablets. ^Christmas exercises will be held at the Central Baptist Church Jnext Sunday. Mrs Otho Brantly spent Tuesday in Whitesburg, silence and pathetic dust. Yet after all it may be best for sopie when sometimes a wreck must mark the end of all and every life, no matter if its every hour is rich with love is at last a tradegy deep and sad. This brave man in every storm of life was oak and rock but in sun shine he was vine and flowers, he added to the sum of him and joy and to respect and to love him was but to know, and those who knew him best loved him most. He was a kind and loving father a true and royal friend and neigh bor and a Christian gentlemen. He was born in July 21st. 1880 and died Nov. 12 1910. He was a member of Zion no 508 and was a Mason in the truest sense of the word for his life was consis tent with the principles of the order he loved Christianity as it was ex- emplied in his every day life with a loyal heart and the purest hands he faithfully discharged his duty as a Christian gentleman and as a mas ter mason. Therefore be it resolved that we the members of Zion lodge no 508 i feel keenly the loss, we have sus-! tained for he attended all his lodge meetings as his health would allow j him his counsels were always good, and we realize that his place cannot be filled, yet we bow in humble sub mission to the will ofjhim who doeth all things well. We extend to his father; mother and parentless child ren the sympathy of the order and ask that a copy of this be spread on the minutes of our lodge and onelbe sent to the family. O. F Lambert Committee S. B. Duncan J. M. Johnson Mr. E. M. Smith is confined to his room this week with neuralia. Stell Askew is confined to his bed with la-grippe. Mrs Oscar Hay spent Tuesday Atlanta. Mr and Mrs H P Kelly, Miss Dollie Kelly and Miss Bessie Thorn ton will spend next week in Do than, Ala. Hon W C Adamson has returned from Washington. Judge W F Brown spent [ Monday in Villa Rica. Mr Stacy Smith will spend the Xmas holidays at Clem. Mr Howard Robinson is spending this week with his parents, Dr and Mrs H R Robinson. Miss Lucile Cobb, of G. N. I. C., is spending the holidays at home. Af Cbc at Christmas Stocking A Parody by FRANK J. BONNELLE 6 IIow dear to this heart la tlio stock ing of childhood when fond recol lection presents it to view! On Christmas St. Nick came from frost whitened wildwood with every loved toy which my infnncy knew. The wide spreading chimney, me sled which stood by It. a horse and some books—I remember them nil— n doll for my sister, am. baby house nigh it, and then the full stocking which hung on the wall -the Santa China stocking, the bountiful stocking,' the Christmas morn stocking whicii hung on the wall! The well stuffed envelope I hailed as a treasure os early that morn ing I opened my eyes and found there tlie source of an exquisite pleasure, the purest and sweetest that nature supplies. How ardent I seized it with bauds that were glowing and back to my white sheeted bed went with all, then soon, with the emblems of love overflow ing, was happy in what to my lot did befnll—the Snntn Claus stocking, the generous stocking, the Christ mas morn stocking which hung on the wall! How sweet through its round open top to explore It as poised on my knee it Inclined to my view! Not a hot, tempting breakfast could make me ignore it for longer at most than a minute or two. And now. far removed from the loved situation, the tear of regret will intrusively fall ns fancy reverts to my youth's habitation and sighH o'er the stocking which hung on the wall— the Santa Claus stocking, the plerhorlc stocking, the Christmas morn stocking ‘■which hung on ‘lie wall! But grown people find there’s a later sensation as grateful os any they felt long ago. It comes when they witness the glad exultation which on Christmas morning their «wn off spring show. And now. dear old Santa Claus, let im> petition your favor for chlK'.'rcn. both large ones and small. Bring all the bright hopes to the fullest fruition that resi In each stocking which hangs the wall—the wealthy child’s stocking, the poor urchin's stocking' yes. till every stocking which hangs on the w a i, i'. » ►) (« Bradley, Hyatt & Go. Bradley.Hyatt & Go. Useful Christmas Suggestion Let your Holiday Buying embrace the Useful and Neces sary Gifts - - which are more appreciated as Xmas Presents. This Store is Well Prepared to serve your Wants and will appreciate your trade. Fancy Xmas Boxes Underwear Hair Ornaments 10 cents to 25 cents Wool and Cotton 1 10 cents up Silk Half Hose Umbrellas Hair Nets up to $1.00 50 cents to $3.50 10 cents up Ladies Silk Hose Sweaters Belts—Belting up to $1.25 35 cents to $5 for Ladies Ladies Kid Gloves Trunks Belt Pi Dollar up to $25 25 cents to 75 cents Fabric Gloves Suit Cases Beauty Pins for Ladies up to $15 in Sets Mens Gloves Hand Bags, Grips Waist Sets up to $2.00 up to $10 and Collar Pins Ladies Purses 10 cents to $1.50 , HaDukerchieis 5 cents to $1.25 15 cents and 25 cents Mufflers Card Cases Neckwear Silk and Knit 25 cents to $1.50 Necklaces Neckwear—T ies Chatlain Bags Lace Collars For Men up to $3.50 Ruching Suspenders Ladies Hand Bags Pillow Tops Pair 50 cents up to $5 Pillow Cords Fancy Vests Handkerchiefs House Slippers up to $5 for everybody House Shoes Warm Night Shirts Black Hosiery Hats up to $1 10 cents to $1.25 Caps Hose Supporters Hair Goods Millinery for 25 cents Leading Styles Ribbons Overcoats—Clothing—Shoes— -Hat- -Furnishings—Cloaks—Wraps—Suits—Skirts—Petticoats A , Bring your Xmas Gifts to us—we will box, wrap, mark and weigh your package to be Expressed or Mailed to insure safety in transit. Let’s all enter into the Christmas Festivities. Carrollton, Ga. Beware of Turks Soliciting For Orphanages in Turkey. To-day (Dec 13) two Turks came to in" study asking for an orphan age in Turkey, Newnan has a great many such visitors during the year. I have felt that they were imposters, but until recently lacked positive proof. There is in this country now one of our missionaries Rev. Yonan, who labors in Turk ish lands. I know him personally to be a reliable man, He was in the office of a Western business man some time ago, when two such foreigners came in, and presenting their numerous testimonials, asked aid. Mr Yonan took their indorse ments, examined them, and found them false. They, seeing that they were caught, confessed. They were placed under arrest, but released on condition [that they should imme diately leave, our country. Mr Yonan then sent a warning through our church papers to our people not to give to any of these men. I take this occasion to warn the kind people of Newnan. If you have money to give, give through our own organized channels, where you can know just ’where every penny goes and what it does. J. E. Hannah, Pastor Newnan Presbyterian Church. —Newnan Herald. Net Sorry or Blunder. “If my friends hadn’t blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim Turk-* of consumption, I might not be alive now,” writes D, T. Senders of Notice Farmers This is to advise that our Oil Mill Ginnery will run regularly till the the 24th inst„ and we trust that you will bring all your cotton and have it ginned by that time. After Xmas we will run only two to three days per week. We appreciate your pat ronage and would he glad to accom odate you by running full time after Xmas but the amount is so small we cannot afford to keep hands LOT HarrodsbUrg Ky. “but for years ready for this work. Yours truly. they saw every attempt to cure lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King’s New Discovery the effect was wouderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better healtn than I have had for years. This wonderful saver is an unrival remedy for coughs, colds, laprippe. asthma, croup, hemorrh ages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c $r.oo Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Johnson Drug Co or Fitts Drug store. Mandeville Mills. For Rent One nice large front office, and one office suitable for bed room, J. T. Bradley, VALUABLE HOUSE AND EOR SALE. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1911, between the legal hours of sale in front of the Court House door on Dixie Street to the highest and best bidder, the house and lot of Mrs. Kate Ouzts fronting Dixie Street 124 feet and running back 350 feet to White Street. Lot 124 x 350 feet with good two (2) story seven (7) room house on same with ail necessary outbuildings water works etc. This is one of the most desirable pieces of property in Carrollton. Terms cash. Barron &. Sox, Agts. Notice Xmas will soon be old Santa scon. This is to notify all persons hold ing tickets on the Cash Pressing Club formerly owned by Coleman here look fo ! Bros, poitively will not be redeemed ! ydme. E. K. Merrell J Wanted A good man to take a full tw° horse crop on halves for the year 1911, good land, good stock and good tools furnished, good reference requir ed. A pply to A. D. Hagan. R. F. D. no 2. Bowdon, Ga. 1 '■ ’}.l v y , I':.' 1 ': m .